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Everything posted by Shane12_01

  1. [quote name='Tallgeese-']Where can I read chapters after 335, I'm having troubles finding them, that's where I'm stuck right now.[/quote] narutofan.com they have chapters up to 339 translated otherwise idk.
  2. Okay I have not written a poem in litterally years :animeswea , so I'm going to try to make one off the top of my head. [B]Trapped in Thought[/B] Freedom from all around you Deep in a world with no bounds Complete freedom from the physical world Focus sharper than any blade Creating, and Destroying No pain, no sadness No true happyness either No smell, no touch No sight, no sound Only Imagination Creating freinds Only you can't touch them Can't really see them Can't hear them or smell them It only seems that you can Hear, Touch, Smell, See anything in that world Fact is, it's just what you already Seen, Heard, Touched, and Smelled In a chaos of your mind and imagination A world that is not "real" only created by you and only destroyed by you The only reason that we wake up is that We want to feel again See again, hear, and smell again For those who are so deep into thought are Trapped in Thought Are trully dead to the word... ok its not great, but whatever, best I could do after a few years. :animesmil
  3. Well just like everyone else EVA is a deffinate. but here is some to try that some may haven't heard of or just negleted to post so far. anyway, a new anime [B]Pani Poni Dash[/B] Geneon's [B]Tenjho Tenge [/B] and [B]Midori Days[/B] [B]Pani Poni Dash[/B]: is about an 11 year old teacher teaching a 10th grade class; it is a comedy that takes a cetain sence of humor I guess, it can be a bit slow, but its worth a try. [B]Tenjho Tenge[/B]: this is an anime about two "Freshmen punks" that transfer to a martial arts school and their struggle to "take it over". It is mainly an action anime, but it does have its funny moments, again worth a shot. [B]Midori Days[/B]: this is about a guy that fights gangs and defends his freind from the gangs and tries desperatly to get a girl freind, but his reputation as a fighter has made the girls are afraid of him. then randomly a girl that has had a crush on him sudenly appears as his right hand and story of them coaping with this odd circumstance. The best way to decribe this one is a romance comedy for it is very funny in that sence. All of these are worth a shot in my oppinion
  4. For me I just got into Phrotagraphy, I just always had a feeling that I would like it (and I do :animesmil ). I love doing anything outdoors; hiking, camping, cross country running (when it's not cold like it is now :animecry: ) thats probably the reason why I hate desk jobs and paper work so much. :animeswea . I also like to read, mangas are my usual, but give me a novel I like and you'll likely catch me reading that as well. Although I'm not good at it I also like to draw, but more doodling that anything else. :animesmil . Sports is huge as well, especially football: "Back-to-Back state champs," sorry I get all heated up with football. Oh and I do play video games as well. :animesigh Then, even with all that I some how have the time to get online, like what I am doing now :animeswea , and that pretty much covers it.
  5. well definatly on my last day, I would surround myself with freinds and family, travil as far as I could in one day with my closest freinds and find any and all places along the way that we would want to see. Then realax and go to bed so that I could go in my sleep.
  6. I'm not particulary good at making new freinds, I'm kinda quiet and focused. Ecpecially know that I'm in college. I have a couple great and best freinds and I guess that is good enough for me. I'm also very independant, it is sometimes hard for me to ask for help when I need it. :animeswea I'm also not great at singing, drawing, or anything really technical (like computers, I have no idea what is what. I just know it works :animesmil )
  7. Well, I guess it has just been in our culture for so long that it just seems unatural (sorry can't spell) to have the girls ask the guy. Then again, maybe, it has to do with the girls being "easy" if they ask guys out. That comes more from the girls side for saying that. I think, girls are meaner to eachother than guys are its kinda sad :animeswea ; so that might be an influence, is your "reputation". idk in my true oppinion, if a girl is interested enough to ask me out, cool, I don't mind :animesmil . It doesn't bother me as much.
  8. This is all to sad really, it kinda makes me not put my experince out there. I'll say it anyway though. :( Well, I was unfortunate to have been born late in my families lives; so late that I had to watch them go starting at an early age. It started with my Mom dying after I turned nine from lung cancer :animecry: and then things started to hit the fan prety quick. My grandpa died three weeks after my Mom. that was hard, almost to hard being so close to both of them. Then, over a course of four years or so my whole dads side past on, leaving me as the only one left to carry on the name. Now my Moms side is starting to get to that point. All of this is hard, but I've had all this crap so much that it scares me, after all this I feared and still fear my own death. I have nightmares of seeing myself rot in the ground and many other things; I guess I'm still not over it even after all this time. I'm much more stable, but it will probly never fully go away. It tok me a while, but the best I can sujest is dwell on the good, not the bad; and get through it and move on, but never forget. :animesmil This kind of thing really makes you appreciate all that you have, and has you think what you're going to do with the time that you got. Kinda a lousy wake up call, but it's there. :animeswea Sorry for my sob story, I just felt like getting it out there.
