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Everything posted by Deedlit
[color=009966]Ummmm.....I think I was either 8 or 10, so I'll just say 9. :sweat:[/color]
[color=009966]That picture is so frikken awesome!! ^^ I wish I could draw like that. I especially love the way you drew the hair. 10/10[/color]
[color=009966]Just relax and have fun, dude. ;) Be sure to tell us how it went later.[/color]
[color=009966]That's horrible. There should be a law that makes every person 58 years and older retake their driving test every other year....[/color]
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Deedlit replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
[color=009966]Both of you are right. We should be patient since he might and probably does have things to do, but Ryan does have a good point. Alot of RPG's die before they even get started because the creator waits too long or doesn't start soon enough. It would be a shame for that to happen to this one.[/color] -
[color=009966][i]Elsyan watched from the corner of her eye as Bast moved past her and among the others. Just when she was on her way again, Elsyan reached out and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.[/i] Bast: "Hey! What the---?!" Elsyan: "I believe you have something of mine." Bast: "What? I don't know what you're talking about!" Elsyan: "Then allow me to show you." [i]With her spare hand, Elsyan pointed at Bast's pouch. Immediately a small crystal globe that can fit in one's palm flew out and landed in Elsyan's own hand. She held it aloft so that the moonlight shone off it.[/i] Elsyan: "Hasn't anyone told you that it is very dangerous to steal magical items from a mage?" Bast: "It doesn't look very dangerous to me." Elsyan: "That's because this particular item [i]isn't[/i] dangerous. It's just meant to store large items in. Had you chosen any other item, you wouldn't have gotten off so easily." [i]Elsyan released her and Bast walked away, casting suspicious glances at Elsyan over her shoulder. Elsyan tucked the bauble away into her pouch again, this time putting a jynx on it to keep and intruders away.[/i] ooc: Erm....I can't really decide whether my character will vote for either Heaven or Hell, but I'll try to come to a conclusion later.[/color]
[color=009966]They chose to eat it; it's their fault. Simple as that.[/color]
[color=009966]I can't wait until band camp starts....Alas, I have to. Band camp doesn't start until the last week in July. >_>; Anyway, I'm a freshman and I'm on the DRUMLINE!!! *yays and w00ts! (except for the freshman part)* I reeeeeally want to play the snare, I'm waiting to play the snare, and I'm HOPING to play the snare since I've been practicing all year. I don't want to be in Pit or anything, since I want to [i]march[/i] and not stand on the sidelines. Quints are cool, but their very heavy and I can't take more than thirty minutes wearing them. I don't want to play the bass drum because I can't even see around the thing. o_0; I could be hitting somewhere near the rim and not even know it. Plus I want something more of a chalenge. As for cymbals, I wouldn't really have a problem playing them, but you can't really do a roll or 16 notes or rudiments on them, ya know? ^^;[/color]
[color=009966]Picking the banner is going to be harder than I thought.... Anyway, here's the pic that you wanted, Juu. Sorry, but I can't remember the site where I got it from.[/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=436539[/img]
[color=009966][i]Elsyan removed her sword from the skull of one of the ogres that she had just slain. From behind her, she could hear the others also getting in their kills as ogres screamed in pain and fell to the ground with a loud thud. She glanced over her shoulder and dodged to the left as an ogre collasped dead on the ground, but it was a fraction of a second later that she noticed another ogre charging at her with its huge club raised above his head. She raised her sword to parry the verticle slice at the last moment, but she was over-powered and her father's sword was sent flying away from her. A cold numbing sensation overtook her arm and it fell limply at her side. But Elsyan didn't seem to care very much. She pointed her index finger at the ogre, who was about to swing at her again, and muttered a few words of magic. Immediately a surge of lightening shot forth and struck the ogre full in the chest, and in a few seconds he fell backwards as white flames engulfed his body. Elsyan ignored him as she ran to retrieve her sword, which was several yards away from her. She held it in her right hand but it almost slipped from her fingers.[/i] Elsyan: "Looks like I'll have to fight with my left hand this time."[/color]
