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Everything posted by Wullf_Maximas

  1. It was getting cold. Breezing was becoming an attraction for young children. As puffs of warm air came out of there mouths and expanded into the air others would laugh. It was always soothing to watch children become so amazed by small things. While there parents worried over bills, jobs, and relationships they watched clouds and ants marching one by one. ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Children are so much simpler than grown ups. If it were up to children we would never have to hide are gifts[/COLOR].? ?You are a grown up Ronyo. Although you do hold a child?s since of wonder, but that in itself is because of your gifts.? ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]That may be Kal but still things are so clear cut as a child. Were they not for you as a pup[/COLOR]?? ?My days were spent with my brothers and sisters until I was old enough to venture out in the world. My world, however, was not filled with streets and buildings but trees and rivers.? ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Stop, your making me jealous again Kal. I wish I could live there instead of here, but my gifts are best served here or so you keep telling me[/COLOR].? ?And I will continue to tell you because I?m always right and you?..wait?.? ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]What is it Kal[/COLOR]?? Kal didn?t speak or move he stayed perfectly still. Only his nose moved up and down sniffing the air. Then his ears went up straight and his tail went down. A low growl came from Ronyo?s best friend and that was never a good thing. Ronyo was in a ready stance, legs spread shoulders width and arms out. His long brown coat moved a bit from a gust of wind as did his long red scarf. Ronyo watched and shifted his weight slightly when he felt the wind pull. Kal turned and went low to the soft grassy ground and his neck hair stood straight. Ronyo turned to see a man in a long black coat of shadows. ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Name yourself and your business[/COLOR].? Ronyo demanded ?I seek no confrontation with you or your wolf. I am simply the messenger here to invite you to an audience with my master. He wishes to talk with you.? Ronyo looked down at Kal who was still growling and that?s all he needed to see, ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]No thanks but I?ll pass. Tell your ?[I]Master[/I]? I will be unable to make it[/COLOR].? ?You will come druid, willingly or unwillingly.? The man?s hands came up and pure darkness flowed out of them. They came closer and closer until they slammed into the area Ronyo had been standing. Now he was in the air mumbling to him self a spell he hopped would do the trick. Upon touching to the earth softly Ronyo?s hand hit the ground palms out and energy flowed out of him. The man cloaked in darkness watched with a spell on his tongue ready to counter. His spell was lost when vines shot out from below him and entangled his arms, legs, and neck. Ronyo stood up and threw his coat back ready to move again. His green pants and matching shirt could be seen then. Along with his brown leather vest and brown combat boots. Ronyo brushed his long white hair out of his face and tightened his pony tail. Then the man began to laugh and as he did this he began to cast. The words that left his lips were dark and caked with evil. The vines holding the man seemed to lose all life and dry up. The dark figure broke free and charged Ronyo with fist full of dark energy. ?You?ll have to do better than that tree huger!? Half way to Ronyo the man was slammed hard in the side by a black mass. The man hit the ground and stood up fast. He leapt at Kal slapping the wolf aside and turning his attention back to Ronyo. ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]No one hurts my friends you rat bastard[/COLOR],? Ronyo?s tone was cold and serious far from his child wondering self from only a few minutes ago. The druid brushed up his sleeves to display two brown leather gauntlets with what looked like fangs from a large wolf. Ronyo crossed his arms and grabbed one in each hand with the point curving into his hand and down. As he pulled them away the right one seemed to flame while the left one seemed to look like ice. By the time Ronyo had his arms to his side the fangs had sprouted curved blades. ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Now come taste [B]my[/B] fangs[/COLOR].? The dare angered the dark man who charged Ronyo with his dark burning fists. Ronyo knew he had only one shot. For he may have been skilled with his blades but that skill had its limits. The man of shadows swung his right fist full of darkness as he came to bare on Ronyo. The druid swung out to his left and brought both blades across the man?s midsection. Flames and cold mist spread over the wounds, but as the man stood he seemed slightly unfazed. The wounds turned dark and seemed to blend in to him once again. However he didn?t speak but held the area Ronyo had cut. ?You will pay druid.? And with that the man slipped back into the shadows. Kal was now next to Ronyo a little sore but no worst for wear. The children had run from the park long ago, and would tell what they saw but still be unbelievable. ?What was that?? Kal asked ?[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I?m not sure, but I?m sure will find out[/COLOR].? -------------------------------------------------------- Hope that fits the needs. Ronyo's druidic powers work with the wind, water, trees, and earth. His swords are the only relation he has with fire and ice, but could learn to do something with those elements if he tried. Kal travels everywhere with Ronyo, and his story will come later.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]At the Pewter City Pokecenter the trio were seeing to Sigurd?s hurt pidgey friend. ?So, who does this little guy belong to?? asked nurse Joy ?Well no one nurse Joy, we found him beat up in the forest.? Sigurd answered ?Yes, we brought him here because we didn?t no how hurt he might be.? Ronyo added ?Really? That was quite kind of you, Sigurd was it? He did have some injuries that will need sometime to heal, so it might be best to come back in awhile.? nurse Joy smiled ?Hey, we can go check out the gym while little pidgey heals.? Azure piped in ?Sounds like a plan to me. I think pidgey is in good hands.? Ronyo smiled The group from Viridian Forest began to head over to the Pewter City Gym when the saw quite a gathering already there. As they got closer they saw it was people watching a battle going on inside. Ronyo, Azure, and Sigurd pushed past the crowd to get inside the gym for a better see, being a trainer had its advantages. The trio saw a number of people from Oak?s place. Most were watching a heated battle taking place with The head Gym Leader Brock and the boy Ronyo thought was called Matt. ?Look at that Onix, its huge.? Azure pointed out, the two boys were already watching the hulking beast. ?That?s the Onix Brock used in the war. I don?t know the details all I know is that is one tough Onix.? Ronyo stated as he watched in awe as the two trainers fought on. ?Can we even hope to beat something like that. I means its just so?..huge.? Azure mumbled as the towering pokemon bashed its tail down on the ring. The impact shook the entire gym and left a crater in its wake. ?The news from Viridian is Brock never uses this guy. This has to be a special occasion. See all those scars, that Onix has fought more battles then most trainers do with all there pokemon. Good luck Matt.? Ronyo gave a little bow in Matt?s direction. ?You still haven?t answered me. Even if Brock doesn?t use this guy, how can we beat such a giant pokemon?? Azure asked again ?We have to have faith in our team and ourselves. I won?t deny that I?m worried myself but that?s a good thing. If we went in there with big heads and the idea we would win hands down, well then we would be beat for sure. Like I said to Sigurd, we have to use the skills our pokemon know best.? Ronyo?s speech seemed to help all of them, even Ronyo himself. ?Your right, I?m gonna do my very best and I know my pokemon will do the same.? Azure said as she smiled at her Cyndaquil in her arms. ?Yeah will show everyone what we both can do, right Eevee?? Sigurd looked at he?s Eevee on he?s shoulder who was staring at the Gym Leader with a look of Challenge. ?Wow, maybe I should right some of these things down. They seem to be working.? Ronyo grinned as he rubber the back of his head. Anubis just gave an approving bark. