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[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Thanks for the help Des, it's really a bit weight off my mind as I honestly had no idea how the system worked. Here's hoping I'll be a fully-fledged member of the QKT by Saturday. On that note, does anyone have any built recommendations for a first character, or is it really just whatever you think suits yourself ?[/SIZE][/quote]If PvE is in your intentional aim then I'd start off with a profession that interests you. Later in the game you can select a secondary profession - if you have a specific build set in mind you can aim for that (that is a character that aims to perform a certain task given certain skills). (If PvP is your intention to boot with no intention on going into PvE, usually a preset build is selected and then through earning faction you can use Priests to unlock skills and form builds? though I?m guessing your intention at the moment is PvE, which is fine since you ? in PvE ? will be unlocking skills for use if you ever decide to PvP). In all probably you'll select something that interests you rather than something that achieves a goal (as you might not be aware of the different types of builds out there), that's what I recommend doing at first. Jump in the game, do what seems like it would be fun. As always I should note that there is one thing you should stay away from: smiting monks. If by chance you made one you could always switch to Protection or Healing simply by reallocating attribute points, but keep in mind that smiting monks in particular are almost useless as new anti-farming regulations make most of their skills inefficient (beside farming they were really never that fun to play anyway). Be forewarned against players who tell you to aim for "anything" you want and then say smiting monks are fine (game restrictions, regulations, and updates change the effectiveness of a profession?s skill selection). It might be a great idea to play a smiter for instance but you'll find yourself smacking your head quite a bit when you don't do nearly as much damage as you could be because your enemies are running away from you, running out of any wards you lay down, or just not taking enough damage (smiting monks are the only type of monks whose primary goal is more or less tanking, whereas other types of monks play more of a support role). I mention smiting because it was my first choice when I bought Guild Wars as I had some experience with playing a High Priest in Ragnarok Online and loved the idea of monks doing damage. The distinction between support role characters and primary damage dealers is a big one which you should consider in time. Mesmers, Necromancers, and Elementalists all function as support role characters though Elementalists in particular have certain skills which allow them to function "as tanks," though not nearly as efficient (that means when partying with others you'll most likely be in the back of your group while your warriors run up and do the "tanking"). It should be said though that the higher level support role characters typically have a good amount of spike capabilities which make them well suited for solo missions as well. While not essentially "tanking," as previously mentioned, these characters can do their fair share of damage... such skill sets include Necromancers using Spiteful Spirit or Feast of Corruption, and Mesmers using domination against caster foes. In the beginning these things need only be a brief consideration, the main consideration should be what interests you the most (keeping in mind the difference between casters, support monks, and tanks). With that said I wish you much luck in exploring the world of Guild Wars and sincerely hope that you pick something you'll enjoy playing. - Me Post script: The distinction between support role characters and non-support role characters was essential to make as if you select a monk primary for instance and decide later support role isn't the way to go, you'll find little in the way of a good time as most of the primary attributes in the monk profession are geared toward support role (with the exception of the previously mentioned smiting).
[QUOTE=Boo][size=1]The assassin is overpowered. The boat to the pvp islands is funky... I don't like GW in Asian style, please stick with the European (Dark Ages) style. And the pvp looks like a disco... The login stuff looks better though.. >_> I'm not quite fond of the updates, as you may have noticed. -__-[/size][/QUOTE]Why do you feel the new Assassin class is overpowered? I mean relatively speaking with the current game changes that have been made and in light of Ritualist skills - the whole bloody lot of them. Don't get me wrong, if played correctly I believe the two professions are extremely potent and perhaps, as you said "overpowered." But that applies to both of them... by themselves there are quite a number of counters against them. Ritualists for instance have that annoying time delay. Ritualist healing is, to be quite frank, rather an annoyance. The heal area spells are probably the only cool thing there, everything else is a bit of a pain in bum. Ritualist healing [b]must[/b] (as far as I'm concerned) be from a Mo/Rt as a Rt/Mo is quite useless. See I think the combinations themselves are quite dangerous. And yet still you find Assassins limiting in the same way Warriors are - composing Warrior builds has always been a challenge because only certain skills mix well with other professions, other than that they are almost too stand alone to work with. I think this aspect of Assassin-play should keep your mind at ease. That is to say, a solid team with a guild build in pvp will almost always be able to knock out Assassins in the same way Warriors can be handled (and more so because Assassins are far more vulnerable... weaker, in essence, with more swift attacks and evasiveness over solidarity). Now do I think the new professionals are "equal" to the core professions? No. Already I can think of a number of ways in which expert plays can combine Ritualist skills to form (quite literally) unstoppable healing characters, or unstoppable KD spikers. When I say unstoppable I mean unstoppable. Do not forget the power of the no interrupt Tranquil Was Tanasen with the +25 armor bonus and 5 energy cost. But you needs to remember that to use this properly you need to work in into a strategy as a secondary. No Ritualist primary can carry Tranquil Was Tanasen (don't quote me on it but it would be of greater benefit to a standard Orison/Infuse healer as