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Everything posted by Saya

  1. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]I think we're pretty well much sorted now persocomblues :) My final point I wish to make is that to my mind, OB's current system is fluid, and works fine as it is. We don't really place restrictions on entry, rather we place restrictions on continued access. And because of this, we give [i]everyone[/i] a chance to prove themselves. If this was a different and private forum, I think your method could work. But OB is an anime site, and as I mentioned earlier and as James said in his post, it is primarily composed of teenagers. And I have a suggestion. Perhaps there should be a written test for joining OB, same as for joining some RPGs :P[/size][/QUOTE]Very cool, well I'm certainly looking forward to the new changes James mentioned, certainly no changes are [b]needed[/b] so as far as I'm concerned this next step can only be a big bonus. Indeed, Baron Samedi, we seem to have everything worked out... seeing eye to eye is never easy (and truth be told I'm a forum Nazi when it comes to posting and guidelines, as you might have been able to tell). That last line is the greatest! A written test would be interesting. Thought it was funny at first then giving it some thought... you know? I wouldn't mind it. Fits both our outlooks on quality posting, eh? ;) Heh, I guess some people just can?t type well though? I?d hate to see them suffer because of something like that. But it would ensure quality posting! You know what some sites do? They have a big long user end agreement that if you don't scroll it (and presumably read it thoroughly) you can't find the button to enter the forums. Came across a site like that today, thought it was silly at first since you can easily scroll the document fast but with no knowledge of the button being there it actually serves its purpose (you actually need to click the different sections of the agreement in order to find it). Not sure if I'd go so far as to suggest it but it did strike me as a neat idea at the time.
  2. [quote name='Baron Samedi] The problem with restricting people based upon what we'll call 'outside' criteria is that it is only a general statement. Hence, rather than looking at those you are restricting, take a look at those who you are letting in. They fit the necessary 'outside' criteria mentioned, but there is no guarantee that they will be any better than those who weren't granted access. The likelihood is that older people will have more grounded and intelligent ideas to cntribute to a discussion. The reality is that many 'children' may also have much to contribute, and that some adults won't have anything worthwhile to contribute.[/quote]Agreed, and as I said earlier it is my opinion that it is far better to be wrong when all of those factors are considered than to be wrong when only post quality is considered (for example).[quote=Baron Samedi] And if a barrier somehow lets in some unworthy people, and blocks some worthy people, it isn't an effective barrier.[/quote]More effective than the alternative, that?s my opinion once more.[quote=Baron Samedi] Due to the nature of internet relations [and again, difficulty in age verification], a fluid barrier is what is needed, to weed out the 'bad' members as effectively as possible, with no other discrimination. Because really, that is what you're suggesting. Discrimination and prejudice based on criteria, which whilst they may have an effect on the person's behaviour, are not guaranteed to produce a certain outcome.[/quote]It is difficult, but I do not think a fluid barrier is what is needed, bending a good amount is usually bending too much. I realize that it sounds like discrimination (not against ones race but instead on other features we mentioned earlier), but again, I would consider the loose rules we have now in the same boat, or any guidelines for that matter. So I sleep well at night. :) [quote=Baron Samedi] Obviously, even by filtering out those with bad posts, we are supporting a form of discrimination.[/quote]Yup, so to me it?s the same difference? I know in your opinion it is not, that?s where we fundamentally differ in opinion.[quote=Baron Samedi] By your take on accessibility, he wouldn't have been allowed here.[/quote]Nope, true? you win some you lose some (my responses aren?t to be insulting, they are literally the logical ramifications of accepting such a policy). And in the end again I think the outcome is far more desirable (etiquette wise and potential post quality wise).[quote=Baron Samedi] As an internet forum, it is a fact that we allow for some degree of growth in maturity.[/quote]See, I like my growth prior to coming to the forum, not while on the forums. Again a difference in opinion.[quote=Baron Samedi] The problem with taking the 'strict' controls you consider is that not only can you not apply them to an internet forum, but that they aren't all that effective. They would weed out a lot of problems, but not all, and they would block a lot of good people.[/quote]Well I don?t know about that ?good people? part, I?m sure they?d block out of lot of ?bad people? too? but again, the end result is what I?m concerned with.[quote=Baron Samedi]And with that other clarification thing, you said basically that freedom = uncontrolled, yet that control = freedom. But controlled /=/ uncontrolled, lol. Thats where the problem lies. We define freedom and openness differently [I don't think it has to be, or should be, Anarchy] yet you then agreed with my definition of freedom, heh.[/quote]I do, I don?t think there is anything illogical about that? controlled to me is the opposite of uncontrolled. But overall you are correct? I don?t think we define freedom too much differently: the approach we use is different.[quote=Baron Samedi'] Indicators are all well and good, but they aren't definite, just a guide. And at that, a guide that has the potential to let in bad things, and keep out good ones, which kind of knocks out it's foundations.[/quote]Never said it was definite? it doesn?t work all the time, nothing will ? I mentioned that earlier, again though, as a guideline I think it serves its purpose better than the alternative.[quote=Baron Samedi] Your arguments aren't offbase or illogical, aside from the fact that they aren't definite. The only definite way to make sure that spammers don't get a foothold is to let everybody in, and weed out the spammers individually. ? I think this just boils down [as you said] to our approach. [/quote]Well thank you for the compliment then, I too found your arguments logical and decent enough. Again, I disagree with your overall conclusion but such is the case with any [i]valid[/i] opinion. I?m glad that there are people interested in intelligent conversations here.
  3. [quote name='Baron Samedi]The thing is, one post a reputation does not make. Developing an opinion of someone [and what follows: respect, friendship, admiration etc.'] is an ongoing process. If a person generally shows themselves to be mature and intelligent, or incisively witty, then I'll most likely develop respect for them. As I've said before, I don't care about their background, or age, or sex or any of a number of other variables which don't impinge on an internet forum. An internet forum is undeniably about people: about their views, thoughts, attitudes and personalities. What else do we have cause to judge people on?[/quote]Never said it takes a post, it might take a hundred posts but people should be paying attention. As I mentioned earlier I would be inclined to believe that in [i]some[/i] cases you can determine an individuals level of maturity by how they post, what they say, the arguments they use, and so on. I think we're in "general" (*smirks*) agreement with that. In addition to that I do think that background, sex and age are important - not in predetermining their post quality, but in understanding who they [i]might[/i] be. If that view of who they might actually be on the other end does not sit well with guidelines set forward by the site (namely the level of maturity), then they can be watched closely. However I should note that I have seen sites that immediately do away with such things and try to curb this further by putting a strict age limit on the forums. Some forums it works, some it doesn't. Such limitations are again beyond the scope of my opinion regarding proper forum etiquette, though I do think they serve as a foundation for why I believe what I do. I'm sure you'll end up thinking that my view is to limit out those who are potentially "undesirable" before they have proven themselves on the forums (an issue which you said was important to you), and you might be right... it does have that effect. In my book it is, in many cases, far preferable to take the initiative and have strict censorship on [b]any[/b] type of forum than it is to risk having the forum populated with undesirable/immature conversations (undesirable here strictly refers to "immature" since that's essentially what we're talking about).[quote name='Baron Samedi]I'm not sure how my view is idealistic: indeed from my side of the fence, your expressions of respect based on the 'outside' criteria seems idealistic[/quote]Understandable now, again this is precisely why I can't fathom your interest in prolonging this discussion. I don't mean to insult you; I just can't see a point in it. But very well, I'll gone on...[quote=Baron Samedi']In real life, people have more respect for a doctor than a truck-driver. But without the social backgrounds that we know of in real life, we can appreciate the person behind it all.[/quote]I agree completely with you analysis of the role that preconceptions have socially. The idea that a doctor is any more important or deserving of respect than a truck-driver [b]is[/b] foolish. [b]But[/b] what I'm saying is if you don't have some starting point for proper etiquette than the center cannot hold not hold. For instance, does cursing really determine maturity? No, come on. I know a number of individuals who are very mature and curse non-stop. To tie it in with what I was saying earlier, they also happen to have some pretty good job (I've had the pleasure of associating with a number of doctors in my day). The problem arises when you are forced with making a decision as to who or what to allow in a discussion and what not to allow in a discussion. If it is any consolation to you at all, personally speaking I do like the idea of giving individuals a chance to prove themselves first (as they do on the OB). It works... but it doesn't always work, so I fully appreciate it when more strict guidelines are enforced.[quote name='Baron Samedi]As for the moderation system... it is necessary. It is a loss in freedom of laziness, for a gain in freedom of legibility. It is a part loss in freedom of expression, for a gain in freedom of security [i.e. in reference to flaming']. If you view an internet forum in the same way as you view a social forum, then you'll understand that moderation and rules are necessary to stop people from punching each other when they don't agree.[/quote]Agreed and that's actually what I meant when it was said: [quote name='Baron Samedi]Free and open has nothing to do with spammy and uncontrolled, to my mind. Maybe you're confused- I am 100% behind the censor.[/quote]And I replied:[quote=Persocomblues']And I'll mention once again that while you might not think "free and open" has anything to do with "spammy and uncontrolled," I do. I think the idea of moderators guiding conversations at all is a form of control, control means the opposite from uncontrolled, and yet I think this control only leads to even more freedom. The freedom to express your ideas in a clear way... a quality way, if you will.