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The three pokemon trainers were actually having good luck on their second day in Viridian Forest. With the injured pidgey in toe it meant they had to be quick and careful this day. Ronyo and Anubis were staying well in front of the group moving in and out of the trees to keep an eye on the locals. Meanwhile Cyndaquil and Eevee were keeping an eye out for trouble next to there partners. Soon Azure and Sigurd could see Ronyo and Anubis coming towards them with a smile. ?What are you smiling about?? Azure asked smirking herself ?Our time in the forest has come to an end, the exit is just around this bend here.? Sigurd and Azure looked at each other with excitement. The group decided to run the last few feet weather or not the forest was beautiful it had long worn that out. All Sigurd and Azure could think about was getting to the poke center and having a nice warm meal and a shower. The exit was now in sight and the group sprinted as fast as they could. That is until one of the Beedrill dropped in front of them with five of his new friends. Ronyo stood between the Beedrill and his new friends he held his hand out to stay them. ?We don?t have the time for this again, and we can?t risk the battle with the pidgey. When I give the word run for the exit and don?t look back, understood?? Ronyo said with while he glared at the Beedrill ?What are you going to?? Azure started ?Understood!?? ?Yes,? Azure said a bit shaken ?Yes,? Sigurd second Ronyo slid his hand behind him and brought out something small. He gave one more glare at the Beedrills and then threw his object like a baseball at the swarm. The object hit and exploded in a cloud of dust, it was one of Ronyo?s repels. Normally it?s thrown around a person and the cloud of chemicals set on a persons cloths which keeps pokemon away, but they didn?t have the time for that so Ronyo did the only thing he could think of. ?Now!? The group sprinted towards the exit like there lives depended on it. Ronyo and Anubis made sure they were running at the rear to make sure the repel bomb worked. It was, the Beedrill were mad but also scared of the strange attack from a human who shouldn?t be able to do something like that. The bugs flew off in all directions which, unfortunately, included Ronyo and there others. ?Damn, Anubis blast that insect!? Anubis fired off a fire ball straight at the Beedrill. Do to the insects frenzied flight it didn?t even see the blast. The Beedrill would have slammed right into the group and probably started stinging wildly out of fear. The fire shot slammed into the Beedrill and sent it falling to the ground. Ronyo gave a nod to the Beedrill and ran after his friends with Anubis right behind him. The group meet up on the other side of the gate breathing heavily and shaken. Ronyo and Anubis stood panting and smiled at the others. ?That was fun wasn?t it?? Azure and Sigurd just gave Ronyo a stern look of disagreement. ?Oh, sorry about yelling Azure. I didn?t mean to startle you I wasn?t sure how well the plan would work.? ?That?s ok, you just spooked me. I hadn?t heard you yell yet so I wasn?t ready for it. Thanks for the apology though.? ?So lets head to Pewter Cities poke center and take care of Sigurd?s friend.? Sigurd smiled as he held the pidgey who also looked a bit shaken but fine for the most part. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Sigurd and Azure just smiled and put the firewood down near Ronyo. Ronyo didn?t say anything just grabbed chunks of wood and began to arrange them inside a circle of rocks. Azure and Sigurd noticed that Ronyo?s Cubone was out as well. Bushido was using his bone the encircle the ring of rocks with fresh dirt to help keep the fire from jumping onto the forest floor. When Ronyo and Bushido were done they both took a step back to look at it. ?That looks good Ronyo. I?m glad we ended up traveling with you I don?t know what I would have done if I got stuck here at night.? Azure smiled ?Thank you Azure, I placed the wood so that will get the most light and keep the coals nice and hot. The fire will keep the bugs away as will the smoke. Oh yeah, Anubis light it up please? Anubis gave a little blow and lit the wood on fire. The flames spread quickly and illuminated there little camp site. Anubis gave a small bark to show he approved, while Bushido sat down with his legs crossed, bone laying across his knees, and back to the fire. ?What?s your Cubone doing?? Sigurd asked as he found a set next to the fire ?Guarding. Which is a good idea for the night. He seems insistent on going first, so I will relieve him later on tonight with Anubis. Either of you feel like doing some guard duty?? Ronyo asked as he poked the fire ?I?ll relieve you whenever you get tired if that ok. Me and Eevee should be well rested by whenever that is.? Sigurd and Eevee both gave a determined nod ?That?s fine with me, me and Cyndaquil have no problem sleeping in.? Azure said as she tickled Cyndaquil under the chin Ronyo nodded and continued to watch the fire until he heard a strange sound. He almost got concerned until he heard it again. It was the sound of six hungry stomachs, well until Ronyo heard his own which meant seven. ?I guess we all have the same idea. Well we need to preserve the big stuff we have, but I think I might be able to do something.? Ronyo said as he began sorting through his bag again. He pulled out a small black pot which he positioned over the fire using some of the taller pieces of wood Azure and Sigurd had brought back. Ronyo then pulled out a small can which contained a soup mixture. ?This can is small, but I can find some plants that we can mix in to add more sustenance, and if your Spheal can provide some clean water we can make this little can feed all of us.? ?I think Spheal can do that, come on out little on,? A red light flashed then in its place stood Azure?s new water ice pokemon, ? Can you give us some cool clean water little Spheal?? Azure pointed at Ronyo?s pot to show where the water needed to go. The little water pokemon was happy to help, and filled the pot about half way. ?Thank you Spheal, oh and I guess that makes eight now. No problem, you guys sit tight while I go pick some of the plants. Bushido you stay with everyone here.? Ronyo got up and walked into the forest with Anubis at his heels. I didn?t take Ronyo long to lose sight of his camp, but he knew the forest pretty well and had Anubis. Well more like he had Anubis? nose. The plants Ronyo needed were not that hard to find but Ronyo wanted some time alone. This was the most time he had ever spent around people, and as much as he enjoyed it he it also made him kind of nervous. Both Azure and Sigurd were great people which made things a lot easier though. ?Just need sometime to relax and look at the stars. What do ya think Anubis? There nice aren?t they?? Anubis looked up at the twinkling spots in the blue black canvas of night and smiled, well as much of a smile as his muzzle would allow. ?They always relax me and help me think. This new change in events defiantly makes a need to think. Oak gave us all pokemon so that we could have the opportunity to becomes great trainers, to become pokemon masters if we choose. That idea has got me thinking though, Oak sent a lot of us out with pokemon to try and become pokemon masters. In truth though there can only be one pokemon master, the one who beats the Elite Four. We all can?t beat the Elite Four, that just isn?t possible is it?? Anubis listened to Ronyo and appeared to be thinking about the words. Finally the wolf pokemon walked over and nudged Ronyo. ?your right Anubis, I do need to get back to the others. Thanks for listening though boy. Guess my question has no answer at the moment. Guess I?ll have to learn more about to answer it.? Ronyo returned soon after his conversation with Anubis, with the plants. Ronyo made the soup and poured some for everyone into cups and a few pans the group had. The group ate and Azure and Sigurd talked more while Ronyo sat by the fire with his two pokemon is silence. It was peaceful out here, as always. ?[I]better get all this in, I might not get many more chances when this really gets going[/I].?[/COLOR]