opposed to a primary Ritualist). But there are a lot of builds that are similar (from the core builds)... but they've undergone changes since the games release. Likewise changes will occur undeniably to my most loved Ritualists when the game comes out. My important point is the [b]least[/b] of these powerful characters are Assassins. In fact I find Assassins to be pretty pathetic in the way of a solid character type that can be incorporated with other builds. The only thing they seem to be good at is hard hitting kite blows (and everyone knows how useless that would be against a solid pvp team... useful in that it will be annoying, useless in every other capacity). So not sure that I share the same thoughts as you. As for the look *shrugs* I like the clothing of the Ritualists, the look of SOME Assassins, and then that's about it. I don't care one way or the other for the "asian" look (if anything I like it, after all it is a Korean game). But I do hope they add more appearance options for characters in the future. At first I was disappointed in Factions as I thought Assassins weren't really that great of an improvement to warrant the fee of an expansion, but seeing the Ritualist skills and their ability to blend in well with any build as a secondary, I've changed my mind about that. Double post needed. [color=#4B0082]No it wasn't. :p - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color] I hope this spawns some sort of interest in fusing Ritualist with other professions. Unlike Assassin, Ritualists can be used in a number of different ways (not saying Assassin's cant but they're much more limited in what they do after all their true power is in their amazingly strong kiting attacks and skills). As you can see you can use Ritualist skills for almost anything (so yes, please do read my "Alternatives" notes for more information on that aspect of the skills mentioned). Enjoy the build. Dedicated to Alex: This is what I do when you're not around! Damn her computer. ;) [quote=Me - St Mary's Tranquility Build][size=4]Tranquility: A Mo/Rt Heal Monk Build[/size] The off beat healer for the new Ritualist profession. REASON FOR BUILD: Rt/Mo healing is the pits, seriously. Around two basic skills you can use to heal others. True you can have cool spirits heal the entire area for you but truth be told in an organized pvp game this can be a big problem as one can easily either kill the spirits or simply draw the team away from them (plus healing with the spirits doesn't even do that much healing). NOTE: Starting pvp chars will notice problems early on with setting Divine Favor, Restoration and Healing attributes correctly seeing as how it is a 3 way split instead of a standard two way (Divine Favor and Healing for instance). Do what you think is best for the skills selected. EXAMPLE OF STAT SETUP: 14 Heal with sup rune, 9 Divine Favor with minor rune, and a max of 12 Restoration Magic. Why the 9 in the Divine Favor? Unfortunately the weapons for pvp, insofar as Heal monks are concerned, start with a req. of Divine Favor 9. This was regrettably unavoidable as I too would have liked to have made Healing Prayers higher. Suppose just have to go with earning XP if it matters to you. Soothing Memories 5 m, 1 cast, 5 recharge Target ally is healed for x Health. If you are holding an item you gain 3 energy. Orison of Healing 5 m, 1 cast, 5, 2 recharge Heal target ally for x points. Dwayna's Kiss 5 m, 1 cast, 3 recharge Heal ally for x points and for an additional x points for each Enchantment or Hex on that ally. Healing Touch 5 m, 3/4 cast, 5 recharge Heal target ally or self for x points, health gain from Divine Favor doubled. Holy Veil -1, 5 energy, 1 cast, 10 energy Hexes take double time to cast on a target ally, but if you pull it off fast it removes one Hex. Mend Body and Soul 5 energy, 3/4 cast, 3 recharge Target ally healed for x, ally loses one Condition for each Spirit in your area. Tranquil Was Tanasen (Elite) Hold ashes for a total of x seconds (max 17). While you hold his ashes you have +x armor (max 22), and cannot be interrupted. ___________________ Alternatives ___________________ WEAPON CONFIG: Try a PvP Holy Rod which halves skill recharge of healing 20, and an Ankh which is 20/20 recharge/time. ALTERNATIVE WEAPON CONFIG: Carry a +5 energy, +5 armor, Insightful PvP Holy Staff of Defense with a cast time 20/recharge 20. You won't need it so if you want to swap this for something which grants some sort of protection feel free but it doesn't matter. What you might want is a PvP Ritualist Focus, time 20/recharge 20. So carry that on the off-hand 2nd weapon slot. TRANQUIL WAS TANASEN: You may use this for other things other than a monk build. I'm mentioning this elite in particular not only because it plays an important role in this build but because the incorporation of it in other builds can be monumental for obvious reasons. NOTE ON ASHES AND URNS: Ashes are stored in urns, likewise you cannot attack a target with any sort of weapon while holding the urn (you may cast spells but that's it). SPIRIT ALTERNATIVE/ADDITION: Mend Body and Soul works wonders when spirits are present. Feel free to subtract a healing spell of your choice for a long lasting/low energy spirit. A good way to incorporate this approach without actually using the skills is have another party member bring spirits (yes, you can use them since they are in the area). WORD OF HEALING ALTERNATIVES: Sub out Tranquil Was Tanasen for Lively Was Naomei, and since you have an elite free go ahead and take Word of Healing. Take your res signet out and feel free to put in Contemplation of Purity or whatever else you want (note: blank skill box). NOTE ABOUT WORD OF HEALING ALTERNATIVE: More taxing and in honesty not needed. Feel free to use Lively Was Naomei if you want but incorporate it in another way. Some people are comfortable with Word of Healing elite, this choice is for you. LIVELY WAS NAOMEI/INSTA-RES ORB: 15 energy, 6 cast time, 20 recharge, you hold her ashes for 60 seconds at max. When you drop them (and yes that means death), all party members are resurrected with 63% Health and zero Energy. Technically with a good team this means you will never die, unfortunately it is taxing as energy wise you res with zero energy. If you were the one to die and be res'd this could be dangerous as monks need their energy.[/quote]
