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Everything posted by Shane12_01

  1. [quote name='Lancius83']I myself think that while President Bush is not doing the best job, he is still doing a good job. President Bush's Policies have been good to the Military and the have been good to my state. I have heard a lot of you questioning the war, yet have any of you actually been to Iraq. Can any of you actually say that you don't care about the conditions that they were liveing in. Well i have been to Iraq while in the service of my country, was the war started over the wrong pretext maybe. but how can you deny the good it has done for Iraq you say that the Iraq is more unstable now than it was during the rule of Saddam's regime that may be, but this is only because the U.S. refuses to go to the same lengths to suppress resurgents.[/quote] I have never said anything bad about the war, and I'm happy to say that I liked what Bush has done for the Iraqi people. Although some Iraqi's might not agree. All I'm tired of is that people think that was the only reason, and I'm tired of it. Here are some good reasons that you might have not thought about, or forgoten. 1. The first thing that came to mind was the contract for oil Bush senior had with Iraq. Reset the country, destroy the old contact and make a new one. 2. The U.S. thought or found evidece that Iraq helped Alqueda. Although there was more evidence found that Iran did a better job to help. 3. To over throw a ruthless Dictator and free the Iraqi people from its Tyrant. Then set up a new democracy and will be indebted to us. So possibly we can call on them for help if our situation is dire. Put these in any order you wish, but these if you really think about it are the reasons, and there are probably more that you can think of. If so tell me. [B]I hope all our troops come home safe for they are fighting the good fight.[/B]
  2. Who has seen or heard of this Anime. I enjoy this show alot, its funny and has action and great characters and a good story line. I think so anyway, and I look forward to the fifth disc. :p So let me know what you think of it. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I merged this thread with the official Tenjo Tenge thread. Next time, please use the Official Threads Directory or the Search Option to see if an existing thread already exists. Thanks -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. To be honest I havent even heard of it (sorry :animeswea ). I'll hvae to look it up next time I'm in Borders.
  4. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] As for his domestic policy, I'm pretty supported. I like his judicial nominees, his policy on abortion, homosexual marriage (although, a constitutional ban is a bit much), and the economy. [B]I don't blame Katrina or the Economy on him. [/B] [B]I blame the economic depression on companies like Enron, which was exacerbated further by 9/11.[/B] I like his tax-cut plan, and I think it's fair (if you spend more on taxes, you get a proportional amount back in returns). I think if people don't [i]save[/i] that money, and re-cycle it into the economy- we would see stimulation. Inevitably, there's little a government can do in a capitalist-driven market. I think Bush is terrible at public speaking, but I think he's a bright person. [B]I actually have the right to say this, as I've had an opportunity to meet with the President at a luncheon with my close friend Phyllis.[/B] Pyllis is the vice-chair of the International Democratic Party. She was invited to the white house last August. Phyllis and I are close friends, as she was my preceptor and trainer in earning my Paramedic license. We worked long hours together and share a strong bond of friendship. So she took me along, and I had the opportunity to speak with the president. In person, he's very kind and very articulate. I didn't really debate with the guy (he was my host, after all) but I had fun chatting with him [the short while we were able to chat, that is]. [B]The food was [i]amazing[/i[/B]].[/QUOTE] Ok I would have to admit meeting the president in person would be cool, I can only hope the food was good. Though I do not blame the president for the incedent of Katrina I was just hoping for more support to help the people out I guess, but that is just me. But for the economy to be blamed on Enron that just weirds me out, because the Gov. created a plan that would decrease price and create a profit that completly back fired and destroyed Enron and eventually bankrupted Edisson as well. I could get a better details later from my Dad who worked for Edisson and saw this coming a long before anyone else and hes just happy to have retired early before it happened. :animesigh And yes 9/11 had an impact but that was a long time ago and it sould have little to no impact to today's economic crisis. It just created more security and more jobs for security. [B]Give power back to the working class![/B] :D
  5. Drix D'Zanath I respect your oppinion, because I'm a Christian to, but what does this have to do with your oppinion on Bush. I understand what your saying, I dont condone violence or want to kill anybody neither, but the question was what your oppinion was on Bush Jr. Do you like what he's done for the U.S. yes or no and why?
  6. Well all I think is that he should take care of home first. Our ecanomy is in shambles and we do need to clean up after Katrina. And I think the middle class is going to die soon if we keep the Republicans in power. Soon there will be only the very rich and very poor. There will be no middle income, and a great examle of that is where I live in Truckee. The super rich are moving in and the middle is being pushed out and the rich are going to want the pore to work for lower income at the casino's and resorts here. This may very well happen, and I hope to God it doesn't. Also Experts that came on to Lou Dobbs monny line admited that Republicans create debt and democrats get us out of it. That is to Say that the democrat is as good as Clinton as far as economy. Another thing is are we even looking out for Manopolies anymore??? I'm seeing alot poping up latly including the new AT&T. this will further destroy the middle man and put us in a lose lose situation. We need a President that is going to regulate and take care of home first and others second. That may sound mean but you got to look after your self to take care of others, otherwise your going to need help your self. One last thing We look into history about war and you'll see its mainly for economic interest I dont know what happend to make this war different to not be about economic interest. And arn't wars suposed to improve the economy like WW2 did to get us out of the depression. If you guys have an answer for this then I'm interested.
  7. Is Bush Jr. a good president? tell me your oppinions on him. What you like and dont like. My oppinion is that he a bad president for not taking care of the home front. He seems to care about daddy's unfinished businness. Katrina was one and another is that he has put the U.S. in more debt then all 42 preidents before him [B]Combined!! [/B] :animecry:. But thats just my oppinion tell me what you guys think so I can see it in your perspective. :animesmil
  8. And another thing is atleast in California that 1 hour in the ER is about 1300 dollers on average :animestun . So its one good thing to have insurance. :animesmil I forget the cost for intermediate care was, but it was up there as well.
  9. Currently the hardest boss and even after experience the hardest boss for me is Alpha-152 from DOA4 :animeangr . If you let that thing get a combo on you, it will rape you then laugh in your face. :animecry: But the hot chicks make up for it. :animenose :D
  10. Does anyone watch this show or understand this show, or even find it funny??? :animestun I dont understand the point if there is any :animeangr . I can say I dont really like it do any of you and why?
  11. I had several, but the weirdest experince I had witha dream is when I was falling off a cliff I jumped and woke my self up and right when my head hit the pillow I went back into the dream only I was flying and I went into the clouds and it turned into a weird acid trip experience. This time I woke up and stayed up. :animestun Then I told my self I gotta stop playing Katamari. :D
  12. I'm mot a big fan neither. I had a couple experiences where I was next to some one who was going to die soon it was depressing :animedepr. But if I needed that treatment of any sort thats probably where I want to be. :animeswea
  13. I enjoy both I cant really say that I like one over the other. If I want to read a manga Ill read, If I want to watch an anime Ill watch an anime. Pretty simple, for a simple mind. :animesmil
  14. Anything by Dean Koontz is good if your looking for a book that will grab you keep your interest and rip your lungs out (depending what book of his you pick up :D ). My fav. is [U]Watchers[/U] I sujest that. It has a great story and well built characters and just a fun book to read. :animesmil
  15. [quote name='darkruler']the worst game i ever played was katamari damashi u would have to be on an acid trip to think that game was fun and i think the king might have been gay so like i said it sucked.[/quote] It was kida fun but it got repetitve and I can see where your coming from, as far as the acid trip :animestun :D and the gay king. :animeswea
  16. Well I started with shooters and I just cant get enough of them. I also enjoy Fighting games alot but I could only vote for one. Those I just prefer but I enjoy pretty much any game as long as it has a point to it.
  17. Inuyasha for me... Why, it was the first anime that I got into and Im hoping to finish the series. :animesmil All 160 something episodes. :animestun and three movies, :animedepr this could take a while
  18. Currently PDZ and DOA4 Im usualy getting killed on those more than anyother game ecpeicialy the last boss on DOA4 she just like to pull off mass combos out of nowhere and it gets quite fustrating :animeangr
  19. Hey I'm hearing rumers of microsoft creating a hand held is this true or is this just a stupid rumer tell me if you guys herd or know anything.
  20. [QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]We have a free market economy, so people should be able to sell what belongs to them. If you don't like it you can, as you did, look away.[/color][/QUOTE] Unfortunatly he's right there is nothing realy we could dono mater what there is always going to be a pervert out there. But my oppinion is that is is not a good thing that it is as easily acessable to children. If adults want to go look for it fine but figure out beter ways to keep it out of site frome little kids. *mommy what are they doing here* mother says *OMG how did you find this?!* kid says *I just found it while I was surffing and I cliced on the picture and there it was.* (please excuse my username its moe of a joke than anything :animeswea)
  21. Shane12_01