  5. OOC: I figured I'd try a new color in the post to livin things up. :animesmil [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Ronyo and Anubis were trying as hard as they could to stay away from any unnecessary fighting. A battle could provoke more than they were ready for, and that could lead to trouble. Anubis kept his nose to the ground and ears in the air. Ronyo had his ears alert as well, and his eyes moving back and forth. Sigurd and his Eevee stayed close to Azure but was doing well as a rear guard. Either Sigurd or Eevee almost always had their heads looking back the way they had come. Azure was doing well to keep quite, although she did want to say how beautiful the forest was. Suddenly Ronyo stopped and held his hand up for the others to do so. Ronyo took a knee and brushed the ground with his hand. Anubis gave the same area a sniff and then a slight growl. ?There was a battle here. Between Beedrill and as far as I can tell a fire and grass pokemon. I see signs of another but only fleeting, must have been a flying type as well. All these pin missiles suggest a large number of Beedrill. However several impressions in the ground show signs of things hitting the ground from a hovering positions. Which means the Beedrill lost.? ?you can tell all that from the dirt?? Sigurd asked ?If you know what to look for anyone can. Plus being in this forest enough I know what signs Beedrill leave, and what there wings do to the ground. The scattered seeds and burned vines tell me about the grass and fire pokemon. I?d have to say these pokemon belonged to some of our comrades from Oaks.? ?How did you figure that?? Azure asked ?I?m just guessing on that one, but I don?t see many grass types in this forest and no fire types. I just hope?.? Ronyo?s words ended with what he hopped not to be. Four Beedrill hovered in place just a few feet from them. They had marks showing they had either been in or been way to close to the battle that took place here earlier. Either way, they were pissed. ?Azure, Sigurd you two ready?? ?You bet.? They said together The Beedrill broke off and surrounded the team on four sides. The hovering bug?s hand stingers began to glow indicating they were about to unleash a hail of pin missiles. ?Cyndaquil smokescreen!? Cyndaquil obliged her partners command and let out a thick black cloud of smoke. The Beedrill hesitated for a moment but that was all they needed. Eevee and Cyndaquil broke through the smoke and tackled a Beedrill each knocking them out. The smoke cleared again as a fire ball seared through the wall of black and slammed into a Beedrill. The flame attack dealt massive damage to the insect, but only enough to enable it from fighting. When the smoke finally lifted Ronyo stood with Anubis behind him, and his new friend Bushido in front. The Beedrill was taken aback by how quickly his fellow Beedrill had fallen, and now staring at a ready Cubone made it even more nervous. ?Your call Beedrill, we have to quarrel with you. Leave and you won?t force our hand.? Ronyo gave the insect its ultimatum. The Beedrill for what ever reason reacted with anger and rush the human had spoken to it. Ronyo just nodded to Bushido who in turn rushed forward at the Beedrill. At the last second before impact the Cubone spun to its right avoiding the Beedrill. Bushido completed his turn and brought it bone club down onto the unaware Beedrill. Bushido walked over to the unconscious insect and gave it a bow then a bow to Ronyo. ?Well done Bushido, return for now and rest.? Ronyo smiled at he?s Cubone and returned it to his poke ball, ? Well Azure, if you wanted a Beedrill now?s your chance.? [/COLOR]
  6. As the three trainers walked towards the end of Viridian City and ever closer to Viridian Forest Azure had a more than usual beaming smile. Her new pokemon, a Spheal, was now happily stored in a poke ball on Azure?s hip. ?That?s a great catch Azure. I think that Spheal needed a good friend to care for it, and plus now you have something to use in your Pewter Gym battle.? Ronyo said as he watched Azure skipping along ?I know, its really cool, and he?s so cute too. Now I got a water and a fire pokemon.? Azure smiled ?That Spheal is also a ice pokemon. That will double your chances against Brock.? Ronyo had heard enough about Brock to know what awaited them. Living in Viridian City meant they got a lot of news from the only other city with a gym that was close by. Since Viridian?s Gym was now more of a place for the homeless then a gym leader, trainer news came once a week and was the talk of the city. Ronyo always heard how Brock sent another selfish trainer running home, when Ronyo actually made it into the city on the rare occasion. Sigurd, however, had a look that did not share in Azure?s happy mood. He seemed to be thinking very deeply on something. He actually had begun to fall behind the other two as they talked. Anubis actually clued Ronyo into what was going on by giving him a nudge. When Ronyo looked down to see why his pale had hit him, he saw Anubis looking at Sigurd. ?Sigurd, your gonna get left behind if you keep this pace. Last thing I wanna do is lose someone in the forest.? Ronyo stated Sigurd looked up and realized he?d been falling behind. He quickly caught up to the others and gave an embraced smile. ?What?s up?? Azure asked with such a cheery attitude Sigurd felt obligated to tell ?I was thinking about the Pewter City Gym, and the fact that Brock uses rock types. I have full confidence in my Eevee but I just don?t know if were going to be able to effect his pokemon.? ?Type doesn?t matter,? Azure and Sigurd gave Ronyo an odd look, ?Well ok, type does matter some, but it doesn?t mean the difference in a battle. Sure Brock may have a pokemon with a hide of rock so what. Use what you have and use it with confidence. I?ll bet Brock?s team of rocks can?t match Eevee?s speed, I bet Eevee could run circles around any of his pokemon.? ?You think?? ?Think nothing, I know I?m sure of it.? Azure smiled Sigurd smiled and looked down at his Eevee, who was walking with he?s chest out and head up. Sigurd chuckled at the sight and decided he would show Brock what he and his Eevee could do. ?Well here we are, the entrance to Viridian Forest. Hope you two are ready, lets go.? Ronyo said as him and Anubis walk in. ________________________________________ OOC: hope you don?t mind me taking a few liberties with your char Sakazaki :animeswea . If you don?t like it I can always change it. :animesmil
  7. Ronyo, Azure, and their new companion Sigurd were still in Viridian City figuring out what they should do next. Ronyo knew that once they left Viridian City they would have to go through Viridian Forest. Although Ronyo did visit the forest often he never went to far in. Ronyo knew what lay in the forest and what they had to prepare for. ?Would you two mind if we stopped by my house first? I would like to grab a few things to help us get through the forest. That place is beautiful but also dangerous at times,? Ronyo stated as the three walked through the city. ?You live here? That?s has to be nice living next to Victory Road,? Sigurd said with a smile ?I guess, I really don?t stay in town much. I like sleeping outside under the stars with the trees acting as my blanket.? Ronyo said as he closed his eyes to picture what he had done only a hundred times. Both Azure and Sigurd stared at him for awhile until Ronyo realized he was being watched. He turned to look at the two and gave a embarrassed smile. ?Sorry, I just really enjoy sleeping outdoors.? ?I think it nice to hear you so poetic about it. So where is your house?? Azure asked with a beaming smile ?Just up the road here.? As the three approached Ronyo?s home Azure and Sigurd saw the piles of mail sticking out of his mail box, and stacked next to his door. Ronyo took no notice of it and walked straight inside. When Azure and Sigurd peaked in they saw that the place wasn?t in bad shape, just not lived in a lot. Everything looked like it probably did when Ronyo first moved in. They heard a rustling down one of the halls and Ronyo cursing a heavy box that had fallen on his toe. Azure, Sigurd, Cyndaquil, Eevee, and even Anubis stood in Ronyo?s living room listening to the amusing statements coming from down the hall as Ronyo looked for whatever it was he was looking for. Minutes past and Eevee and Cyndaquil past the time playing on the floor. While Azure and Sigurd had found chairs to sit in and chat. Anubis lay close to the front door watching Cyndaquil and Eevee play. Finally Ronyo came out with a old brown leather backpack and bag full of something. ?These are repels, I keep a few with me when I?m in the forest in case I get jumped by a swarm of angry Beedrill. They only last for a short time and I only have two left, but they will come in handy incase of an emergency.? ?Your pretty well prepared for Viridian Forest aren?t you? I guess you go there a lot?? Sigurd asked ?A lot would be an understatement. Most people in this town would say I live there, my mailman being one of them.? ?Yeah, you defiantly have a lot of mail. Do you ever open it?? Azure asked ?Sometimes when I?m home. I really don?t have need for anything I getl. I pay my rent every month on the same day, and sell berries I find to the local Pokemart to help earn money. Oh speaking of berries, I do have a few Pecha and Oran to help us along too.? ?Man, you act like you?ve been preparing for this.? Sigurd said ?Not really, I was actually very surprised when I got the letter.? ?Wow, you actually got your letter?? Azure smiled Ronyo recalled what he had just said about his mail and couldn?t help but laugh a little. ?Yeah, I did. I guess it was fate or something.? The three trainers left Ronyo?s house in a good mood, and headed for Viridian Forest.