[quote name='Ben Holiday']The new assassin class is pretty cool I wish they would at least have given us the first one or two skills though so we can really get a feel for it. I hope they have a suit of armor as well without the blades sticking off the sides it seems a little much after looking at the henchies in the new area I'm hoping that the female warriors armor is one of the ones that will be available and that the male version is just as impressive.[/quote]They do, follow the templates in character creation (although I think I mentioned it online so oh well, if anyone doesn't know that... just follow the templates). Not only that but there are 3 different armor sets in total for Assassin, as is the case for Ritualists. I love both, although Assassin is just my "go in and fight" part of me speaking. A fun, kiting profession which has attacks that are similar to a Warriors and yet much more potent (dexterous movements seem to be key). Defense is key as well, so playing one correctly requires slightly more finesse than your standard warrior tank. Ritualists are a real pearl, truly amazing for both healing purposes (mostly as a secondary, as a primary their healing is so off beat that it just comes across as too slow against a good team). The heal spirits they can use to heal an entire area are neat but too costly so with a high recharge it seems a bit silly. However, with Ritualists there are a lot of great things to unlock from the knock down spirits to other such things that do a lot of damage (a lot of damage but of course on the slow side). Ritualists are truly amazing in my opinion and it opens up a lot of different opportunities for secondaries (Mo/Rt with the RT elite Tranquil Was Tenesen, and yes part of one of my builds). So all in all very cool - I certainly hope more faces and such become available with the release of the final game. But I don't mind... one thing I sort of looked forward to is other races other than humans, but we'll see. I've heard a number of complaints about people not wanting to shell out $50 for the expansion containing only two professions (the Assassins, who are your basic warrior characters with some neat bonuses, and your entirely original Ritualists). Again, we don't really know if there will be more - as it stands the Gaile article has contradictory information from newer interviews, so we can only see what happens with Chapter 2 in the future. Very cool experience. I'm loving the new GW layout... the maps in pvp areas are interesting? they sure do make things more interesting. Also one cool plus as exhibited is now henchies actually attack called targets and can change targets as you call them. Neat stuff.
[QUOTE=Dodeca]Woah... haven't played this in a lo-o-ong time. I got to the ascension trials, but couldn't find a good team. Everyone kept dying. : P Though it probably was more my fault. I've played a little since then, but mostly just in PvP, as a Hammer/Air knock-em-down Warror or a... err... knock-em-down Monk.[/QUOTE]Well while many of our members aren't all that active, we're becoming more and more active each day. I've been bringing in some dedicated pvp and pve players into the Guild so hopefully they'll be something for everyone. I'm sorry but I couldn't find any of the names of your Guild Wars characters on this thread. If you're interested in playing with the Guild let me know and we'll send an invite your way. Guys remember, [b]tonight at 12 pm EST[/b] is our first look at Chapter 2: [b]FACTIONS[/b]. All right, just had to say that. *Drooling over the music at the moment* Remember to keep a close eye on the [URL=http://www.guildwars.com/news/gameupdates.html]GW Updates Page[/URL] for more info! New to pvp? Check out the Temple of Balthazar for more information and if you wish to practice pvp before actually entering it they have the Isle of the Nameless where it teaches you basic pvp skills. All part of the new Factions update, I don't know how long it'll last for but try it while it's out. Why buy Guild Wars? [URL=http://www.guildwars.com/gallery/movies/default.html]GW Official Movies[/URL]. Enough said. [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
[quote=Boba Fett] From current Guild Wars players... If you were going to give a new player advice what would it be? Are there any builds that should be avoided? That aren't common? Anything at all... [/quote]Sir, I would agree with Desbreko 100%, common sense is key. You'd be surprised how many people on Guild Wars don't have common sense and go and play something they know won't work out well for them. I'd say know yourself a little bit, what you really want to play, what - at the time - you think will work. Trust me, you can always change things later on (secondaries you can switch much later on in the game), so just be sure to select a primary class you absolutely, positively want to play as well as an appearance. It might seem superficial, but an appearance is everything... once you got those two essentials down, anything is possible. Do you like Warriors? Shoot for it. Like Elementalists? Go for it. I know it is a tough decision to make in the beginning because you're not sure what each profession essentially can do. A basic run down though, Warriors can use axes, swords, or hammers, Elementalists can be Air (lightning), fire, and water (chaotic than the rest), and Earth. Mesmers focus on draining the enemy, confusing the enemy, and re-directing the enemy's attack. What you play is truly up to you. If you dislike Air (as Air is not as effective as fire half the time in PvE), shoot for fire later on when you have more attribute points to experiment. Nothing is set in stone except your first primary class. PvP is different from PvE... it causes you to think about the relationship between professions and their individual aspects. What do I mean? Well, in PvE you want to combine the best of your primary with the best of your secondary in order to create a character that does what you want (a character that has a specific "build" set). For instance... Knock down elementalists may use Earth Magic to knock their foes down and while their foes are down cause a ton of damage to them. What are the skills for that? Earthquake followed by an aftershock. Why is that cool? Picture a team of other knock down characters fighting... timed properly, this team can cause a lot of damage, knocking their targets down so they are helpless and throwing a load of pain on them. Would I suggest PvP for a beginner? Yes and no. If you are interested in PvP I would experiment with the templates offered in the PvP creation wizard when you boot up guild wars. Run a PvE character as your primary character, and have fun with a PvP character. Why a beginners approach? Because you can only unlock skills for use in PvP for the