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Everything posted by RuinedElk

  1. [center][size=1]Theres a few that remind me of s-CRY-ed, but they almost nothing like it. Dragonball Z for instance. Dont like the show at all, but it reminds me of s-CRY-ed.[/center][/size]
  2. [center][size=1]Isnt Cowboy Bebop still on? I would swear I just saw it a few weeks ago.. is it off the air already?[/center][/size]
  3. [center][size=1]I agree with everyone who says Gundam Wing should be back on. Also the show called Samurai X, which I think they changed the name too. Anyway, those two should definitly come back on.[/center][/size]
  4. [center][size=1]This is really good! The arm thing did make some sense, but otherwise I think its great. Personally, I'm in awe. I probably couldn't do that if someone put a shotgun to my head, even. -grins nervously-[/center][/size]
  5. [quote name='hentai#1']I have seen everything up to this point on adult swim... Its not my fav. but its worth watching none the less.[/quote] [center][size=1]Its definitly worth seeing. Its absolutely great! My opinion at least.[/center][/size]
  6. [center][size=1]I personally could watch s-CRY-ed over and over again. Easily. No brainer.[/center][/size]
  7. [center][size=1]I have seen most of the whole 1st season, and can pretty much say its my favorite show ever. I cant help watching it.. its great! Oh, and I read the books as well, just as good. I cant wait to see if they create another season, I seriously hope they do. And a movie too, that would be cool. So.. hi..! [b]Ruined.[/b][/center][/size]
  8. [center][size=1]I would be Kazuma from s-CRY-ed. Even though he is a guy, I'd still like to be him. Well, if I could be. Anyway.. yeah.. my choice. Kazuma is awesome. As well as Ryuho.. hm.. tough choice.. Kazuma. Definitly.[/center][/size]
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