  8. Ronyo had no problem with having Azure and her Cyndaquil tag along. Ronyo wasn?t much of a social person but it never hurt to try no things. Besides Azure seemed quite chipper and kind spirited, so at the worst he might get tired of to much kindness. Ronyo just chuckled at the thought and looked down at his new friend. ?So, what made you pick a Houndour?? Azure asked ?Well, as odd as it sounds I didn?t really pick him. I found him after he had been attacked by one of the Ekans. I saved him and then asked if he wanted to come with me. Anubis really is the one who made the choice.? ?Anubis!? that?s kind of a morbid name.? ?Yeah I know, although he seems to like it and it seemed fitting since I found him so close to death. Plus its kinda cool as well.? Azure just giggled and looked down at the houndour, who was carrying Azure?s Cyndaquil on its back. ?It?s nice to see they get along well.? Azure said as she smiled at the two. The four of them were heading for Viridian City where they could then decide on there next course of action. The general idea was to gain eight badges from eight different gyms to gain access to the Indigo Plateau. ?[I]Terms in general are always easier said than done.[/I]? The routes gave them no choice but to go through Viridian City, through Pewter City, and to Cerulean City. However once there they could either go to Saffron City or make their way through the Rock Tunnel and to Lavender Town. So the path for now was set for them. They would get their badges, hopefully, from the Pewter and Cerulean gym leaders first. The whole trainer concept was still sinking in with Ronyo and was taking it time in striking him with the reality of the daunting task in front of them. Route one wasn?t so bad though, it was about the same as when Ronyo had walked it last coming to Pallet Town. Azure was occupying the time with stories from her youth, stories of her family, and anything else that popped in her head. Ronyo didn?t really mind, he wasn?t listen all to much but he did catch most of what she was talking about. In truth Ronyo seemed more to enjoy just hearing someone else talk to him. He spent so much time alone that this was the first time since his youth that he had talk with anyone this much. Well, Azure was doing most of the talking. The route was for the most part uneventful. It was covered over with vegetation and pokemon. The wild birds and the like swarmed areas of the road. With Anubis? presence though most of the wild pokemon stayed clear. A fire pokemon was one thing, but Anubis was a fire/dark. All the houndour had to do was give wild pokemon a leer and they would keep their distance. Having Cyndaquil on his back only enhanced this ability. Azure and Ronyo?s pace was slow and more like a stroll. Both trainers were enjoying the sites as much as the adrenaline rush from being trainers now. They really hadn?t seen any people go by that were from Oak?s lab. ?[I]guess were at the end of the trainer train?..oh that was kinda bad, even for me[/I].? The light from the sun was staring to turn red on the horizon and be engulfed by the tree line ahead of them. Both trainers had begun looking around with the thought of finding a good flat place to set up camp when the heard movement beyond the bushes beside them. Both gave a hand to their pokemon to stay, and the two inched there heads through the shrub. On the other side they saw several Rattata rearing up at a Cubone. The Cubone was in a fighting stance, with its left leg forward and right leg back. Its bone was in both hands held back parallel with it right leg. The two could see one Rattata had already been knocked out by the Cubone. ?[I]wow, the little guys brave and looks like he has some fight in him too[/I].? One of the Rattata rushed in and gave a tackle for the Cubone?s left leg. The ground pokemon spun and clubbed the rat on the head. He continued to spin and carry the rattata behind him and then continued to spin and slammed the bone into another rattata that had tried to tackle the Cubone while its back was turned. ?[I]two at once, not bad.[/I]? Three rattatas remand and all decide to attack at once. Two came in on the side with a tackle, while the one in the middle came on with a quick attack. The Cubone took out the rattata to its right but took the quick attack in the back for doing so. The other rattata came full force with its tackle to the Cubone?s left leg. The Cubone hit the ground hard and lost grip of its bone. As it reached for its weapon the rattata with the quick attack stood over it. ?[I]that?s it, I?ve had enough of this?[/I] ?Anubis! Defend the Cubone? Ronyo yelled as he stood up from the bush and pointed at the Cubone. Azure was right behind him. ?Cyndaquil back up Anubis!? The two fire type pokemon responded without hesitation and were standing beside the downed Cubone. The Cubone looked up at the two guarding him and caught Anubis? glance. The wolf pokemon nodded at the ground type and then returned it?s leer at the Rattatas. ?Cyndaquil, smokescreen!? ?Anubis, show them who there dealing with. Give them a howl.? Cyndaquil let out a puff of black smoke that filled the air. The rattata began to cough a bit from the smoke. Then they heard Anubis? howl and it sent chills up their little spines. Although the howl wasn?t meant to do that, it was a nice bonus effect. ?Anubis, Ember shot!? ?Cyndaquil, Tackle attack!? Anubis let out a ball of fire that slammed into one of the rattata, and at the same time Azure?s Cyndaquil knocked another rat pokemon down. The last rattata seemingly the wisest took off with its tale between its legs. Ronyo turned to the Cubone and picked the pokemon up. ?alright little guy, lets get you to Viridian City, and a pokemon center.? Ronyo and Azure were still a ways away from the city, but with Cubone in tow they double timed it. They hit the city limits around nightfall. ----------------------------------------- At the Center ----------------------------------------- ?The Cubone you brought in is doing fine. Its very strange to see a Cubone so far from its normal area around Lavender Town. So, which one of you is his trainer?? nurse Joy asked ?Well neither Nurse Joy, we found him being jumped by seven rattata so we helped him out. He was hurt pretty bad, but he sure took out a good deal of them. He took down one before we showed up and three more after that.? Ronyo said with what sounded like a trainer rooting for their own pokemon. ?wow, that?s impressive. You sound like he?s your pokemon though.? nurse Joy smiled. A short time later Chansey brought the Cubone out. He walked over to Ronyo and Anubis and just looked at them, then at Azure and her Cyndaquil. He have Azure and her Cyndaquil a bow of thank you, but when he turned to face Ronyo and Anubis he dropped to one knee and bowed his head. ?He?s a strange one isn?t he? I?ve never seen a pokemon do that before. It reminds me of a samurai accepting a new master.? nurse Joy stated ?Well, looks like you got yourself a new pokemon.? Azure said with a smile Ronyo looked at the Cubone and smiled then bowed. The Cubone seemed to smile and Ronyo dropped a poke ball on the ground. The Cubone nodded and tapped the ball with its bone. The ball took the little ground type in and the light went off. ?Welcome Cubone, I think I?ll call you Bushido. It seems fitting, and I?ll keep you in here for awhile. You deserve a good rest,? Ronyo looked at Azure, ? so, where to now??
