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Everything posted by Wullf_Maximas
?[I]this day just keeps getting better and [/I] better.? ?Wow, really! Alright so what do you say about right here? I?m always ready for a good duel.? Ronyo couldn?t believe his luck. He wasn?t almost regretting the rest of his stay at Duel Academy because nothing was going to top this?well maybe nothing. Then he saw a young female duelist who requested to play the winner. ?[I]man, its just one big dueling day[/I].?
Ronyo watched as the young druid went to lay down. She was the first and hopefully not the last that would come to his call. Ronyo could only wonder what was to come, what would happen at the heart of all this, and could they survive it. The sun wasn?t quit at the top of the sky yet, so it must have been a bit after mid-morning. Now that he had help, maybe they could find something to tell them why this was happening. Their first goal needed to be in gathering information about why the vampires were swarming like they were. That meant finding a vamp and keeping him alive long enough to question, or?well the only other thing would be to ?visit? one of the local lords. The ladder of the two didn?t appeal to Ronyo much. Normal vampires were one thing, and even normal pure bloods didn?t pose to much of a problem, but a lord?that was something different. The more Ronyo thought about the more it became clear that only a lord would have the information they needed. Something this big wouldn?t have been entrusted to the infected or the common pure bloods, such a thing was below the lords. The trick was who to see, because being a druid he had good dealings with none. All would rather see him die then tell him the plans of there race. This new druid gave them added strength that could help tip the scales now if only?..Ronyo?s eyes caught a blue bird flying right to him. He saw Vulpus running along side it bounding with excitement. The druid of the Fox Hole woods held out his hand for the cerulean fledgling. ?what news have you my flying friend?? ?[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I come on behalf of request made by Ronyo the druid. I come to deliver that druid Trellion has heeded or call. He will arrive around noon[/COLOR][/I],? with that the blue bird flew off and left a song trailing in the wind. ?Thank you my friend. Well now that makes three. Can three do this?..this task set out before us? Do so little really care about the future of this world,? Ronyo turned and looked into his cave,? if that is so then we shall still defend it. For such is are task in life as druids.?
Ronyo smiled at the two Ras. Maybe these two could help him, they seemed polite enough. ?I was looking for duelist, one unparticular. He was the top Slipher last year, and supposedly did so well he was promoted to Ra without question. I was hoping to duel him so I could see where I stand. I?ve had so much fun here on the first day I was hoping to keep it going. Would you to know where this awesome duelist is?? Ronyo kept smiling as the two Ras exchanged smiles of their own. For some reason Ronyo knew these two knew who he was talking about. ?[I]Hope he isn?t to much further. I?m getting tired of all this walking[/I].?
Ronyo smiled as he was walking around campus. Just being here was a dream come true for him. He had practiced and spent countless nights fixing his deck. Now that he was at Duel Academy he was constantly happy. Now he was on a mission though, because he had heard about a old Slipher who had done so well his first year got bumped up to a Ra. He wanted to see how he stacked up to this guy. Even if he lost it what still help his game. ?Now?where is that Ra dorm?.maybe over here?..Why does this place have to be so [B]huge[/B]!?
?Go [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Blade[/COLOR]! Take down his [COLOR=DarkRed]Luster Dragon[/COLOR]!? A black armored knight wielding two evil blades lunged forward at his defending opponent. His twin blades struck home and sent the dragon scattering into tiny pieces. Behind the former [COLOR=DarkRed]Luster Dragon [/COLOR] stood a boy with a smile on his face. ?Don?t look so smug,? said the boy behind the [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Blade[/COLOR],? Your about to lose this duel.? ?If that?s what you wanna go on thinking fine by me. Just don?t get your hopes to up, because its my turn. With it I activate my trap card, [COLOR=Indigo]Call Of The Haunted[/COLOR], and bring back my friend [COLOR=DarkRed]Red-Eyes Baby Chick[/COLOR] in attack mode. He won?t be around for long though because he?s a growing boy. Now I sacrifice [COLOR=DarkRed]Red-Eyes Baby Chick[/COLOR] and summon forth my [COLOR=DarkRed]Red Eyes Black Dragon[/COLOR] in attack mode.? A large black dragon appeared giving the opposing knight clad in black armor a glare with a promise of destruction. The dragon?s bright red eyes made the glare?s promise hold even stronger. ?But since you managed to beat my last Red-Eyes, I think it only fitting I up the stacks. I play [COLOR=Navy]Polymerization[/COLOR], and fuse my Red-Eyes with the card in my hand the [COLOR=DarkRed]Summoned