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[QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1]Like? Sure. Love? Most certainly. I love my very best friend in the whole world (Both online and in person), and his username here is Brooklyn. He's not my boyfriend or anything, and I don't want him to be, I love him as my best friend. If you mean have a crush on, or have romantic feelings for, then that would sadly be a no. I'm not very good with people I don't know too well, and I don't know many people on OB enough to really [B]like [/B]them as more than just a friend, unless it's someone I know IRL. And everyone I know IRL I don't happen to have crushes on at the moment. My question- Pepsi or Coke?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Heh, yeah I guess I meant have a crush on but I didn't want to limit it solely to that so I picked the word "like" and made it bold, lol. Hrm... to answer your question, COKE! Has a much more "bitter" taste whereas I think Pepsi is more sugary, if that makes sense. How about you? Another question- cooking your own dinner saying you had all the ingridents you need for a specific meal you had in mind ([i]excluding[/i] actual cooking skills), or going out and buying a decent meal? [SIZE=1][Since I do have cooking skills and more importantly enjoy cooking, I'd say cooking under most circumstances, but I can be lazy sometimes.][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=slategray]>.< How many times does this need to be said? (For those of you who haven't let it sunk in, anyway....) Sexuality is not determined by the mind's free will. If someone goes out with the same gender just because they 'want to' or 'feel like it,' makes it so they truly aren't gay/bisexual. If they don't actually feel attraction, sexual, personal, or otherwise... they are just doing it for the hell of it. People who are gay/bisexual [I]cannot[/I] control it. But most straight people that are against it think that they [I]can[/I] control it. Therefore, they try to stamp it out of them... tell them to stop... etc. So... just... stop saying those who [I]'want'[/I] to be gay/bisexual. It grates on my nerves. Lol. And I'm not even going to venture into the realms of animal and human relationships... it's just... weird... XD[/color][/size][/QUOTE]You do know there are people that disagree with you on that right? I'm not saying I'm one of them but to answer your rhetorical question, it probably needs to be said an infinite amount of times to an individual with no interest in changing their minds. This doesn?t make the individual stupid or their opinions less informed, in fact, to the contrary educated minds stand either way with the issue. Last I checked there was no concrete evidence to indicate that sexuality is or is not determined by free will. You've just completely blown about a hundred schools of thought out of the water that run contrary to that belief (behavioral perspectives, biological ones, and so on typically find sexuality to be pre-determined, without free will). A lot of what you said is opinion, I certainly hope you are not implying otherwise... are you? Many opinions in this thread have seemingly been proposed or brought forth as though they were fact, I have no problem with factual evidence, but I do have a slight problem with opinion which are presented as fact (ask a doctor, for instance, firmly rooted in biology and biogenics whether or not it is a fact that sexual preference is pre-determined biologically [i]instead of an individuals sudden free will[/i] and he'll gladly tell you it is his opinion that he thinks it is... an opinion which is well substantiated in his opinion, yet not a fact). And about the hormonal aspect (which was mentioned earlier), I'm certainly aware of many case studies in which biological indicators for sexual preference were tested... however this is highly debatable since many tests were inconclusive at best - certainly a consideration, but not written in stone either. I'm fine with things so long as they are noted as being opinions, not facts.
