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Everything posted by Shane12_01

  1. His new movie and its going to be animated :animestun . I guess it will be interesting :animeswea . To answer your question I think he is messed up in the head, but I guess thats just how he wants it. :animesmil
  2. For me its that I'm to nice sometimes. For instance, I have a "freind" that I hang out with sometimes and he can get really anoying and he takes jokes way to serously :animeangr and when I do him favors he acts like he's doing me the favor :mad: ... Though [B]IF[/B] and when we hang out I really just want to beat his face in, but I dont and I hold back on saying how stupid he can really be. :animeangr :mad: :mad: ... :animesigh I guess I just needed to blow off some steam. :animesmil
  3. Well when I was younger I was always interested in the Komodo Dragon. they just seem so cool to me.
  4. Well I just went to see it last night and it was good. It was one of few horror films I've seen that i enjoyed watching :animestun . I havent really played any of the games though. :animeswea
  5. well I thought there were only three movies but I could be wrong :animeswea . ummm... for this I would say the anime is better, I;m not sure which movie that I liked best I liked them all. my fav. charactor would have to be Sesshoumaru, he just kicks *** :animesmil . and I really cant name an episode I liked, sorry. :animeswea
  6. [QUOTE=Sandy] As so many people have said in this thread, [I]be honest to her[/I]. Don't play games, she's a normal human being just like you with feelings and all that.[/QUOTE] Yes :p , thats what I was trying to get across earlier. :animesigh
  7. Well I'm not sure how else you could find out. For me since I was kinda raised John Wayne style asking her will show that you have more respect for her. and asking her freinds is only if she wont tell you or you think it might hurt that freindship. I dont know maybe if you get a second oppinion you might get a better idea. I just dont know the person well enough to say anything more than I have.
  8. [QUOTE=Satoru]Uhuh nooo yoiu neevr go, "why?" that's just stupid. ermm known her for a while, shes younger than me and we used to go to the same school but I left, well finshed that school.[/QUOTE] Ok if you cant ask her why, then try her freinds maybe they would know.
  9. Ummm... What I would do is to politly ask her why. find out her reasons why and see if you could work them out. other wise maybe just give it a little more time and keep what you have. otherwise I have no idea, your best bet on an answer will have to come from her. Is there any reason you could think of on why she would not hang out with you,and how long have you known her?
  10. Well for me I kinda favor it and at times I dont. I do not think illeagal immigrants should be able to sue our Gov. or what have you. I do not mind the immigrants and I under stand thatthey want a beter life, so would I if I were in there sit. But please try to learn the lang. and not rely on your kids to translate, especially if you work it will just make things harder. Another thing is that I think the process to become a citz. is to difficult for some people, if we just make it an easier process then we wouldn't have [B]as[/B] many illegal immigrants. I know we need the workers so that many businesses dont go bankrupt. If money is truly the problem to hire someone that is a cit. and have to pay them more over al illeagal that will take what he gets then lower the minimum wage. but what ever thats just how I see it.
  11. As far as I know the end of the T.V. series of Full Metal is just the begining of the movie. And it would help to see the episodes. [CENTER]--------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [quote name='Wolf_Fire']The ending of Fullmetal Alchemist confused me. I really didn't get the part of how Ed and Al were in like different worlds and Al had his body back and Ed didn't. Maybe it is because I haven't seen all of the episodes... Can someone tell me please? :help: :animestun[/quote] Well as far as I know the end of the series is the begining of the movie, and I cant tell you what happend it would spoil it, but it would help to see the episodes leading up to it. [INDENT] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Please do not double post. If you wish to add something use the edit button located in the lower right hand corner of your post. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  12. Well there was not much of a story to go off of in the first place, so I wouldn't be surprised if they added or took out some stuff, but that might make it beter or worse. I guess we'll just have to see.
  13. I'm definatly with alot of you guys, DOA :animenose...sorry, I think has alot of good fashion.
  14. Definatly needs to be smart, funny, caring, and has an open mind. Looks are not everything, but cute would be nice. :animesmil
  15. Describe your perfect day. Like what would you do, where do you want to be, who do you want to be with, and how would it end so that you can return to normal life. Me I would just want to relax and be at the beach with freinds and family with no care in the world talking and swimming and having all sorts of fun, then to end it I would stay out and watch the stars come out with my freinds and fall asleep till morning. Just a day of simplicity is heaven to me. :animesmil
  16. When I first watched Evangelion the ending completly blew me by :animeswea . Though I understand more of it now since watching it again, but some things are still confusing. :animestun
  17. I'm actually feeling the same way. Yes school was hard, boring, ect. :mad: but the memories I have are great :animesmil I just wish that I could slow it down, but thats life. :animeswea Class of 2006 Rules!! :D
  18. [IMG] http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/AlexielReborn/Evangelion/fd8a6cd7.bmp[/IMG] Usually I get the URL code then at the begging [IMG] then at the end [/IMG] because some times they dont have a tag or it does not work.
  19. Im not sure alot of the time Im very happy and content, I have had some impactful thing happen so I can get depressed and angry. BUt I cant really say whats the strongest, because Im just content and care free. Maybe content counts I dont know :animeswea
  20. Shane12_01


    For me Freindship and Trust are the foundations for Love. In a weird way you have to have lust to start love. Let me explain; Lust to me is to want, and nothing more. You have to want to see that person again, to talt to them, you want to look into there eyes to see if they feel the same way. Sure the physical excests, but you have to put trust into your partner that you can talk about it in a serious way. Do you want to have a baby, right now or later. How will you keep your selves protected and in this day in age you might want to get checked for STD's unfortunatly because you want to trust in them and vice versa, but you got to keep your self safe and if the person loves you they will understand, if not then they might not be the one your looking for. It all starts with a Lust and creates a Trust and Freindship that can last forever.But thats just my veiw.
  21. I believe in God. I am a beliver in Christ. Though at my church we are tought that there are three parts of God. The Son, The Father, and the Holy Spirit. For me I have accepted Christ and there for I will be saved, but in some ways I cant say I fully believe that if you dont believe in Jesus you go to hell. As long as you have faith I think you should be saved.But some extreamists might disagree.
  22. I found some info on a site that says that they are making a dead or alive movie. as far as I know it should have good action because Hong Kong action maestro Cory Yuen (Director of The Transporter, Martial Arts Choreographer for Lethal Weapon 4 and Romeo Must Die) is directing but I'm not sure about the story. here is the site tell me your oppinion. [url]http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/8535/Dead-or-Alive-Movie-Now-in-Production/[/url]
  23. I was under the asumption that they already made one in Japan, though I'm not sure. Where are you guys getting this info??? :animestun
  24. Have any of you guys seen or heard of the blackest albulm 2. What it is a industrial (techno) tribute to Metallica :animestun . Some songs are good, but I'm wondering if anyof you guys heard of it? :animeswea
  25. well I edited this post to tell you I did find some info, but so far this is all I found. If you guys find more on it that would be great. any way just go here for now. [url]www.metallica.com/index.asp?item=14828[/url]
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