  9. Ronyo had walked away from everyone as soon as Oak let them go. He managed to find a grove of trees put together to resemble a forest. ?[I]if its good enough for pokemon, its good enough for me.[/I]? Ronyo began his walked towards the distant makeshift forest still with his long brown leather coat on. The wind had decided to pick up again, so Ronyo pulled his coat closer to him to keep it from flapping about. Thoughts were jumbling around his head like crazy. He had heard Oak tell them about his talk with Lance, he had heard about the lack of decent trainers, and he most defiantly heard Oak tell them to choose a pokemon to start their own journey. When he got the letter from oak he was pretty sure what it was about. Not many people went to Oak?s and left without a pokemon. Still that didn?t make the shock any less real. He would be going on a quest to become a great trainer. ?A great trainer?.what the hell does that even mean? Am I suppose to become a gym leader, change the world outlook on human pokemon relations, or even defeat the famous Elite Four. Can one man really change and effect so much? I wonder if I could?..? Ronyo was stopped by a sound. It sounded like a howl but something seemed odd about it. The howl seemed like a cry for help. Not being one to sit and watch Ronyo took the last few paces towards the makeshift forest with fast strides. He made it inside the trees but couldn?t see anything that could have made that noise. Then he heard it again but fainter, Ronyo raced in the direction and when he found the noise he stopped. It was a Houndour and it was holding itself up with one paw. It had a bite mark on its left front leg that was being tucked under its belly. Facing it was an Ekans, and a mean looking one at that. The snake pokemon was moving in a way to suggest it was about to strike. The houndour couldn?t take another hit from those poisonous fangs but the houndour glared at the Ekans as if daring the pokemon to do it. The Ekans lunged in and the Houndour opened its mouth and let out a ember shoot that sailed over its attacker. The Ekans opened its mouth ready to bite down, but stopped. Its head was being held inches from the houndour?s muzzle. Ronyo stood holding on to the poisonous pokemon. ?I love all pokemon, but you my friend need a new point of view. Just so happens I?m now a trainer as such I?ll give you a free move. Its called fly!? With that Ronyo chunked the Ekans over the trees until it disappeared from sight. Ronyo smiled and looked down at the houndour. It stared at him and then bowed its head in what could only be taken as a thank you. Ronyo knelt down and put a hand on the wolf pokemon?s head. His hand brushed the dark pokemon?s thick hair and the slowly went down to the wounded leg. The houndour growled but only in contexts to the pain. As Ronyo looked at the bite he could see the pokemon was poisoned. Ronyo stood up and looked around at the trees and bushes surrounding him. His eyes caught sight of what he was looking for. ?Don?t worry I will be right back.? Ronyo ran off through some bushes and returned shortly after with a handful of Pecha Berries. He held one out to the houndour and the pokemon devoured it within seconds. Within what seemed like the same amount of time the houndour stood up on all fours. It licked its old wound then looked at the man who had just helped him. It walked over to Ronyo and sat down waging its tail. ?Oh, so I see your better now, that?s good.? Ronyo knelt down again and stroked the pokemon fur again. ?That?s it, good boy?..I?m assuming of course you?re a boy right?? The houndour barked and licked Ronyo?s face ?I take that as a yes. Well how would you like to come with me on my new quest? Together we can figure out what a good trainer is suppose to be and aspire to, how?s about that?? The houndour waged its tail faster and jumped on to Ronyo. The houndour?s front paws where resting on Ronyo?s shoulders. ?Sounds like a yes to me. You?ll need a name though huh? Let me see???well I know its kind of morbid but how about Anubis, since you were so close to death when I found you.? The pokemon seemed to be thinking it over. True the name was a bit on the darker side, but then again houndour was a dark pokemon. With that in mind Houndour gave another bark to accept his new name. Ronyo smiled as he pulled out the poke ball Oaks assistant had given them. He held it out to show Anubis what he was going to do. ?Out and in alright. We gotta make it legit now.? Ronyo put the ball on the ground and watched as Anubis touched it with his paw. Anubis vanished into the poke ball instantly. The ball didn?t even shake the light went off as soon as Anubis was in the ball. Before Ronyo could pick the ball up to release his new friend Anubis popped out. ?Well then, it seems you?re a step ahead of me. So what do you say we get back to the meeting room?? Anubis gave a bark and the two began to walk back towards Professor Oaks meeting room.
  10. Ronyo was actually starting to feel a bit out of place. He wasn?t much of a people person and all these people were starting to make him antsy. Ronyo would much rather be outside in the woods with pokemon. People for the most part always seemed to have something wrong with them. He didn?t usually run into people who didn?t have something they thought was so bad, it was more important then anyone else?s problems. Pokemon were always simple and straight forward in their lifestyles. However a few people however seemed to be generally nice and gave Ronyo a reason to step back a reassess them. The one who gave him the hot chocolate seemed nice, actually almost overly nice, but that wasn?t a bad thing. The other he noticed was the one who seemed to have come in covered in?.well Muk. She seemed like a person who appreciated nature as much or if not more then he did. Although from her look, she seemed to be on the plant side, Ronyo gave a chuckle at this thought. Ronyo scanned the room again and just saw a mess load of people. It was beginning to be clear that whatever Oak had in mind it was big. All Ronyo could do was sigh and sip some more on his hot chocolate. ?[I]How many more people can he have invited. People are going start thinking Oaks throwing a party or something.[/I]?
  11. ok, here?s one or two. 1: What about leveling our pokemon? I know it goes without saying we can't go from a Charmander to a Charizard in one battle. However most of the Pokemon actually have odd Real Life, real life being from the anime more or less, criteria to meet. Like Cubone is suppose to evolve once he/she no longer feels lonely. 2: What about catching other pokemon? Can we catch pokemon that do not appear in an area from the game? For instance in the game you can?t catch a Dratini on Route 2 in the game, but can we (with a good reason) catch one on Route 2.
  12. Ronyo had made his way into Pallet town and was enjoying looking around. He really hadn?t seen any of the other cities in recent years. Ronyo sighed and by doing so made a puff of warm air come out of his mouth. The sigh was manly just to make that happen. ?[I]Simple minds I guess.[/I]? this time Ronyo?s sigh had purpose The man from Viridian City could see several tracks in the snow leading to a house. Ronyo really didn?t need any further clues to which house was Oak?s. Ronyo gave three knocks on the door and could hear people talking. The door opened and let a warm waft of air out into Ronyo. The waft was nice and filled with the smell of coffee. Oak stood at the door in his lab coat and welcomed him in. ?Hello Professor Oak, I received a letter asking me to?? Ronyo was cut off by Oak. ?Yes yes, I know what your going to say. If we have to hear everyone ask me why there here, then this day is going to take a lot longer then I thought. Please help yourself to some coffee and introduce yourself to the others.? Ronyo smiled and nodded. He looked around the room and could see only three other at the moment. A young lady with a big smile, and two guys. Both looked young, but most likely not to far from Ronyo. One was in a hooded sweatshirt and the others most notable trait was his goggles. The lady walked up to Ronyo to introduce herself. ?Hi, my names Azure. I heard your name was Ronyo?? ?Yes that?s correct.? ?Never seen you around town. Where are you from?? ?Oh I?m from Viridian, although I guess its not odd to get people from Viridian here.? ?Not really, it seems most of the trainers who come here are from Viridian,? The guy with the goggles walked over, ?Names Demetri, and the guy in the hoody over there is Matt.? Ronyo shook Demetri?s hand, and gave a wave to Matt which was returned. ?So, how long until Oak gives up the reason for summoning us all here?? Ronyo asked while he sipped his coffee. ?Whenever everyone gets here. I suggest you get comfortable, this could take awhile,? Azure said with a smile.
  13. In Viridian City Ronyo kept manly to the forest near by. Watching the pokemon move and live there normal lives. On one of Ronyo?s few trips back to his home he was greeted by his always unpleasant postman. The unpleasant attitude was manly just at Ronyo, since he didn?t come home for so long he normally let his mail pile up. Ronyo was greeted with a grunting smile and handed his new mail. Ronyo just waved and smiled as the postman walked off and Ronyo began shifting through his mail. He came across a letter addressed by Professor Oak. Ronyo was so shocked he dropped the rest of his mail and just stared at the letter. He began to rip open the envelope as a gust of wind came by and sent his dropped mail sailing. As Ronyo began reading his letter his postman was standing with a dumbfounded look as he watched Ronyo?s mail just glide across the wind. The postman just gave a sigh and a grumble and walked away. [I][COLOR=Navy]Dear soon to be Pokemon trainer, I would like to invite you to my home in Pallet tow for a meeting with a few other pokemon enthusiasts like yourself. I have been given a interesting proposition and believe you fit the idea for it. I find it so wonderful when I get to help new trainers on their journeys, and see them begin a journey that will make wonderful memories for future generations. Oh my, I seem to be beating a dead Ponyta. I will simple end with I look forward to meeting you. Sincerely[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]Prof. Oak[/COLOR][/I] Ronyo couldn?t believe it. Professor Oak himself was inviting him for a meeting with other would be trainers. Ronyo ran into his house and gathered up the things he might need on his new journey. Ronyo also made sure to grab his old long brown leather coat, since the weather seemed to be getting gloomy outside. So here Ronyo now stands, on the edge of the outlining forest that surrounds the majority of Pallet Town. Ronyo took a deep breath and began walking towards Oak?s house.