Clarification: If not to screw up the matters further, recently I read Dagger's article involving the new graphic novel line for Read or Die being released along side with Godchild. Those visiting the ICV2 site will be confused when reading this post. So I'll briefly explain this... [quote name='ICV2']The OVA was released here by Manga Entertainment, and the TV series sequel, Read or Die the TV, was released by Geneon on DVD (see "Geneon Gives Read or Die Fans a Book") and appeared on G4/Tech TV.[/quote]Incorrect, but a nice try. The TV series was strictly an American release, and to avoid confusion (both those reasons), it was not officially named "Read or Die" which many fans of the series will know from listening to the extras commentary on "the TV" series by the series designers. It should be noted that Viz follows in G4's footsteps and screws up on press releases saying "the TV" version of read or die released (4 discs) is named "Read or Die," instead of R.O.D. when the R.O.D. the TV designers themselves repeatedly state that it does not carry the name Read or Die to differentiate R.O.D. the TV from R.O.D.: Read or Dream (the manga line), and the original series of novels (the series started as novels, not mangas). For instance, Viz recently announced that they will be kicking out graphic novels/mangas named, R.O.D.: Read or Die by Hideyuki Kurata (see the quotation above or check [url]http://www.icv2.com/articles/home/7882.html[/url]). Confusing? I know, often things get this way when bringing a series over from another country. Important? Hardly, we know the R.O.D. lines (both of them and now this coming series), is Read or Die in essence, if not in name (but once more it should be mentioned that the Read or Die line as well as the Read or Dream line follow different events from R.O.D. the TV). As for which line this new series will follow in? Got me, if only they kept to the names assigned by the designers, we'd know. Felt that this double post was needed to split the topics up though, so folks looking for the proper info regarding Viz's release can look here. Also this [b]is[/b] slightly of value to fans because as we see with X-Men comics, different names of series and designers typically determine the story arc the series will follow (there are over 4 main story arcs in X-Men I believe, and 2 in Read or Die so it is important to note). Hope it helps! [b]EDIT:[/b] Spoke with some people in the business... yeah, the new release IS Read or Dream, just an English version (since Read or Dream the manga is in Japanese).
[QUOTE=The Assassin]I wouldn't want anyone. If I was unfortunate enough to be stranded on an island, let me suffer it alone. My question is would you rather serve in heaven or reign as ruler in hell? I got this form a commercial on Sci Fi advertising the Ninth Gate.[/QUOTE]Not sure, does a good book count because if I was stranded on an island, a few good books would carry me a long way. Reign in hell... come on, who needs wings when you've got fire? Beside, I'd much rather be my owner ruler. Think about Gawd waking you up for breakfast every morning, feasting on souls and the like. A terrible fate. Thought I asked this, guess I didn?t? so, expanding on The Assassin?s thread. Does anyone [b]like[/b] someone on these forums? If yes, feel free not to say who.
[QUOTE=RANFI44]360 sucks. No doubt about it. Paulie want a cracker? No, No because 360 ruined everything with its massive suckiness.[/QUOTE] Would it be out of line to ask to have this post removed? LOL, I'm sure a lot of people feel a myriad of different ways toward these next generation game systems. I for one support any and all opinions. I've only seen the 360, I think it is impressive, but that's it... so I like reading people's opinions here, this opinion of yours is poorly founded (in fact you provided no support for your opinions at all).
[quote name='ominous-aura']Personally, I don't like it when guys cry period. If they do, it should be for a very good reason, like someone close to them passing away. I don't think a cartoon is a good reason for a guy to cry. I've never cried watching anime and I'm not some hard core, tough chick. I think it's good for a guy to be OK with crying, but not at the drop of a hat.[/quote]Some girls prefer them different I suppose, I'm all for crying - well, I don't mean (as I said earlier) hysterical crying, but clenching of the throat, eyes turning away from the screen for a moment, eyes watery, that sort of thing is fine with me. My girlfriend tells me she actually likes it, says crying is good for anyone and shows sensitivity. Many animes are full of emotions so I think it's perfectly healthy to do so. *Shrugs* I have to admit, it is interesting to know the opinion on this varies quite a bit for both girls and guys alike. :)
[QUOTE=Gambito]Well got GW: Special Edition today >.< gonna make up my peep for PvE use and see how it goes, could the members in the guild here pm me your MSN or what not so i can have some real time advice and not ***** my noobness over the forum all the time :D Will do a Necromancer/Warrior peep for those concerned[/QUOTE] You lucky guy you, now you have access to divine auras! Well, I know they aren't that special but *I* love them :) if you do an emote like /dance, watch the pretty colors (monks look exceptionally nice). Add Chrysalis Amralyn to your friends list by hitting "N" and then typing the name. I'll be on. Oh and come to think of it *more for the group, going on about what I was saying before* an AS/KD warrior + Word Healing team usually works just as good two (AS only 2 is needed, 2 chars that is).
