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About Majora64

  • Birthday 11/03/1985

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    im a DBZ fan
  • Occupation
    im a video game specailist and a really big fan of DBZ and Zelda

Majora64's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. so which Majin Buu form is your absolute favorite? and pleaz explain why?:naughty:
  2. so whos stronger at the end of the Super 17 saga? Goku or Gohan?:babble:
  3. if they make a zelda movie what should they call it?
  4. so your a newbie? well if ya need help with anythin just respond.
  5. Pikkon is allright but they shouldv brougt him back to life for the tournament. that wouldv been great!
  6. :babble: thanks for helpin me get a pic! hope u like it! i like it! and does anyone know when they will bring any new DBZ Movies in English? iv seen them all in Japanese. just wonderin.
  7. thanks for the message Death. andhow did u get that pic by your name? just wanted to know. oh and do u have an e mail? cuz we could e mail each other about DBZ.:D
  8. if he did go SSj wouldnt he look like SSj3? and what would he look like if he went SSj3 or SSj4?
  9. so just saying hello to everyone. :D im new here and wanted to say hi! iv seen one pic of Gohan as a SSj4. he was readin a book in the pic. so why didnt i see that in the show or movies?:D
  10. so what did Piccolo mean when he said "i cant beleive its him!"? when he was supposed to fight Shin.
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