Skull[/COLOR]. Together they create the ferocious [COLOR=DarkRed]Black Skull Dragon[/COLOR], and with 3200 attack points he puts your Blade to shame. However with your life points at 1600 you would still be in this, but I did say [I]Would[/I]. That is if I didn?t play this, [COLOR=Navy]Nitro Unit[/COLOR]! I attach it to your [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Blade [/COLOR] and now you take the normal damage you would have plus that of your Blades attack points. Allowing my dragon?s full power to still be felt.? A strange looking engine appeared on the back of the [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Blade[/COLOR], and began to glow with bright energy. The now [COLOR=DarkRed]Black Skull Dragon [/COLOR] opened its mouth and unleashed a powerful stream of fire. The blast hit the dragon?s opponent dead on and created a massive explosion. Do to the [COLOR=Navy]Nitro Unit[/COLOR] the BOOM was then doubled. All the remaining life points of the [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Blade?s [/COLOR] owner went to nothing, much like his [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Blade[/COLOR]. The boy was on one knee and had his arms up to shield him from the blast. Even though it was a hologram the explosion still looked real. The [COLOR=DarkRed]Black Skull Dragon [/COLOR] disappeared as the young man turned his duel disk off. The boy walked over to his opponent and put his hand out. He helped his opponent to his feet and smiled. ?Almost had me there, but my dragons always come through for me. You get those traps down and I might be in for my first upset.? ?Thanks Ronyo, I will and you better be prepared to lose next time,? The other boy smiled. ?[I]First day here and I?ve already had a great duel. This is going to be the best year ever![/I]?
Ronyo smiled and looked over the gloves carefully. Thank you Mr. Charge, I will make sure they?re given the proper respect when handled.? Ronyo shook the mans hand and looked over to see Mayhony and the others begin their run. He smiled and thanked Howard again, and ran over and up his tree. He had stashed his bag up here in a nice sized owl hole. The bird had flown the coop already so it gave Ronyo a nice storage area. Ronyo put his new equipment in his bag for safe keeping. He shouldn?t need them on a quick run through the woods., but planed to get in plenty of practice with them and his swords. He smiled again and took off through the tree tops and a brisk pace. He needed to catch up with the others. Thanks to the trees he managed to catch up to them and keep pace. He looked down and caught Mayhony?s glance. He waved and gave a thumbs up in thanks until he could tell her face to face. He continued to follow his teammates via the trees, and had fun in crossing over them now and again.
Alright Deathsye get your game on. Name: Ronyo Age: 17 Gender: Male Rank: Slipher Red Appearance: Ronyo stands about 5?6? with long blonde hair. He keeps it up in a pony tail just about all the time. His eyes are dark green with a bit of brown around the outer ring. He wears a white school jacket with the Slipher Red trim. His jacket is left open to show his black shirt underneath. Khaki pants and black shoes finish his attire, and of course he has his deck on his belt in a case. Deck Type: Dragon Best Card: Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Bio: Ronyo?s dueling was well received but his test scores were only decent. They were high enough though to give him a high rank among the Sliphers, if that?s saying much. His deck has taken many sleepless nights to put together and it?s still not complete. The one thing he always tries to remember is to always duel for the reason he started, to have a blast. My deck is my real Deck, so I won?t be pulling cards at random. Anything I play I really have.
Ronyo watched as Tifa and Drou walked outside. Tifa?s gift was quite remarkable; it gave her the ability to see into a person?s past. Such a gift would come in handy if interrogation became needed in there job. Ronyo turned to watch the two outside and smiled as he saw them converse with spots of scarlet playing on their checks. ?[I]So, their finally getting it out. I was wondering how long it would take[/I].? It was strange, Ronyo thought, that in all of one night so much had happened. In just one night Ronyo had seen more human emotion then he had seen in his life. The strangest part was this all came about over a plane to steal something. None of these people would ever have meet if not for this job, if not for Mayhony?s love of the city, if not for the poor state the city was in, if not?.for any of it. It all seemed to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece looking so different from each other but finding a way to fit together just right. Ronyo blinked as he came out of his thoughts and looked around. Only the four of them were up at the moment. ?[I]Mayhony needs to ring that bell again, or blow something up. These people sleep like the dead[/I].?
I know I'm triple posting (slaps self) The thread is up for those who are in. The sign up thread will remain up for a time, so come and join the fun.