  14. [B]Name[/B]: Ronyo [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Physical description[/B]: On your typical day Ronyo can be seen in a pair of black cargo pants, a crimson red undershirt, and a forest green overskirt that hangs a bit low. Ronyo stands at 5?8?, depending on what poke mart he?s coming out of, and weighs about 150 lbs. He keeps himself as clean shaven as he can, but on those long treks can get a bit rough. His long white hair comes down to about his mid back and is held together with a piece of brown leather. Ronyo wears the same old black shoes he was wearing the day he started his pokemon quest. A satchel hangs from his left side holding all his medicine, for him and his pokemon, any food he has purchased and a few extra poke ball. The poke balls with his team are clipped around his black leather belt with a Ninetales belt buckle. Around his neck hangs a necklace with a Houndour head as the charm. [B]Personality[/B]: Ronyo is a real nature lover. He could spend days outside in the woods and never feel bored. Spending so much time in nature has given him a nice understanding of wild pokemon. He finds he has trouble relating to people because of all the time he?s spends outside and alone. Alone isn?t really the right choice of words, because Ronyo is never alone because he has his pokemon. His houndour was his first pokemon and is Ronyo?s best friend. Ronyo talks to houndour a lot, who is almost never in his poke ball, for the fact that houndour really doesn?t talk back. Ronyo does have a nice since of humor once he gets to know someone, and has the tendency to come up with some bad jokes. He?s pokemon quest gives Ronyo a great chance to live in nature, and to try and work on his people skills. He believes that his trust in his pokemon is what will carry him to the top, and who knows maybe even beyond. [B]Pokemon[/B]: Houndour, aka Anubis man, so many mistakes you don't catch until after you post. As a hint for everyone, read your post after you click submit. it always sounds different in your head then on the screen, and make spell check your friend :D
  15. Ronyo saw a group of vampires running through the woods. As he got closer he noticed they were fleeing from Trellion. As nice as that was to see Ronyo took off after the one who were attempting to escape, knowing if they did they would get word to Malkite. Ronyo saw Trellion take chase as well knowing the same. There seemed to be four left from the group that attacked Trellion and they were running far from each other, most likely to try and not become one big target. All it succeeded in doing was make them less of a threat. Ronyo?s eyes glowed green as he began asking the forest for help. As one vampire leapt from one tree to the next he was stopped in mid air by the very tree he had jumped from. It help him aloft and upside down. Ronyo came by quickly using the wind to increase his speed. Dragon Fang came in fast and took the Vampires head as he past by. The beast turned to ash and the tree let the dust float away. Trellion had caught up and dealt with two more of the cowardly vampires, dispatching them with his staff. The last would be for Ronyo. The vampire running from him had stopped running through the trees after seeing what happened to his comrade. Ronyo eyes were once again glowing green as he raced his way after the vampire. Tree roots shoot up in front of the creature halting his continued escape. Ronyo was right on him not giving him a second to utter a sound. Both of Ronyo?s fangs had come across the vampires head in an X shape. The unnatural creature?s head exploded from the combined elements of Ronyo?s two swords. Trellion caught up with Ronyo seconds after. ?These accursed creatures will give us no rest tonight. We will be quite busy as Watihala gains her information.? Trellion said as he sneered at the ashes of the fallen vampire. ?Aye, and I do believe Vulpus has found another patrol group. Shall we?? Ronyo waved a hand in the direction he had received Vulpus?s call.
  16. OOC: I?m assuming we?re back outside. Since I?ve seen several post indicating trees, so I?ll go off that for now. ICC: Mayhony?s tricks seemed to be getting more and more elaborate. Now they were once again separated as a whole and all racing for one of Mayhony?s ribbons. With so much planning and preparation it seemed odd to all come down to this. A tiny piece of cloth would determine there fate in the grand heist to come. With Mayhony?s ability to vanish and cast allusions of herself clearly would give hear in advantage in this game of cat and mouse. Ronyo saw Drou and Vahn follow Mayhony and keep pace. There training aloud them similar abilities to reappear where need be. However Mayhony?s talent was added by the fact that this was Mayhony?s place. She knew every inch of this area and could use it to her full advantage, which meant she could appear in places the rest of them hadn?t seen yet. Ronyo watched the three dance through the trees and come always inches from each other. Dawn had vanished and seemed to be waiting for Mayhony, and Tifa was watching Mayhony carefully. Ronyo?s guess was to study Mayhony?s abilities and try and discover a pattern in the areas she appeared around. That could take hours though, and since Drou and Vahn were keeping on Mayhony?s heels her pattern was most likely sporadic. Then Ronyo since Mayhony appear close by him. ?You gonna stand here all day or do you plan on trying?? Mayhony asked with what Ronyo could only assume would have been a smile. For no sooner had she spoke then she had vanished once again. ?[I]This game could go on for hours and none of us could get a ribbon. Mayhony seems well fit as well, so there is no hope in waiting for her to tire[/I].? Then Ronyo remembered back to the trail of traps. He had let the squirrels guide them on smell not sight, and again sight seemed to be the handicap. Ronyo almost grinned and decided it was worth a shot, although smell would be useless here too. Ronyo closed his eyes and focused on the sounds around him. He could hear the leaves move and stir when someone would move quickly over them. Then he heard a thud then another and another. These were Drou, Vahn, and Mayhony?s feet making contact with either tree trunks or the ground. Ronyo listened closer and then heard it, a difference in sound from one of the three thuds. Mayhony was lighter since she was a women and that meant her steps also came lighter. Were Drou and Vahn?s steps were not stomps they had a weight behind them. Ronyo drew his blades and waited until he heard it again???.THUD. Ronyo was off, he dashed towards the sound still with his eyes closed and then he heard it again. It really wasn?t that far from the last one. Again Mayhony?s feet touched something and Ronyo continued to follow the sound until he heard the sound loudly. Ronyo opened his eyes to see Mayhony looking away from him. She was watching for the other two, and keeping a sharp eye out for Dawn. Then Mayhony gasped as she noticed Ronyo was no longer stationary. Ronyo?s blades came within inches of taking a ribbon from Mayhony. Mayhony stepped back then lunged forward with a strike up high and down low from her weapons. Ronyo meet the blades with his then slid a knee up between Mayhony?s outstretched arms. Mayhony bent back in time to avoid the knee and at the same time withdrew her blades and completed her bend into a backwards summersault. She was crouched ready for an attack, but then vanished as Drou and Vahn came striking in. there attacks coming within inches as well. ?Very good boys, but you?ll have to do better, and I?m keeping my eyes on you from now on Ronyo. No more sneaking up on me like that.? Mayhony laughed. ?[I]Well hell, back to square one[/I].?
