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[quote name='Panda']Most romantic hmm, well for me it is something very simple. I don't need wine and roses...bah! What I love is on a snowy winter night putting on my comfy flannel jammies, lighting a few candles and cuddling up with my hubby under a big fluffy blanket watching the snow fall. All this with a big mug of homemade hot chocolate. Chatting and being together, that is what is romantic to me.[/quote] [quote name='MewPrincess']A nice dinner at a dim lighted restaurant is my ideal place of a date.[/quote] I'm going to have to agree with both of you. First off I think the most romantic thing is indeed sitting around in comfortable PJs and cuddling with a loved one. Maybe watching the snow fall, watching a cheesy movie on television, or something along those lines. Unfortunately that's usually what I do anyway half the time, so in a relationship I'm typically expected to do a little more. I would have to say at the tippy top of my list, a beautiful dinner at a nice restaurant would be perfect. The ambiance is important in enjoying a beautiful night out, so while money really isn't the issue, a cheap restaurant usually doesn't cover it. I suppose I'm the classical sort of guy, I enjoy dressing nice wear a T-shirt and Jeans only if I absolutely must (to go to the mall for instance). I'm all for preparation for and attending formal affairs, so I'd be more than delighted to have to dress up to go to a "fancy" restaurant. We have a number of fine restaurants right here in New York (where I live by the way), so finding the right restaurant isn't really the problem (ultra-fancy restaurants however tend to be a little bit further away, but I wouldn't be adverse to traveling to them if my best friend didn't just open a nice restaurant right nearby). So yes, a dinner by candle light, no talk of troubles, maybe a gift or two - maybe just a light squeeze of the hand followed by holding a loved one, walking along a pier... all those things would be great. Though I should note I'm certainly no romantic, I care little for such things... and yet I find with love someone's everyday personality can be altered just a bit in order to allow... a little something special. That's the way I see it at least. Romantics... to make clouds out of smog, bah! And yet I must admit it appeals to me on some level.
[quote name='Transtic Nerve']That and what I said had a strong satirical meaning behind it.[/quote]Yours might have been, I was actually trying to be as truthful and as direct as possible... I think the intention of my post was clear as day, insulting or not, you know... I'm a helpful sort of person like that. Not a lot of people tend to see it though. :) [quote name='DeadSeraphim']"There's nothing like a depressant to cure depression!" Lenny, The Simpsons[/quote]Erm, I'm glad I said "thus far" earlier. ;) Since bumping isn't allowed, I'll have to do this since I certainly don't want it to be overlooked:*[quote name='SunfallIE']I also agree with persocomblues in respect to the lack of response to this thread. If it?s not helping you in any way then like persocomblues said why did you start it? You don?t have to answer, but I am curious.[/quote]* There you go, Transtic, I aim to please.
[b]Thumbs down IMO, here's why...[/b] I?m fairly certain that this topic hasn?t been brought up before, so I thought I?d give it a go. Recently I recently Star Wars Episode III from Netflix and gave it a watch. Truth is I wasn?t expecting very much to begin with seeing as how I was disappointed in the first two prequels, but this movie just topped it off for me. I can honestly say while I?m a huge Star Wars fan (deeply into expanded universe as well as the original trilogy) I absolutely hated the prequels with such a passion that I cannot possibly describe. George Lucas really should have went the way of the expanded universe and tried as hard as he could to make these prequels ?magical.? Does anyone else on the OB feel similarly about the prequels? I found the acting to be of exceptionally poor quality (the whereas the young Anakin was too much to stomach, this Anakin featured in the last two movies whines out his lines and overacts every part in my opinion). Also noteworthy, the CG in my opinion was perhaps the worst to date (Episode III was slightly better because they didn?t bother with the hordes of humungous alien-animals which looked plastic and downright fake in past Episodes). Action sequences are much too quick whereas in the original Star Wars they were more timed, slow, in line with the events in the story transpiring. CG set/background design was atrocious, as most marble pillars appeared to be plastic and flying moving in perfect synchrony across the background only looked half convincing. While on the story of the Episodes, I found it engaging and yet improperly executed. While I love Star Wars and therefore know and love the story of Vader, it seems that Episode III was extremely? underplayed, I suppose. Palpatine?s rise to power should have been through the military as well as through gaining the influence of fellow senators. More impressive speeches were expected and yet Episode III featured none of that. While on the story, the relationship between Anakin and his love was really watered down: not only were their lines to each other terrible and childish throughout the prequels, but they were also followed by abrupt battles and other things which only served to take away from the prequels as a whole. Seemed to me as though these Episodes were geared for a younger audience. Having officially reviewed each of the 3 Episode movies for other places I can go into considerable detail as to the flaws I found within the film, but I?m curious to know whether or not anyone here disliked it as much as I did. On the same note since this is about the Episodes, I would very much like to know if anyone here liked them and why they disagree with me on certain points if they do. In one of my official reviews I noted how Episode III was basically about: [quote name='Review Info Withheld, PM for source - can verify']Gold contacts... plastic looking ships, angry lines which are spit out decently enough but ultimately sound as though a youngsters mentality was behind them... childish comedy and no sense of class leaves this movie, as well as the Episodes before it without any redeeming qualities. These prequels could have been and should have been so much more.[/quote]It just seems to me that with as much money as George Lucas undoubtedly had in making the prequels, that it could have been spent better to create a more memorable experience? an experience to truly live up to the Star Wars legacy.
[quote name='renayiiq']Nope. That wasn't it.[/quote]With all due respect I'm curious to know whether or not you've read the countless responses from forum members on here to your initial post. Again while the intention of your post might not have been for forum members to "judge" you or your way of life, I think the advice thus far has been pretty solid. As I noted before I don't think alcohol is a proper escape because it does get you more depressed and it isn't a good thing to become dependent on it. What are your thoughts on that? A few forum members have said how it is an escape from reality, how do you feel about that? Do you have any intention on changing how and when you drink? You don't necessarily have to answer[b] any [/b]of these questions. I gather everyone here answered from their heart and because of which, you don't owe anyone [u]anything[/u]. But one reply reflecting upon some of the things mentioned would be [i]nice[/i]. I'm curious to know whether or not the solid, helpful advice I've read so far has fallen on deaf ears or not ? whether or not you care about the responses you?ve read, and what your expectations were. [b]If[/b] our responses are falling upon deaf ears I'm wondering as to why you bothered making this post to begin with, for surely you must have known by and large people find what you had to say disturbing. And yet even still, I found most of the advice here helpful instead of condescending. (Perhaps if people know whether or not you took this thread seriously they could decide whether or not to continue to reply here, I think that's pretty fair to ask.)