[/quote] But essentially I said this in the end: [quote name='Persocomblues']I'm not quite sure that we'll be able to reach an agreement: it seems that both our views are fundamentally different from one another. I define freedom and openness in a much different way than you do.[/quote]That's how I define it, that's how I interpret what you said, and that is my response to it. Provides security just as you mentioned and limits spammers and the like. Like you, I find this desirable, unlike you I classify it differently as noted above.[quote name='Baron Samedi']Is it far more likely for a younger member to flame? Yes it is. But the point is, although blanket rulings can be acceptable, we don't know about the person on the other keyboard. So, the only judging system which is necessary is a member-by-member one. Age, creed etc. has to be irrelevant on an internet forum. You judge people on their behavior, not their background. It's not idealistic really, though it sounds so. It is just how it needs to be, especially if you want to foster a good community.[/quote]I agree with you again, up till the point you said that age and so on "has to be" irrelevant. I don't accept what you said about how internet forums differ from real world forums, so why would I logically agree that such factors are irrelevant? And yet still you brought up what I keep agreeing with you about, behavior is key. I just think that there are other aspects which you can discern about a person that can be used as indicators to how they will post in the future. You might think it is stereotypical nonsense, but whatever it is you think is irrelevant: Your view is [b]very[/b] clear to me. Your arguments are logical, but logic doesn't dictate what is and is not as it pertains to informed, well founded opinions. It, like my etiquette provides a framework in which one can discern whether or not an argument has legitimacy and is well founded. I'm half certain that you'll agree that my argument too has been both honest and logical - if so, then why continue to discuss our opinions? I have no reason to change my view and you've failed to convince to do so despite the fact that your arguments are sound. [quote name='Baron Samedi]these basic manners as a minimum level. People don't get respect for anything other than how they come across online. And really, common courtesy shouldn't be beyond most people.[/quote]Understood it the first time, the second time and the third time. [i]How they come across[/i] has many more factors in my book other than their post quality and use of legitimate arguments (after all, I believe like in person you can fully get to understand a person and what makes them tick, just as you would a guest at an evening affair you might be holding).[quote=Baron Samedi']Seems pretty contextual to me Maybe I'm wrong, but thats what it sounded like. I included the 'generally' and everything![/quote]Nope, you're wrong... because the context I'm referring to not only applies to how it was immediately brought up but also what it meant in the overall context of my post (my idea as a whole if you will). As it stands I cannot possibly take those fragments you quoted and use them in any sort of response to you. Once more they are taken out of place and to split hairs like that would be futile.[quote name='Baron Samedi']You just said that you equated free and open with spammy and uncontrolled. Then you say that control brings freedom of quality. Which I agree with, but which is at odds with what you intially said. Clarification?[/quote]Clarification. That paragraph simply says that it is my opinion that you do not think free and open has anything to do with "spammy and uncontrolled" whereas I think freeness and openness have everything to do with leading to "spammy" and uncontrolled posts. It should be further clarified that when I said, "I think the idea of moderators guiding conversations at all is a form of control, control means the opposite from uncontrolled," I am referring to the definition of control. Control is the opposite from uncontrolled. Since I think moderation = control, I believe the lack of moderation = uncontrolled. I see absolutely nothing at "odds" there. Unless I'm completely off base (which I don't think I am), the problem lies here: you honestly believe that moderation is good insofar as it contributes to post quality. However you do not think that anything other than an individual?s behavior on a given forum should be used to either predetermine his or her actions before hand, or restrict him or her from posting. After all, to you that would be akin to calling someone a moron before he has a chance to speak. Understood... and yet the problem is that I think those "other" contributing factors weigh in quite a bit (ever present, ever in sight). Plus unlike you I do not associate an online forum with being in a real life room, completely black, in which individuals have their voice masked (as you mentioned earlier), since I [b]do[/b] think those other factors weigh in. So where exactly do you want to go with this discussion? Do you honestly think that my opinions are so off base, formed on illogical conclusions about the way conversations are held? That's fine, but I've done my utmost best to provide logical reasons as to why I feel the way I do - I believe that I've done that, it's just that you dislike the [b]approach[/b] I'm using to curb what we [b]both[/b] call undesirable behavior. But, that's the way I see fit.
  4. Let me quickly respond to some of the points you made... [quote=Baron Samedi]For all you know I could be an eight year old spoilt brat, or a fourty year old pervert. Or I could be neither. When you come onto the internet, what you do in real life is unimportant. All that matters is your brain. Your personality, your thoughts, your ideas.[/quote]I never said that you were wrong, I simply disagree with the standards you mentioned... your view seems more to be to be an idealistic view. While in one discussion an individual may prove himself to be both intelligent and mature, in another he might prove himself to be an utter dolt. How then can you get a proper impression of someone online? The only criterion is trying to determine what that individual is like in person and that's one reason I feel that etiquette pertaining to real world values is important to have. To put it simply I think it's a good starting ground for intelligent discussions/threads. Of course there is an issue of individuals pretending to be [i]something they are not[/i], but that goes beyond the scope of what I was trying to convey. The point of my initial post was not to see this type of forum etiquette made common practice on the OB, it was merely to briefly make mention of something I like to see, both online and offline. In my opinion it can only serve to enhance the conversational value of said threads/discussions.[quote name='Baron Samedi]There is no need for anyone to bow down to anyone else on the internet.[/quote]I think you took what I initially said a little too personal. It was meant as a general etiquette, again, a starting point which serves in the background to guide discussions away from such things as flaming (by youngsters as well as adults, I make no specific distinction between age groups there).[quote=Baron Samedi'] If you met this person in real life, then you'd respect them because of their background. But the internet is the ultimate equaliser, because you know nothing about me, and I know nothing about you.[/quote]A good point and well taken, the problem arises when the forum as a whole must develop guidelines for post quality and the like. Again, my intention was to provide a frame work for such guidelines (not really on the OB, just a preference of mine for forums). Granted profession might be a poor choice for online debate, but age should be considered in the back of one's mind - after all, just a moment ago someone here agreed that it is far more likely for a younger individual to abuse rules of decency and etiquette rather than an older person. Is this always the case? Certainly not... to be honest on the OB in particular I've found a great number of people of all different types of ages to exhibit a myriad of different personalities. Straying from the stereotypes and generalizations if you will. Unfortunately reality must be taken into consideration and you know full well that by and large younger individuals have a difficult time proving themselves to be on the same intellectual level as one who is older than them (and on the same token are assumed to have limited knowledge/experience [i]of[/i] proper etiquette to begin with). Do [b]I[/b] agree with this generalization? No, again I've seen a lot of cases that break the norm [i]but[/i] to keep everyone happy the middle ground seems to be to have a site that favors high quality posts, intelligent conversations, and keeps a watchful eye on the younger individuals (sad truth but I think a lot of people would want this, and being an owner of a few high traffic forums in the past I know that it is highly desired even if people dislike admitting to it). That's what seems to work.[quote name='Baron Samedi']I'm saying that for any reason other than appreciation and respect of personality and ideas, there is no cause for anything more than basic politeness and courtesy on an internet forum. Which is hard enough to get people to do, lol.[/quote]Well at least I agree with you there, it is hard enough to do... [b]regardless[/b] of age. Which is why guidelines and frame work for post quality should be clear when joining a forum (done quite nicely on OB as I've mentioned earlier). I suppose I'm also hinting at the assumption that overtime, by reading posts you can more or less guess at an individuals level of maturity if not age. This is also important, a constant theme in my posts (it is determines the etiquette required, after all).[quote=Baron Samedi] That is the thing that you're not getting. You see no distinction between a gathering in real life, and an internet forum, where there is all the difference in the world. What is the best way to simulate an internet forum.... turn off the lights, and put you in a room with people whom you know nothing about. Who have voice filters on, so that they all sound the same. Then, the only way that they deserve anything more than common courtesy is by proving themselves, through what they say, and how they say it.[/quote]I understand full well that there are fundamental differences between the two, and those fundamental differences lead to complications in determning one's age, future post quality, or anything of the sort. But since forum guidelines and the creation of such guidelines are not for a specific individual, they cannot be so narrow minded either. You must consider the forum as a conference hall if you are to encourage post quality. Sure it has its problems as you mentioned, but in the end the rules will always have flaws... the best thing to do is simply to encourage the desired etiquette. And yes, toward the end you are quite right - as I mentioned earlier it [b]does[/b] have to do with their post quality too (in fact I mentioned that in my first post, it seems as though it was overlooked).[quote name='Baron Samedi]And the thing is, not everybody on here is mature. You know why? This is an anime site, whose principle target audience is teenagers. Who, as you so wilfully put it, generally 'aren't mature'.