  17. Ronyo and the other moved around so they could help Vahn up and then began looking around. Suddenly Ronyo felt little claws and noticed the squirrels had fallen down with them. They jumped out and looked at Ronyo. ?thanks very much for your help. Unless either of you can get us out of this cage I think you can go now.? The squirrels made some noises then scampered off looking for a small outlet in the area. Ronyo smiled then got an idea. ?I got it, all this time we?ve been trying to use are best tricks to accomplish these tasks. Why don?t we tone things down and try a little finesse. Like the saying goes, don?t use cannon ball to kill mosquito.? ?Alright wise man, how do you propose we do that?? Vahn asked ?Well to start with we did[B] [I][U]fall[/U][/I][/B] down into this cage. So that means the top has a opening. If the three of us guys act like steps we can get the girls out. Since they weigh less we can toss them the last few inches if need be, and between the two of them I bet they could find a way to let the rest of us out. I see nothing more harmonic then that.? ?At this point I?m game for anything,? Drou grinned Vahn and Drou got on there hands and knees and knelt shoulder to shoulder, there was barely enough room to do this. Ronyo perched himself on top of the two makeshift tables and helped Dawn and Tifa up. From there they would climb onto Ronyo?s shoulders and jump out. Dawn went first and Tifa followed close by. The two nimble thieves made it outside the cage and began to search for a way to release the others. ?Wow, it actually worked. Would you look at that,? Ronyo chuckled ?That?s great now could you stop standing on us,? Vahn and Drou snapped at Ronyo ?Hehe, sorry guys ? [I]at least they agreed on something though[/I],? good work by the way,? Ronyo hopped down as Vahn and Drou just brushed themselves off.
  18. Ronyo watched as Vahn and Drou went back and forth throwing all there tricks at the unseen traps. They hadn?t moved much from there general location as the two turned Mayhony?s training area into what looked like a military war zone. After Vahn?s last trick the group had begun to move once more and slowly but surely made there way through the forest of traps. As Vahn said about 1/8th of a mile in and they could all tell the shockwave had not reached this far. ?Well it was nice while it lasted. It seems you guys have spent a good deal of your energy so far. Lets see if I can help out the rest of the way. You guys will need your strength, for there is no telling what awaits us after this trek through Mayhony?s forest,? Ronyo stood looking at the trees and bushes ahead of them. The traps were not visible to the eye but that was only one since they didn?t have, ? I think we need some extra help on this one.? Ronyo smiled and knelt to one knee. He touched the ground and looked around a bit. Nothing large was getting through to this neck of the woods, but something smaller could. Ronyo slowly neared a tree and examined it for anything that would tip him off to a trap. After being satisfied of no danger Ronyo began making a sound?.almost a clicking sound. The others stared at him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. After a short while two small squirrels came down from the tree. They jumped on to Ronyo?s shoulder and scurried around. Ronyo put both his hands out and the two sat on either hand. Ronyo only seemed to stare at the animals but in truth he was doing much more. The squirrels cocked there heads as if listening to something, but nothing could be heard. After a moment of this the two began shaking there tails and ran down to Ronyo?s feet. The squirrels began sniffing the ground and giving areas good hard looks. ?These two will be able to guide us for a good ways. Mayhony may be good at setting traps but I doubt she masked her scent. Smells we might not pick up on, most animals come across daily. Since these two seem to live here I can only assume they know what smells of danger and what smells of safety. Be carious still, for they travel a narrow path. Stay close together in a line. No one walks next to anyone or away from where I walk. This way we can keep a steady pace and make it to Mayhony?s hideout without fear of harming one an other or the forest around us.? The group nodded and followed Ronyo and his friends through what they could only hope was the last leg of this journey they had began.
  19. OOC: I apologies for not posting for awhile. I was under the impression that some more people would be joining. I was trying to give them enough time to post, then I had school problems?anyways back to the story. ICC: ?If you think you can handle Malkite Wati, then I shall join Trellion in securing the grounds. I do agree that we should mobilize at once. The sun is starting to set, and by the time we reach Lord Malkite?s castle it will be nightfall.? Ronyo knew this first step would be an important one but also one of the hardest. Confronting a vampire lord at night was one thing, but in his castle was another. The trio of druids began there trek towards Malkite?s castle all knowing the danger that awaited them. Hopefully Malkite would be happy in entertaining Watihala. The vampire had a weak spot for pretty women and watching them perform a dance or talent they possessed. He was a bit of a oddity in the vampire world. He thought himself far more aristocratic then any other of his ilk. He satisfied his blood lust with a stock given to him by barons and human lords. He wasn?t known for feasting upon those who came as guests. Usually he spared his guest lives in trade for money, favors, or promise of bodies to ad to stock. As the three came with in sight of Malkite?s castle Ronyo stopped them to get some details down. ?Wati your best bet would be to play as a aristocratic noble. Malkite will accept you can entertain him or promise him something in return for his ?gracious? acceptance of an audience. Me and Trellion will secure the ground and make sure we can make a quick escape if it comes to that.? ?I believe the trees will provide us with the help we need,? Trellion smiled ?Then I shall see you two after my meeting. Hopefully on good terms,? Watihala nodded and then was off to Malkite?s castle. Ronyo and Trellion nodded to each other and began to walk the grounds. Malkite would have guards around his perimeter. There job would be to make a escape route safe, and be able to run in if Wati needed them. OOC: I will play the part of Malkite, so as to advance the story where it needs to go.
  20. Ronyo smiled as he drew a card. ?This is turning great. I can already since this is gonna be a duel to remember.? ?Alright, first off I play my [COLOR=DarkRed]Twin-Headed Behemoth [/COLOR] face up in attack position.? [COLOR=DarkRed]Twin-Headed Behemoth[/COLOR] Wind Dragon/effect *** Atk/ 1500 def/ 1200 ?He won?t be around long though. Now I play my trap card. Go [COLOR=Indigo]Call Of The Haunted[/COLOR]! With this I can summon a monster to the field from my graveyard in face up attack position. So come on back [COLOR=DarkRed]Luster Dragon[/COLOR]. These two are great dragons but nothing compared to this guy. Now I sacrifice my [COLOR=DarkRed]Twin-Headed Behemoth [/COLOR] and [COLOR=DarkRed]Luster Dragon[/COLOR] to summon, My [COLOR=DarkRed]Red-Eyes Black Dragon [/COLOR] in attack position!? [COLOR=DarkRed]Red-Eyes Black Dragon[/COLOR] dark Dragon ******* Atk/ 2400 def/ 2000 ?I?ll add one more thing to the mix, My [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Nitro Unit[/COLOR]. I attach this to one of your monsters, and when I destroy it you not only take normal damage, but also the damage of your monsters attack points straight to your life points. So go my dragon, attack his Fisherman.? The Red-Eyes opened its mouth and let out a blast of circling flames. They struck the fisherman and exploded. Then the[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] nitro unit [/COLOR] appeared next to where the Fisherman stood and exploded itself. The shockwave pushed both duelist back a bit. ?So that should bring you to 1100 life points,? Ronyo smiled and waited for Adamu?s next move. --------------------- OOC: sorry about the late post. I realize my attack was big but I haven?t touched my deck since we started so I really did draw these cards. In the big picture though I have nothing in my hand now, so that would be the downside.
