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Everything posted by kaiyukianime

  1. Has anyone played any of the clock tower games?? Which ones do you like the best? Why did you like that version the best? Also If there was a Clock Tower anime would you watch it? And why would you watch it?
  2. Fullmetal Alchemist- I cried during the last episode. Chrno Crusade (chrono Crusade) I cried during the last episode. Elven Lied-I cried during the last episode :animecry: I can't figure out how to Highlight my text in black on this thing!!! So i can't put why I cried.
  3. i have loved anime since I was 2. My first anime was my neighbor totoro. And I figured out that the cartoons i liked was called Anime when I was in seventh grade!! I Am Over obsessive anime Otaku!!I have over $3,000 Worth of anime and I have only been buying them for 4 1/2 years ^_^ . I even like making up my own anime!! I want to be a animator for my career.(sorry If I spelt anything wrong I'm class and it just ended.)
  4. I think they should redo [COLOR=Red]Great teacher Onizuka[/COLOR]. They cut out all of the important stuff from the manga tht was important! -_- Also they should redo [COLOR=Red]Naruto[/COLOR] in english! They cut out most of the blood and the Naruto Sasuke Kiss! :animecry: Their voices suck! I also believe that[COLOR=Red] Inuyasha [/COLOR] shouldn't have been so long!! It drags on for too long!!! Also [COLOR=Red]Witch Hunter Robin[/COLOR] should be made all over again!! It sucks!! The story doesn't really come until the last 3 disks. But before that it's boring! [COLOR=Red]Saiyuki RELOAD [/COLOR] Should be redone in english! They changed the voices all of a sudden!!! -------------Well I better stop for now I'm in class so I'll continue later!----------------
  5. [QUOTE=SasukeUchiha]Who watches Naruto here ^^ Its probably my favorite anime. Newho, I just wanted to see what other people thought about it if they had seen it. And I wanted to ask if neone knows where I can check on the licensing of the DVDS? Meaning to see if they plan to realease them. Thnx ^^ Preston[/QUOTE] I have to agree with you. Naruto is my favorite anime "currentally". I watched It for the first time 6 months ago and I'm on episode 100! I really want to see the rest. Its so good that I'll end up buying it in japanese.Never english, their voices suck and they cut alot of my favorite parts like the nose bleeds and blood and the KISS :animecry: ! He.. He.. I'm a yaoi fan. :animesigh
  6. [quote name='araemi']Yep....i have to agree that this was the best movie so far...altough i was really mad at the amout that they cut out...[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Ok now you all are going to think I'm crazy because I have only read 5 pages of HP5 and I watched the movie on 26 and 2. I've read half of the first one,and all of the 5th and 6th book. Any way so I don't really know what they cut out.0 :animesigh Every one tells me all this stuff and I personally think that the movie kicked butt. It was way better than the rest of the HP's. :catgirl:[/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='lilkid']i finally like mastered head now i need help on legs and shirts and on can anyone help me on it??Also folds[/quote] Hi, so you need advice? Ok this is how I draw bodys,cloths,legs,exc... first you draw a head and add a neck then you measure the head and take measurement down to the neck. at the end of the measurement you add a dot . this my friend is the chest. chest =one head lenght. then do the same measurement thing to the chest line. now you have the measurements for the stopmache.(2 heads total now) now do it once more but only half of a head for the end of the body. (teenager=1/2 head, adult = whole head, child=none for the 3ed measurement only 2 head lenght total) Now for the legs. you measure from 1/2 a head over the characters accutual head and measure to the lowest head. sounds weired but its the best way I can describe it. so its from the 1/2 head over the head then the chest head then the stomache head then the private head. now move that measurement down connecting to the private head......-_-* hard to explain. well now you have your measurements for the body so now you add the details. I'll write more later ok?
  8. I think that the older zoids, tenchi, cardcaptors, Monster Rancher and I think they should *** anime Mighty Max and air it. :catgirl: Also they should play Saiyuki, Chrono Crusade, Orphen, Midori Days, slayers(for kids), E's Otherwise,Pilet(spelled wrong) canidate, Fake :animenose and maby lodoss war. He..he they are all anime I've seen that are really good. I would put more but I'm in class. by!
  9. If I was sranded with one anime guy it'd be [COLOR=DarkRed]Gaara[/COLOR] from Naruto. :animeshy: because he's hot and also he can controll sand,and he has a bad boy attitude. :p He could leave me If he could get me off of his arm because I would have a hold on his hand the whole time. :animeswea
  10. [FONT=Arial][/FONT][QUOTE=EvilGirlWarrior] What do you ppl think of Naruto. :animesigh I love naruto in japanese! It totally sucks in english! :mad: Naruto sounds like a 10 year old. :animecry: He sounds much better in japanese and the same goes for the rest of the charactors :catgirl: Also on the yu yu hakasho(sorry if I spelled it wrong) I wish it would play more. :animesmil
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