[/quote]You said it yourself, teenagers... not me. I agreed that there were [b]many[/b] teenagers here, but I know many individuals 20+ that visit the forums. As for what I said in regards to their maturity, you took what I said entirely out of context.[quote=Baron Samedi]Free and open has nothing to do with spammy and uncontrolled, to my mind. Maybe you're confused- I am 100% behind the censor.[/quote]I don't care if you're behind the censor or against it, after all that wasn't what we were discussing. And I'll mention once again that while you might not think "free and open" has anything to do with "spammy and uncontrolled," I do. I think the idea of moderators guiding conversations at all is a form of control, control means the opposite from uncontrolled, and yet I think this control only leads to even more freedom. The freedom to express your ideas in a clear way... a quality way, if you will.[quote=Baron Samedi]The original point has been addressed, and now the thread is changing direction [as they are wont to do'] so, unless any of the mods see a problem with it, I think this is a good discussion to have in the open.[/quote]I'm not entirely sure I agree. This thread has apparently served its purpose (or not, as the moderators see fit), I see no reason why we should continue discussing this. However if it does remain open I'll gladly continue this with you further if you insist. I'm not quite sure that we'll be able to reach an agreement: it seems that both our views are fundamentally different from one another. I define freedom and openness in a much different way than you do. I also think it is achieved in a much different way just as I think post quality should be shaped by real world etiquette. It doesn't seem as though that will change any time soon either (after all, we might not even have the same concept as to what "real world etiquette" is). Should this thread be closed I want you to know that I certainly respect your opinion, and I'm glad we were both able to clarify our thoughts. I can only hope that forum members of all ages, from all walks of life can continue to make use of these forums in such a quality fashion as it has been. Thankfully this forum does not suffer from many of the etiquette/flaming problems found elsewhere - a prime reason why our opinions regarding "proper forum etiquette" and online forums vs. real ones hold no value to this thread.
  5. [quote name='Baron Samedi'] Decorum in addressing one's elders? This is an internet forum. You should have basic respect and courtesy when posting, but it make no difference to me whether I'm abusing an eight year old school-kid, or a thirty year old teacher, for making a stupid post.[/quote]Reposted for reference purposes. [quote name='Baron Samedi']I'm sorry to say, but I have no idea where this is coming from. The beautiful, fair and equal argument? To me, it sounds like you were reading somebody else's post, lol. Please explain.[/quote]No, I won't explain much further... what I said was clear enough for those that understood it, and there were individuals who understood it because many made reference to it later off the forums. Generally speaking though you seem to think that an internet forum should be more "free" and open if you will than other types of forums (which was backed up further by your comment regarding my title, which I think was in jest). How can I say that? You made it clear that you disagreed with the type of curtsey I had in mind: the only explanation for this can be seen when you said briefly, "This is an internet forum." The distinction between an internet forum and a general social get together at a convention hall is no distinction at to me at all. My ?ideal? forum type applies across the board, offline and online. In both situations the type of etiquette I mentioned is desirable. [quote name='Baron Samedi']What exactly is my forum idealogy? And how would this forum idealogy of mine be outrageous and unfair if applied to othr sections of the internet? Forum-wise, OB is at the forefront of large, yet quality forums. So, that wouldn't be a problem. Blogging? Nope, not seeing a problem there either. So, once again, please expand on your points as I am at a bit of a loss [/quote]I meant specifically the snippets of thought or line of thinking you exhibited in the quotation mentioned at the very top of this reply. You seem to think a forum of this sort should be more tolerating, more open. That's the mentality I'm referring to. Indeed your spelling mistake marks the difference in thought perfectly (?idealogy?), whereas I disagree and find that a forum cannot function well without tight, proper moderation (your ?ideal,? if you get what I?m saying, is impossible). And no, that was not an attack on your spelling; I certainly hope the example's meaning wasn't lost. Now if that?s not what you meant than I certainly hope you?ll revisit your old post when you said, ?This is an internet forum.? Maybe phrasing it that way wasn?t the best of choices after all? but that?s up to you. In light of my response I think the answers to your other questions can easily be answered with some thought and careful consideration. As this is not my thread nor is it a thread about me or the etiquette I think would be best suited for the OB (as I stated the OB is fine as it is and needs no changing), I fail to see what good discussing this further would have. If for whatever reason you?d like to discuss it outside of the forums feel free to PM me in the future. [quote name='Lord Rannos']Second, that while I still believe it shows maturity to use swear words appropriately, I concede that many people do/would use them inappropriately, and thus lower board quality.[/quote]Please note Baron Samedi that he said [b]many[/b], as I did. I?m in full agreement with Lord Rannos as having been on internet forums in the past I?ve noted that many sites that allow swear words tend to be of ?lower quality,? and the usage of such swear words is often ?inappropriate.? [quote name='Dragon Warrior'] Since when does swearing and such make you mature?[/quote]I don?t think it?s a question of maturity, but instead proper etiquette all people should have at all ages (at least that?s what my post was concerned with... whether or not you believe this type of etiquette important or not depends on your personal preference). When I mentioned ages ? as I mentioned earlier ? my post referred to age groups in general and only in passing (guidelines, not rules if you will). [quote name='Dragon Warrior'] Our maturity comes from our ideas and posts and the way we discuss things, not how we portray the ideas through "naughty words."[/quote]Yup, which is why I think that profanity should be left out of all intelligent discussions, apparently there is mixed opinions regarding that. [quote name='Raya'] I don't think that swear words should be spelled out. I, for one, am not fond of seeing them, especially when written in uppercase letters. They disrupt this member's inner peace and they don't really have much sense in them, do they?[/quote]I agree with that completely, it also disrupts what could potentially be a reasonable conversation. Not a very good thing to have? mature audience or not, age 3 to 130, all the same.
  6. Wow, for Christmas I recently received Trauma Center: Under the Knife as a gift and I must say that I?m addicted to it. I can literally go a long stretch playing it over and over, and in the case that I fail a surgery, I find my hands shaking so bad with frustration that I need to put the game down. Great game. Two majors complaints I see with the game are two that I can actually agree with: the game is storyline line and short (though I must admit that the storyline it does have is great), and second the game can be extremely difficult. Although the main storyline might be a little bit short as far as games on the DS are concerned (and therefore seem a bit limiting, as the only thing you can really do is perform surgeries), the fact that the surgery system is so exciting and interactive more than makes up for this. Again the other problem is that the surgeries can be overly difficult (in many cases too the interactive end can slip up leaving you with a failed operation when in actuality you did everything right). A minor problem considering the fact that the game is [i]highly[/i] addictive in my opinion. The graphics are pretty darn good too! I love the anime characters and their anime-like way of acting, truly a pleasure. While the idea of simulated surgeries isn?t new, this game takes that specific game-type to a whole new level as it is probably the best game of the field ? it doesn?t sport fancy music, but what it does have is a very fast paced action/surgery system which will make you want to play more and more just to get good ratings as a surgeon. The reviews do not do this game enough justice as some of the scores are low simply because the game gets extremely difficult. While it is certainly enough to make you want to hold off playing for a while when you get up to such tough surgeries, it doesn?t really take away from the overall quality and presentation of the game itself. The reviews ranking it 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 out of 10 probably have it right whereas I?ve seen editor reviews of 7.3 on GS which are somewhat silly in my opinion. [quote name='Uncle']And what are some good Nintendo DS games? I'm thinking about buying some new games, and I want some opinions.[/quote]A lot of people that I'm close to like the Nintendogz line, it is strictly for those that like those interactive games for the DS, or for those pet lovers out there. I have to admit that it's adorable (and I don?t even like dogs), well worth the buy if you're remotely interested in it. Lost in Blue I heard was excellent, Trace Memory is fun, and I hear Mario Kart DS is simply terrific (those online games for the DS are really worth it I hear). Again with DS games priced typically at $30, you can't really go wrong if you select one that interests you. After all you could also probably return the said game if you made a mistake. [quote name='After*Glow] It looks good and I'm considering getting it but it looks like the novelty can wear off quick.[/quote]Not really? you?d be surprised. Sure you can?t just pick up and replay the game ?just like that,? you might need to be in the mood to perform hard surgeries under time constraints. If that?s the case though then this puzzle-type game is simply exciting and well worth the price ($30 at my local game store).[quote=Killer7'] The only thing I am worried about is the repetitiveness and how they are going to mae it anymore then a gimmick. [/quote]One of the interesting things about the DS is their line of interactive games. Likewise this game is geared toward that specific crowed that wants a simulation which is interactive (such as those who like the Nintendogz series). Tough to compare it to a full fledged game even if such games are marketed on the DS as well. This game is indeed a simulation type game, but I assure you that it does well the keep the player on the edge of the couch/bench/chair long after the first few surgeries (and might very well entice the player to replay the game simply to improve their rankings). All that said and done if you?re interested in the game and have the means to get it, by all means give it a try. If the game genre is not for you then it wouldn?t be wise to go out and by it, while it does have a story this game is far from a full RPG (or any RPG for that matter). For the price this game is simply great!