different professions by essentially either playing in PvE with the same profession (elementalists in PvE unlock skills for use in PvP), or by fighting in PvE in which you earn [b]Faction[/b], and then can unlock things in PvP that way through the Priests of Balthazar. Advanced players of PvP can be of two sorts: players that have PvP and PvE characters like I suggested and unlock more skills for use during PvE, or players that only have PvP characters and unlock skills by wins in PvP, earning more [b]Faction[/b] to spend unlocking things. Both are decent approaches, but that's up to you. Are you a PvPer only or do you have an interest in PvE (the story game)? If both, create both - a PvP character initially with the template just to explore it while you unlock things in PvE. If you're just a PVPer go for PvP only and unlock through earning faction. The choice is essentially yours. A build I would avoid at the moment? A monk with the sole intention of smiting (simply because the AoE a smiter delivers isn't really all that relevant anymore), and maybe any sort of ele that isn't fire... in the beginning it could become kind of silly. Air ignores armor, sure, but it isn't very practical in PvE. Damage wise fire has better opportunities going for it. But I have no specific builds I would avoid trying. Again, if you get Air skills, you can be a fire ele still - cool thing is, it unlocks those skills you get for PvP use. I hope I was of some assistance. Let us know when you get on GW so we can send your primary character a guild invite, we?re currently looking for PvPers (Rangers would be just daisy) *smirks*. ~ PB [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
Hell no, keep up the posting! You defending your points well, and for that I'm going to try it and keep an open mind but there are some things that bother me. I'm just very picky. [quote name='Ace of Spades']Guardian is only for protecting single targets anyway, so I'd rather just cast it again. Aegis could definitely benefit from this, as could the elites, but you can only bring one of those. Making an "aegis-bot" to keep that up all the time might be feasible, but I'd rather have a bonder or heal party bot if you're going to get that dedicated. Other lines might see more benefit from blessed aura.[/quote]Makes sense now that I think about it. Guardian does have a 2 second recharge, and Aegis's regard is what, 30 seconds? Hrm. I still don't love Holy Veil but with Smite Hex taking such a long time to become available again, oh well. What is true though is that HV takes a while to use properly: which clicking off takes 3 seconds, and a soul alive that says otherwise is a little on the slow side. A lot do like it, it's great for hex removal with certain builds (spikers prefer infuse monks for instance to have it), but it does take a second longer than required. Not always an option for heal monks, but seems to be a decent choice here. Given what you said about Mantra of Recall I would suppose it is better for longer matches where you know that your team maes can back you up (either other prot monks or heal monks). The energy back is well worth everything that sets OoB ahead in my opinion, and does get you out of that sacrificing pitfall OoB shoves you in (I can count many times over the amount of Mo/N that have died trying to give themselves energy in pvp, but yes I suppose if a prot monk is all alone and is in need of quick energy there is no way around this). So I'll go with it, until I find something better. Not too fond on prot monks doing anything other than prot (as far as boon is concerned), but in TA and the like it might just be needed to stay alive, and of course boon prot is the flavor of the month for a good reason. Everything else I liked a lot and I look forward to trying it both ways... using your ideas for N and my ideas for Me... in the end I'm sure it'll both turn out decently, just depends on style of play and type of team you go with. Again kinda hoping to see something in the way of Martyr/Draw conditions but oh well :D I'll see if I can adapt it into the build. But with Spirit and Aura it too is very specialized and needs a real coordinated party to pull off well: better suited for GvG in my opinion rather than Tombs but don't quote me on that. Anyhow for now this is the build I came up with based on what everyone said... and I've been using it, damn good. Thanks a bunch all. [quote=Boon Prot Build w/ focus on conditions and Prot]Prot build setup. Can be done with Mo/Me, few skills for that added at the bottom.. Monk/Necromancer Level: 20 - Reversal of Fortune (Protection Prayers) For 8 seconds, the next time target ally would take damage, that ally gains that amount of health instead, maximum 32. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:2 - Aegis (Protection Prayers) Your entire team is enchanted with Aegis. For 7 seconds, your allies have a 50% chance to block attacks. Energy:15 Cast Time:1 Recharge:30 - Guardian (Protection Prayers) For 5 seconds, target ally has a 28% chance to block attacks. Energy:5 Cast Time:1 Recharge:2 - Divine Boon (Divine Favor) While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever you cast a monk spell on an ally, that ally is healed for 28 health and you lose 2 energy. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:0 - Holy Veil (Monk other) While you maintain this "Enchantment", any "Hex" cast on target creature take twice as long to cast. Energy:10 Cast Time:2 Recharge:0 - Mend Ailment (Protection Prayers) Remove one "Condition" (poison, disease, blindness, dazed, bleed, crippled, or deep wound) from target ally. That ally is healed 22 for each remaining Condition. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.75 Recharge:2 - Draw Conditions (Protection Prayers) All negative Conditions are transfered from target other ally to yourself. For each Condition acquired, you are healed for 11 health. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:0 * * My Alt for Devotion, I like this approach better. Less heal. - Offering of Blood [Elite] (Blood Magic) Sacrifice 10% maximum health. You gain 8..18 energy. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:15 Alternative configuration - Signet of Devotion (Divine Favor) Heal target ally for 20 health. Energy:0 Cast Time:2 Recharge:5 - Blessed Aura (Divine Favor) While you maintain this Enchantment, Monk Enchantments you cast last 12% longer than normal. Energy:10 Cast Time:2 Recharge:2 - Divine Spirit (Divine Favor) For the next 2 seconds, monk spells cost you 5 less energy to cast. (Minimum cost: 1 energy). Energy:10 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:60 - Heal Party (Healing Prayers) Heal entire party for 20 health. Energy:15 Cast Time:2 Recharge:0 - Contemplation of Purity (Divine Favor) Lose all Enchantments. For each one lost, you gain 11 health, lose one Hex and lose one Condition. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:5 * * Alt for Devotion/Draw Conditions. - Mantra of Recall [Elite] (Inspiration) For 20 seconds, you gain no benefits from it. You gain 20..30 energy when Mantra of Recall ends. Energy:15 Cast Time:1 Recharge:20[/quote]I would love to use Martyr more but that requires a specialized build in and of itself, so it'll have to wait. :) If anyone is interested in what builds I use for a Heal Monk... I've recently begun to use Infuse Heal, but it can be replaced with Seed... depends on the circumstances (Infuse, for instance, works well against spike teams and teams that do quick damage). With Infuse Heal, self-heal after the health split isn't really all that difficult... a quick touch and if need be, orison, quickly clears it up. [quote=St Mary's Infuse/Heal Build]Infuse Heal monk build that can be the foundation for obvious heal monk choices. Yes a Necro secondary adaptation can be made but for all intents and purposes the Mesmer is the most straight forward. The necro does not include Word of Healing for instance, and has signet of devotion along side of Offering of Blood. Depends what you're after but I for one like the Mo/Me end of it. Monk/Mesmer Level: 20 Divine Favor: 13 (12+1) Healing Prayers: 16 (12+4) Inspiration: 2 (Erm program got a little scewed up there, the stats should be common sense and if not I'll set you straight on them later. The skills are what is important here.) - Word of Healing [Elite] (Healing Prayers) Heal target other ally for 84. Heal for an additional 106 if that ally is below 50% health. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.75 Recharge:4 - Orison of Healing (Healing Prayers) Heal target ally for 73. Energy:5 Cast Time:1 Recharge:2 - Dwayna's Kiss (Healing Prayers) Heal target other ally for 63 and an additional 21 for each Enchantment or Hex on that ally. Energy:5 Cast Time:1 Recharge:3 - Infuse Health (Healing Prayers) Lose half your current health. Target other ally is healed for 139% of the amount you lost. Energy:10 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:0 - Healing Touch (Healing Prayers) Heal target touched ally for 63 health. Health gain from Divine Favor is doubled for this spell. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.75 Recharge:5 - Inspired Hex (Inspiration) Remove a Hex from target ally and gain 5 energy. For the next 20 seconds, Inspired Hex is replaced with the Hex that was removed. Energy:5 Cast Time:1 Recharge:0 - Energy Tap (Inspiration) Steal 9 energy from target foe. Energy:5 Cast Time:3 Recharge:20 - Resurrection Signet () Resurrect target party member. You can only use this skill ring once per mission. Energy:0 Cast Time:3 Recharge:0 Alternative configuration - Healing Seed (Healing Prayers) For 21 seconds, whenever target other ally takes damages, that ally and all adjacent allies gain 32 health. Energy:15 Cast Time:2 Recharge:25 - Healing Breeze (Healing Prayers) For the next 10 seconds, target ally regenerates 10 health regeneration each second. Energy:10 Cast Time:1 Recharge:2[/quote] [SIZE=4]Now take a deep breath...[/SIZE] All right it has come to the attention of the Guild Officers of QKT that we do not do as much pvp as we could be doing (if you have [i]no interest in pvp[/i] don't worry about it, if you do though, now is the time to come forward). Some of us have taken to joining other guilds for pvp events, like myself, while still remaining in QKT... hopefully we can do a little of our own experimenting in that department. With some extremely experienced pvpers as guild members we're sending out the call to those interested in pvp to come join the ranks of QKT pvping. We've got voice services for those of you who are interested, and we can and should begin preparing 8v8 builds for Tombs and/or GvG battle. Time is a sad thing isn't it? M'fraid with school coming back for most of us it'll be difficult at best to make it on. But maybe a schedule of play times would be appropriate. At the very least please reply if you're at all interested in pvping, and we'll see what we can or can't do. Generally speaking I'm available in the evenings from 7 pm EST on until midnight or 1 am EST during school nights, and later on weekends. I know this time frame is extremely broad but hopefully we can narrow it down once we see some responses. [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
Interesting, I'll try to the build out later - you combined all the things I liked, I hope it works out. I must admit to you though that I hate OoB and putting on and taking off Holy Veil... I know, common for heal monks too and very effective but I normally don't like it all too much. I'll give it a try though. I don't care how long it takes to cast, I'm in love with energy tap... plus I do find the health reduction to be a downside (for offering). But Mantra of Recall is something I'm also fond of, I might end up replacing it (offering) with Recall or Energy Tap and giving it a run to try it out (chew me out all you want for it, but if you're who I think you are - Chris - we'll have plenty to say about it in Guild chat). However in more quick forms of pvp I would say offering stands a better chance. You're not the first person I met in the last 2 days that suggested no res for monks. I like the idea WITH a good team. With a bad team the monks probably will be the only ones left alive (been there done that). I carry a res with a standard word/infuse heal build I use (I only have inspired hex with it), but I'll consider taking mend ailment there instead of a res signet. As far as this build is concerned I'll give it a go without res signet as I see the need for a prot monk to make use of all of the skill slots. Now tell me, you really like Divine Boon? I mean I'll try it but I never thought the heal factor was that important on the prot end... what I wanted to see was enchantments longer skill/spell (Aegis is, after all, very short as is Guardian - almost useless without Blessed Aura which in my opinion needs Divine Spirit). I mean come on, 10 seconds or so... lol, I mean sure better than Distortion for instance buuuuuut.... See that's what I'm having a problem with. I need the duration to last longer... and truth be told, 1 energy cost on all my spells wouldn't be too bad either. Meh, I'll think it over, try running the build - see if I can add anything and get back to you. [b]NOTE:[/b] LOL, I just checked - someone from GSS uses the exact same build but replaces Signet of Devotion for Prot Spirit... geez, you guys think a like! :) Guess it is common to use offering... I still don't love it :/ Question: Is draw conditions [b]only[/b] really good when you have two monks - one to take all the conditions, the other to take off all those conditions in bulk? Guess so but I want your opinion. [quote=Ideas so far, so plz comment]So the way I see it looks like this for Mo/N, the ()'s are for Mo/Me which I prefer. Rof, guardian, mend ailment, holy veil (or insp hex), Blessed Aura, Divine Spirit, Offering (Mantra of Recall, or energy tap). [b]Depends on type of team you're working with...[/b] Heal Party and Draw Conditions[/quote]
