1000 yrs ago a cataclysmic event took place, it was known as Twilight Darkness. An evil man called Kioji Matsimoto had discovered the only true way to rule the world. By exploiting this new power he had awakened the ancient gods, who in turn granted him immortality... or so he thought.
Kioji was defeated only by the sacrifice of a devoted hero. This hero known as Shinjo Murasame gave up his own life to destroy the evil "Half-God".
Kioji was shocked that this mortal had so easily defeated him, so he cursed the gods for their treachery. The gods were enraged that Kioji was so ungrateful. So they sealed his soul in a void known as the Twilight Gateway, there his soul would stay, to wait out the rest of eternity.
The gods who had sealed the source of their power away, once again sank back into a deep slumber, until they were summoned once again...