[color=009966]The Legolas Clique is pleased to announce it's new member, Lalaith Ril. *yay* Well, that means that a new banner was needed. Anyway, vote for either one, two, three, or four. Enjoy! ^^ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=435600[/img][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B]My question is, how the heck do these scientists and researchers come up with these stupid things?![/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Don't you know? ;) They bug our homes, have cameras everywhere we go, and stalk a few people here and there. :p j/k Heh. Actually, I don't know where they get this stuff. I guess they have a few human guinea pigs here and there and moniter and watch over them for their entire life.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Na'dou [/i] [B]If you don't want that, I suggest Tae Boe. The exercise is easy, hard, and fun. I didn't gain any muscles from doing it........ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]"Easy and hard," eh? That kinda contradicts itself, don't ya think? ;) Anyway, don't try dieting. You'll just get hungrier and hungrier until you can eat a horse. >.>; Then you'll be worse off than before. [/color]
[color=009966]Most of the time I like to be alone. With all my siblings, I've come to treasure what little peace, quiet, and solitude I can get. heh... But there are a few moments when I just need to be around some of my friends and talk or something. Not much else to say.[/color]
[color=009966][i]The mystic melody floated along the breeze towards an elf who was walking calmly towards a place that seemed vaguely familiar. The wind shifted her braided hair out from behind her and the full moon shone brightly in her emerald eyes. As she walked closer, the melody grew louder, until it simply faded away. Elsyan stopped and glanced around until her eyes came to rest on one of the buildings that she recongnized. It was a tavern, and it seemed as if it had been built just a few years ago, but she noticed that in a few places it was black and charred. She smiled to herself. That would be from the time that Lacroix burned it down. Ah, but that was many years ago. She walked towards it again and pushed open the door. It was fairly crowded, and it seemed slightly odd to be near so many people once again since she had been living in solitude with her dear friend Runeth, wherever he was now.... She chose a table near one of the windows and sat down. A short little man hurried over to her.[/i] Otik: "What'll it be, Miss Eglaannûn?" Elsyan: *smiles* "And here I thought that you wouldn't recongnize me. Most humans have an awful memory span." Otik: "Well, I may be getting old, but my brain still works. So what'll it be?" Elsyan: "Just a bit of wine, thanks." [i]Elsyan laid the coin down on the table and Otik picked it up and put it in his pocket. In a few moments, he returned and set the glass on the table. Elsyan sipped at it as she glanced around the room. Suddenly, on the floor above her where the rooms were, there was a loud[/i] "WHUMP!" [i]as if something or someone had fallen to the floor. Several others in the room also looked up, but they immediately fell back to their drinks and conversations. Elsyan listened closely, and her keen ears picked up voices from above. Very[/i] familiar[i] voices. She got up from the table and made her way to the stairs and up to the next floor. One of the doors was cracked slightly, and she pushed it open. Inside was an unconcious young man, a nonchalant dryad, and two friends whom she hadn't seen in many years. Lacroix and Eve.[/i][/color]
[color=009966][i]Runeth yawned widely as he sat perched on Elsyan's shoulder.[/i] Runeth: "I'm hungry. Can't we find a tavern or inn or something and just rest for the night?" Elsyan: "We ate around noon in the last town." Runeth: "But that was [i]hours[/i] ago! It's the middle of the night! And that fight with the minotaur back in the forest really took alot out of us." [i]Elsyan poked him teasingly in his small blue shoulder.[/i] Elsyan: "What do you mean 'us?' You napped away, completely oblivious to everything around you!" [i]Runeth gave a small snort and wagged his tail indignantly.[/i] Runeth: "That doesn't mean that I wasn't there [i]in spirit.[/i] I wanted to save my strength for when we needed it." [i]Elsyan repressed a few laughs and tried to keep her face diliberately straight as Runeth held his head up proudly as if he had just saved an entire city from destruction.[/i] Elsyan: "Yes, thank you, O Valiant Warrior. What would I do without you?" Runeth: "Hey!" [i]Runeth flicked her ear with one of his claws.[/i] Elsyan: "Alright, alright. There's a tavern up ahead called the Squeaky Helmet. We'll order some food and rest for the night. Okay?" [i]Runeth gave a pleased purr-like sound as he shifted into a more comfortable position. When they reached the tavern, she pushed open the door only to find that the place was unusually hushed. Small groups were huddled at tables, and every now and then someone would run from their group to join the discussion at a nearby table. It seemed that all of them were talking about the same thing. Elsyan and Runeth slowly moved to a table and sat down when the inn keep came running over to them.