[b]Desi:[/b] Oh I'll take some Candy Canes from you if you don't mind *smirks* but something tells me that isn't quite what you had in mind. But should you want to give them away... I'll have them... all, please. :) I know this further clutters an already cluttered thread but I did suggest splitting it a long time ago (which if asked I can always do out of love of the OB), just stating that as my defense (all right, I suppose I don't really need a defense since there are about 5 pages of builds on the thread, but hey I?m covering my bases). Alex, for convenience sake I've posted the build we?ve been discussing and possible skill choices ? continue to give your input please either here or off the forums, but feel free to use this as a framework. Again this build implies the use of a 20% enchantment mod for a staff. I think the energy clothes for the monk are best as well. Let me know what you think. I know Chris (from the guild) plays a Prot monk but I?m not sure whether he?s signed up for the OB or not. Anyone wishing to give tips or comments in regards to the build please feel free to do so. So here goes nothing? [quote=Prot Build/my test project w/ Brasil]NOTE: 7 slots filled, 1 empty - can drop Heal Party for Aura and Spirit... otherwise we're left with a few essentials as seen in the "[a]lternative configuation" section. So this means we have a lot of work on our hands to make this flawless... again depends on the intention, 8v8 we have the luxury of heal and prots or just prots, while PUG Tombs might require something a bit more stand alone as far as heal/prot usage is concerned on the part of the prot monk. Monk/Mesmer Level: 20 Divine Favor: 13 (12+1) Protection Prayers: 14 (10+4) Inspiration: 4 - Reversal of Fortune (Protection Prayers) For 8 seconds, the next time target ally would take damage, that ally gains that amount of health instead, maximum 76. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:2 - Mend Ailment (Protection Prayers) Remove one "Condition" (poison, disease, blindness, dazed, bleed, crippled, or deep wound) from target ally. That ally is healed 66 for each remaining Condition. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.75 Recharge:2 - Draw Conditions (Protection Prayers) All negative Conditions are transfered from target other ally to yourself. For each Condition acquired, you are healed for 25 health. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:0 - Divine Boon (Divine Favor) While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever you cast a monk spell on an ally, that ally is healed for 64 health and you lose 2 energy. Energy:5 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:0 - Heal Party (Healing Prayers) Heal entire party for 20 health. Energy:15 Cast Time:2 Recharge:0 - Mantra of Recall [Elite] (Inspiration) For 20 seconds, you gain no benefits from it. You gain 23 energy when Mantra of Recall ends. Energy:15 Cast Time:1 Recharge:20 - Resurrection Signet () Resurrect target party member. You can only use this skill ring once per mission. Energy:0 Cast Time:3 Recharge:0 Alternative configuration - Blessed Aura (Divine Favor) While you maintain this Enchantment, Monk Enchantments you cast last 32% longer than normal. Energy:10 Cast Time:2 Recharge:2 - Divine Spirit (Divine Favor) For the next 10 seconds, monk spells cost you 5 less energy to cast. (Minimum cost: 1 energy). Energy:10 Cast Time:0.25 Recharge:60 - Aegis (Protection Prayers) Your entire team is enchanted with Aegis. For 11 seconds, your allies have a 50% chance to block attacks. Energy:15 Cast Time:1 Recharge:30 - Guardian (Protection Prayers) For 5 seconds, target ally has a 48% chance to block attacks. Energy:5 Cast Time:1 Recharge:2[/quote]The more I look at this the more I want to remove Heal Party... and yet still, I can't find the heart to do it mainly because it still leaves matters of Aegis and Guardian out (two things which benefit from including Spirit and Aura). Grah, so looks like it needs revamping! [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
[quote name='Brasil']Because I enjoy mind games:[/quote]Well we spoke about it briefly off the forums but I think this build is perhaps one of the most unconventional builds I've ever seen. The intention is of course clear, make the enemy think you're IW (Illusionary Weapon Mesmer) or something of the sort when you're not. A great strategy in the quick world of Tombs and GvG but ultimately has some failings, the same failings of IW. The fast casting in this build ultimately implies that you are taking this from a Me/W perspective in which can the character can be confused for an IW from those that know what IW is (IW is horrible at W/Me and experienced players know that - reiterating this for people that have any interest in playing IW in the future). And while I [b]love[/b] the idea of mind screwing them, the build only goes so far because you will essentially be "re-targeted" for what you really are. The result would be the same as running IW. IW is very much like this build. In both cases you're a Mesmer relying on fighting skills. IW requires a sword... in this build, what, you're going to switch to a axe real fast? SV, and Illusion of W. is going to recharge slower and yet I don't think you mind. The problem instead is that [i]once[/i] you pull your axe you'll be taken down like a Mesmer trying to play warrior (fast... sure it'll screw them up, Mesmer who suddenly wields an axe, Me/W that's not using IW, Me/W that's tanking... but the result is the same). I don't think it'll confuse the enemy all that much... beside, you're still a Mesmer primary. Everyone is going to assume either your "armor is weaker" or you're up to no good; you'll be