  21. As Ronyo landed from his fallen tree he and Tifa could finally see the others. Vahn and Drou seemed to be arguing while Dawn looked on. Looking around at the electric fence made Ronyo wish he had brought his new gloves. ?[I]That?s what I get for being stupid[/I].? ?Knowing Mayhony this part won?t be easy, or at all clean. If that mines any indication of the rest then we best be on are toes,? Ronyo said to Tifa. ?Should we help those three? They seemed more concerned about showing up one another then on this test,? Tifa sighed as she watched the three. ?There are comrades we need to help them. Mayhony said we needed to start working together so I think its time we start.? Ronyo looked around for anything that would hinder him walking up to the others. He thought about how well hidden these traps would be, and decided to stop searching so much. These would probably go off no matter what. Luck was on Tifa and Ronyo?s side however and they made it safely to the other three. ?Long time no see. Looks like your having just as much fun as we are,? sarcasm dripped from Ronyo?s words, ? Mayhony isn?t playing games anymore it seems. Basically we either learn to work together or die trying. This is no longer about beating someone to the finish line or getting rights to first shower. This is real, ad are lives are on the line now. It doesn?t matter how much training any of us have had, if we mess up now we die. We all have our talents so lets use them. Tifa and Vahn you two keep your eyes pealed for anything out of the ordinary. Dawn and Drou need to follow back and between you two, so if anything does happen someone can be there to help the other. I?ll take rear and keep my eyes on the wide view from the back. Between the five of us we should be able to make it out of this mess alive. So what say all of you??
  22. Ronyo couldn?t tell how him and Tifa stood in the race. No one seemed to be going on the same path. Ronyo could only hope that all the tip toeing and back tracking they had been doing was leading them in the right path. Some of the traps were less concealed then others, but that only seemed to further the danger. For the easy ones put you off your guard and made for the possibility of tripping a hard to see one. Tifa?s eye sight had proven most valuable in finding the most difficult traps. Occasionally a wondering animal would give Ronyo an idea as to where a group of traps lay. Although most of the animals seemed to be the wiser and stayed clear of this part of the forest. The trees were becoming less and less dense however which gave Ronyo and Tifa hope for a close end. ?Mayhony is either really brilliant or needs a lot of help. These traps would have taken months to lay,? Tifa sighed. ?I would have to say a bit of both Tifa. Although I think we all fit that category,? Ronyo smiled as he used Wolf Fang to push a bush aside and in the process tripped a bear trap. ?Good grief, she has every kind of trap you could think of. I wouldn?t be surprised if she had dart traps as well.? ?Don?t say that, now were bond to run into one.? Ronyo sighed and smiled together, for Tifa was probably right. Hopefully safety was keeping them the quicker for not stopping at every trap. They may have been moving at a brisk walk but they were keeping a steady pace. Only a few stops to make sure they were clear. They could only keep going and hope to run into?.well one could only assume Mayhony?s vault. That was the only thing she hinted at being out here the whole time. The two thieves continued to press on.
  23. Ronyo shook Trellion?s hand grateful to see someone else come to help. Now they would be able to gather the information they needed. ?Alright, I?m gonna go ahead and lay this on the table. We need information about what?s going on with the vampires. Information like this won?t come from a normal infected or even a common pure blood. Will have to ask a vampire lord,? Ronyo could see by his new allies faces the thought didn?t sit well with them either, ? There are only three lords in this area for us to choose from and none of them are push overs. There is Lord Steal in the high mountains, Lord Van? who lives just on the boarder of the woods, and Lord Malkite who dwells near the river. Malkite is the closest and the easiest one to get to. I think since he is so enclosed within in the forest it will play more towards are benefit. Even with that said once one of us is inside that castle we will be on his ground.? ?Wait, what do you mean once one of us gets in? Don?t you mean all of us?? Trellion asked. ?No, I do mean one of us. Since there are only three of us we need to keep are numbers a secret. All of us walking up to a vampire lord not knowing if he is apart of all this would mean show are entire hand at the beginning. We must act with the utmost secrecy. For this I have something of a plan. Wati I was hoping you would be the one to see Lord Malkite. Unfortunately I must play the sexist card, for your gender gives you the advantage here. Malkite is known for entertaining females of all races, so you would have the easiest way in. You will not be alone though, for if I cam manage it I shall watch your conversation from a roof top window overlooking Malkite?s thrown room. I?ve spied through it many times to keep tabs on my neighbor, and make sure he doesn?t go outside his welcome. To add to that, he has never actually proven a threat to this forest. That doesn?t mean he isn?t planning something now however. Back to the matter at hand, Trellion I was hoping you could watch are backs outside. I know Malkite keeps guards, and if we get in a bind will need a way out fast. I hope your Dryad skills can help us there.? Ronyo watched the two react and waited to hear there input.
  24. Ronyo looked at Tifa and smiled. This should be fun and very truth telling, Ronyo thought to himself. Ronyo watched as Vahn took off into the trees and disappear. Ronyo thought about doing the same, but that would have meant leaving his partner behind. That wasn?t something Ronyo was willing to do. ?Vahn?s takin the high road so will take the low road, and get there before him,? Ronyo smiled at his joke and hopped Tifa caught it, ?knowing our dear hostess this place will have more traps then bees have honey. That mean caution will be more needed then speed.? The two began moving through the woods on foot and I the general direction they were already running in. After a few steps Ronyo stopped and tilted his head. Something didn?t feel right. Which most likely meant a trap. The nature man knelt down and brushed his hand over the ground. It had been walked on a couple times, not much but enough for Ronyo to believe Mayhony had reset this trap a few times. That meant he was set off by simple movement, which a animal or the wind might be able to do. Ronyo went all the way down to his stomach and put his check to the ground. He looked for a wire or something wrong with the ground. [I]?No wire, but that doesn?t mean the traps not set off from walking. That would leave a pressure plate then, which could be to thin to see until you step on it[/I].? Ronyo saw Tifa looking around cautiously as well. She was looking at and around the general area Ronyo was looking at. ?Hey! Ronyo what?s that right there?? Tifa asked as she pointed to a small spot on the forest ground. Indeed the spot was different from the ground because it looked like dirt had been purposely dusted in its area. It was subtle, and very well concealed. If you weren?t looking for it you wouldn?t have caught it. ?[I]Heck, I[B] WAS[/B] looking and I didn?t catch it. Tifa?s ability must have helped her catch it[/I].? Ronyo moved slowly to the spot and gently brushed a small amount of dirt away. Under the dirt lay a shiny piece of metal. Ronyo smiled and gave a thumbs up to Tifa. He grabbed a tall stick and placed it in the ground next to the plate, to insure no one else tripped it. As he stood up his heel came back an inch from were it was onto another plate. Ronyo heard the click of the trap activating. ?[I]Oh shit![/I]? Ronyo crouched in a ready stance waiting to see what would happen. He felt the ground under him move and with that he made a back flip in Tifa?s direction. As his arched back passed over the area of the plate, metal spikes shot up and stopped right under back. Ronyo heaved his legs up to miss the protruding spikes and landed in a crouch close to Tifa. ?When she said the where everywhere she meant it.? The two pressed on even more careful then before.
  25. [B]OOC[/B]: as is my deck. I have my deck next to my comp so I?m just going to draw and play you like normal. :D ------------------------------------------- [B]ICC[/B]: Ronyo was so excited he was dueling twice in a day. Ronyo shuffled his deck and drew five cards. He looked them over carefully seeing ideas from each. It wasn?t a bad starting hand so Ronyo felt even more confident. ?Alright first off I?ll lay one card face down in my spell and trap zone. Then I?ll play this, my [COLOR=DarkRed]Luster Dragon [/COLOR] in attack mode.? [COLOR=DarkRed]Luster Dragon[/COLOR] **** Wind Atk/ 1900 Def/ 1600 ?With him on the field I can play this as well. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Stamping Destruction[/COLOR]. With this I can destroy one spell or trap card on your side of the field, as long as I have a dragon on the field. Plus when I destroy your spell of trap card you take 500 points of damage directly.? Ronyo?s [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Stamping Destruction [/COLOR] appeared and made Adamu?s spell or trap card shine. ------------------------------------------------ [B]OOC[/B]: I let the cards effect wait until your turn. Incase the card has something else it can do. ;) [I][B]edit[/B][/I]: sorry, the magic cards effect ends my turn. I didn't plan on attacking yet. :animesmil
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