I must play a pvp anti-caster Mesmer or a frag Mesmer (fragility + hex/remove) for you guys or aftershock/earthquake ele for when we do gvg/Tombs... it would be great! I have a pretty good idea too about a AS build we could all use in pvp during winter session to try out... pretty much basically AS + Word Heal monks. Basic as could be... but if good tactics are used, they pwn often in Tombs... or did when I used to play :) Used to love playing my air spiker but with updates being as they have lately, haven't been doing that ;/ The only thing I have to insist upon if we do pvp as a group *as I mentioned to Brasil* is voice ;/ I really do think it makes all the difference, but up to you guild owner guys.
[QUOTE=Gambito]so am i creating a character for PvE or PvP or 2 characters for both? :animesmil what is the guilds primary focus atm?[/QUOTE]Hrm, I'd create a pve character to start, explore Ascalon, move through time to Old Ascalon via the story and just play through the story and side quests unlocking skills for pvp use for the two job classes you selected for your character. That's essentially what you are doing in pve if you are interested, unlocking those skills for those classes for use in pve. As for whether or not to create a pvp character... up to you, I'd say wait and become familiar with the game first. If you mean specifically for the guild, maybe one of the guild leaders has a different take on it? but that?s what I figure would be your best bet.
Necros? pvp? ye! Actually as a side note Necros are really neat for unlocking skills for pvp use. As such there are a number of different builds you can make with Necros. Unfortunately sometimes in PVE they might be a little... well, not all that fun - though again, it depends on your taste (apparently Desbreko likes them; I did too at one point). The secret to pvp is of course having a very good team. Random PVP is terrible as any seasoned Guild Wars player will tell you, although it isn't half bad for gaining faction. It's really bad for testing builds though since you rely on the builds of those you are playing with - if a team is assigned by random there is a high probability that the build combination will be unsuccessful. Likewise pvp players usually prefer to use Tombs or Team Arenas for their pvp play. With TeamSpeak or Vent (and only with TeamSpeak or Vent since without voice communication teams will undeniably fail horribly), the experience is then enhanced three fold. Never before did I like pvp, but playing with a pvp-only guild for a while I've gained a lot of experience in it... plus it's been a fun ride, so if anyone is new to Guild Wars, surely check pvp out with a friend. Downside? Every guild knows gvg and Tombs is a pain in the butt with a poor guild or poor team, but it might also be a pain for those that have school or work. Meh, in the end it's worth playing in... might even earn a sigil or two, or three with your team in Tombs (isn't terribly difficult depending on time and day, taking into consideration Korean times and days... heh). However for those that enjoy playing Necros consider a coordinated team designed for gvg... perhaps a necro bomb build, blood is power, dark aura, death nova, putrid, remember to take a res sig, and of course bring your Word monks. Grah, all right enough talk, time to get playing! *Poofs* [b]Note on gaming:[/b] I have X-Fire as well now that I think of it, so if anyone wants they can hit me up on there... PM me for my X-Fire info (primary GW char name is in one of my posts above).
Well I hope you see my logic in our last minor argument we had, as I certainly did not mean to offend anyone, merely stick to the topic at hand. Thank you for not continuing with it. [quote name='Hug Monster']But why, why do people get so... emotional about these things? If your regretting it or freaked out by it why the hell are you... it? People act like they have no choice or power over their sexuality but I think thats total bull. We have control over everything we do.[/quote]Because it is such a big thing, you yourself said you were confused by it. It's an emotional situation. I agree that people do have a choice, I just think often times people (more over young people) fail to see they have a choice and go with those things I previously called "stereotypes" of what "X" sexual preference [i]should[/i] act like or seem like, if you get my drift. I think it's a tough thing for anyone to admit that they have a lot more control over their lives than they previously thought: it's frightening, means more responsibility, more time needed for introspection, more time needed for lengthily discussions like this in hopes of finding their true selves. It's a quest... and a stressful one, so I think it goes without question that it could very well be an emotional ride from hell. To be confused by it is to admit it holds some sway over you... some control over you. I believe that this isn't true, nothing takes away from our freedom to choose, and yet I think people confronted with such complex decisions feel confused/powerless because of it. That alone is reason to keep the topic open, IMO.