  7. [quote name='Morpheus']I found god of war boring. The graphics were amazing, but nothing felt satisfying. After a few hours, I turned my PS2 off and sent it back to Gamefly. I felt no emotions while playing it.[/quote]Interestingly enough for me the emotional aspects of the game were felt early on as I could easily both connect to and enjoy the music and the scenery. I'm not sure what you got up to but as the game goes on much more about the main character's history was given. Did you get up to that part? I think over time this game really blossoms. But oh well, if you didn't like it after you played it for that long I doubt a few more hours could have pushed you to enjoy it. It should also be noted that when I compare this game to other games I don't compare it to games which are emotionally engaging like certain RPGs. For an action/strategy based game the fact that it [i]does[/i] have such aspects means for me that it goes above and beyond some of the other titles in the genre. Maybe that doesn't sit well with some people, but in my opinion this game blends all those elements rather well.
  8. [quote name='Baron Samedi]Decorum in addressing one's elders? This is an internet forum. You should have basic respect and courtesy when posting, but it make no difference to me whether I'm abusing an eight year old school-kid, or a thirty year old teacher, for making a stupid post.[/quote]It was a personal preference not a suggestion for the thread. I'm fully aware that must people wouldn't agree with this and therefore have no expectations to see such curtsey delivered in the future (plus in actuality the criteria I mentioned earlier would be hard to judge online people by on a forum).[quote=Baron Samedi]The censor is in place merely because there will be people who are wont to abuse language, and flame others. Tendency to do this has little to do with their age I find. If you find something personally 'wrong' with censorship, then I'm afraid that's too bad. If people didn't swear, then you wouldn't even know that OB had a censor[/quote]Ah, equality! The beautiful, fair, and equal argument brought up... I'll try to remember this for all time. Unfortunately I think you'll completely agree when I say that a lot of young people [i]tend[/i] to be more inexperienced and therefore thoughtless to rules than older people? It was merely a generalization, I said it then, and if I didn't I'm saying it now. Generalizations aren't bad so long as something useful can be derived from them... it should be considered, that's all. If I really felt so strongly about ages do you really think I'd be here to begin with? I could care less.[quote=Baron Samedi]the ratings are not there as a restriction of any kind, rather they're there so that people who would rather not be exposed to language[/quote]I'm actually going to have to agree with you there. My initial response was to the one who started the thread, but as far as policy is concerned (which yes I promised not to comment on), I'm fine with the ratings being more of a guideline and less of a restriction. Doesn't hurt anyone as far as I'm concerned.[quote=Baron Samedi']And persocomblues, from your post 'Thought Police' is an apt title ~_^[/quote]What you would call equal I'd probably call outrageous and unfair if your forum ideology extends out to other areas of the internet. There are certain considerations and exceptions which always need to be taken under advisement. One of the things I love about this site is that the wonderful moderating team does well to try and stick by the rules of the site. At times the moderating staff is faced with difficult decisions and in the end has to go the extra yard and interpret the rules as they see fit. They do so with efficiency and skill. Is it completely fair and equal that there is a moderating team in the first place? It is completely fair that they are interpreting the rules as they see fit at times? Not completely by the standards you hinted at, but what's important is that they're doing a good job with what they've got and that they're skilled in such things. If the site was as free and open as you are hinting at (trust me, your post [i]was[/i] doing just that), I'm afraid we'd see a lot more recklessness and flaming than we do now. Do I think the site needs to become stricter? Not at all, the moderating team is apparently doing quite a good job with the rules they've set up... I don't think any changes need to be made at this time.[quote name='James']Our classifications are not designed to physically block people from threads. They are merely suggestions, so that thread creators can let other members know what kind of content a thread may have. That's all they are for.[/quote]And there the site director himself said it. As for where I stand if it matters, I don't anything wrong with the site policies and/or the moderators' actions in dealing with these sorts of matters up till now. That said, I disagree with any suggestion to change said policies or revisit them at this time.
  9. [b]Note:[/b] This was originally it's own thread, thank you for moving it. You know, I tried using the search feature and it didn't work... tried for god of, god of war, god war, lol, hrm... oh well. Recently received this PS2 game for Christmas and I'm in love with it... actually, I'm almost done it with it! While certainly there are games for the Playstation game consoles I love, never before have I been so engrossed in a game (in fact friends will tell you, I very rarely finish any of the games I own). Between the stunning visuals and the excellent game play, I have to admit I'm hooked. You know, when I usually go to buy video games action/strategies are the last games I look at. Why? Well, I dislike puzzle solving, I find it frustrating and bothersome, and typically while the graphics in titles like Prince of Persia are good, the levels are so hectic that after a few hours of trying the same level over and over again I begin to get bored. I mean, the storyline isn?t always that great in some of the other action/strategy titles anyway so why bother? I have to admit that God of War is different. Sure it has magic powers, blazing weapons, and a kick butt main character? but this game is truly unique in every department! God of War has the Prince of Persia elements in it and yet takes it one step further. Amazing music which sounds as though it was done by an orchestra specifically for God of War (which might be), stunning visuals, scenery and maps which are massive and seem to set the mood perfectly, and just a downright cool storyline makes this game stick out in my mind above and beyond other [i]similar[/i] titles. The action is just so fast paced and player-controlled (if that makes sense), that it seems to take all the best qualities of past action/strategy games and puts them into one amazing experience. For those of you who are skeptical about it for seemingly the same reasons I was, this isn't your classic action/strategy type game. I know it?s rare in a game but trust me, there are so loveable many elements involved (yes, including puzzle solving) that any game player could really enjoy it! That sort of thing. :)
  10. Well it might just be an observation of mine, but I've seen a number of young individuals on the forums (typically around the age of 16). While I wouldn't go so far as to call them "children," I wouldn't classify them as adults or "mature" generally speaking. Certainly there are those who happen [i]to be mature[/i], I mean that as a loose generalization. As for the Adventure Inn, I've spotted a number of individuals involved in mature threads who aren't over 17 (as clearly stated in their profiles). I care little for policy matters as to whether or not they should or should not be posting in such threads, thought I'd mention it. I suppose an important question would be is what does the forum as a whole (namely their staff and those responsible for it), consider to be "children" and what do they make of mature content in the hands of teens? What lines are drawn? Whether or not these questions are answered in the "Rules" are unknown to me, while I've read them more than once I cannot recall them word for word off hand. My point is simply that I believe these classifications you hinted at (and the forum moderators? use for policy matters) should be clarified before any suggestions of this sort are considered. Personally speaking I don't care what the official policies regarding the use of profanities are. I'd rather they not be used simply because younger forum members might abuse them (a poor reason but one which I think is important on a forum). Certainly when addressing one's senior (as in respect of ones profession, knowledge or age) some decorum should be used? this is a preference of mine which I doubt everyone feels strongly about. As it stands I don?t see any reason to stand any way in regards to whether or not swear words be allowed for usage on the forums. Simply wanted to make mention of an important consideration which can easily be overlooked.
