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Everything posted by Jenova

  1. What about galaga, i still play that sometimes, i remember playing it in the arcades hours at a time.That and Pac-man are classics. [IMG]http://www.retrosite.de/arcade/galaga_i.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.download-free-games.com/images/npacman.jpg[/IMG]
  2. I would be like Dante with his two guns Ebony and Ivory. [IMG]http://pix.auctiva.com/pix/06/52/63/E_I_Finished.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='nomad19']SSMB never gets old!! it's still the greatest party game ever, about the MUD's i've tried those it's pretty addictive, for a text adventure...[/quote] It is a great party game but what about all the Mario Party Games.
  4. Well know that i think about it i have 220 hours played on my FFX-2. No blitzball time played in it either.
  5. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Yeah. If you need new people to face, I'll fight you. I'm far from predictable, especially since I learned to grab items that are thrown at me. My friend threw a pokeball at me, and I caught it and threw it back at him, and he flew off the stage. Then he tried to get back on, but Electrode came out of the ball. I picked it up and jumped at him, killing us both... But he had one life and I had [B][I]two[/I][/B]. ;)[/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.ganonstower.com/ssbz-12.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] I guess, but i dont play with items, i think using items is pure luck. Example: both have one life i have 50 damage you have 150, and a mega tomatoe or a heart (wichevere takes youre damage back to zero) youre right next to it and you end up winning, when you shouldn't have knowing im better than you. Im more into the skills.
  6. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I've spent years fighting my friends in Super Smash Bros. Melee to the point that it's crazy... :animestun I don't know, there's just something extremely awesome about being able to kick Ganondorf's *** with Jigglypuff that hasn't gotten old in three years... ;) [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I can understand. But is it true that when revolution comes out they will make a super smash bros. online? I need new people to play and new challanges the people i usually play are too easy and predictable.
  7. [quote name='GreatBird']A shooter.....[/quote] So GTA San Andreas is a better shooter than Halo 2? that really depends if you have a PS2 and an X Box
  8. [quote name='GreatBird']Well for sports title it would have to be...NCAA Football 2006. As for adventure it was for sure The Legend of Zelda Ocorina of Time. The shooter is Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.[/quote] Where would halo 2 come in?
  9. [quote name='nomad19']it's ok, most of the greatest games of all time are the old ones. i remember slapping on zelda OoT a few months ago on my n64 just to relive the adventure :D[/quote] I still play my old zelda ames over and over right now im also playing Majora's Mask(spelling might be wrong.)and i play old games on my game boy advanced like the four swords, oracle of ages (spelling) , oracel of seasons and DX and others i can't remember.
  10. I've spent most of my time playing the suffering ties that bind. Still haven't passed it but when i have i'll replay it to get the different endings.(if theyre are different endings) After that i might have to go and replay The suffering.
  11. [COLOR=Blue]This thread can qualify to any FF move from limit breaker from FFVII, and overdrive from FFX. Is there anything in FF 8 or 9 don't remeber that well, long time since i played them. Mine of course would have to be from FFVII Cloud's Omnislash, and if I picked one from FFX I would pick Tidus and his Blitz Ace.[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=Hug Monster][COLOR=Purple]FF VII: I have not played much of it but I'd have to pick Choco/mog, cuz if you're lucky a giant chocobo will fall on your enemy :animeswea FF VIII: I've only seen like 4 but I'd have to say Sheeva... Quezcotl is cool but Shiva is sexy! FF IX: I don't have any yet but the battle between [spoiler]Alexander and Bahamut[/spoiler] was frikkin legendary. FF X: Alright, now I'e seen ALL of these and I'd have to say the best summoning goes to Shiva because she is the uber-hot ice godess. The coolest overdrive is either Ifrit with the hellfire because he throws that chunk of the Earth at the enemy, or the whats-it-called thing, the one that was [spoiler]Seymore's mom or whatever.[/spoiler] It basically takes you to hell, punches you a good 900 times, then rises.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I think it's called oblivion.
  13. [IMG]http://ps2media.ign.com/ps2/images/article/550/550563/devil-may-cry-3-200040923014017069.jpg[/IMG] This was the best DMC game of all, especially after the second one (wich almost ruined the franchise) What are youre comments on the game.
  14. Jenova

    Prison Break

    [quote name='Shinmaru']You know, I've been wanting to watch this show for a while now, but from what I've read I get the impression that I'd be pretty confused about things if I just jump in right now. Does anybody know whether the earlier episodes of the season will be shown in reruns or not? I think that I read something about new episodes going on hiatus for a while, so that might be a good time to catch people up on the series who didn't get into it quickly enough.[/quote] I think next week is the finally.
  15. Jenova

    Prison Break

    :cool: Have you been watching it? What are youre thoughts on who will be left behind .
  16. This question is mostly only for the final fantasy fans who have played 7, 8, 9 and 10. (I think those are the only ones) Wich is the most popular aeon in any final fantasy game? Mine would have to be Odin hands down from ff 7. :D What's your'es?
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