[quote name='Mewprincess']But why would they allow it in the movies in the first place. Sex is disgusting in both tv and video games. Real life? Well........[/quote]Why would they allow it in movies in the first place? Heh. I think the answer is pretty obvious. Mature views have the right to see mature movies, without censorship, and so on. There are a [b]lot of people[/b] who would disagree with your comment, and not all of them are perverts, Mewprincess... just incase you think that. Thankfully I don't think society's view on sex overall is going to change too dramatically anytime soon. But since this thread is about video games, I fail to see how your opinion on whether or not it should be "allowed" in movies has anything to do with this. I have to admit, it comes across as a little unreasonable as well... it falls well outside the scope of this topic, into a realm where, quite frankly I don't think a hell of a lot of people want to go.
[quote name='Starwind']Alcohol is just a temporary escape from reality. If you can't get by without it then you won't get by with it. All it does is mask how miserable you are. You and everyone around you still knows how upset you are. If you don't want to feel pain you can either: seal yourself off from every thing and live a sad depressing life with no friends no love and total misery, but no pain. Or, you can take this experience and let it make you stronger. Face it down and look forward, look past it, and keep going. Moving forward instead of into a bottle.[/quote]I agree... I mean I'm old enough to drink and do often? except I still think alcohol isn't the greatest solution especially when you're feeling down. You become dependent on it for support if you do that. Sure, it depends entirely upon the person as well as a bunch of other factors, and yet still it?s a risk I?d rather not take. That being said I would try to shy away from drinking when you?re upset. I realize that?s easier said than done, because when I get upset I feel like? I?d do just about anything. But alcohol has a way of making you more depressed than you need to be, and from one forum member do another, it?s been my experience that such a combination could be deadly in unforeseeable ways. Hell, I?d sooner suggest drinking for pleasure during social events rather than drinking while depressed or sad. I realize you might not have made the post expecting to get chastised and I don?t mean to be criticizing you, I don?t care how old you are or whether or not you plan on listening to my advice: Just want you to know I am truly sorry you are upset, and I do truly hope you strongly consider finding some other way of chilling out when upset.
To answer the question I would probably consider the persons opinion, if it was seemingly a logically constructed opinion, and then compare it to my own feelings of the show. If I still liked to show, then it just goes to show how much I truly liked it! If I find my opinion of the show wavering, well obviously I didn't like it as much as I thought I did. Typically though if you really enjoy something, and truly believe it, then your opinion of it won't be swayed easily. And yet I still think it is important to pay attention to other peoples opinions so that you may appreciate the said series in a multitude of different ways (in different "lights" to to speak). [quote name='Cheesy Chibi']Take Dio Eraclea from Last Exile for instance, though it is a possibility that he is in fact gay, if you look at where he's coming from, and where everybody else is coming from, and take his friendly personality and his fascination with Claus' piloting skills, I think he just doesn't realize that he's a little too obssessed, perhaps, or just oblivious to the fact, like he is about many other things...[/quote] If you've seen LE then, [spoiler]Dio most certainly is not gay, regardless of how he acts for there is nothing to support that he even [i]might[/i] be.[/spoiler] Simply because we have personality stereotypes for sexual preferences does not mean the said character is of a given sexual persuasion. In LE specifically [Spoiler]the relationship with Dio and Luciola for instance is mentioned in quite detail toward the end of the series[/spoiler], again it was [spoiler]simply his personality.[/spoiler] In many Japanese movies (non-anime and anime alike), male characters are what we would call "metro sexual." While this isn't fair to the Japanese to say that all desire seeing metro sexual male characters, however it is well known that it is a growing trend with Japanese young men to act feminine. This is considered cute, desirable, adorable, and creative. Some like it, some don't.
[quote=WWII]Anime you were destined to watch? Destined?! Wow...I understand that people really like some shows, but I seriously doubt they have anything to do with someone's destiny. Anime is just one of the many way to escape reality, and entertain yourself.[/quote]I agree.[quote name='kogagirl']I think I was destined to wach Inuyasha 'cause I had never seen Adult Swim until oneday when I was in 4th grade I turned the tv on and was flipping through the channels when I saw this show called INUYASHA. It was the first episode too, I know it was fate that brought me and that show together!!![/quote]I really hope you aren't truly [b]that[/b] passionate about a television series or movie, lol... I figure you mean you just like it a whole heck of a lot and can't see yourself as a person having not seen Inuyasha (something I find confusing in and of itself, since it's just a television show but it's more understandable... I guess - but if you are that passionate about it I suppose I'll have to accept it). Then again some people believed they were [i]destined[/i] to see Harrison Ford as Han Solo after seeing Star Wars for the first time and spent their time dreaming about him. That being the case I can't really answer this question accurately, but I'll try (though I do firmly believe this goes against one of those rules about posting threads like, "What is your favorite anime," and I now see logic in why they're there, but since this thread is apparently being populated I suppose I'm game). I'm a big Last Exile and Wolf's Rain fan, but I'm sure my life wouldn't be radically different had I not see either one of them and I'd much rather have a Burberry of London product any day of the week than to actually have had the opportunity to have seen any of these shows. I mean, they're great and all and I'm a [b]huge[/b] anime fan. But I like to think that I'm mature enough to see these shows as what they are... just fun and at times quite emotionally engaging. I shed a tear for both the shows I've mentioned, became quite enthralled and yes "in love" with the characters.