  11. [quote name='IceRose']The ending of Wolf's Rain sucked, I mean...[/quote] One of the things I really don't like is how a lot of people say the ending is bad solely because it is sad (a common trend among anime fans). I'm sorry but something about that doesn't sit well with me. Playing on Adult Swim, it was fully realized early on that the concepts found within Wolf's Rain should be taken from a mature point of view. Is it a mature point of view to find an ending to a series sad? Sure. Is it a mature point of view to dislike an ending? Certainly... it certainly isn't one to base disliking it solely on the fact that it made one sad. You may very well disagree with me in [b]both[/b] those cases - thinking the ending is both sad as well as poorly done, I respect that, as I would any opinion. And yet saying the ending "sucked" simply because you find it sad is something that perplexes me, the logical connection eludes me based on what little you said in your post. Are you saying that it "sucked" in a positive way, that you liked the ending as far as anime series endings are concerned but find it extremely sad? Would make more sense! Unless of course you have more reasons why you feel the ending "sucked," in which case indulge me if you will, as I feel it contributes more to the conversation at hand than an unsupported opinion. Of course I should also very much like to know what you mean by "starts bad" too. But I?ll wait for a reply? and don't feel like I'm "attacking" your opinion, I'm not, we could be discussing dish detergent for all I care... still would like something a little more than unsupported opinion for conversational purposes. [quote name='Darkartic']i think the series was pretty cool. Kiba would have to be my favorite character. How would it feel to be that close to a wolf's entity?...[/quote]Dunno what you mean by "wolf's entity" but I'll tell you, Kiba and Lord Darcia are my favorites in the series. :)
  12. [quote name='Grave Yard']I just saw the first 3 episodes and so far the series is great. The animation is beautiful, the story is intresting, and the chacters are great. Im really glad I picked this one up.[/quote] :animeswea I'm so glad you like it! It really is neat... apparently I didn't stear you wrong with my brief review of it. (WARNING: BIG END SPOILERS: doing this for email subscribers where the spoiler tag doesn't work) [quote name='Stafal-chan']Heyy i know they stopped airing it a while back but umm was that the end???[/quote]Was [i]what[/i] the end? The end of the series? Yes. If you mean what "happened," [spoiler]the whole idea of reincarnation/eternal reoccurrence was a key theme in the film. As was the idea of destiny, happiness and sadness. Likewise I thought that while the ending was full of sadness, the idea of things starting again really was heart warming...[/spoiler] at first it might come across as [spoiler]sad[/spoiler] in and of itself, but I really think the ending of the series was the only possible ending they could have used (keeping the emotional impact of the series seemingly not for nothing).
  13. [quote name='Grave Yard']I saw this anime in Best Buy for $100. It contains the whole series plus 4 OVA episodses and the soundtrack. Might just pick it up.[/quote]Whatever you have to pay for it, Wolf's Rain is well worth it. I'm a big Wolf's Rain fan: I tell people non-stop how it's my second favorite anime series to date (next to Last Exile). Although it has plenty of action, the series is geared more toward those interested in a good story rather than a fast paced show. Sporting a really interesting storyline, fantastic art, fun loving characters, great music, a perfect atmosphere for the type of post-apocalyptic story it is, this series truly has it all. It should be that the music (beside from the opening and closing) mainly serves to set the atmosphere, likewise there is far less music during the actual series. The only major problem I see is the Recollections episode (disc 4 rings a bell but a might be wrong). Chobits did the same with disc 7 - a recap CD filled with absolutely no new content and just a damn waste of money. The intention is clear, recaps are meant to fill in the gaps when a series airs on television (Wolf's Rain is a classic example in which a large gap in time might have confused fans in thinking the end of the series was sooner than it actually was). Nevertheless in the end it is simply to generate excess profit on material that hasn't been well formulated: many fans complain about it, few ever buy these "fill in" or "catch up" type DVDs. And no, the silly "extra" on the Chobits disc isn't worth the price of the DVD. That being said these type of "fill in" episodes are not essential to catch if you're in love with the series and despite what some fans say, they have little value in that they let you see your favorite characters again (after all, if you really wanted to see them that bad, you could buy a poster... with these episodes you will literally be watching older episodes condensed for your viewing pleasure). That was the only problem I saw with Wolf's Rain, and if you rent the DVDs before buying them or buy them individually you'll be just as upset as I was with it. In the end the best option is to buy the box set of Wolf's Rain, you'll be getting all the episodes for a good price, even if it does include the recollections volume (at least you aren't buying it alone). The ending of the series is incredibly thought provoking and is in many cases the only viable ending for a series like Wolf?s Rain. Without giving away any spoilers, many fans have said that they dislike the ending merely because it was emotionally intense. Watch the series, regardless of whether or not you like the ending, one thing you can be sure of: the ending is just like the rest of the series, pure quality work on screen. A great series and well worth buying!
  14. I feel really crappy for not responding on here, but Brasil and I spoke about the build via AIM... can't find the conversation but doubt it was worth posting, in the end it sounds interesting. Like of all your builds, Brasil, I can't wait to try it out in game! That being said, this call is going out to all those interested in GW: If you're on break and you have nothing to do, please go on GW. Tons of activities we (as a group in the guild) can take part in. The new observer mode makes creating pvp builds for us even easier. And no, you don't need to be able to create a build in order to pvp... just play it! [b]WINTERSDAY:[/b] I'm collecting all the candy cane shards I have so if you have extra please let me know. Also if gingerbread items are taking up inventory space, I'll gladly have those as well (I'm crazy like that). I'll be posting Wintersday pics at some point too so maybe we can get some guild shots scheduled in. Reminder, Christmas day it looks as though special "gifts" will be given out in LA and Ascalon (perhaps even Droknars as well - can you say, Santa Hat? I'm hoping that's what it is). The Christmas towns are of course LA, Ascalon and Droknars... check them out, they have Christmas quests (mainly LA in that regard), Christmas trinkets, and Christmas weapons. Sadly they have poor stats but at least they are cute to look at. Christmas quests total to 10k XP (immediate levels for low characters, well at least my Eve got 2 levels out of it but with the fighting you have to do to collect Christmas collectors' items you'll be leveling more than that). Very cool stuff. Again, hope to do more GW as people get off from break.
  15. Mature audiences only? [spoiler]"Have you seen Goofy around, Sora?" said Donald in his usual incoherent way. Struggling to understand what Donald was saying, Sora didn't notice Goofy coming up behind him under water. Suddenly Sora felt a rather harsh poke... a poke in a rather distasteful spot by what he assumed was Goofy's long nose. "Ouch," cried Sora rubbing his backside. As soon as he realized the truth he immediately went for Flounder?s eyes and cried out, "Geez Goofy! There are children watching!"[/spoiler] :animeswea
  16. [quote name='Tokyoluvluv']It's all about the La Blue girl box set![/quote]You're so damn funny and you probably don't even know it! The box set is really good by the way... I don't own but friends do. One complaint is how cheesy the live action is, but I don't think the box set includes these (and quite thankfully), plus the box set says it has been modified in some way... bet it's still good. Erm, but I wouldn't watch La Blue Girl over and over. Kite Uncensored, yes, simply because it really isn't an H-film (by the way when watching Kite I suggest watching the uncensored only as it only adds to the movie's overall feel). As I mentioned LE and Wolf's Rain, but I think RahXephon gets on my list (100x better than NGE, which I didn't like at all but for some reason people compare it to NGE - a series it is absolutely nothing like). The guy who did Voices of a Distant Star and later The Place Promised in Our Early Days is also damn amazing; I?ve seen Distant Star a few times and wouldn?t mind watching it again.