The tree tops swayed as a lone figure made his way along them. His pace was swift and with a purpose. Below him three other figures followed along the ground. They moved with an odd urgency, almost like animals hunting for a long awaited meal. The tree top runner made bounded off a near branch and landed a few feet in front of his pursuers. Sweat gleaned on his checks and made his silver hair cling to his face. His green and brown eyes stared death into the ones who had been stalking him. The three brought blades to bare and opened their mouths to show large fangs. The one they had been following showed fangs of his own, but these were made of steal and wielded in his own hands. His twin scimitars Wolf and Dragon Fang gleamed from the rays of moon light through forest canopy. The wind blew hard and brought wail of death on it. The gust blew the scimitars masters red scarf to and fro as if dancing. ?Come you abominations of nature, come and meet your deaths vampires.? The statement brought smiles to the three children of the night. They leapt at the man with alarming speed. The first came in wild and with a heavy horizontal slice. The man stepped back and let only the breeze from the blow touch him. Dragon Fang, his left blade, however meet the creature in the heart. The vampire smiled since the blade was not silver. He smiled, until he felt searing heat running through his body and then nothing. He was rendered no more than a pile of ash. The second and third vampire attacked with more control and together. Each on of the tree man?s blades worked separately to fend off the two vampires. The second, on the man right, made a heavy lunge and paid for the over aggressive attack. Wolf Fang parried and reposted with a slash and thrust to the heart. This time in place of heat came cold, but even more so than this creatures own blood. The vampire stood in place with his skin a bluer hue of white. The last vampire went on the defensive, but it was all for not. The man rushed in gave a low feint, which the careless vampire went for. Then brought both blades to bare making crossing slices on the creatures neck. As the last vampires head rolled of the man stepped back and looked at the frozen one. His hate for these creatures was great, so great he didn?t finish the abomination with a thrust from Dragon Fang. He sheathed his blades and began chanting. Slowly flames began to collect around his hands, and after a time burned brightly. His final words sent the rush of fire at the vampire. The blaze engulfed and incinerated the blood sucker. When all was over the man sat against a tree and tried to relax. He called forth several birds and his best friend Vulpus the fox. His friend greeted him with a playful nudge and then sat down. ?My friends we are faced with a dire situation. These vampires have begun popping up more and more. Several crows have brought word they also walk the nights in the cities. This is to great for just are clan to handle. I need each of you to go forth and find others who are willing to fight back. This land is vast so be quick about your mission. Go my friends, find help!? [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] Ronyo could only hope that help would come soon. No matter how many came anything was better then him alone against these creatures. For Ronyo feared these vampires were planning something on a global scale. They had become too aggressive as of late to be just a crazed feeding. He couldn?t dwell on that now for he needed to get back to his cave and recuperate his lost strength. Ronyo had told his animal friends where any allies could find him, his cave. It wasn?t much to look at but it was far more inside. Ronyo had found the cave in its present condition and could only speculate it would have been a Dwarven mine, but something must have gone wrong. However Ronyo had gone over the cave several times and never found anything wrong. The opening of the cave was large enough to allow someone access without having to duck. Just inside the entrance one would see two doors Ronyo had put in. One lead to his vault, and the other to the rest of his ?home.? tunnels and small areas at the ends dotted the inner most room. Ronyo?s room lay straight ahead from entering the inner room. All the others were free for what, or now who, ever needed them. Once Ronyo had reached his home he found a spot just inside to relax in. Vulpus went to stand guard just outside the mouth of the cave. Ronyo would wait here during the day for his new allies, but at night he would have to patrol the forest for vampires. If he gave them any slack they would act on it faster then he could react. Now time too was his enemy, until helped arrived.
OOC: sorry I didn't catch your edit last night Knuckle's Girl. I guess whe had the same idea kinda. ICC: Ronyo caught both winks and each time made him think. He was busy on the eggs and bacon at the moment so couldn?t think to hard or? ?Ouch! Damn that hurts.? Grease had leapt onto his, now, ungloved hand that held the skillet. He gripped the skillet hard so as not to drop it and returned his full attention to his cooking. He did know what he was doing, with his father being gone at work for most of his youth, he just slipped. Ronyo had caught only faint parts of Mayhony?s conversation, but not enough to make any idea of what she was talking about. He finished his cooking and placed everything on a table. He took a few strips of bacon for himself and walked outside. As he ate he studied the surroundings again and again trying to get an idea of this vault. He also began to wonder how they were going to be split up. He finished off his bacon and took another good hard look around. He closed his eyes and let the forest speak to him on its terms. The wind brought forth smells of early morning dew and wet vegetation. He bent low and placed his hands to the earth. The ground remained still and calm, meaning nothing was moving much as of yet. He opened his eyes and stared at the trees, and watched them sway with the gentle breezes that blew by. The wind was coming out of the south and changing slightly to the west. Ronyo stood up and smiled the voices of nature always calmed him down when he had a lot on his mind. Whatever happened he would be ready, and was starting to get anxious about the test. Ronyo walked back inside and waited on the others to get up.