[quote name='Raiyuu'] meaning the floors were only actually supported where they met the walls. Architects usually try and give this method a wide berth, because it leads to structural instability. Once a few floors were destroyed and there were fires breaking out (i.e. once the planes hit), it didn't take much for the truss supports to start buckling/melting/burning through, bringing down more floors.[/quote]That?s actually very interesting! I was under the impression (as was I think a lot of people by default without knowing the technical or rather architectural design of the twin towers) that the towers were quite formidable in design and construction. Not quite sure how often such a strange construction method is utilized when making sky scrappers, but frightening food for thought. Bet no one counted on this. And yet even if they did, they would have done so too late. After all there was a previous bomb scare in the trade centers a while back. Thankfully what I have noticed is the increase in security procedures when drafting new design plans for buildings in major metropolitan areas, seemingly they?re taking a lot more steps to insure structural stability: I suppose it?s necessary in this day and age. I don?t necessarily think like some people that the United States is entirely at fault for not having this sort of secure infrastructure established before hand. It goes without saying that terrorism has existed in countries which have been clustered together by geographical reasons for quite sometime, and sure as a major super power and target of some attacks we should know how to handle ourselves incase of an emergency. Truth be told though, we don?t? and it?s not so strange to see why. As a nation the United States doesn?t need to deal with the possible security risk on a day or day basis (or didn?t need to). I hardly think it a fault in our actions or way of thinking that such things transpired? though it is nice to know we?re becoming more aware of them. [quote name='Raiyuu']As for the various conspiracy theories about the Pentagon plane: there just isn't any way we can know for sure. I wasn't at the Pentagon at the time, so I don't know whether a plane hit it or not. But I've seen the footage you've all seen, of two aeroplanes hitting the WTC. If it's all an Operation Northwoods-esque conspiracy, why crash two real planes and fake the other? All the theories sound like people making excuses to me.[/quote]Seconding that 100%, I agree? people are seemingly making excuses, a popular trend a few years after any given incident. I think people like having something to be afraid or as I mentioned earlier, they like being able to name the unnamable fear lurking beyond themselves, which they do not know about. Or in the end perhaps it is simple, perhaps people in their ignorance would sooner believe in a conspiracy theory than the frightening truth that reality can be a lot less dramatic, and a hell of a lot more frightening than we like to believe (I don't mean anyone specific on this forum of course, I mean this directed at individuals who produce such videos and spread similar "conspiracy theories").
Anime why is there so much negativity in the naime forum
Saya replied to animekid17's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=animekid17]why is there so much negativity in this forum. it seems all I ever read is how "this series sucks" and "animes you really hate". and why is it threads like "series that suck" go on for 11+ pages and positive threads only last for maybe 1-3 :animenose . why is everyone so negative towards something they supposedly like.[/QUOTE]I fought the temptation and decided to reply to this thread after all (not quite sure why, but it is going on 2 AM here and without a single thing to do, I?m in the posting spirit). Besides I know what animekid17 is talking about because he PM?d me asking why I dislike Inuyasha, so I hope he doesn?t mind if I answer this question as well. What you call negativity is actually just opinions and personal preferences of individuals who frequent the forums. Certainly you weren?t hoping to find a forum full of Inuyasha fans or fans of another series/show/movie/type of music/music group were you? Opinions differ, and as for your argument that many contradict themselves, I fail to see that at all and without specific examples I cannot assist you further in understanding them. The opinions that I?ve read on the forums are consistent with those of individuals who feel specifically for or against a given anime and or series. Now don?t quote me for saying this but there is not one single specific post that comes to my mind where an individual (who has a certain preference about a series mentioned on the forums) contradicts him or herself by both liking the said series and disliking it at the same time. On the contrary I?ve made a number of posts thus far about how I had once liked something and then for whatever reason decided to turn away from it. Such is, of course, a natural progression. I fail to see the complexity there. As I mentioned both positive and negative reviews regarding something should be tolerated in hopes of seeing a series, movie or show from a different point of view (in this case the point of view of those opposed to the show). Perhaps Raya is correct and you did not properly specify what you meant after all. If and when you do perhaps other forum members then could respond to this thread in defense against their arguments. -
[The following I just typed up is roughly 4 pages. Don't read it if you don't want to, but please do try if you find my introductory comments appealing or interesting.] This video is perhaps one of the silliest things I?ve ever seen. Why the hell is there German playing in the background opening of the video? The implications are dangerously absurd and I for one take offense to the morons that made this video. That alone led me to expect the worst before reading any of the comments on here. Rock music playing in the background? Foolishness. I haven?t seen one shred of sufficient proof (or a good ?theory?) as to why people COULD believe that this was a fabrication. Did I not see the videos in which it wasn?t clear whether or not the plane hit the pentagon, if it even was the Jet? Sure, I saw what they showed me, and took into consideration the overall view point of those who created the video. First off, I?m not entirely sure that was the official video, and if it was, why is it so hard to believe that fuzzy video could depict a plane crash? So the plane was gone after? Did you not notice that the video quotes [b]its own sources[/b] when it says that reports say that it was something like a missile or ?small craft? that hit into the pentagon not a jet. What makes you think that these sources weren?t just constructed for this video? Why were there so many asterisks next to many of the statistics they gave? Obviously the statistics were inaccurate, estimations, or just plain misleading to start ? that can be the case, or it can be the case that they were citing yet another source who sides with their argument. I?m not even getting into many of the logical errors found within the sources the video has used quotations from. I couldn?t even watch this video in full because of how stupidly it was all presented and how downright absurd the sources sounded. I honestly came into it with an open mind (before hearing the beginning that is), hoping to see a good theory, instead I walked away from it feeling appalled that some morons would believe junk like this based on this crappy evidence. [quote name='kenshinsbabe'] But there were no skid marks on the perfect lawn of the Pentagon.