  17. I use Wikipedia for casual use, school papers, and other such things - it is a highly useful tool and many highly skilled professions [b]do[/b] consider it a valuable source of information. Like[b] all[/b] information you need to take it with a grain of salt, look elsewhere and tease out what you can from various sources. That being said Wikipedia is downright amazing in its scope and depth. It should be noted for work related things that Wikipedia is also very useful and considered to be quite reliable. Is it a problem that anyone can upload anything? Certainly, of course you're going to find information that is utter crap... it happens with everything. I bet we're all familiar with how many versions of Encarta there is, or for that matter, how many times they've corrected information that they had. Nothing is perfect, but Wikipedia is close. Why is Wikipedia so close to being just damn perfect if unlike actual Encyclopedias it isn't obtaining its information from solely valid sources? Because there are many people skilled in various fields - Wikipedia represents the culmination of shared knowledge, be it useful or utter bull (but Wikipedia's staff does try to root out the bad from the good, and in my mind they succeed). [quote name='Sage Kaley']I use wiki a lot, mostly because it tends to have hard to find information. From what I've seen it's more accurate than not. Actually I've been allowed to use it on college papers; my writing teacher told us it's accepted here and showed us how to cite it. I mean, I've always known that since anyone can edit it, I should be wary but it doesn't bother me too much. I know it could be wrong but it's usually pretty right, at the least. Fun way to waste time too.[/quote]I could have said it better... and for the same reasons it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me too much either. That some people suddenly dislike Wikipedia based on an incident (or more than one similar incident for that matter), goes to show you that people have some odd expectations in this world. For encyclopedic knowledge, Wikipedia is just simply that good.[quote name='Chabichou']I've always felt uneasy about how anyone can post anything on the site though. My brother is obsessed with politics, and he's even submitted some articles to the site, but he has really biased views, so I hope he made sure that his articles were completely objective.[/quote]Does mistakes happen where an article breaks through said preventions (the staff reviewing the articles prior to accepting them), certainly. But I think the Wikipedia staff is pretty good with handling such things. It's actually quite refreshing to know not [i]everything[/i] gets in, and if it did? Then Wikipedia would still be an excellent source for such knowledge. Things need to be taken for what they are, not what they ought to be (unless the flaws they posses are overwhelming). For instance Wikipedia is a community encyclopedia... likewise it has many benefits other encyclopedias only dream of possessing, and yet there are some areas in which it is weak (communal knowledge is always weaker than centralized knowledge and yet it is more plentiful and easier to access).[quote name='Lore']I don't think we really need to add the prefix "wiki" to everything, do we? I mean, come on. This isn't Digimon. [/quote]Funny you should say that. Just stumbled upon a Guild Wars Wiki-type site... at first I was turned off by the name, but seeing the wealth of information there I've got to admit it's pretty good (by the way Guild Wars is a massive multiplayer game). Overall I think some of these new Wiki sites are pretty cool (they use the same open source "method" for posting entries as does Wikipedia). As for the name itself? I think it's cute.[quote name='Raiyuu] The system they have now works 99% of the time. They have admins (not hired, I believe, but comprised of volunteers not unlike the Mod team here) who read all the newly submitted articles and edits, checking them out for clarity and accuracy. I don't think this one isolated incident should be shaking anyone's foundations.[/quote]I second that, as I feel that it is extremely important to point out - plus I think they do an excellent job, and under the circumstances, the outcome has been an excellent system.[quote=Mnemolth]But then you shouldn't accept everything you read in the library or see on TV either. Just because it is in a book doesn't make it true. Wikipedia is no more or less reliable.[/quote]That's my point summed up in a nut shell.[quote=sbsp13668']Woah... I guess I shoudln't use Wikipedia that often then. I feel bad for those two guys that would so totally suck![/quote]What was your reason for that exactly? I must have been misreading all of the posts up till now: there is absolutely nothing wrong with the system except the innate flaws of the [i]type[/i] of system it is. Just as you are capable of making spelling mistakes, so too is Wikipedia capable of possessing incorrect knowledge, for its knowledge is knowledge from individuals (submitted by individuals like you or me). I fail to see how this discredits Wikipedia as a whole... so why on earth would you say you wouldn't use it that often? I would certainly respect your opinion should one be given, but unless I've misread your short post, I fail to see any possible reason for your decision.
  18. Saya

    King Kong Remake

    [QUOTE=Dagger] EDIT: Meant to say under $10 there, sorry. It was actually around $9.8, I think. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE]Seems like it was for Wed, indeed. I saw it tonight with forum member Tigris after dinner at the mall. Pretty good, in fact, very good - I think we both enjoyed it immensely. I didn't find it superb in any way shape or form though, while it was very entertaining we both felt there were some major parts that needed work. I have to admit that I thought Jack Black was terrible and that isn't because I normally think he's pretty bad in the movies he's in, truth be told there are some movies I like him in but I didn't like him at all. Up against good performances by Mr. Broody and the like, I don't think he really held a candle, if anything served to take away from the movie. The only other thing I didn't like about the movie was that the [spoiler]love scenes seemed a bit foolish.[/spoiler] Tigris didn't share my opinion on this one, at least I don't think (maybe she can answer later), but to me while it was excusable in the original King Kong, it sure as hell wasn't excusable in the remake ([spoiler]I thought the fact that he spared her out of all the other people sacrificed was strange,[/spoiler] but even more [spoiler]I simply didn't think her part of loving him and being as obsessed over him for saving her hide was nearly as convincing as it could have and should have been). The emotional aspects simply weren't that emotional for me, but there were scenes that touched me, by and large though the [spoiler]emotional ending[/spoiler] didn't touch me, it didn't even touch me in the original. Was hoping it would. Beside from that, I thought the visuals were pretty good - the only time I didn't completely enjoy them is with the dinosaurs, thought up close they seemed to appear quite "foggy" the way animated CG tends to be. But all in all the visuals get an A+ as they contributed to the entertainment value of the movie, if not a more ?stunning? quality which would lead one to mark this film?s graphics as superb. Visuals were LoTR style if not a little better on Kong, but the cinematography was pure magic: scenes fit the movie, and looked really pretty. I thought the soundtrack was great and the acting for the most part was decent-to-good. Certainly a film worth seeing and no, you cannot possibly enjoy it the same at home - I'm glad I went to the movies to see it? it needs to be seen on a large screen to be fully enjoyed. So would I recommend the movie to someone? Certainly, go see it in the theatre for some entertainment: again, good movie, but nothing superb. Tigris says, "Yeah" when I ask her if it was worth buying, I disagree and say better once in the theatre, though that'll depend on one's preference.
  19. Saya

    King Kong Remake

    [QUOTE=Dagger]Regarding the box office results... I read that the weekend domestic take was somewhere in the realm of ~$50 million. Not stellar, but not flop-worthy, either. Here's an interesting [url=http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breaking_news/13437371.htm][u]article[/u][/url] that touches on future expectations and so forth. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE]Strange, a number of people I know caught News Channel 4 mentioning how it didn't take in even 10 and ranked as one of the lowest movies out, generating much far less than expected (a big blow to Jackson as I mentioned earlier). Today there were some poor reviews in the local Newspaper as well. Odd how the sources mentioned can come at results which are complete opposites (the source you posted). My original concerns were that it was going to become another cross between a Godzilla remake and The Day After Tomorrow (which despite some die hard fan followings, happens in my book to be an exceptionally bad movie). Still planning on seeing King Kong later though, from the positive feedback on the OB I'm actually becoming rather excited about it. :) [b]EDIT:[/b] Seems like I'm not going today after all, important things have came up. Heh, oh well, I'll go to see it sometime soon.
  20. Saya

    King Kong Remake

    [quote name='Dagger']Okay, so who's going to see this?[/quote] I realize that this is the type of film you have to see in the theatre, and it really does look like an interesting film but I doubt I?ll be wasting money on it anytime soon. [quote name='Dooby'] No. His earlier films were cheesy horror movies.[/quote]Not me, and I agree Dooby. Given that it is failing in the box office (not sure if those statistics on Rotten mean anything to me, mine inform me that it failed to take in 10 million as was expected in the box office*, a large blow to the movie and Peter Jackson), I hope that I?ll be able to see it soon on Netflix or through a friend. As it stands I dislike most of Rotten Tomatoes reviews and ratings, and having poor dealings with the staff in the past I very rarely trust their rating system or their judgment (I find a lot of their [i]very[/i] ?rotten tomatoes? to be exceptional movies, for instance). As for the actual film itself I can?t stand the casting choices and something about 3 hours of graphical fluff turns me off - played the video game, thought it was impressive visually, looks like short but sweet fun. Jack Black annoys me, the expectation of Peter Jackson releasing yet another epic style movie is a little too? well expected, and I dislike that the movie is around 3 hours along (having studied film making in the past, do you realize how much of the movie they must have had to cut away if the end result is 3 hours? Scary). So I certainly do expect to see a hell of a lot of ?stunning visuals,? and... that?s about it, nothing that will make this movie stand the test of time (but not much is shocking with that, modern film releases very rarely do stand the test of time). With all of the flops recently, I?m actually in the mood to go see a good film? so I?ll be waiting till something interesting comes out (the new M. Night Shama? whatever looks really good, despite not liking Signs or Village too much, that new film is next on my list). Some people have already given this movie praise on OB, ~Smiles~ I suppose I wouldn't be kicking and screaming if someone asked me to go with them, but I certainly don't have it planned at the moment and would rather see it upon its VHS/DVD release. [b]EDIT:[/b] Eh, only thing in the theatre to see so people in my house want to see it. My schedule is cleared... looks like I'll be be going later if all goes well. I'll be back here after I see it. =^.^= ____ * News Channel 4 in the evening last night and fellow film critics.