Ok, I think what I'm gonna do is leave the sign up open until Thursday night. If no one has added we wil go ahead and start, but i will keep the sign up open for awhile longer incase people would like to join after they see what this is all about. Kredion, thanks for editing,So Kredion your in too. Sorry took me so long to get this. I was hoping on a few more to start out with.
Something about the attack didn?t sit well with Ronyo. All the way out here for one man didn?t?. ?Ronyo did you hear me, what were you saying before we went to see what that noise was?" Tifa asked again. ?Oh, I?m sorry Tifa. Just thinking is all. I was asking if you would like to talk about what?s on your mind. It usually makes me feel better when I can tell someone, or in my case something, about what troubles me.? Ronyo stopped in is tracks and looked back towards the spot of the attack. Drou said this guy was a class A assassin, but he came in with what seemed like no intelligence. Surly a tracker would have known him and Tifa were also outside and within ear shot. But there was a gun shot, and Ronyo didn?t remember Drou carrying a side arm. That meant the tracker fired?..it didn?t add up. Why would a class A tracker take such a risk in killing one man. Suddenly Ronyo realized Tifa was staring at him. ?Oh no, I did it again didn?t I. I?m sorry Tifa.? ?It looks like you have things on your mind as well. Maybe we can both be trees for one and other,? Tifa said with a smile. ?Haha, yeah, maybe. Guess I should take my own advice huh? Well I think enough of Mayhony?s rules have been broken for one night. Let?s head back to the front of the house and share what?s on our minds. If anyone asks your just helping me keep watch for awhile just incase the assassin?s men want revenge or something like that.? Tifa smiled and nodded, and the two walked around to the front of the house. Although Ronyo?s mind was still on the puzzle of this assassin, who went out of his way to kill Drou in such a rushed manner.
?Yes it calms me down as well. The drops almost seem to have a cleansing feel to them. My head clears and I can think better.? Ronyo smiled and looked down to see what Tifa had dropped. It was a bow and an arrow. He picked both up and looked at the tree behind Tifa. ?An archer, well that?s good to see. In this age of guns it?s nice to see the tried and true still practiced. Although I don?t think the tree would appreciate being shot by something that was made from one of his kin. Trees have feelings, and scars, too. However trees show all their scars weather it be inner or outer. A tree hurt from the inside will droop and seem to be weeping. Its leaves will lose their shine and come off a dull green.? ?You seem to be able to read trees like I do people,? Tifa smiled. ?I wouldn?t go that far. Trees are much easier to read then people. As I said they hide nothing and keep only the secrets said by the wind.? Ronyo looked at the archer and noticed her looking in the distance. She seemed to be listening but at the same time thinking. ?Well, if I had to make my first deduction on a person, I?d have to say you?re troubled by thoughts.? ?Huh?oh sorry. I guess I?d have to give you an A on that try. For I am a bit confused,? Tifa said as she looked back into the distance. ?Care to share your secrets good wind to this humble tree?? Tifa giggled, then smiled, ?Well as long as you stay as silent as a tree, I see no reason why?..? She was cut short by the sound of a gun shot. They both reacted quickly to the blast. Ronyo tossed the bow and arrow back to their owner and took off at a swift pace to the back of the house, his Fangs bared. Tifa followed close behind with an arrow knocked and ready. They found Drou standing around a ring of dead men. All had a throwing star protruding from their necks, all but one. The one at Drou?s feet was missing his head. ?Drou, what happened here? Is everything alright?? ?Just a previous job?s loose ends that needed tying up,? Drou said as he whipped his blade on the soft grass below.
Your story is good, but it?s your grammar that?s hurting you. You need to look at your punctuation more. If you?re writing all your post right in the reply trey that could be what?s hurting your writing. Try pre-writing your story in a word processor program and have it spell and grammar checked. Trust me it works wonders. You don?t honestly believe I can spell half the big words I use in my stories do you. I like your race and character, and you seem to have a good grasp on your race. I also noticed your writing seems to flow more when your characters speak then when you?re narrating. I?m not saying no yet, so if you fix up the punctuation and flow a bit I think you?ll be a welcome addition to the RP.