[/quote]Were you there that day or you simply reiterating what you learned from the video? Maybe it was from more than one source other than the video, another conspiracy theory site? I don?t know about you but I don?t know what the hell the yard actually looked like moments after the incident, in fact, I don?t know what the yard looked like before the incident either. I?m also not quite sure as to the scientific data concerning the making of skid marks at various velocities at which planes move. Unless this source has all the answers, then it leaves quite a bit of room of doubt. I?m not comfortable doubting something based on a silly video and a few scared ducks out there. You know there are a number of wacky theories out there, such as African American slave theories and anti-holocaust theory. While I was in Italy I happened to cross a building that held an organization of people who said the holocaust was a ?Zionist lie.? Now how they could possibly come to that conclusion with a handful of pamphlets, a few loud mouth morons, and deluded sources is beyond me ? but saying they did what it does do though is run in the face of actual history. No intelligent individual will tell you that it never happened? why? Because there are detailed accounts that it did. More proof there than here? True, but what one must take into consideration is that skepticism can be cast over nearly anything it doesn?t make a said point of view more powerful than another point of view (and certainly not over historical facts). If someone doesn?t like that they weren?t on a need to know basis with the United States government about such things they should just bugger off. No one owes anyone anything. I didn?t lose anyone I know in the 9/11 attacks but I know plenty of people that did ? next there will be theories out saying that was done by Halliburton so that the administration could go to war and tap away our hard earned money. No way? don?t trust everything you read (and no you really can?t guess my political persuasion merely by reading this, so ad hominem responses to this will be disregarded and reported). Why won?t I admit that the theory at least is a sound one? No firm evidence running against widely held beliefs (facts) concerning the events that transpired, and I do not believe you can mention other incidents and say that because this one relates poorly or well the argument must be a solid one (I will not mention the JFK incident because quite frankly it has [b]nothing[/b] to do with this video, nor will I say that because some plane crashes in the past left a lot of debris this one should too). [quote name='Brasil'] Am I the only one who finds some of this just the least bit laughable?[/quote]No? and in fact I would be laughing at it if I wasn?t downright pissed off. [quote name='Brasil'] I mean, come on. I read architectural studies of the WTC towers that outright refuted what "Operation Pearl" was saying. The towers were strong, absolutely. They were built to withstand a lot of stress. But not the kind of stress that two large Boeing aircraft punching holes in them can introduce.[/quote]Undeniably true, and it?s just too bad some people are taking such things into consideration. And just because what Brasil said was so damn right, I?m going to repost it. [quote=Brasil] I really can't believe that the conspiracy theorists label people like me (those with common sense, really) "gullible" because I use common sense, when they're the ones concocting all sorts of bizarre Hitler-esque paranoia scenarios and convincing themselves that's how it actually happened. Just so I get this straight...because I looked at what happened, saw the footage of the WTC towers collapsing LIVE, saw Bin Laden and his group almost frigging take responsibility for 9/11, saw the evidence over the past 8 years that something was boiling in terrorist cells regarding the WTC (anyone remember the first bombing back in the 90s?)...I'm the gullible one?[/quote]Paranoia is exactly what it is, and it never stops, only gets worse. [quote name='Brasil'] One of the main reasons the Left is hurting so much in this country is because of lunatics like these conspiracy theorists.[/quote]You know what, Brasil, you are absolutely right. Recently I watched some liberal event on C-Span (excuse me ignorance but I can?t for the life of me remember the name of the event), and it had the worst organization ever. Is the stereotype correct in that very liberal democrats tend to have poor organizational skills? Not individually, but as a whole? you bet? know why? In my opinion it is because of conspiracy theorists and because of a myriad of different types of radical liberal branches that cast doubt on the psychological integrity of the movement as a whole. Too bad too because the democratic party needs just as much support as the republican party, and yet many view Republicans by and large as ?calm,? ?calculating,? and ?collected.? When crap like this is released, those preconceptions only grow stronger. [quote name='Lord Rannos'] A bit to assume, maybe, but if they are, it paints a good case for a government cover up. I wonder, personally, why the FBI would never release footage of the plane hitting the pentagon. Also, the question as to where the wreckage of the plane went, and how it punched that neat little hole.[/quote]*Thinks* Mmmm? DOES make a good case for a government cover up! Lemme throw another one at ya, see how it fits ? completely hypothetical mind you just like yours. I went to Stop & Shop the other day (a supermarket), bought some meat? mmm, good beef too, at least it looked that way! Now I know this area I live in is terribly racist? and one of my friends is very Jewish, together we live in a very anti-Semitic area (they literally burn down Menorahs and other Hebraic/Jewish artifacts at every given chance). On top of which I happen to know the guy who works in the Deli is very racist ? he?s said a few nasty comments to me off and on and to my friends. But he?s there? and I happen to walk in there with my friend who is ultra-orthodox and who is most apparently Jewish (there is no doubting it, for he wears all black, curls and a kippah). Entering some people gave him an evil eye? we walked up to the deli, ordered our food and they eyed him harshly and snickered? went in the back, prepared our meat and gave it to us with what I thought was an overeager show of doing ones job [i]all too well[/i], when we got home we noticed the meat had an odd smell to it. Was this an indication that the individual working at the Deli department was being racist and or planned this? No, it might have been but the sun might fall from the sky tomorrow. ***** happens, meat goes bad from time to time, supermarkets do a horrible job of tiding things up if their in the suburbs? truth be told we?ve shopped there thousands of times. Was the kid I went with insulted? Nope. Didn?t even cross his mind. Maybe in this case there is even LESS evidence to actually believe it is a conspiracy, all the more reason why this is bogus. Not everything points to a grassy knoll. I don?t buy this crap, and no I don?t think there is too much strange about the matter either. If people want to dwell about what could have beens and what might be "really" happening, fine but life is full of bad news left and right as it is, do you really need to start worrying about conpiracy theories so early in the game? [quote name='Kenshinsbabe']But back on topic, there are alot of things the government keeps from us. You don't actually think that they'd tell us everything, do you?[/quote]Name something the government keeps from us or has kept from us. I can name several such as biological weapons tested in Vietnam that have only now become free via certain legislation concerning the freedom to read such documentation. Can you accurately name them? Then please do not make mention of ghosts in the closet you have not seen or heard from. My point is not so much that you are ignorant (which I[b][u] do not mean to imply [/b][/u]so don?t think I am, you might have meant something entirely different from what you wrote), but rather that you are not thinking logically. Sure I think there are things that [b]can[/b] be kept from me, am I aware of any at the moment? If I was aware of such things, ?they? wouldn?t be kept from me now would they? :) That means little to nothing when arguing conspiracy theories, for while they [i]can exist[/i] it doesn?t mean they do, should, or might possibly exist and if they DO exist, our facts concerning them can still be wrong. As for the false sense of security bit, your opinion is noted and respected... and yet I fail to see any evidence in support of it, perhaps you meant to put it in your next post. Regardless, I've given this more time than it deserves, and that is one thing I'm beginning to regret. There are always things in the unknown; more often than not such theories are there just there to define that which cannot be defined (example, to understand what death is like while alive). Scared puppies want a reassuring stroke, so to speak.
