[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Mac's vs PC's. I've used both of them and currently I own a Gateway laptop that works perfectly fine. I have no qualms about using either Vista or OS10 as far as Operating Systems go. Both OS's run imaging programs fine, although Macs tend to lean more towards artsy stuff, where as PC's would be good for gaming and the like.
As far as durablity goes, either one is fine. As long as you're not dropping it from a 5 story building, you should be fine. Mac products generally are very sturdy and can withstand a bunch of punishment. Also, there are programs to have your machine dual boot for Windows and OS10. So if you just HAVE to use a certain OS, you can go with both. Pretty nifty little function.
The only qualm I would have is with the price of a Mac. New Macs are expensive. I got my laptop for around 600 dollars and it works beautfifully for me. So don't worry so much as to if Mac's or PC's would be worth it. Get what is gonna do it for you and fits in your price range.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
What about Two story buildings?