Mayhony said sleep. Ha, like that was going to be easy tonight. So much was running through his mind. He had found a tree close to the house were he could relax, and at the same time watch for anything going on. Things were moving fast now that he had joined this band of thieves. Only time could tell him if he had made the right path in joining. So many new faces and perceptions on the world. He had only known the woods for so long people seemed like the wild animals to him. People seem to always have secret motives on everything. In that way he liked the animals more. For it was always clear what they wanted from someone or something. ?People puzzle me, they seem to never be satisfied. Then again what am I saying I?m a thief too. Everyone seems to have different reasons for taking this job. Some seem to enjoy the rush, some the riches, and others?well others I still have no clue,? a raven landed on the branch adjacent to his,? what do you think? Am I just thinking to hard about all this, or is some true?? The raven gave him a look of understanding and tilted its head as if in thought. Suddenly the bird took off from a noise in the distant. Ronyo froze like the branch he sat on. The tree gave him all the cover he needed but still he was on edge. He saw a figure running back towards the house. As it got closer he could see it was one of his teammates. The one who still hadn?t introduced himself formally. The rain hadn?t let up, which added to Ronyo?s cover, but his tree acted as an umbrella. The soggy ground made the runners tracks clear. Once Ronyo?s fellow bandit was inside Ronyo began to follow the tracks back via the trees. It was most likely nothing, but Ronyo just wanted to make sure. He found a point were the tracks changed dramatically. Only the tops of his feet made indentions at points showing fast movement. A large patch of mud was flattened and spread out. ?something fell here, and judging by my comrades tracks I?ll gamble he took whatever it was down.? But the flattened area didn?t silhouette a animal but more closer to a human. ?Maybe are friend took care of an unwanted guest but then where is the body. Mayhony did stress no unnecessary killing maybe he remembered that. Hmm, a lot of maybes here.? Ronyo didn?t have enough to say anything for certain. Who was he to question someone?s motives for taking a run at night. He lived out here after all. He returned to his tree near the house and nestled in for the night. Only one night has past and already some much has happened. Tomorrow could only get more intense.
Ronyo just gave a smile to the two on the couch. ?well then I guess I?m next. I?m a nature lover. Grew up in for a good portion of my life, so I usually stick to the woods. This is my first job with others. Most of the time my only partners are these two on my back,? Ronyo glanced slightly to his swords, ?I seem to have learned how to read signs the trees, animals, and the wind make. Its not perfect but it allows me to stay one step ahead when need be.? Ronyo smiled and turned to stare out the window. The water from the rain still dripped from his face and cloths. He didn?t bother to wipe any of it off. It seemed to calm him almost.
?I do believe the man with the scar is Drou, and of course you?ve meet are leader Mayhony. The man in black hasn?t given his name yet. The others include a women named Dawn, and another I also have not heard profess a name.? Ronyo looked around the room as he gave his little role call. Then he smiled and looked at Mayhony. ?For whatever reason it seems are other friends have been delayed. I think we should go ahead and start this meeting without them. It will be easy to fill them in later.?
Ronyo walked in as the women he had tracked here came down from the attic. ?I saw her coming a ways back, and shadowed her until she got here. My concern was anyone following her, but even for a tired person she kept clean tracks.? Ronyo smiled as water still cascaded down his face. He noticed one of the group sharpening his sword, Drou he thought he heard as he was walking in. The man in black was present and silent as usual. That left Dawn and the other who they had seen and heard very little of. He smiled as he had forgotten about the women standing there. ?My apologies, the name is Ronyo.?
