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Everything posted by Shane12_01

  1. I would say Eva. but I already seen it many times (and loved it). so I find my self watching Inuyasha curently :p .
  2. [quote name='ChaoticFury][COLOR=Red]I hate the new show on cartoon network: Bobobo-bo-bobo. I wish that show would just burn and die![/COLOR'] :mad:[/quote] Im going to agree with this one. I know the point of that show (in my oppinion) is to be weird, but its to weird for its own good. :animeswea
  3. [quote name='inuyasha29']Hmm.... that's a tough one. there's so many to choose from. I think i 'll go with.....kagome from inuyasha. Yeah she's perfect![/quote] Well anyone who watches and likes Inuyasha would say kagome... heck even I did, but to my prevous post I think I'll add Sango frome Inu. as well. :p
  4. I watch it, and I would have to be like sesshoumaru. he kicks ace. :p
  5. the animation of course, then the plots and how badass the characters are.
  6. Others opinions may give me an Idea of what an Anime is like, but I dont really know if I will like it unless I watch it. So oppinions dont effect me much if any.
  7. That one gunam show where the Gundams are like four feet tall I forget the name And I dont want to remember. and Wolfs Reign never did catch me. Hamtaro I didnt even know it was an anime to be honest and I dont think Ill watch it.
  8. Evangelion, Trigun, Tenjo Tenge, and of course Inuyasha (kinda hard considering how many episodes there are) All are great to me, and I could definataly watch these over and over.
  9. [quote name='dposse']I agree, s-CRY-ed is a great anime. Doesn't it remind you of some other anime? i can't put my finger on it...[/quote] A little bit but I cant think of it right now, give me some time. *a couple years later "oh yeah!"*
  10. To randomly jump in Inuyasha is a great show in my oppinion, but dang there is a lot of episodes about 160 somrthing that I heard and three movies, and Im enjoying everybit of it. P.S. Sesshoumaru kicks ace. :p
  11. I started watching Inuyasha, then Istarted collecting some animes and watching them on tv when I can. :p
  12. My list 1. Kagome 2. Naru (from the mangas) 3. Asuka (from Eva.)
  13. I have seen everything up to this point on adult swim... Its not my fav. but its worth watching none the less.
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