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Everything posted by Kayube

  1. Uo: Did you draw spirals all over my wall?! Kyo: ...Nnnnnoooooo, that's just a special effect.
  2. If Sasami were older, she would easily be the best one, because she's really one of the few nice people on the show. But she's not, so I say Ryoko. As for Tenchi in Tokyo... [spoiler]Sakuya's out because she's Yugi's shadow,[/spoiler] and Yugi's out because she's also too young... so I still say Ryoko. ...You know, there should be more kids in Tenchi. Sasami and Yugi are left out of most of the love triangles because of the lack of kids.
  3. I would want Washu Hakubi. She's a genius so she could figure out how to get off the island easily.
  4. The first anime I ever saw was Dragon Ball, and it was one of my favorite shows... then I stopped watching for a while until Toonami started coming on, and soon I was starting to watch lots of anime.
  5. I think I would want to be Bo-bobo from Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. I'm just weird like that and it would be awesome to fight people by confusing them and then smacking them around with my nose hair. Also I'd get to hang out with Don Patch, which would be the coolest thing ever. Either that or Jaden from Yu-Gi-Oh GX because I want to duel like that.
  6. I once had a crush on Sakuya Kumashiro from Tenchi in Tokyo... but now I don't really have anything. Sakuya is still my favorite Tenchi character though.
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