The land is vast and wide. The main landmass is sea locked on three side, North, East, and West. The South leads to another continent, if you will, that spans just as vast. Another large land mass spans more than three times that of the main land. This area is filled with far more exotic creatures and people. Main land: This area is dotted with different climate zones. The north is filled with frozen tundra and blinding blizzards. The East is home to scorching deserts and little to no rain fall. On the Western side lies the great forest, where Ronyo lives. The forest range in size and population of animals. The South is the thick jungle of the Main Land. Here is where some of the largest and smallest animals of the Main Land live. South Land: This land mass is connected by a large southern land bridge from the Main Land. Since it is so close to the Main Land southern region it to is heavily dotted with jungles. Only the far South of the area is more of a flat grass land. Eastern World: This massive patch of earth is seen almost as a world of its own. The North West is covered in mountains and hill lands. These mountains stretch themselves all the way until they hit the Eastern most half. Here is were the land is broken up and comprised of many close islands. The South half of the Eastern World is dry and that of a desert. Rain comes more often here than in the Main Lands desert but not much more. The Far Southern tip of the Eastern World goes much further south then the South Land. At this point the temperature plummets and becomes a land of moving ice and constant snow. All these lands can have druids come from them. The animals Ronyo sent can easily pass on there message to other animals, such as ocean dwelling creatures. This Vampire threat I made will span more than just the Main Land. City life around these areas is much of what you would think could live there. Feel free to create towns and cities your character may have come from or been near. Any questions, ask them here, or PM me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again my absence from the boards is showing. :animeswea I will correct future mistakes before they are posted.
To add, I discussed Nefertimon's race of half-vampire and gave it the O.K. Her sign up has more than proven she can handle this race. I would like to keep this race to Nefertimon alone. We also discussed her race remaining secret for a good deal of the main RP, so know figuring it out after 3 posts. Oh and if you didn?t catch Nefertimon, your in. :animesmil
The tree tops swayed as a lone figure made his way along them. His pace was swift and with a purpose. Below him three other figures followed along the ground. They moved with an odd urgency, almost like animals hunting for a long awaited meal. The tree top runner made bounded off a near branch and landed a few feet in front of his pursuers. Sweat gleaned on his checks and made his silver hair cling to his face. His green and brown eyes stared death into the ones who had been stalking him. The three brought blades to bare and opened their mouths to show large fangs. The one they had been following showed fangs of his own, but these were made of steal and wielded in his own hands. His twin scimitars Wolf and Dragon Fang gleamed from the rays of moon light through forest canopy. The wind blew hard and brought wail of death on it. The gust blew the scimitars masters red scarf to and fro as if dancing. ?Come you abominations of nature, come and meet your deaths vampires.? The statement brought smiles to the three children of the night. They leapt at the man with alarming speed. The first came in wild and with a heavy horizontal slice. The man stepped back and let only the breeze from the blow touch him. Dragon Fang, his left blade, however meet the creature in the heart. The vampire smiled since the blade was not silver. He smiled, until he felt searing heat running through his body and then nothing. He was rendered no more than a pile of ash. The second and third vampire attacked with more control and together. Each on of the tree man?s blades worked separately to fend off the two vampires. The second, on the man right, made a heavy lunge and paid for the over aggressive attack. Wolf Fang parried and reposted with a slash and thrust to the heart. This time in place of heat came cold, but even more so than this creatures own blood. The vampire stood in place with his skin a bluer hue of white. The last vampire went on the defensive, but it was all for not. The man rushed in gave a low feint, which the careless vampire went for. Then brought both blades to bare making crossing slices on the creatures neck. As the last vampires head rolled of the man stepped back and looked at the frozen one. His hate for these creatures was great, so great he didn?t finish the abomination with a thrust from Dragon Fang. He sheathed his blades and began chanting. Slowly flames began to collect around his hands, and after a time burned brightly. His final words sent the rush of fire at the vampire. The blaze engulfed and incinerated the blood sucker. When all was over the man sat against a tree and tried to relax. He called forth several birds and his best friend Vulpus the fox. His friend greeted him with a playful nudge and then sat down. ?My friends we are faced with a dire situation. These vampires have begun popping up more and more. Several crows have brought word they also walk the nights in the cities. This is to great for just are clan to handle. I need each of you to go forth and find others who are willing to fight back. This land is vast so be quick about your mission. Go my friends, find help!? This RP will be done in a D&D stylized fashion. Swords, magic, mystics creatures and the like. The main focus is on nature though. The one