[/i] Inn Keep: "What'll it be?" Elsyan: "One glass of wine and a small cup of water, a plate of spiced potatoes, and a room for the night." [i]Elsyan put a few gold pieces on the tabletop. The inn keep scooped them into a pouch he wore at his belt, but then paused and looked at Runeth.[/i] Inn Keep: "A dragon! I'm sorry, miss, but we don't allow---" Elsyan: "He's harmless, and if he does any damage, I will pay for all costs." [i]Elsyan laid two more coins on the table. After hesitating for a few moments, he scooped these also into his pouch and bustled off towards the kitchen. While he was gone, she had a chance to listen to what the others in the room were saying. Suddenly she heard, or thought she heard, someone say "Yeah. Auron killed 'im."[/i] Elsyan: "Auron?!" [i]She told Runeth to stay put while she walked over to one of the tables. They stopped talking as she came near, but she just calmly sat down in an empty chair.[/i] Elsyan: "What about Auron?" [i]They regarded her closely for a second, but then they decided that it was okay to tell her.[/i] Man 1: "He killed the Mayor. The guards came to throw 'im in jail, but he put up a huge fight, even killed a few. They say he's gonna be hanged at dawn." Elsyan: "Hanged?!" Man 2: "Yup. Some say that he's had it in for 'imself for a while now." Man 1: "Well, you best be off, missie, afore your meal gets cold." [i]Elsyan glanced back at the table where Runeth sat. He had already helped himself to a large helping of potatoes and only paused to gulp down some water. When Elsyan got over there, she told Runeth everything they told her.[/i] Runeth: "So what are we going to do?" Elsyan: "Well, we'll have to go to the jail and pay Auron a visit, a few hours before dawn, won't we?" [i]Elsyan took a small sip of wine and stared off absently into space.[/i] Elsyan: "I wonder if any of our friends know about this?"[/color]
[color=009966]Introducing the newest Cabbage Patch Kid doll! Erm....on second thought....>.>[/color]
[color=009966]Ick....Shots....>< And poisonous spiders and poisonous snakes. But mostly and MAINLY shots.....[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tasrai [/i] [B][COLOR=red]But my worst thing is Oral Fixation: I always HAVE to have something in my mouth, always HAVE to be chewing on something. I used to didn't know what was wrong with me, anything I saw almost went in my mouth. It was worse when I was little and had little plastic animals(all of them have teeth marks and are missing limbs), my pencils and pens at school looked like they went through saw mills, paper simply vanished. In sixth grade I was so determined to not chew on my nails, I chewed on my knuckles until they bled. I'm going to High School now and am much better...so long as I have bubble gum with me. But every once in a while I'll realize I'm not chewing on gum but on plastic or paper or finger nails.(just the other day I noticed I was chewing on a plastic dog and to make my sister take it from me) Well, now you know my problems, and don't be freaked out....[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]Ooooooh! So [i]that's[/i] why you always have gum.... Heh That's kinda wierd. I never knew you had that....o.0;[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B]I, myself suffer from a case of obsessive compulsive disorder. It's kind of hard to explain for those of you that don't already know what it is. I guess you could say that if you do something, like turn off the lightswitch, you might feel that you have to do it again, but if your hand isn't in exactly the right position, you might feel that you have to do it yet again two more times and make them exactly like the other two. Like I said, hard to explain. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]:wow: I had no idea that was a disease. I think I have that....o0;; When I'm scrolling down pages with the wheel on the mouse, it [i][b]MUST[/i][/b] land on the line at the top of someone's post. If it's any shorter or any higher than that, I keep doing it over and over again. Then usually when I'm flipping through my yearbook and close the cover, it [i][b]MUST[/b][/i] make the "whump" sound, or I try to do it again. And when I'm playing little tunes on the piano, if I make one mistake, even if one finger hit two accidentally, I start over and wind up playing it about five more times, and if I make another mistake during those five times, I wind up playing it even more times! [/color]
