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lone wolf rider

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About lone wolf rider

  • Birthday 04/22/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    my fave color is black i am 13 years oldi like to be alone and think sometimes i like the night and more
  • Occupation
    none in school >.<

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  1. my first anime was probably sailor moon or cardcaptors ^.^ hehe and my first manga was :animestun uh...might be rurouni kenshin... :animeswea
  2. escaflowne was a very good movie.My fave characters are Hitomi, Merle, and Van. :catgirl:
  3. i would like to go out with kiba from wolf's rain because he is nice to the people he loves and loyal,or Ed from fullmetal alchemist because he is hot and very playful, or dark from DNAngel because he can be pretty romantic and funny ^.^ they are all hot !!hehe
  4. i would like to be a wolf or dog demon ^.^ hehe ,just tell me what kind of animal or demon would you want to be i have just been wandering what other people would like to be :catgirl:
  5. I would be a dog demon as well(a female) i would use a very big sword, bow and arrows, and alchemicy hehe I would also have dragon wings and a white wolf at my side^.^
  6. i think Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist is a very good villain he is very fast and blows peoples insides up with his right hand i believe, and kills them instantly! he has never been caught and probably never will be. he hates alchemists but yet what i don't get is he uses alchemey to kill w/e he is still a good villain!
  7. :nope: no i really dought that anime will ever leave because even in the generation of our parents anime was indeed there babey not all of the anime we watch now but there has been anime in the world for a while like sailor moon; my mom watched it when she was a kid. i really dont think it will leave even if it does i will still watch it no matter what everyone else likes :animesmil
  8. well, I like anime for the adventure and fantasy that you can't get in the real world and the graphics in some anime are so cool! The characters that are made also seem so real like you are in it with them if you get into a real good show!! :catgirl:
  9. :animesmil I think it is ok that they cry beceuse boys are actually more sensative than you might think, and most boys want to cry but they think that just because they are boys and not girls that it would not be right to cry. But anyway yes it is ok. :catgirl:
  10. i think Wolf's Rain and Rurouni Kenshin should be put back on TV i just love wolfs and samurai people!! :animesmil
  11. i would take Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist because he would be able to transmute trees and stuff into shelter. With his alchemey skills he would be pretty usefull, and because he is hot also; we would get along well; neither of us like getting called short! :catgirl:
  12. women would definatly make better villans because they are mysterious and can get away with just about anything. Nobody would suspect a lady. just because women are women does not mean they can't do anything, so you men better watch out...hehe :catgirl:
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