the animals will be looking for are fellow druids. Not just druids of the D&D world though. I realize there are different ideas and versions of druids, so here is were we can bring them together. I will create a topic in the underground to kind of set the idea for the land. Which for this purpose won?t have a specific name. Sign up [B]Name[/B]: needs to fit the era and idea of the RP. [B]Race[/B]: they are, but not limited to: Human, Elf, Dwarf (yes even they can be druids. Read the Cleric Quintet), Gnomes, races of the fairy folk, Barbarians (different from normal humans), or half-something. If you have something in mind PM first and I will O.K. it. [B]Gender[/B]: ?..everyone gets this one right? [B]Age[/B]: this is were it can get tricky, please keep it within reasonable range of your race and sect of druidic line. Personality: This also includes your relationship with animals and/or plant life. [B]Magic[/B]: this is another big and tricky one. Since we are druids certain magic powers are not known to us. Things like beams, magic missiles, and controlled lightning. Lightning should be from the clouds which doesn?t have to mean storm control, but it can. Unless you have a good reason you can shoot lightning from your hand keep it sky bound. Also keep the powers with in a restriction. Don?t be able to control the entire forest or halt the rotation of the Earth. These should be simple and to the point. Plus anything like conversing with plants and animals is a given. I mean we are druids. [B]Weapons[/B]: If you are going to have an enchanted weapon no more than 2. Anything else should be normal, but can be made of good material. I do know some druid rules say no metal weapons or metal equipment. For this not using. There are metals that come from the Earth so fill free. [B]Equipment[/B]: This includes armor, shields, trinkets, packs, etc. Again lets keep the enchanted items to limit of 4. [B]Animal companion[/B]: This I would like to see some imagination. However I am limiting only animals you can find in this world, but that should no way hinder you. Rhinos, birds, canines, felines, etc. [B]Bio[/B]: How you became a druid, or how you discovered your skills, powers, etc. Make it good and informative. [B]Sample writing[/B]: This needs to be when the messenger animal find you. This will help me know the people who will put a little effort into the RP. I don?t mean a term papers worth of information, but make me believe you used something like Microsoft Word, Works, or something that has a spell check. This one should be a nice length with good information. All your other posts in the RP might not ever get as long, or could be longer however you feel to do it. Here?s mine [B]Name[/B]: Ronyo [B]Race[/B]: Half-elf [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Age[/B]: 31 [B]Personality[/B]: This half-elf would like nothing more than to enjoy his days walking the forest and seeing the animals live, and his night in his favorite tree so he can watch the sun rise and set. Unfortunately being a druid means knowing life isn?t that easy. He?s always on alert for orcs, goblins, or anything else that might want to disturb the natural balance of his forest. He doesn?t mind people or other creatures coming in as long as they respect everything around them. Ronyo has been known to drop in on adventuring campers to make sure they?re alright. He loves conversing with outsiders and telling them about how alive the forest is. This druid also happens to have a love for bad pun jokes, but he tries and helps himself if he can. [B]Magic[/B]: Control over the wind, can cast a small ball of fire after careful spell control, can summon mist and tree roots to hinder foes, can purify water and food, and through careful spell control can summon a lightning strike to hit in a generalized area. [B]Weapons[/B]: Twin scimitars with the handles shaped like fangs. Dragon Fang (left) has a fire enchantment enlaced into the blade. Therefore upon striking a target massive heat is dealt as well, and over time can cause a fire if left in one spot (either on a person or something else). Wolf Fang has a frost enchantment around the blades edge. So a simple cut from the blade can result in frozen pain added to the injury. If left in one spot for a long time, the blade can freeze the object. Equipment: Basic dark green long sleeve shirt and pants. Over his chest he wears a dark brown leather carcass with scale mail down the front, as well as down the thigh flaps past his belt. His gloves and boots are dark brown leather with the scale mail along the front parts. His twin swords are both held over his right shoulder with the strap his chest from right shoulder down to left side (think Ronin Warrior?s fire guy. Sorry forgot his name, I know bad anime geek). His only enchanted item is his dark red scarf, which flows down to his feet. The scarf is enchanted to lighten Ronyo?s step, helping in tree running, and give him a slight protection over fire. Nothing like a shield but a fireball won?t do it?s total damage. [B]Animal companion[/B]: Vulpus the Fox [B]Bio[/B]: This simple half-elf started life with his human mother. Growing up in a busy city and never really having much. On the day of his mother?s death she told him to go far and find his purpose. Ronyo made this promise and kept it. He gathered the money he could and paid for lessons in combat from a retired military officer. This elf was Kal?daka Tepuli?jest, or just Kal to Ronyo. At first Kal saw the half-elf as just some kid wanting to know how to swing a sword. Soon though Ronyo?s dedication and motives became clear. The young half-elf was trying to survive on the adventurers road. Kal then took Ronyo under his wing and showed him more than his coins had paid for. Ronyo learned how to wield two long curved blades called scimitars with fluid and deadly purpose. He also taught the young half-elf how to read easy tracks and clear and set camp out in the woods. On Ronyo? 