[quote name='Citrus']1) I know you guys are all probably sky rocketing the levels, but is there any way that you can Power Level me? I know back in my Everquest days people would do this thing where they take a noob and bring them through these quests and have them level up. So would anyone be able to help me with that or is that not possible?[/quote]Certainly, as far as I'm concerned I'd gladly walk you through some of the areas. Though you know how we made a distinction between pre-searing and post-searing earlier in the thread? Amusingly (and sadly) if we tried to help you through pre-searing (those of us who are in post-searing), we'd need to make a whole new character again and be in the same situation you are. However some of our more experienced players have quite a bit of understanding as to where quests are located and how they are handled, so in that regard I for one would gladly assist you. Tag around with you (in the same party, which means we would share experience), and so on. I have no characters I left in pre-searing, so yeah I'd have to make a new one - maybe someone else here has one they left in pre-searing for the sole purpose of helping pre-searing characters make it to post-searing. As for post-searing some of us might be able to run you from location to location, though you'd have to do some leveling on your own to be able to handle the types of quests found at these locations (however the benefit is extreme, as you can also buy armor which is at higher levels at these places). So to technically answer your question, we can (and I know I can) help aid you in gaining levels, but the pace at which you gain them (and whethere or not you can do the quests), depends entirely on how much you go out and just slay monsters and level yourself up. I know, slightly strange... but so long as you have SOME levels, you should be able to party with high level characters and gain the experience from a join combat session. There are people in my Guild who will be laughing right now of course, since I basically said "yes" in a round about way trying to explain the situation, heh, but I think it's better to know what exactly you'll need to do on your own and what others can help new players with. [quote name='Citrus']2) Do you start off with a weapon? I am curious...[/quote]Yuparoo, you start off with a weapon and for whatever profession you decide. Mesmers start with a basic cane that shoots purple crap; Elementalists start off with a basic wand, Rangers a bow, and so on. If you have a pre-release key you will have access to a special item. If you have the collectors set, you automatically get a few items free I believe... but anyway you look at it, you do get something to help you out in the beginning and it works rather effectively against the low level monsters you will encounter. The game very rarely pits you against things (if you follow the missions/quests) that you cannot handle. The only exception is since the Ascalon area of post-searing is so big that you do run into Charr when you can't essentially battle them - but for every kill you'd be gaining significantly more experience, and thus well level faster enabling you to combat such creatures more and more frequently. [quote name='Citrus'] 3) As for the Guild Hall which one have you all chosen?[/quote]They chose the Warrior?s Isle (something like that). Very cool looking, strategically a plus, offers catapults in and around the small city?s walls. Those catapults do roughly 700 damage per hit, effectively rendering a character dead if hit head on. [quote name='Citrus'] 4) When will I be able to join QKT? Or can I join up as quickly as I installed the game and created my character? xD[/quote]Since I answer everyone?s questions for them usually without regret or remorse (simply because I type faster usually), I?ll answer for those ?in charge?: hell yes. You?re a member of the forums right? You?ll have Guild Wars right? Come on in? wait till you see, we?ve got voice communications too.
[quote name='skatepixie][COLOR=Magenta']I don't think that the uproar over GTA:SA was wrong, though, because it was not labeled that the gamed contained (or could contain) sexual content. [/COLOR][/quote]Actually, it was.[quote=Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Mature 17+ ESRB Content Rating Information]Blood and Gore Intense Violence Strong Language Strong Sexual Content Use of Drugs[/quote]Bought it used on 02/13/05, before the incident. So... not quite right there.[quote name='CloudsOnly']First of all, it is not the gaming companies fault that their games are getting into the hands of many young children; it's the parents fault because they aren't paying attention to the ratings of the games that their children are asking for. I hate it when parents blame video games that it had vulgar things on it, but they were the ones that bought it for their kid. Hello... there's something called an ESRB Rating in the front AND back. Geez, how can you not see it??[/quote]And the parents actually have to admit they did a poor job in checking up on what their kids are watching or playing? Unthinkable! Actually I don't blame them, not really... I mean, a lot of parents aren't interested in video games... all right, well that's as far as I go with "I don't blame them," because I find them just as much at fault as the children who somehow obtain them (and no, not all the parents of the children who have unlawfully played GTA: SA are at fault... video game stores, the works should have been keeping a watchful eye). I've said it all before and I have no desire to reiterate it, but I agree 100% with you. It seems a little foolish that in this day and age more precautions aren't taken to ensure that our children don't end up with things they shouldn't. Regardless of who is at fault. I do also think society in America as of late has a way of blowing things out of proportion. I hardly think this incident warranted a complete recall from the manufacturers and a label/rating change post-release. That's a little absurd; things like this have been released before without similar consequences... a slap on the wrist, sure, make sure they don't do it again with that rating? Whatever floats your boat, but this was a little on the silly side. Again this keeps reminding me of the woman from McDonalds that spilled coffee on her lap and sued. There are plenty of parents out there who support their children in whatever they do and would buy their children GTA: San Andreas if they asked them for it. Are they wrong? I'm not inclined to past judgment, I don't think it's anyone's right to... but if the verdict comes down that the ESRB wants to make rating changes, so be it, but this GTA incident is a prime example of us blowing things out of proportion. You better believe that it was the result of current socio-political conditions (and no I'm not talking about "the administration.") This is bad business and leads down a very dark and narrow road for industry as industry often responds to our desires and our fears as a whole. We fear society is becoming unstable all over the world, thus it translates to strict censorship. I?m all for various political views, but I?m not for rash decisions spawning from psychological causes that are made without thought as to their implications.
