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Everything posted by anime-lover

  1. [SIZE=2]Nao : Ah isn't this is nice being outside in the summer breeze Shiho : It would be nicer if I wasn't down wind from you [/SIZE]
  2. Ayame : Good but Kyi was much better Yuki : You take that back ! :animeangr
  3. Your not . I've played timesplitters 2 and future perfect and so farI like future perfect for several reasons . One you can pick things up with that nifty device on your arm. Two you can play online :wigout: . And three it has way better grarhics.
  4. As Aliyah stood once more from her resent injury chokuno sliced her arm just below her sholder . He licked the blade of his sword tainted with the young angels blood " stand by his side you may...but exactly how long will you be able to stand ?" She raised her bow and fiered a bolt twords him. It pierced his hand .He roared "wild arnt we i guess ill have to break you " he said as he pulled it out and broke it. Aliyah raised her bow once more and spoke " I will stand by the side of Zidane if it means slaying you demon "She fired but this time he cought it." I see you mean business " . He ran up beside her and knocked the bow from her hands " So do I " his voice deepened and started sounding more demonic . " I shall spill your blood upon these streets ", he put a gash across her stomach and threw her across the street . He roared once more . " Tonite is going to be fun ".
  5. lemmi try [SIZE=3] Milly : I see you found out about the brown bag special at sonic Meryl : you too ? Milly : no the had a special at the drug store on birth controle[/SIZE] im out of ideas :animeangr
  6. There are the living and there are the dead.We belived that this all there was to it , where we wrong.We found out later there was another. The fallen , souls that have not passed on nor complete.These are the souls that are tortured to the point that when they are supposed to fade , they fight death so only a small part of them leave , the good part.This is where come in.Special forces that eliminate these souls. Once every decade twenty gifted people are chosen from around the world to attend a special school in Tokyo. They will be trained to move without being seen or heard.These people will be trained in marcial arts and the mistical techniques to distroy these fallen and protect them from the truth.Someone is out there to get them. Fallen - Have dark powers based around the shadows.They accumalate weapons and have exessive strength.they appear normal but the Gifted have the power to see their dark aura Gifted - Have the power to see auras of people.They accumalate weapons when they get to the school.Their powers reflect on their past. name : age : between 16 and 21 race : the gifted or the fallen gender : power : needs to tie into the bio apperence : a picture or a detaled discription will be fine weapon : no guns snippet of character in action :This is where i will be macking my decision Bio : about three paragraphs be creative p.m. me if you have any questions I will be posting mine after I get a few replies at the same time I post I will post in the underground arena
  7. Chonuko appeared next to leon " oh I didnt bring popcorn " snickerd and swooped down and sliced aliyah just below her hip. she screamed out in pain " little angel do you want to play ... then follow me " he darted across the street and waited for her reaction.she threw a dagger at him as he ran. " ooh frisky arnt we " he said as it pierced his flesh. he pulled it out and threw it back at her it hit her arm. he licked his wound " a good aim too I will enjoy distroying you "
  8. name :Namarook age : Has been around for ages gender : male race : reaper side : reaper weapon : long sword , projects a cureously strange light when combined with his power powers : his powers consist of electricy destructive blasts. Deadly when combined with his skills of the sword and are rarely matched. Appearance : [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v337/AnitaBlake/Fantasy/warriorc112.jpg[/url] Personality : Normaly precise his ways ,although they are not fully known . He does not feel mercy towards any one ,especially non-loyal reapers Character Snippet : A few days before the current event... I glanced around the room looking for my target "What you don't want to do is make me mad, little girl.", I said. It was as if she were little, although she wasn't. It was exciting. It has been a long time since killing someone such as her, gave me that kind of a rush. Maybe it was the fact she was young, or was it that she had the sight? A whisper was heard... "Try over there." I paced myself as I walked toward the closet she was in. "I see you.", I said, glancing down at my target hiding the the closet. "Tisk tisk", I murmured. " Did you think that would stop me?", I asked. As my weapon appeared in my hand, she screamed. And, to my surprise managed to hit me .She ran, then threw a dagger at me.I screamed in agony as the pain ripped through my right leg and she got away. They pulled me back to the other side and I waited with great patience for my punishment. They demoted me and sent another reaper in my place. I was dishonored. Not in a century has a reaper been beaten by a human.
  9. this is for the first pic Fuu : Is that your sword or are you just happy to see me :animeshy: guess im sick minded too.... :animeswea
  10. Name: Chonuko [may edit later] age: 17 wepaon: JUYO TOKEN (japanese sword) personality: hatrid for the angel race race: demon bio: born human the life he did not want to live banished by those he dispised most angiels "they did me a favor , and sealed their fate in one motion" spent the last 2 years in combat training and ready for battle.
  11. [SIZE=2]o m g we forgot ramen :animedepr [/SIZE]
  12. here ill give it a try Tamahome : nice suit Miaka : really....well i did get it dry cleaned Yui : *thinking* if youd spend less time looking at her butt and me you might have a good chance at getting me :animeangr
  13. i chose wemen because guys all they have to do is saduce you and your all theirs kinda scarry if you think about it whats a guy to do :animesigh
  14. one of my friends got me into anime they suggested inuasha and i kida liked the plot so i kept on and here i am :animesmil now my favorite anime is fruits basket
  15. [QUOTE=vorboten] i would have to say super milk chan. ok it had its moments but i can live with out the whole ep called virtual sound system [/QUOTE] i agree on so many levels it was okay at the beginning but now when i wach it i just fall asleep .It bores me to death :sleep: [spoiler] i so didnt like his "happy dance" it was somthing i dont think they should have put in that episode [/spoiler]
  16. here is one A 60 year old man is at his doctor and the doctor says "everything is ok physically but how are you mentaly how is your conection with god" the man replied "me and god we're tight every night when i get up to pee he turns on the light and when i leave he shuts it off" the doctor a little worried calls the mans wife later and tells her what her husband told him [I]there was a pause over the phone[/I] and his wife said " that idiot hes been peeing in the refrigorator"
  17. My first serious crush was in 8th grade and she was one of my best friends growing up I had known her since 4th grade.It was only in 8th grade that i actualy came to realize that i liked her. When i finaly got up the courage to ask her out she had came to me her new boyfriend. :animedepr . She asked me if I was happy for her and all i could say was yes . I was so mad at myself for not asking her out sooner. I still wonderif she would have said yes . :animeswea . Well i guess thats why they call it a "crush"
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