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  1. the anime sequels were great! I recomend this to those who find anime boring, to pump up their lives to that level of great adventure. P.S. [spoiler]just 4get everything and watch the shows[/spoiler] [COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]biasmarck_adnu, somebody who's been on the forum from November of last year should know by now how much importance is placed on post content. Any posts like this in the future will be considered spam and deleted. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Ten years after the start of the Meiji Era, a Rurouni wanders into Tokyo to find a new life with his new friends. Vowing never to kill, he tries to escape his fate as the greatest killer of the Edo dynasty. An old menace threatens the new Meiji Era, the villian is Shishio Makoto, the successor to the Hitokiri Battousai who left mysteriously near the end of the Edo Dynasty on a trek of reflection. Shishio and his Juppon Gatana are ready to start a new revolution to correct the wrong doings of the Western influence. Himura Kenshin Born on June 20, 1849 or 1851,I don't know :catgirl: Himura = Village, Kenshin = Sword Heart 5'2" 45kg/99pounds Blood Type AB Hair: Red Eyes: Purple/Amber Gender: Male Age:28 Occupation: Wandering Samurai Weapon: Sakabatou Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu Himura Kenshin was once a fearless murderer, the man-slaying assassin. Otherwise he was known as the Hitokiri Battousai. After he gives up his title as a killer, he becomes a wandering samurai who eventually encounters Kamiya Kaoru at age 28. His past was painful, but he recovers it by helping people out. Personality and Distinguishing Qualities: Kenshin is very formal and polite, and tries to break up arguments. He seems to be the most peaceful person on earth until he has to fight. His "X" scar, pink kimono, and red hair show that he is Kenshin. He seems so childish sometimes, but at the same time a fully grown man. When he was young however he was depressed most of the time, because of war. Ever since he met Kaoru, everything seems to going great.
  3. [SPOILER]The style of Drawing was somewhat realistic, but no comments for the race scenes, [/SPOILER]
  4. Which do you think of this two creates the best anime sequels??? I surely hope that many of you guys out there could help me,, 'cause I'm really curious, both created many animes which a lot of people love
  5. well if you want to watch a light hearted comedy,, you must see the anime Midri Nohibi, a.k.a. Midori Days,, that's all, Im pretty sure your friend will love it!
  6. well, Escaflowne the movie was really weird,, if you watch the serires,, Well,, If I was to judge it,, the plot was not that good,, and the ending was kind of boring, that's on my opinion. :animesigh
  7. Hey!! you out there!! ever watch Chobits of Clamp??? I think it's one of thier bestn anime ever!!!
  8. [quote name='chobitslover90']thank you for saying so but the side effect of this sensitivity is the horrible fear of watching another anime series ever[/quote] wheoh!!! I never thought that I will find someone who is also a Chobits Fanatic!!! Let me ask you a Question??? do you like the plot of the story?? I just love the two main characters,, especially when Hideki 1st saw Chii on a dumpster,, giggle giggle giggle!!! :animesmil :animesmil by the way,, will you be my friend??? PM me please!!!!! [color=#ff6600][size=1]Whoa, easy on the punctuation. There's a shortage of exclamation points in the world--don't use more than your fair share. ;) This isn't a thread about Chobits, this is a thread about crying during anime. If you'd like to talk about Chobits, please do so in the Chobits thread. If you'd like to address a specific member, please do so through the PM system. And please calm down a little. I'm ready to switch to decaf just reading your posts. -Lore[/size][/color]
  9. I agree with you,, it's nice to know that some guys actually cry, well, for me it's really nice to show your true feelings,, even though it was only for an anime,, anyway,, nice one!!! :catgirl: :catgirl: [color=navy][size=1]Please don't upload unrelated attachments. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  10. well,, the story is just great!!! It was obvious thou, Bandai created the series and who knows,, maybe they are making a new batch of anime much like oneagi teacher,, I hope they would extend the shows farther than the original 13,, :animesigh :animesigh :animesigh
  11. well,, I surely wish to go out w/ Miss Kazuho of Onegai Teacher, altough she's already married to Kei,, :animecry: :animecry: :animecry:
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