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Everything posted by Evilelf1989

  1. I think they have went a little too far with pokemon. Its a great show but it has been on TV since I was in 2nd grade and im now in 10th. They made at least 10 pokemon games for gameboy/GBA, 3 or 4 games for the N64, and the same amount for GC. WERE BEING OVERWHEMLED BY POKEMON!! :animestun Soon there going to name the gameboy games for poke'mon after seasons cause they ran out of names.(and I will scream if they do) Ok thanks for letting me speak about this. :babble:
  2. heck yah sesshomaru kicks ace!! dude, sesshomaru will take out just about any enimie with in 1 minuete. He totally rocks^_^!!!!
  3. That depends if its ok for guys in anime to cry, just dont let them cry too much. We dont want the show to be entering soap opera (cant spell^_^) territory here!
  4. Hi people, who here watches InuYasha? well anywho I thought wouldnt it be cool to live in fuedal Japan fighting of demons and whatever else would come after you. If I were in those times I would like to be some kind of demon slayer or a half demon. yay half cat demon :catgirl: .
  5. I want to know peoples opinion if Kira should be with Flay or Lacus.
  6. If theres a anime I can watch over and over again it should be pretear, its at least 12 episodes long and theres alot of humor while fighting demons(well there sort of like demons). oh and I can't forget the romance were the hero and villan both have feelings for one guy.
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