  21. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Arik and Amelia have both completed the game, so I pretty much just use them for the endgame areas now. Eddie is up to Abbadon's Mouth, the second of the last three missions in the Ring of Fire islands. Fina is up to D'Alessio Seaboard, but she's also gotten a run down to Droknar's Forge and is up to Thunderhead Keep down there. So if you've got a character in the Ring of Fire missions, Eddie could join you, or if you've got anyone in Kryta or the Southern Shiverpeaks then Fina could.[/color][/QUOTE]Goddess, Eddie (Desi's Eddie) is at the mission point right after Ring of Fire with my Chrysalis (if I got that right... I remember Desi doing a mission with me a while back). I'll gladly do Ring of Fire with you so we can all do Abbadon's Mouth as a group or something. Eh, Fina should wait! lol, I have Eve still needing to do Lions... trying to rush her through things asap. :D If anyone wants leave, your AIM address and I'll get to you on there, I also have an Xfire account (very useful in GW). Hopefully with winter session letting out soon we can all do things as a group. Oh and if anyone finds good random Tombs partners, let me know... I need some fame badly. [quote=Eve's Olde-Time Lunar Auctions]Giving away some items (at [URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/phoenixfire303/random/evestore.jpg][b]the store[/b][/URL]), keeping them mainly for new people so only ask if you need them: [b]Inscribed chakram[/b], +12 energy, req. 17 dom, no specials. [b]Insightful Earth Staff of Defense[/b], +10 energy, 10-20, req. 12 Earth, +1 energy, armor +4. [b]Shocking Hammer of Hammer Mastery[/b], 15-26, req 8 Hammer Mastery, Hammer Mastery +1 (10% chance while using skills). [b]Furious War Hammer[/b] 13-20 (low req), double adren on hit 10%, armor penetration +5% (10%). Selling for discounted prices to QKT members at [URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/phoenixfire303/random/evestore.jpg][b]the store[/b][/URL]: [b]Icy War Hammer[/b], 19-35, +16% while hexed, gold item. [b]Insightful Air staff[/b], 11-22 (req. 19 air), improves casting speed (chance 7%), energy +2. Can obtain clean max damage[b] collectors firestaff[/b] for a price (max 20/20 +10 energy). [b]Purple dye[/b] and[b] green dye[/b]. [b]Cruel War Hammer of Shelter[/b], 19-35 (req. 8 ham), lengthens deep wound duration on foe, armor +5 vs physical. Now and then I get in a lot of cool items, including collectors items (enslavement stones), so PM me for specifics. Looking for: Something better for illus than: The Rockmolder, energy +12 (req 9 illusion), illusion +1 20% while using skills, improves skill recharge 10% - no worries about the cane/staff unless staff is max energy, my cane is a 20/20 for illusion (though for godly staff I wouldn't mind being able to upgrade it). Looking also for free max damage sword and good shield for IW pvp Mesmer.[/quote]
  22. Well I'm on GW daily but I'll gladly make it on more if I know people are going to be on. KD/AS Build for 8v8: posting it here so that if we use the build characters can be pumped out quickly enough. Think you can fill a role on here? PM me and let me know so if we all do go into an 8v8 as a team in the future, once we work out times, we can assign people appropriate roles they'd like to play. [quote=KD/AS][SIZE=3]Never posted - KD/AS 8v8 :)[/SIZE] Intro: Easy enough build for new players since many people start off as warriors and therefore have some warrior skills unlocked, if not we can get them unlocked for you I?m sure. Note: Chain/Surge combo doesn?t work, so Air eles are having a tough time in pvp? this build has been around for quite sometime, let?s give em a break and go the way of Earth. Pretty straight forward, hope that it isn't insultingly so but I thought it would be worth posting so that way when it comes time to 8v8 (particularly Tombs since GvG usually requires a little something special), we can quickly pump out characters for this build. Pretty straight forward I?d say. Team should be organized like this: Knockdown Warriors (3), EQ/AS Eles (2 ? timed AS spikes through voice), and Healing Monks (3 - Mo/Me). Preferable skills for healing monk (again pretty straight forward): Word of Healing, Dwaynas, Orison, Touch, Seed, Inspired Hex (best), drain enchant (best possible choice), and of course your res signet. Appropriate gear for AS ele: 20/20 staff +5 armor, +4 armor, +12, +45 earth for focus (not needed, secondary weapons not needed either). Preferable skills for AS: earthquake, aftershock, crystal wave, glyph of energy*, ward against foes, ward against melee, and res signet (bring gale or something else just as useful ? gale preferable, though my old guild used inspired hex if we found that was becoming a problem? typically 4v4 gale is best, but that?s up to the team at the time). * Not glyph of lesser energy. Armor & runes for AS: earth eye w/ sup rune, aero armor for air spikers, sup vigor, minor energy storage, and minor air. Attribute allocation and modifiers calculated: Air 8 (9), Earth 12 (16), Energy Storage 10 (11). This build is pretty fun, requires little and yet the 2 AS Elementalists must be timed. As it stands I currently have an AS ele ready for us, so if we can get another one then all we?d need is the 3 KDs and the monks. If you [b]need anything mentioned[/b], skills, runes, or so on all of that can be worked out easily. The runes can very simply be unlocked with a little faction, and the elites can be capped with a simple run. A sup vig and sup earth are required, so let me know ahead of time if you need some unlocking done![/quote] [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]I've mainly been playing Animal Crossing: Wild World lately; ever since that and Mario Kart DS were released, my activity in GW has dropped off. But I have been playing on Fina every other day or so. Most of the time me and Alex go out questing together, me on Fina and him on Leah. Last night we did Ice Caves of Sorrow and Iron Mines of Moladune, so now we're infused. The guild hasn't been too active lately, but there are still people here. :)[/color][/QUOTE]Hrm *considers* actually if you guys aren't too busy maybe you'd like to do UW/Fissure/SF run with me when you two are on. Up to you guys, but if you want to I'll gladly make it on, maybe we can schedule some times together outside the game? Been trying to win the hall in hopes of steady supply of both fame and money from the reward, unfortunately haven't come closs with these dumb "IWAY" pickup groups... *sighs* they faction farm, they don't care to win. Goddess told me how she's down by Ring of Fire and still has a mission to do - you remember the mission we completed last time together? Well that's where Tigris and I are still down there, maybe we can keep going from there on our main characters if you'd like - we don't have far until we beat the game. Maybe we could all benefit if interested in setting up a time to try and make it on since there are some things we can do as a group beside the obvious pvp and stuff? Again, got a ton of messengers but I can also do the phone thing if it's easier. Let me know.
  23. [QUOTE=tokyopop1]heh...yeah i drive about 2 hours to get to work...well more like an hour 45mins but i just chug a Red Bull on the way out the door and spend the time rockin out in my car sitting in traffic drumming on my steering wheel and bobbing my head to the music while everyone else looks at me funny...:animestun i'm a Layout Artist and if you know how to use Photoshop then you pretty much got the job already...[/QUOTE]I was planning on living near London some time ago but unfortunately real life has a way of getting in the way of previous engagements. Too bad too, I would have very much liked to have applied for a few of the positions listed on the page (one of which included a Layout Artist, as I have extensive experience using Photoshop and other such programs). I don't suppose they have editorship opportunities for writers living in New York, eh? Again, too bad, but certainly good to know.
  24. Saya


    My most favorite Miyazaki release to date would have to be Princess Mononoke for all the right reasons: perfect VAs, wonderful visuals, amazing story, and lovable characters... just downright amazing! My least favorite Miyazaki would have to be NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind because I thought it just dragged on and wasn't all that interesting (although as always the art was beautiful), just thought the story and characters could have been more memorable.