the first thing targeted as it stands - at least do what Mesmers are good at instead of wasting it on powerful axe attacks. See but that's just my point of view. IWs are typically targeted extremely fast as it stands because they're extremely dangerous... this build will undeniably draw the same sort of doubt. But is it all doom and gloom? Hardly. IW has a lot of success in pvp mainly because people don't expect that type of damage and the amount of damage output from a Mesmer in the first place. Teams that don't know what to look for will be confused, likewise teams with little experience in pvp might even up and die to one Mesmer. This build seems even MORE confusing in [b]those[/b] circumstances, and even more powerful. And yet again I can't help but think IW has had its day in the sun. This build seems as though it will be treated in a similar fashion by experienced players seeing the Me/W running this in combat. Some IW builds which combine other Mesmer skills along with powerful sword attacks are quite nifty too but that's beyond the scope of this reply, as most IW do not carry anything other than IW and sword attacks (reminder IW dmg ignores armor, although there is a lot of damage in this build, armor still reduces damage taken). Just some reflections. Maybe I'm looking too much into this, maybe this build would be just as successful as IW... I can surely see the massive damage output, very nifty and I surely like the axe skills you selected. [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
Hey, Some people wonder what Persocomblues does when he's bored... well I don't knit! So you're chilling in the dead of winter with your Ministry Ibiza Summer Jams CD and you're thinking to yourself, "Self, how the hell am I going to warm up this winter?" The answer should be clear! With a QKT Summer Jams @ The Beach background! All right, well they aren't the best quality in the world (I didn't use my PC with the nice graphics card to get them), but they're kind of cute! Fits toys, boys, and girls of all ages. Show your guild spirit by putting one of these on your wallpaper... or not, see if I care... but you know what? You'll be sorry you didn't when you suddenly get a streak of bad luck in pvp. That's right folks, not only are these k-cool wallpapers but they also give +10 moral boosts PLUS Dwayna/Grenth Blessings! So get them while they're hot. [URL=http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=atthebeachwtheqktlglo3qj.jpg][IMG]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/5840/atthebeachwtheqktlglo3qj.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=atthebeachwtheqkt0ej.jpg][IMG]http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/455/atthebeachwtheqkt0ej.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Picture features Bittersweet Lullaby (played by myself), and Rose Dove (played by Tigris). [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
I'll give it a try... you brought up a very good point. Mass disease, so to speak. We've been experimenting with F. Dreams as being a key to mass degen, using FoC would be more appropriate it seems. This build seems very effective - I'll post more later when I try it out. But spamming P. Bond is a big plus considering the casting time is so damn small... I'm a little upset at the moment, as I'm juggling between FoC and Spiteful Spirit. SS of course = dmg for nearly anything, and FoC = more damage, wider range, but ALL in range must have hexes on them. It CAN be done, but in my opinion it is best suited for a team (party) whose build is based around laying degens (tombs/gvg specific build). I could be wrong on that though... :) Strategy is slightly different in the two builds, it'll be a tough decision as to which way to go. On a positive note though, I should say that FoC scores highly in my book: last night a team was running up to my team in random, one necro cast FoC after we both laid some hexes... within two seconds, literally, after a flood of yellow damage marks, the entire team was destroyed. For PVP builds on a large scale I'm really liking Feast in combo with Suffering (you're right, Suffering alone is not all too wonderful, but with FoC maybe)... like, a whole lot - have a few necros on the team, and it'll do some nice damage. Like you, I'm a BIG fan of Feast of Corruption (though I figured we both would be since we liked the idea of Fevered Dreams). My only problem is again 1) it relies to heavily on the fact that enmies are close in range to eachother and 2) it relies on enemies being hexed. But eh, AoE + more damage, or the other build, more centralized attacks but less overall damage? Brasil you make life too complicated my friend. Again though, I find it strange you don't think that the SS build before this is neither slow nor ineffective with monks on the opposing team. Looks like we need to go into PVP so I can show you :) I swear, it's the strangest thing. Anyhow, more later when I use this new FoC build... first I need to go get FoC. ;) [b]After Using It:[/b] GREAT Necro spiker build with AoE capabilities. [strike]If you don't want to use Desecrate Enchants and keep your Shadow of Fears (if you were like me, running it without Price of Failure in case you brought a res signet), then Descrate Enchants is not [b]needed[/b],[/strike] it is INSANELY useful against monks and mesmers though but it depends how you like to play. I love this build! :) Nevermind, use Desecrate... sub it for Enfeebled Blood if you have to, it's well worth it even if target foe doesn't have enchantments (dmg wise and since it doesn't take long)! [size=1][right][i]GW Signature...[/i][/right][/size][center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5220/bangbang7hp.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][SIZE=1][b]No res signet? No fun.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]~~~~~[/b][/center]
[QUOTE=Raiyuu][color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I think all the arguments are pretty much sorted now, but one thing in this thread caught my eye: No. We keep a watchful eye on bad posters, we keep an eye on frequent spammers and flamers. I've [b]no [/b]idea how old most of the people on this forum are. I'm just not bothered. [/font][/color][/QUOTE]You took what I said entirely out of context. I meant as far as the discussion between Baron Samedi and myself was concerned - the middle ground of the discussion in which both our points can be addressed and where we can both be relatively satisfied. But you are right in your assessment? that argument has been sorted out as well.