[color=009966]This reminds me of a similar cafe RPG we had a while back. Ah, the good ol' days.....^____^ [b]Position:[/b] Asst. Chef [b]Charecter Name:[/b] Erika Lee [b]Description:[/b] slender, 5'5", very pale, clever, long brown hair that she keeps tied back in a pony-tail, golden eyes, small, pointy ears, usually wears a black shirt, baggy cahki (sp?) pants, tennis shoes, and small silver hoop earings. [b]Equipment:[/b] an elven-dagger, a sword that she keeps strapped onto her back, and The Spatula, which can shoot small throwing knives when activated with a simple spell. ^_- [b]Abilities:[/b] Dexterity, can speak several languages, knows about at least 100 types of spices from diffent galaxies, can levitate items with her mind (not large items, though), and makes the best full-course meal than anyone else on her home planet could make. [b]Bio of Char:[/b] Since Erika has traveled to many different lands of RPG's, she's learned alot and met alot of people, and thus she's known by many differnt names, but these are the ones she's known by the most: Elsyan, Samantha, Deedlit, Hikaru, and Shizumi. The last place that she settled down at was on a planet called Terrastia, but Erika left to go explore other RPG's. Good thing too, because a few weeks later the RPG on that planet died, and Terrastia went along with it in a powerful explosion. Anyway, after getting tired of seeing all these DBZ RPG's and whatnot cluttering the universe, she decided that she would take a break from exploring RPG's for a while and find a job, which is why she's now winding her way to the large sign that reads "The Café."[/color]
[color=009966][b]Name:[/b] Elsyan Eglaannûn [b]Age:[/b] Ummmm....Old....but she looks like she's around 18 or so. [b]Race:[/b] High Elf [b]Class:[/b] warrior/mage (see bio) [b]Weight:[/b] 110 lbs [b]Short Bio:[/b] [i]After the battle with Nilothakir, Elsyan and her blue dragon companion, Runeth (who could shrink down to 8 inches long and extend to the size of a full-grown dragon), trudged wearily home....or what remained of it. It turned out that while she had been away, bandits had raided and burned down the village. They moved on through the forest and built a nice house up in the top branches of a huge tree. A few years had passed, and Elsyan could still not get rid of the nagging feeling that whispered to her, telling her that she was weak and was nothing but a burden to her friends. Her father had taught her swordplay, and she was quite good at it, but she found that you couldn't use a sword in every battle. She had also discovered that magic usually worked where a sword wouldn't, but it was still very weak in that area. So one morning she told Runeth that she was going to the Conclave of High Sorcery and Magic to learn and strengthen her magic. Runeth told her that it was a great idea, and he would go off to train as well. The next day they parted as Runeth headed towards the mountains and Elsyan towards the west. Well, years had passed since then, and Elsyan is an apprentice to a great and powerful wizard...or, at least,[/i] was[i] an apprentice. Until recently her Master was an old man named Eingachi, but he died peacefully in his sleep about two months ago. Seeing as how Eingachi had little left to teach her, Elsyan was deemed a full-fledged mage. She returned home soon after that, but Runeth still hadn't returned. He didn't return two months later, nor six months later, and not even after two years. She was about to go look for him herself when she received Eve's message. Hoping that Runeth received it as well, Elsyan gathered what she would need and set out once again.[/i] [b]Description:[/b] Elsyan has long brown hair with a few streaks of gold here and there, but now she keeps it in a tight braid. She has green eyes, slender, and is 5'4". After the battle with Nilothakir all those years ago, she threw out her old armor, which by then was charred, scratched, and dented, and she now wears white robes and a green cape (I'll post up a pic as soon as I can scan it...). [b]Spells:[/b] Healing Hand, Agility, Spirit of Light, Elemental Flare, Dragon's Wrath Attack, [i]Shimac, Ruu'lyt jirak, Shalai Ziibun,[/i] and[i] Halex Kriemn.[/i] [b]Abilities:[/b] swiftness, keen hearing and sight, telepathy, levitation (to a certain extent), and a powered-up spin attack with her sword. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Dark magic, Lightning and Thunder magic, and maybe a bit naive. [b]Strengths:[/b] Earth magic, Light magic, and Water magic. [b]Equipment:[/b] a cape, a brown leather pouch, her spell components, a small spell book, a hidden dagger in her wide sleeves, a small crystal globe the size of a tennis ball, her father's sword, a few jars, and several vials.[/color]
[color=009966]heh Member, definately. I never knew how annoying it was being a mod until I created my own message board... >.>;[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]And by the way, I'm feeling a bit more confident now. I learned how to iron my hair. *laughs madly*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=009966]lol That must be your highlight of EFY, if not just one of them...:bluesweat[/color]
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Deedlit replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
[color=009966]Geez! That's alot of info for him! o0; Anyway, can we start this now? :toothy:[/color]