[quote name='kuroinuyoukai']The last few days it has taken 15 minutes for MyOtaku site to come up and it's taking ten minutes to alter anything or send a message. Also it's really hard to log in.. My computer seems fine. My accounts on other sites just pop up and go quickly. What am I doing wrong?[/quote]It isn't on your end, I've conducted a few tests and it is most certainly on the server side. I haven't been with the site long but I do know this is slightly out of the ordinary, as up till this point in time it seemed to be moving much faster. Well, it seems as though slowly but surely it's being corrected: today the site is much faster than it was yesterday at certain times. :) EDIT: I take back what I said, at times editing posts does take an incredibly long time... often leading to time outs. Again though, this is on the server side... so not sure why it is happening, maybe a moderator can comment on it. [quote name='Crimson River]I'm new here and still trying to figure out the site. My question is, why can't you use a profile pic larger than 100x100 pixels? I wanted to use one that I have, but it's 108x118 pixels! Not sure how to shrink it. So I find a 100x100 pic. I click on Save Changes, and get this message: There has been an error in the upload. Please ensure that the file has been correctly selected and that the upload has taken place successfully. Can I use this pic? What's wrong with it? Or is it the site? If it helps, these are the URLs of the pics in question. [url]http://www.honestgamers.com/images/...733/artwork.jpg[/url] and [url]http://www.ragewars.net/avatars/werewolf.jpg[/url']. Plz help![/quote]The pictures you have listed are not the size appropriate to the forum avatars. On the forum the avatars are if notice, a slightly odd shape as far as most avatars go. I'd try resizing it again. Size seems to be around 150x80. You seem to have an avatar so I'll assume you're all set up! :) Resizing can be done in programs like Photoshop or Paintshop if you have them, otherwise if you need further assistance I'll gladly resize your images for you, just PM me. [quote name='Wraith']I have a slight problem when I write out a document in Word, and then paste it on the Reply To Thread page, everything seems fine until I try to post the reply, when it says I can't post it because there are too many images in it, and all of a sudden all these smilies appear in my post wherever I have put a Return, and around place names. Has this been happening to other people or is it just me?[/quote]Yes. Sounds like a formating problem. What I'd do is I'd either save the document in Word as a "plain text" text file, and open the file in notepad and copy and paste it here, or just copy and paste it directly from word to notepad, skim the document and see if the formatting changes automatically as it is supposed to. Regardless, usually saving the document as the appropriate format and then pasting it over seems to work. Another possible problem which might occur with this method is a lot of odd spaces, or lackthereof. The same problem really. I haven't had the problem on this forum but it has been known to happy. Again, try changing the format of the text before or after typing it, resave it, copy and paste it, or in the end revert to typing your posts in notepad first, copying it to word for spell checking purposes and just use the notepad version of the text (which by default is standard and works on the forums). Hope that helps. Again, you won't need to do [i]all[/i] of the steps there, just experiment and see what gets rid of the formatting - again, a copy and paste to plain text usually works wonders. [quote=NekoHige]Hello there I am ChibiIchigo of myo you told me to come here and seek help so now I am here um now lets see where hsould I start.... ok I got it ok my comment textbox is not working and I cant comment to anyones myo without it and i dont know how to fix it can anyone help me? [/quote]What is a myo? Not sure what you mean by commenting to myo, if you mean commenting to articles on the main Otaku site, I can help with that, if you mean replying to posts or making guestbook entries... I can help with that too, but dunno what you mean maybe someone else does.
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']So I've been thinking about the build I'm headed towards for Fina, my ranger.[/color][/quote]If you don?t mind my opinion? Good build all and all for pve? in fact I like it a lot! The traps do take a while but that shouldn?t be too much of a problem in pve (I?m half sure Fina is used primarily for pve only so I doubt I even have to mention pvp). Substantial damage output I see if done properly, at least to mobs and the like ? I rather like it, seems very effective against offensive attacks on bosses as well instead of just pulling and trapping. Many similar ranger builds follow the same general guideline, but you undoubtedly removed the nonsense and left the ?best of the best? for situations previously mentioned. If I was playing a ranger, I?d gladly use the build or one similar. I like how you managed to blend traps with some offensive skills to allow for diverse conditions. Again, this though is part of the reason I mentioned pve only, but serves well in pve given the amount of shifting situations that can arise. (I?ll only say this one since it is unfair to Desbreko that in my reply I include things which do not pertain remotely to his build. For [b]those that do not know and are new to GW[/b], PVP builds are generally focused, goal oriented for planned situations, single minded so to speak enhancing one aspect of combat alone. For instance, ranger spirit spammers, ranger damage over time teams, knockdown team with aftershock ele blended with KD warriors, and so on ? this is coordination, not mundane game play for the players need to be heavily coordinated to carry out spikes/strikes efficiently. It is essential to staying alive and dealing damage at the same time, even it means the inability for self-sustaining skill/spells... and in fact, self-sustaining skill/spells in PVP are useless since you will undoubtedly have a monk. That being said I know a few people on here are interested in PVP builds ? I encourage more build posting in the future.) So yes, back to Desbreko *moves the spotlight back over where it should be* great! Helluva-useful. [SIZE=4]More pics (names are linked if not images)...[/SIZE] Random Hall Wins With the Old Guild (Spirit of Serenity): [URL=http://img376.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hallwinnings0rj.jpg][IMG]http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/8591/hallwinnings0rj.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img376.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hall1xd.jpg][IMG]http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/1007/hall1xd.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img376.imageshack.us/my.php?image=softntender0qu.jpg][IMG]http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/3668/softntender0qu.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] * Cant find an actual my "Victory" screen shot with the Guild name announced to the Guild Wars World, had a nice one, but you can tell by my droppings that I was a happy camper that day. And yes after the boon update I switched from boon healing to Word healing. * This is Soft N Tender in HoH (Hall), my ultra fine AS/quake ele for a KD build. Taliya (played by Tigris Tusha on the forums), and my new Mesmer Eve: [URL=http://img122.imageshack.us/my.php?image=taliyaneve21jb.jpg][IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/8039/taliyaneve21jb.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://img122.imageshack.us/my.php?image=taliyaneve15sv.jpg][IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/6553/taliyaneve15sv.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b](First) PVE character: (15 aero set based on collectors, baby blue)[/b] [URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/phoenixfire303/charpics/Chrys-caps.jpg]Chrysalis Amralyn[/URL] - E/me fire and was E/mo for mist form smiting. [b]First PVP character:[/b] [URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/phoenixfire303/charpics/dembalah.jpg]Demba Stormguard[/URL] - E/me air spiker. [B][URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/phoenixfire303/charpics/morechrysalis.jpg]More Chrysalis[/URL][/B] [B][URL=http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/phoenixfire303/charpics/spiritofserinity.jpg]Spirit of Serenity (monk)[/URL][/B]
[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']In terms of setting up voice chat, I'd like it if someone could post instructions for us lay people so that we know how to use it. I've never used something like that before for gaming and I'm willing to bet that several other guild members haven't either. If we could get some more instructions/details on that, I'd be most pleased..[/font][/quote]I have a screen shot, plus I'll type up some info regarding TS if no one else was going to do it. (I'll replace this post with the screen shot and so on as soon as I get the channel info.) [b]NOTE:[/b] As Gambito Gambito is indicated - [b]Hostname:[/b] gw.upallnightgaming.com:8774 [b]password:[/b] guildwars. Right, this is the correct port Gambito? The one you gave works too... but on their site they say this is the one for GW... is it the one you gave, or this one? But still, which is our channel? :D With the channel name we can set our clients to connect right to the channel - after you let me know, I'll make the screen shot and post it. Also a guide to binding keys will be posted, which people should do to mute themselves out if they are chewing, burping, or birthing children while people are trying to game. :)
What is our channel name? No pass req it seems, for CAs there will be a pass because they will need to sign in with the same username and the like - regular users just need a Nickname. And once we know it (channel), we should specify it when we log in - like, (hostname), (no password), (channel) so people can input it right into their TS settings and log directly into the channel. I'm saying this for advertising purposes in the Guild's announcement, which is customary if the officers approve. Awesome work, good job! =^.^=
[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I thought the QKT's "cape", for the lack of a better word was purple ? Hopefully I'll have the oppertunity to play Guild Wars when I'm staying with my cousins in Hobart for a few weeks, and I look forward to seeing what all the fuss has been about. [/SIZE][/quote]No better word I don't think, it's a cape! :) And from what I know they changed the cape during Halloween. I believe someone named Alex is responsible, now it's black with that cool logo on it, glows nicely with a good graphics card - a Halloween special cape design, if I'm not mistaking. The cape now just plain rocks. I haven't been with the Guild long so I I'll let someone else answer - but yeah, pretty sure this cape is relatively new. [quote=Tigris]:O You forgot to mention the fact that I also give out free cookies! Yummy ones too! >/ bad Adam ::thwapsat:: Should I post my own armor. :3 its pretty tooo! It makes my char look seeexeh super seeexeh you want her booodeh you wanna looove it oh yes you doooo! [/quote]Mmm... cookies. You never gave me any cookies! Tsk tsk, cough it up! Your character is [b]very[/b] pretty with her prestige, we should really take some Guild screenshots and or movies (I have fraps). =^.^= Maybe Winter Session if we all do PvP together.
