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About freakydorky

  • Birthday 11/06/1988

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  • Biography
    I'm not much for people, they tend to piss me off.
  • Occupation
    High School Student

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  1. I completly agree with it, I myself am bisexual and so comeplty back it, if it makes people happy go for it, I don't think I could ever see myself getting married to another girl, but if you want to, I'll totally support you!
  2. Any one know where to find pocky that you dont have to order off the internet?
  3. yeah i knew what noob was and the rest but this one just completly baffled me, thanks for the help guys!
  4. I saw the word l33t in a anime magazine the other day and can not for the life of me, figure out what it means. Help?
  5. I loved it, I've been a huge fan of Firefly since it came out and was soooo excited for the movie. The movie was awesome and even in times of hardship, Joss found a way to bring humor into the dialouge. I heard they were thinking about making another one...and that, would be TITS!
  6. freakydorky


    Has anybody here seen Serenity? It is seriously the best movie ever (besides THE RING). Have any of you seen Firefly, the series it was based off of? If you haven't seen this, I seriously consider renting it when it come out December 20th.
  7. I personally HATE Smallville, but I watched every episode so far this season to see Spike, I LOVE SPIKE!! James Marsters is SOOO hot!
  8. I have a bunch of Inuyasha and a few Final Fantasy and Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfics on Fanfiction.net [URL=http://www.fanfiction.net/~tetsusaigachick]Click here for my fanfiction[/URL]
  9. I'm really not the biggest fan of labels, but for the sake of the board....I'll label myself. I don't exactly fitinto one category. I'm a lil gothic, but I'm kinda nerdy, but not the sterotypical nerd, I'm a girl and (not to be egotistical) kinda hot.....so I don't know what that makes me. The term my friends use is...dork.
  10. My first and FAVORITE manga was DramaCon. I didn't get into manga untill quite recently, I wasn't a very "proud" anime fan. People treat you different because you 'watch cartoons' ... I think I got it twice as bad cuz I'm a girl. For some reason people treat girl nerds differently.....i find it odd.
  11. [quote name='chobitslover90']thank you for saying so but the side effect of this sensitivity is the horrible fear of watching another anime series ever[/quote] Both, I think. I know a guy that cried after FFX (I cried too, but then again, I'm a girl...I guess we're more emotional). But it's kind of endearing in a way, knowing that you aren't afraid to show that side of you. I cry during movies and shows A LOT (especially Buffy THe Vampire Slayer and Angel...or Trigun, that show really got me teary).
  12. [COLOR=Indigo]I've been looking for it for EVER![/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]I read it like a year or two ago, it wasn't finnished then.[/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo]I think I found it on either FANFICTION.net OR mediaminer.org[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]It's called THE GIRL IN THE BAND[/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo]If someone knows where I can find it please tell me.[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]FYI- IT'S and Inuyasha fanfic (and like the best one EVER)[/COLOR] I'm fairly certain the username that created this amazing story was Chase17
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