  9. [quote name='Tallgeese-']I heard that they take out a lot of the dialog from the Japanese series in the American series. Anyone know if it's true? This guy claims that the American version doesn't even follow the right story line but I doubt they would do that.[/quote] well it is the same story line, but the dialog is no where near the same. "believe it!!" :animeangr . to me the japanese verson is much beter and I haven't yet herd naruto say "believe it" once, if that bothers you like it does me; but I gave up on the american verson so idk if it is different, but as far as I can tell from skimming the episodes its practically the same.
  10. Well I guess that could be true, but the anime is so far behind it makes me want to cry :animecry: . It may take AT LEAST 1 and a half years to catch up with the manga at the rate the're going and the manga keeps getting translated a chapter a week. I guess I like to read it more than wait for the anime at this point of time.
  11. I think I've given up on the anime for a little bit. What I have been doing is reading the manga and I'm way ahead in the story then the anime. Have any of you been doing the same thing?
  12. Shane12_01


    Like most of you I'm a huge fan, My fav. cds are the S&M, I just really like the sound of it all. I can never decide what my fav. songs or albums are, but right now I listened to Ride the Lighting the most; so, I guess thats my answer. :animesmil I like all of their songs essentially; except those from St. Anger, to me St. Anger was the only half way decent song on there and the rest of it can kiss my ***. :p
  13. Well my Mom did alot of jobs from cooking at Cafe's to cleaning campgrounds, untill she got sick and past on. My dad is currently retired, but he used to work for Southern California Edison, idk what the title is or was, but he was a supervisor and he was in charge of about half of southern Californias electricity. Pretty cool I think.
  14. For me I dont drink much niether, since I am underage, although I dont look it. For me Ponche and Kalula and milk is the bomb. It may sound girly but it taists d*** good :animesmil . Oh and TK that will mess you up pretty darn quick; and I actually like taking strait shots of it as well :animestun . I cant stand beer, I gag at even the smell of it, but thats just me.
  15. [URL=http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h282/Shane12_01/eagle_scout_promise.jpg][U]Link[/U][/URL] I hope this isnt to big... :animeswea Anyway its not really a quote, but a promise that I made when I had my Eagle Scout Ceromony, on sunday. :animesmil [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT]Next time just make your picture a link like I did as it's easier for members who use a dial up. ~SunfallE[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Idk if I could really add to much of what has been said, but I'll try... I think emos are a trend and are wanna be goths. Emos dont scare me, but goths do and the reason is that I find that emos do it for attention, but goths do it for fun. By that I mean cut them selves and bleed (at least the hard core ones). Another thing is the "artificial," depression. The emos I see around where I live think ther're depressed, and really dont know what it is to lose something, or a real bad day. Not that I'm saying it never happens, its just that when I hear about it; its just unneeded drama that they put THEMSELVES through, or i could be over exagerating. It wouldent be the first time.
  17. well for me Evangelion ended with me having alot of questions, not just the seiries but the movie to. what happend to everyone else or is it just Asuka and shinji or what?? :animecry: I just want to know.
  18. this is simple (for me anyway), Well I've always been a Metallica fan and probably always will be. I just love their songs they can pump me up or calm me down and the're usually consistant with good songs and albums, except I really could have done with out Saint anger. :(
  19. Well I know for a fact that I can go both ways, look younger or older :p . and heres how I have a baby face, but also a beard. ok so when I shave people that I dont know ask what grade I'm in and the're shocked to find that I'm older :animesigh . Then with the beard, late on the fourth of july I was able to get a hold of something I shouldent have and I didnt even get carded while the person in front of me did :animeswea . So it depends shaved I look like a freshman in highschool, with the beard a little over 21 (clue). :animesmil
  20. mines pretty simpple since I'm content with everything else at the moment, but I do want the naruto fillers to stop sooner rather than waiting till october.
  21. For me I could go either way I could make the move or they can :animesmil . Although its not everyday that I see a girl doing that, so it would be a little weird. :animeswea But hey whatever floats your boat.
  22. Yes, I just took my accuplacer test for college, so I hope I land in some good classes. :animeswea
  23. Well I think it could count as an anime, I guess its like appleseed, it could be counted as a Liveaction 3D anime or something. I dont know the real name for it curently, but its on the back of the appleseed DVD. :animeswea
  24. normally everyday that Im at school. but untill I finally get internet at home it will stay that way.
  25. well mine changes from time to time, but currently it says that I'm enjoying my KH2 game.
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