[QUOTE=Gambito]Now work on the guild forum! Got the TS sussed i think, free 200 member server, just gonna check on the CA availability tomorrow and if its all cool, ill post details and peeps can sign up :animesmil[/QUOTE]My scottish friend =^.^=, tell me how goes the TS business - if it doesn't work, we'll come up with another idea (after all, I think I can dedicate a server solely for Otaku TS, which will allow moderators full admin privs, however if that free 200 member thing works... why not, less work for me). [B]Top 5 Reasons to Join QKT?[/B] 5. We are friendly people with a kind heart to noobs. 4. I think the officers are considering more PvP when Winter Session happens and more people are on. So a lot of fun ahead if you want to try something different other than PvE! 3. Players in QKT can help players do just about anything (some of us have a lot of experience). Some of us make it on line [i]a lot[/i]. 2. Because Eddie's mountain is the bomb... literally, a bomb. :animeknow 1. Because I made this, no distributing it (copyrights enforced). Character is my Eve, sporting her lovely fully customized Mesmer prestige. (All right, all right, I made this post just to show off the armor.) [URL=http://img368.imageshack.us/my.php?image=eveadvertuntitled2copy0ey.jpg][IMG]http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/2510/eveadvertuntitled2copy0ey.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
Well it should be an experience, sorry that you didn't enjoy it Yuy. I'll see it soon (perhaps even today), and write up a quick review or something (maybe if I'm in the mood, otherwise I'll just give my two cents here).
[quote name='Grave Yard']Crying is ok but sobbing over an anime is a litttle over the top. Dont get me wrong animes are powerful and I get teary eyed sometimes but to sit and sob for 2 days non stop is over doing it. Dont let fictional chacters break your heart.[/quote]Heh, well all right I have to admit sobbing two days straight over any movie is a little crazy to me, though I've known friends where it has happened (very emotional friends). Not like it matters, I don't judge a persons character based on how much they get upset emotionally. I just think it's rather strange to hang onto things like that, books, movies and the like. The way I usually am is if I'm really touched by a book I do get a little emotional when recalling it: a sudden feeling in my chest, a smile to my face... but no, I don't break dow and start crying over such recollections (after all, if we were to all cry over recalled events we'd be an utter mess - though of course I realize RL loss of any kind is a bit more devistating).
[QUOTE=Mewprincess]How can you think it's awesome!!??? It totally freaks me out whin boys cry. Like, if my boyfriend cries over anything, I would soo break up with him, not to mention anime. But if girls cry, now that's a different story... :rotflmao: [COLOR=Magenta][/QUOTE]Since no one else is really as offensive as I am, I'm going to have to ask a completely different question from what this thread is geared to (participating in it, I think I have the right to). How old are you exactly? As I've mentioned before I think guys getting emotional over animes is the same as a guy getting emotional over movies. There are movies which are meant to be emotionally heart stopping, are these movies only for females? Well that would hinder the market quite a bit now wouldn't it? Is it fair to say all the guys who do get emotional or occasionally shed a tear are pansies for doing so? I hardly doubt it, but you're welcome to your own opinion. However saying you get freaked out when a boy cries, that's a little absurd - undeniably you'll see men cry in your lifetime, I'd get over it. As someone recently said on the thread, what if it was over a real life issue, or how about a documentary dealing with horrible real world disasters. If the boy shed a tear, you'd up and leave him? That's horrible I can't possibly believe that a mature individual would do that. I know many girls though who do not like being in a relationship where the man seems "inferior" emotionally (I know how horrible this sounds, but it is true), but in those cases either the female never would have gotten together with the male or probably just laugh in his face if he cried... she wouldn't go so far as to break up with him over something like that. Certainly wouldn't be freaked out because of it. I don't know? that comes across as either immature or downright twisted to me.
Anime What anime do you wish you never saw in the first place?