Alex, The build is working great. The problem seems to be speed - I have the right weapons to enhance speed but it does little... in the end, 2 monk teams that are remotely coordinated are tough fighting against (4v4 almost impossible), random is up in the wind. Build does well if you have a monk, 2 monks all the better (but 2 monks means there will be NO damage output in 4v4 against teams with either monks or Mesmers, as both really screw up this SS build). All and all tough to play. In random it does seem to work with the right team. Packs quite a punch when monks DO NOT heal their party members; when they do it is almost impossible to degen or SS against healing. Attacking monks head on with this build is useless, as monks notice backfire immediately. Winning is possible in such difficult situations. Requires distracting the monk by hurting those on their party, while having this build chip away at the monk (or having a char with this build chip away at warriors on the team, while someone else like a w/mo goes for the monk). Under the right circumstances this build packs a punch. I like it more than the degen Mesmer idea (and yet it is MUCH different, in that degen Mesmer is faster but doesn?t pack the same punch, more of a support role), combines all that is great about the degen Mesmer build and adds some hard hitting action. Problem again is time... this build is slow, but under the right conditions it works well. That's what I've found so far, if it helps. So yup, I enjoy using it and I'll continue to. [quote name='haru sakurai']hello, i'm haru, a new member of the guild-- my character is Anna Crucis. i got an account here as it's been suggested. so um, hi! >>[/quote]Hey Haru, where is Shattered? Anyhow, welcome to the OB - I really do hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to browse through the various forums and take part in any discussions you may want to (from real movies, to art, from art to anime the OB has it all). Good to see you here. :) Hope to play with you in QKT.
See as far as [b]degen + soul barbs[/b] (Me/N illusion/curses) is concerned I always thought any additional damage on top of the hexes you are casting is worth it, even if it is just a little bit. Truth be told half the time you?re casting hexes to begin with, layering them one after the other ? like you said, typically the ones you want smited off should go last (Soul Barbs cast first makes this impossible, unless the last hex you use is an irrelevant as to whether or not it stays up). But yeah, in and of itself soul barbs does little dmg. Want to know what though? In some cases where either a monk is smiting those hexes off the opponent or where the hexes themselves [b]don?t[/b] do that much degen, Soul Barbs might be the only damage you?d be doing (so it?s far better to have it than not to have it in my opinion). If there was a Fragility for hexes, Soul Barbs would unfortunately be it for now? unless someone can think of something better. The thing is there are very few curses I actually like? with Mesmer?s fast casting, I find it much more preferable to play a Me primary than a N primary to boot, so chances are that means a specializing first and foremost in illusion and then second in curses or blood (most practical for illusion/degen based Mesmers so I?ve seen, likewise in pve I play a Me/N illusion degen/blood health renewal character). That being said? [quote=Brasil] I couldn't see a Warrior caring about it, really (good thing for those using the build). Now that I think about it, your target selection for the Degen/Hexes Illusion magic build was spot-on. (obviously, since the build ultimately worked, your target selection was correct in the first place) When it comes to hex removal priority, it seems like Soul Barbs is/will be pretty low on the list. I could see Warrior's glancing at the stats of a 11 or 12 Curses Soul Barbs, see the 26 or 27 damage and not really care about it.[/quote]I dunno, I mean they can?t really specify what comes off? as the actual caster of the hexes you determine what to put on. That said Soul Barbs wouldn?t matter, 3 seconds later you?d have a hex up? I think the monk will notice the hex put on right after. I see what you?re saying though, in smiting it he will not realize that barbs was on in the first place? *Shrugs* again at that point it did it?s job and if it could have been taken off too, it wouldn?t even matter just stick it back on. Soul Barbs only does dmg when a hex is cast, and by then it wouldn?t be 23 dmg? it would be 23 dmg and a degen, is what I?m trying to say. I mean this doesn?t run contrary to what you?re saying at all, simply saying Soul Barbs as far as smiting priority means very little (as you said), but not for the same reasons. With fast casting a hex typically would be put on half a second after barbs? I?d figure the monk?s player?s eye couldn?t even catch the soul barbs to notice. So pretty need to have as a bonus. So in the end this is actually agreeing with you and providing a reason for it as well, just incase anyone thought of mixing Soul Barbs with other hexes in pvp combat where degens can be smote. :) I realize my thoughts are scrambled a lot here too, but hopefully there is someone out there that is following this. As for the build, it looks GREAT as far as domination goes? I might try it out later, I?m going to mess with illusion for a bit though and then switch perhaps ? we?ll see. Meantime for illusion I?ll pick up some of those cool curses like Price of Failure and see how it factors in. In the end if I don?t see myself doing as much damage (which I do a good amount against Warriors as it is), I?ll go for dom :) very cool build though!!! A must try for Mesmer fanatics out there like me! (And if you were too busy reading this to see Brasil's build, scroll the heck up, it's worth it.)
Thank you guys for the advice. I'll compare prices next time I go to the game store. It does sound as though I'd enjoy the original DDR most of all, though we'll see - I'll take a look online a bit and see what songs I like which I don't. At competitions and the like, do they usually play the first DDR or the newer versions? Again, trying to get a good grasp of what they might have at this anime convention I'll be going to. Yeah, I suppose the best idea is to start off slow like both of you suggested. Much appreciated advice, who knows, I might become a DDR addict as well (god knows I need the exercise)!