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Everything posted by MischiefLink

  1. I think it is not sick but that is probly cause I read the one about the watch..:p
  2. I sing real well! I also play acoustic guitar when I am at my dads.
  3. I play guitar I am just learning though. I also go to a music stor called Big Dudes and I play their Electric Drums I am getting pretty good at them and I am saving up for a set. I am also trying to start a band!!:D
  4. I liked the interviews they were realy good!:)
  5. I dont like it when people tell you what you are supposed to do. Or what you arn't supposed to do. That realy makes me mad:flaming:
  6. Why do you have to have 500 posts in order to have a home made avatar??:cross:
  7. Haha, No i wasnt talking about you Duo I was talking about me lol! No just kidding:babble:
  8. My weirdest dream was me and my dad were runing through a castle in the middle of the night and all of these trap doors and gates kept closing behind us and we finaly got out of the castle then a crowed of ppl came running and the ppl were all of my freinds and they had been turned into zombies. Me and my dad ran around a corner and pulled out all kinds of guns and flame throwers and **** and started shooting then they shot my dad and he died and i was so mad i ran out and just started shooting like crazy! And i ended up dieing. I had this dream when i was lik 4 or 5:wigout:
  9. Hi! I am a guy I am 13 and I know alot of so called friends of mine that probly wouldnt be nice. But you can usually tell that they wont be nice by how they treat their friends, how they talk, and what they are like when you first meet them. But I also know alot of guys that are realy nice and wouldnt hurt their g/f /wife.
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