Saya replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[quote=Dagger] Actually, they did. The recent re-release, Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum, is fully remastered. It features vastly improved video & audio quality, along with extra footage not included in the original version. Quite a few scenes were all but re-animated, and the annoying frame jitter was removed. The differences are blatantly obvious even to those who don't usually pay attention to how the video looks. It surprises me when people cite Eva's age as a strike against it or say that it's superior to comparable newer series in every regard but visuals. I watched Eva Platinum after seeing RahXephon, and there were times when I found myself thinking that Eva was the better-looking series. Maybe it's just that something about the character designs made it hard for me to tell if/when they went off-model, although I'm usually very picky about that kind of thing. I dunno.[/quote]That might in fact be with the platinum, unfortunately neither my library, nor Netflix or my friends for that matter have that set ? I still wish they would have made the initial DVDs of better quality seeing as how the series was converted to DVD, and at that time, the technology was there to enhance them. As for age being an issue, I?m not sure that it always is. There are things I like that are really old, animes which haven?t been remastered. I couldn?t care less, I watch them and happily ? but I find NGE?s quality, especially in storyline and character development to be exceptionally poor (at random, I know it?s bad, but I took a few NGE episodes and saw either the last show or that last movie, forgot the name Final or Last something? the characters act exactly the same. I?m sure I took it out of context and there are probably good reasons for this, but all in all I think the series is a poor one and not worth my time). On the other hand (interesting you should say RahXephon), I think Escaflowne and RahXephon both are far superior in everyway to NGE. Again, suppose it says something for taste. I was also not too fond of the style of drawing in NGE (which I found unpredictable at best, a cross between DBZ angry faces and a more common, average anime ? the switch typically seemingly occurred between OVAs in comparison with the actual show, but I haven?t seen NGE in a while, might be wrong on that - remembering making some mental note along similar lines, lol). Guess I?m picky in my own way too, I?m certainly not discrediting your opinion though ? again, plenty of NGE fans out there. I guess you know you really have an exact opposite opinion as someone when you feel the exact opposite way about something: Shinji for instance, when I watched NGE, I felt was the exact opposite, felt he was unrealistic, probably the main thing holding the show back. Really hope I would have liked it too. ;) Oh well, heh, that's why so many mecha-type animes exist I suppose, us picky people can pick and choose! -
Anime What anime do you wish you never saw in the first place?
Saya replied to serenayasha's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='7']The CG version of Appleseed. I haven't seen the original but it just seemed so americanized and sorta like a cheesy action movie. It is probably near Sprits within in terms of watchability.[/quote]That's so weird, I'd say that by and large the CG Appleseed is regarded higher just by word of mouth I've heard. I for one think the CG was great, and having since seen the anime Appleseed, I think it was pretty bad. :) One anime I wish I never saw was Tokyo Godfathers (I love his other stuff but Godfathers, to me was horrible... another Christmas movie, and yet it was soaked up as if touching Christmas movies were a rare deal). It has been done before and better... Tokyo Godfathers was all about putting misfit characters together and giving a warm Christmas movie, except it failed seeing as how the subs sucked, Japanese voices were terrible, and it was just a goofy to see all the common Christmas-movie type things rehashed in anime (whoa, anime, must be creative - at least that's usually the types of reviews out there for it). I really don't like Inuyasha but there was a time I did, so I don't think it qualifies for the level of downright hate this topic is referring to (Tokyo Godfathers does though). [quote name='Animekid17']*lol* inuyasha isn't anything like that description. i think you meant[/quote]He might have meant something different but not me, Inuyasha [b]is[/b] boring, [b]very[/b] repetitive in my opinion, and the show should have ended a very long time ago. By now the characters, their annoying childish voices and their silly little teen dramas are just horrible. Again though, that's how I feel about... I know a lot of friends of mine who love it. [quote name='Doomberg']I dont mean to sound rude but I hat Inuyahsa with a pasion.you are intitled to your own opinion.but i think its reely repeditive an blane.Ill give it ok music though.sd gundam was pretty bad to[/quote]Damn right on all accounts. Actually I have a friend who likes Gundam Wing a lot, looks good - sampling some of the other Gundams, looks like crap... I guess some lines are better than others. [quote=Animekid17]hate whatever you want. your not gonna get rid of it, and it's not gonna go away because a few dissatisfied people are complaining on an E-forum. thats all i've gotta say. sorry if I came off rude [/quote]Whee, having an intelligent conversation and indeed you did come off as rude. But that's all right, I give the show another year or so and I bet you'll see change. A lot of fans are kind of upset that it's dragging on so long from what I've read.[quote name='Sting]Wolf's Reign - I wanted to like this. I'm pretty sure this was a great show. But when I saw the 1st episode. I nearly found myself pissed off at the world. I hate seeing shows where animals (especially wolf, dog related) getting shot, hurt, killed.[/quote] Wolf's Rain is probably my second favorite anime series. I love the original concept behind the animals disguising themselves in the post apocalpytic world to seem like humans as a way to survive (since there has been a lot of internal hate generated by wolves in that world's lore). Oh well, to each their own.[quote=Color_Me_Evil']And Chobits. I know a lot of people love that series, but I just found it boring after awhile.[/quote]I thought it was slow and boring while I was watching it, but seeing the ending (and omitting the silly "reflections" type episode, the series was pretty good, I thought the real ending - I believe disc 6 - was [spoiler]really pretty.[/spoiler] All in all worth watching! [quote name='Sting']Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'm still watching this anime till this day because I'm trying to catch the story of it and I hear great things coming from other people, but Shinji (I think that's his name) is pissing me off to the point where I can't stand to watch another episode. Constant whining.... cowardice.... I cannot stand it.[/quote]I second that, NGE is probably the worst series out there. I find fans typically enjoying it because their friends like it. The anime is horribly dated for first time viewing it now is almost impossible, they could have touched up the DVDs some more, they didn't. But you know what tops it off for all the mentions I just named if not more? Tenchu Muyo. Not only does it qualify with all those other things I mentioned but it happens to be really stupid in my opinion. As for others I hate? DragonBall * anything is just a bloody waste of time. Maybe it would have went over well when I was 14 (meant no disrespect as far as ages are concerned, I simply meant that my tastes were for just silly action animes back then), but I can't with that or DBZ. A writer and reviewer at heart when I watch an anime I have a check list of things I go through including quality of the presentation (which might not always matter so much but almost always considers the time the film was made), character development, storyline, storyline development, quality of action sequences if it has any, overall action appeal, and overall film appeal and personal rating (I enjoy a film by both slicing it apart and then comparing that to an "unsliced" model of the film after watching it). The films I mentioned as being poor are, in my opinion, the worst you can get (and I don't say that often). -
Very pretty, excellent paintshop skills! My favorites are the top one and the one with Fey is gorgeous. I would also have to say the "love" one is among my top favorites too, very pretty, simple and yet your skills shine through even there! As for creativity my vote goes for the "anymore" one, but the colours and image throw me as I'm not a big fan of it (mainly because I don't know who she is probably).