  25. [SIZE=4]Voice Communications Guide[/SIZE] Voice communications is an essential part of strategy making in Guild Wars and in other games where coordination between players is key. Many players will tell you that drawing on a mini-map or typing out messages to friends while gaming can be difficult at best. On top of which telephone rates being what they are, voice communication on is necessity. Thinking along those lines I?ve constructed this short guide with the hope that our forum members will benefit from voice communications programs for their gaming and personal needs. While forum members have long since been tossing around the idea of voice communications, no one has ever released an ?official? server which we could all use. At the bottom of this guide I?ve attached a list of current voice communications servers for the official Quantum Kabuki Troupe Guild Wars guild, who may make free use of these servers for their communications needs (other game channels are also available for those members to make free use of as well). That said this guide will not be specifically about any particular server. Since the servers are subject to change they will [i]only[/i] be mentioned at the end of this email, please refer back to this guide for properly configuring the server and port information for each desired server. This guide at the moment covers only TeamSpeak and Ventrilo (Vent). The best way of starting this guide is to break each program down by client, and then giving a run down of how to connect to a specific server with that client. [SIZE=4] TeamSpeak[/SIZE] - [url]http://www.goteamspeak.com/[/url] TeamSpeak, in my opinion, is one of the greatest voice communications software packages because it offers a number of different compressions for audio handling. This of course means absolutely nothing to the average user, but its interface is clean and friendly and invites users of all levels of expertise to use it. To install TeamSpeak go to: [url]http://www.goteamspeak.com/[/url] and click on the ?Download? link. Download the client version of TeamSpeak RC2 for your operating system (this version is subject to change, if in doubt, always get the latest version). Install the software where you deem appropriate? then open it (by default for Windows XP TS places itself in your Programs start/toolbar sub-menu). In TeamSpeak there will be a place on the top that says, ?Connection,? click on it. [b]Connect[/b] enables you to create a new server in which you can easily access later, and [b]Quick Connect:[/b] allows you to plug in direct server information and connect immediately to the server without saving the information. Please select ?Connect.? You should now right [b]Left Click[/b] on servers and [b]Right Click[/b] on Add. Please fill in the server information if you know it. Generally the server label refers to any random name you wish to give the server/connection, whereas Server Address refers to the hostname OR IP address (numerical form) of the server. By default you DO NOT need to enter a port in TeamSpeak? however if a server administrator tells you that he is running a server on a specific port and not the default port you should enter it in the Server Address spot like so: [b]hostname or ip[/b]:[b]port specification[/b] (for example this will look like: [b]john.johnsmith.com:2937[/b]). Usernames and passwords are not generally required ? and unless you registered with the server before hand, just leave the Registered box checked but do nothing more. Your nickname refers only to the nickname you have on the server. Nothing else is required of you ? however if a channel is specified by the server administrator, type that in the Default Channel box. Hit connect and you?re set. From then on just hit the [b]Connection[/b] button at the top and hit [b]Connect[/b], you?ll find the server you entered sitting there waiting for you to access. Once on a server please note to the right there are [b]Channels[/b] for you to access ? many servers set different types of games up in these channels to help keep conversations focused and based on one particular game (for example your friends playing Warcraft will either be in the Warcraft channel or a sub-channel of the Warcraft channel, which can be seen visibly to the right if there are any sub-channels). Basically think of channels like chartrooms? each one can have chartrooms inside of it to centralize the conversation at hand, if in doubt merely go to the channel you wish to and worry about the sub-channels, if there are any, if someone asks you to switch to them. [b]Binding Keys[/b] is a useful function to use when you wish to mute yourself in TeamSpeak with the single click of a button. I suggest doing this with a key that does not interfere with any type of game or program you are running along side of the voice software. To establish a Key binding, please click ?Add.? You have the choice to bind one keys for a function, or a few keys if you wish to make a combination of keys. I suggest one key. Binding keys is simple? simply hit ?Set? under one of the key spots and hit the key you wish to bind. Then go to the [b]Action[/b] box and select Toggle (if you are following my advise for a mute key). A side box will open? select ?Mute microphone? from the list of options and then click [b]OK[/b]. Those are the basics of using the TeamSpeak client. [SIZE=4] Ventrilo (Vent) [/SIZE]- [url]http://ventrilo.com/[/url] Vent is a neat program if not as ?clean? looking as TeamSpeak. TeamSpeak generally speaking supports more users than Vent for a myriad of questionable reasons, one which I like to think is because the compression is far better on TeamSpeak, though Vent users are apt to say that the effects compressions of Vent far outweigh this inconvenience as surround sound and the like are possible with Vent. Vent can be downloaded from: [url]http://ventrilo.com/[/url] by clicking on ?Download,? scrolling down and downloading the newest version of the client for your operating system. Once you install it to where you want it, typically Vent can be run by accessing your ?Programs? (sub-menu in Windows XP), and running Ventrilo. Next to the [b]Username[/b] bar hit the right arrow looking icon next to the box. This is how you will fill in your information when using Vent? like TeamSpeak it will save your information, so to access it again later you were merely have to down click on the bars previously mentioned and select the information you want. Since we are now in the [b]Username[/b] menu, opt to make a new username and name it whatever you want. You do not need a phonetic pronunciation of the name though once can be generated by randomly typing in letters that make the computer try and pronounce your name (this is only for fun as when you sign into a Vent server it will say who you are? by default it tries to pronounce your username anyway it can). Description and Work Dir are not necessary to fill in. Click [b]OK[/b]. Click on the right arrow marker next to the [b]Server[/b] bar. Hit [b]New[/b] and type the name of the server you wish to access. The Hostname you should already know ahead of time, the port number should be the default (3784) unless a system administrator told you otherwise, and the Password and Default channel too should be blank unless a system administrator told you other wise. Have all the boxes below that checked, although you might not wish for your conversation to be recorded by others, if not, then please uncheck that and click [b]OK[/b]. Bindings should be accessed by clicking on the arrow next to the bar as well. You [b]do not need to set up bindings[/b] but they are useful. Bindings allow you to bind a key for a specific function ? ensure first that the said key isn?t utilized by a game if you are trying to play one while running the voice software, but if not feel free to bind a key. For instance I bound my ?END? key for ?Push-To-Talk, Advanced? which means I need to push it whenever I want to speak. TeamSpeak does not use ?Push-To-Talk? primarily; instead you can mute yourself with a key and un-mute yourself by hitting the same key. Regardless, click on the [b]Bind key[/b] box and hit the key you wish to bind. Select the function to the one previously mentioned if you wish to use it, move down to where you see [b]Transmit Style[/b] and hit Current Channel (I prefer this method which means I speak only to the current channel when I hit my speak button). Don?t see anything in all those boxes you just filled in? Hit the down scroll button beside it and select the customized option you made for each box. At any time hit ?Connect.? Once connected there are a list of channels and sub-channels you may join, by default you are in the ?Lobby? of a Vent server, feel free to change channels at any time if there is a given channel you wish to join (a Guild Wars channel for instance). You should be set to use the basic functions of Vent from here on in, though it is recommended that you try and get a feel for the program by experimenting. [SIZE=4]Behind a Firewall[/SIZE] If you are behind a firewall (established by a Router for instance): do not worry! These voice programs do not require special configuration to access them. On the contrary if you are a server administrator behind a firewall you will need to configure your firewall to accept connections from some specified ports. However this is beyond the scope of this introduction to the clients of both Vent and TeamSpeak (if you need assistance for this please go to [url]http://www.portforwarding.com[/url]). [SIZE=4]Server Listing (Restricted to OtakuBoards members ONLY)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][SIZE=2] [SIZE=3]Kabuki Vent[/SIZE] [b]Server Type:[/b] Ventrilo (Vent) newest version! [b]Simple:[/b] Vent otaku.silk.com no pass! [b]Hostname:[/b] otaku.rlogin.org [b]Username/Password:[/b] NONE, leave these blank when connecting. [b]Specific port settings:[/b] 3784 (Default, no need to type) [b]Default Channel:[/b] None (QKT guild, type-> Guild Wars) [b]Max users:[/b] 8 (free version) - for our Guild Wars guild, if 8 people enter for PVP, all other parties will be removed from the server so only the guild may use Vent while playing. Unfortunate but the best we can do at the moment for technical reasons. * Refers to connection speed incase it gives some indication of how much bandwidth the server can handle. For security reasons an exact bandwidth for upstream and downstream will not be given. NOTE: I have my network config'd so it won't change IPs, but sometimes my ISP gets wacky in the case of storms I think. Regardless if it does change so too will the dynamic host name (it can't keep up with changes that well). If it does change the new info will be posted here [b]AND[/b] on QKT "Announcements." Not to worry. [/SIZE][/SIZE] [b]Post script/News:[/b] I'll add upallnightgaming's TS server if and when we get a channel on there. For information on hosting your own voice server please PM me.
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