[B]Name[/B]: Ronyo
[B]Age[/B]: 19
[B]Specialty[/B]: silent movement, tracking, understanding of nature and animals
[B]Weapons[/B]: Twin Scimitars called Wolf Fang and Dragon Fang. The handles are shaped to appear as large fangs. Both are strapped to his right shoulder.
[B]Personality[/B]: A free loving spirit who love nature. Although upon meeting him one would question that statement. He comes off as the strong silent type, but all is a facade for a humorous side lies just under his serious armor.
[B]Bio[/B]: Born into a world that stared with no easy path. His mother died at birth and his father knew little about raising a baby. His fathers job left him alone a lot, and through his window he could see the trees. As he grew into a boy the forest?s call did not lessen. Ronyo found nature to be fascinating. At the age of 10 Ronyo?s father was killed in a business deal gone south. The young nature lover would have meet his end to that day if he hadn?t escaped into the local woodlands. He survived there for years off what he learned to scavenge and what he could STEAL. He soon found he had a talent for lighting peoples wallets. People were so relaxed around the woodlands they became easy targets. Ronyo never took from those who didn?t appear to be able to afford it. Slowly he began to learn the skills of a thief. How to move slowly and make no more sound than the wind itself. Better and high paying jobs soon became open to him which allowed him the funds to buy his own protection. His twin scimitars were bought under the table and customized to Ronyo?s liking. On the days he wasn?t stealing or gathering info he would practice with his new partners. Soon he learned how to move the blades as though it were his own hands. He perfected skills that allowed for maximum defense and only minor injuries to his opponents. For no life was worth any sum of money. Now at the age of 19 he is at his peak and looking to step up his game. A rumor about a thief looking for fearless partners maybe just the ticket.
[B]Appearance[/B]: Ronyo has long silvery hair held up in a ponytail. His eyes reflect his love of nature in there green and brown outer rings. His attire is a long dark green shirt and pants. He wears dark brown gloves, boots, and a vest. His scimitars as stated above are strapped to his right shoulder behind him (think Ronin Warriors). He also dawns a short dark red scarf. Even with the red scarf his sneaking skills are not hindered.
I realize I signed up late, though I do wish you would give my application a chance. ;)