    Xbox 360

    I finaly got my 360 and its beter than I expected. the visuals and games are great. DOA4 a great fighting game. :animenose PDZ I like best for multi player because you can add "bots" and not just wait for your freinds to come over and play. :p Madden 06 was a disapointment though. :animecry: COD2 is another great game awsome shooter and of course visuals. :animesmil I am enjoying everybit thus far I can only hope the same for the others who own one. :D
  22. The hardest boss I acualy played was from DOA 3 the final boss on very hard. first off you have to dodge or magicaly block all his long range moves then you have to make sure when you hit him you dont knock him down so that when he gets up he doesn't knock you down and rape you from there. then, of course the weird camera angle to start with. :mad:
  23. [quote name='Starwind']I think it has more to do with him being nervous it sounds like. The closer you try to get, the further he pushes himself away. I believe deep down he shares similar feeling for you, but doesn't know how to act on them, and when you started to act on them it sent up red flags for him. I think you just need to wait and take it slow and easy.[/quote] I would agree I had a friend that was in the same boat as him. He told me he got nervus and did not know how to react. It was all nerves, but dont rush it he probably wants to make sure that he has the same feelings and to keep a good friendship going. I'm sure he'll come around just give him time to admit his feelings when he is sure of them. And dont worry if he has to think about it, that just shows that he cares and wants both of you to be happy. :animesmil
  24. There are many things I need to accomplish in 06. I need to graduate, and possibly save up to go on a fat road trip with my freinds, get back and get into colledge :animecry: I expect it to be one of the best years of my life, but I can only hope at this point. :animeswea
  25. [quote name='IceRose']My mom got me into anime :animeswea , she is half japanese, half chinese and practically the first show I watched was from Japan it was called Liveman but then my mom introduced me to anime mostly Slayers and Ranma. I've been watching anime since I was 6 well the time I can remember[/quote] D***, I kinda wish my dad was into anime. That way he could help me out with affording it, because I have to fend for my self alot of times and I hate asking him for monny, and that way we both have an interest in something and so I dont feel bad for leaving him home alone when I go out to do my own thing. :animeswea I could try to get him into it but it could be a while. :animesigh
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