20th year of birth he set out to start his adventure. Which was cut short within a thick forest called The Wolf?s Lair. So named for the many wolves that roamed the forest. It wasn?t these creatures that cut his adventure short however. It was orcs. They were only 3 but they were strong. They ambushed Ronyo half way into the Lair and nearly killed him. His life was spared by the ones who the forest was named after. After the encounter the half-elf meet up with the one who had sent his saviors. A human druid named Duraus. He was an older man but with many wonderful stories. Duraus began to teach Ronyo about nature, and from that moment on he was hooked. Ronyo became Duraus? apprentice and followed him on his patrol of the forest. Through the years Ronyo spent with Duraus they had many encounters with orcs, goblins, wizards, and even a necromancer. Along the adventures Ronyo acquired his twin scimitar. Dragon Fang from a group of well equipped brigands, and Wolf Fang from the necromancer. His scarf was given to him on the day Duraus passed on. He gave the scarf and the armor Ronyo wears now to the young druid, and told him to find a place of his own and protect it. Ronyo did just that, for these woods still belonged to Duraus. That forest wasn?t to far from The Wolf?s Lair. The forest was a bit more populated with a larger variety of animals, and had a much bigger lake. Here is where Ronyo found his animal companion and best friend, Vulpus. From his friend Ronyo named the forest, The Fox Hole. Only recently did these vampires begin to invade his woods, and too did reports from the crows about the cities. Vampires are unnatural and so are a great enemy to all druids, they must be stopped. [B]Sample writing[/B]: See the first few paragraphs of this post. The sign up post is always the hardest one to do and the longest. Take your time and know I will leave the sign up open for awhile. Well fitting my characters love of the bad jokes, Druids Assemble! :animesmil [B]Please read the underground thread on the world you'll be playing in.[/B] --- My apologise to the administration. I have posted on the otakuboards before. It has just been a REALLY long time since then. Thank you Sandy for the info. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Edited the line of hyphens, as it was distorting the page width. - Sandy[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
The land is vast and wide. The main landmass is sea locked on three side, North, East, and West. The South leads to another continent, if you will, that spans just as vast. Another large land mass spans more than three times that of the main land. This area is filled with far more exotic creatures and people. [B]Main land[/B]: This area is dotted with different climate zones. The north is filled with frozen tundra and blinding blizzards. The East is home to scorching deserts and little to no rain fall. On the Western side lies the great forest, where Ronyo lives. The forest range in size and population of animals. The South is the thick jungle of the Main Land. Here is where some of the largest and smallest animals of the Main Land live. [B]South Land[/B]: This land mass is connected by a large southern land bridge from the Main Land. Since it is so close to the Main Land southern region it to is heavily dotted with jungles. Only the far South of the area is more of a flat grass land. [B]Eastern World[/B]: This massive patch of earth is seen almost as a world of its own. The North West is covered in mountains and hill lands. These mountains stretch themselves all the way until they hit the Eastern most half. Here is were the land is broken up and comprised of many close islands. The South half of the Eastern World is dry and that of a desert. Rain comes more often here than in the Main Lands desert but not much more. The Far Southern tip of the Eastern World goes much further south then the South Land. At this point the temperature plummets and becomes a land of moving ice and constant snow. All these lands can have druids come from them. The animals Ronyo sent can easily pass on there message to other animals, such as ocean dwelling creatures. This Vampire threat I made will span more than just the Main Land. City life around these areas is much of what you would think could live there. Feel free to create towns and cities your character may have come from or been near. Any questions, ask them here, or PM me.
Ronyo looked at the women stroking his arm and gave a innocent smile. ?Well that?s very kind of you, but my place is outside. I grew up in the woods and I think my services would be better used in them.? The women was in no way unattractive, and her tone made for a promise of anything but innocent. Ronyo smiled and took Dawn?s hand and gave it a slight kiss. ?I believe we will be spending quite a bit of time together now, so further meetings with more amorous pursuits could be in the future. Lets not rush things my lady, things are always best when savored.? With that Ronyo smiled and gave her hand another small kiss.
Discuss Intersection Underground (RPG is rated M-VL)
Wullf_Maximas replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
Fully intend to join this RP. Didn't want to post a "I will edit this later," sign up, so I'm just putting here. I think I know where you got this idea from as well. If I'm not mistaken there is or was (not sure how long its been out) a Japan movie about a VR style game. That described the VR chamber much as you did. Theirs revolved around a "modern combat" idea though. This sounds like alot of fun, so I intend to put some thought into my sign up.