[QUOTE=Gambito]"On the contrary it is worth noting that pre-searing characters cannot interact with post-searing characters regardless of district (after all it is set in a different time). Nevertheless, communications through private messages even then is possible with people in a different location from you. So I'd chat with them, or jot down their handles from here." Can you explain the searing thing better for me pls? :animesmil thanks amigo[/QUOTE]Sure sure, sorry :) When you start the game with a new character you're basically in a time period known as pre-searing, it is before an epic event in the game known as the Searing (it isn't really a spoiler since the book Guild Wars comes with mentions it). War in the main storyline occurs after you level up your character enough and then you are sent to Old Ascalon. (If you need assistance getting there I'd gladly help, but basically just speak with the job trainers, level up enough and then enter to Academy - that's your ticket to post-searing Guild Wars. It doesn't take terribly long either.) This is where the real fun starts. Basically the storyline is about how a race known as the Charr have invaded the kingdoms of man or something and... well everything went away in a hand-basket. All is shot to hell. Old Ascalon is what remains of Ascalon (the city where you started the game), only a few years after the war... which means everything is in ruins. This post-searing stage can be daunting... half the map (or rather a quarter of it) is covered in ruins, but as the storyline progresses (much like a single player game), you'll get to visit all the other areas beside Ascalon (areas which are still green and fertile, some are frozen lands, others are deserts, either way the scenery does change). It is important to note that this is the stage where the bulk of the game (including the ending of the single player aspect of the game) takes place. So basically post-searing is where you will spend the rest of your time using that character. Characters from pre-searing stay in pre-searing unless they decide to go to post-searing, and characters from post-searing cannot travel back and time and party up with characters in pre-searing (Old Ascalon players cannot meet with Ascalon players... however what I meant was is that you can still private message your friends if they are playing in pre/post-searing, you just can't party up with them). So yeah, that's basically the only limitation. Other than that something must also be said for a lack of locations revealed for some characters. If you haven't yet visited Kryta in post-searing, you can't go and visit your friend in Kryta... you just need to wait till the storyline takes you there or some people can run you there but such is a long and tedious process. Other than that people who have visited these locations can travel there freely at any time by accessing their maps. So to play with your friends your friends need to be in the same part of the game as you (pre/post searing) and they must positively have the same locations on their map as you do (fortunately seasoned players who have traveled the map have all of the locations revealed for them). This does not apply for the entire account, only per character in PvE mode (regular story mode where most Guild Wars players play), so if you make a new character he will have to start all over again. :) :)
[quote name='Gambito']yeah i forgot to ask, which server you guys gaming on, obviously wanna power up my char with the rest of you f00bs :animesmil[/quote] There is only one login server on Guild Wars - that is to say - all people who connect can communicate with one another through messages. There are however different districts to different areas, such as international districts - but throughout all of them communications can be sent and received without any special settings. As for what district, depends on what district the person either goes to for a specific town/location. So all that can be discussed via private messages since those things are subject to change, but rest assured there are no special servers. On the contrary it is worth noting that pre-searing characters cannot interact with post-searing characters regardless of district (after all it is set in a different time). Nevertheless, communications through private messages even then is possible with people in a different location from you (just make sure you have your buddies character name, any one will do if he has multiple characters and add it to your friend's list). So I'd chat with them, or jot down their handles from here. Hope it helps. Oh and Ele/Mesmer or Ele/Monk is always fun. I'll name a few builds using those combinations later if you'd like. =^.^= Persocomblues
[quote=Hug Monster]Hey it's my issue Ill say what I want >:O And it wasn't a joke, I was serious, I really have been in many of those situations. I was mearly being satyrical. Any WTH is this thread still operationg for? My problem is solved, so who cares about the rest?[/quote]An arrogant remark, there are other people on the forums other than you. And while the advice given was to aid you, it was also to help others. As I said earlier I was trying to keep "personality" remarks out of it that way whoever read this, if they too had problems figuring out their sexuality then they wouldn't be confused and think that the things we commonly refer to as personality types didn't influence their decision regarding their sexual preference. A lot of people took their time and laid out their own personal feelings regarding sexuality, many people also came forward and admitted they had problems. And you think this thread was solely about you? [quote name='Hug Monster']Any WTH is this thread still operationg for? My problem is solved, so who cares about the rest?[/quote]I care about the rest. Discovering one's sexuality is a big thing, if I were them I'd be taking offense to your comments. I surely wish we'd get back on track and hopefully people would discuss sexuality more, and when the topic goes dead that's when it ends not when your "problem" is solved. Unfortunately it just looks like you ruined the thread for all involved because you couldn't hold a serious conversation.
[QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1]Uuuuuhhhh... Excuse me? I wasn't steriotyping ANYONE. I think I was just trying to clear some things up for YOU. Yes, Tical admitted that he was steriotyping. Yes, I was admitting that steriotypes are quite a common part of homosexuality in most people's minds. Was I, myself steriotyping? I think not. Maybe Tical's post shouldn't have been brought up. But then again, why not? It was just a statement, I don't really see why you're so bent on bashing it.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]I'm not bashing anything. It looks like you missed the intention of my post entirely. What I was simply saying was that personality stereotypes even in jest should be left out of a conversation regarding sexual preference completely so as not to confuse the issue at hand. For example whether or not someone is bisexual or heterosexual has nothing to do with what society or the individual commonly associates with bisexual or heterosexual. Are they concerns when making such decisions? Sure, but they are not logically related to the decision making process they are merely concerns of worrisome minds. Why would I make the distinction? Because some people feel compelled to decide their sexual preference based on what society thinks, based on what they think of the terms "bisexual" and "heterosexual." This is faulty thinking, one which is common when deciding something so important. Is stereotypes important in the minds of homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals? Certainly. It's also important to wombats, school girls, what kind of cleaning products to buy considering certain misconceptions about them, politics, and so on... all of which holds no relevance when discussing sexual preference. [b]Clarification[/b]~ If you mean where I referred to the stereotypical assertions used when regarding sexual "personalities," it wasn't an insult to you. Assuming (joking or not) that gays, straights or bisexuals [i]act[/i] a certain way is a stereotypical personality trait mistakenly thought to be a true personality trait for those of a certain sexual preference. I never once said you were trying to stereotype anyone. I was trying to make sure that in the future we separate personality traits (stereotypical or not) from [b]preference[/b], especially since this thread deals with preference.
The best concert I've ever been to (to date that is) was probably my first concert ever. It was the Community Service Tour including Orbital (mainly an Orbital concert), Crystal Method, Lo-Fi All Stars, and a few really cool DJs (Kelley, etc). Again though, for an Orbital concert, as many people know that have gone to electronica concerts, you probably see the main band performing for about 30 minutes if you're lucky... but it was worth it. At the time I think I went with my friend at the time Pierre and either one of my parents because I was nervous about there being so many people (I'm actually one of those strange germ freaks you read about in the paper when you have nothing better to do) or with a girlfriend at the time, not quite sure (might just have been with Pierre after all). When we came home from the concert I remember my ears felt like... well, I felt like I was going to die... little did I know that I'd feel that same horrid feeling in my ears and throat every time I went to a similar concert! The lighting was the best I've ever seen at techno concert - I mean really awesome, from the standard smoke and laser lights through the sky, to big full florescent lights that lit the entire stage the full length of the concert room... truly mesmerizing. There are a number of pictures from the tour online, I'd check them out. I've been to a number of concerts since (for all sorts of music from blues - which I might add is my [b]heart and soul[/b] to techno, and yet this concert was my favorite). Community Service Tour was in New York *tries to think when* sites say 1999 but I seem to recall it being a little earlier, oh well, I think my shirt has the date but I'm going to have to look for it later. :) [b]EDIT:[/b] Wow, all these bands you guys are naming... I've never even heard of them with the exception of Story Of The Year, Korn, and System of a Down. :/ lol
[quote name='Generic NPC #3'] Really, the only things I can say about this movie are: Why now after the animated series has basically faded into obscurity? and Why Theron, considering she looks tired half the time? [/quote]The series was perhaps one of the most creative series on television. Faded into obscurity? You do know it was by the same designer who made Reign the Conqueror right? While Reign didn't quite make it as well, I enjoyed it a lot. I'm thinking Aeon Flux's fan-base being what it is (or was) will support this film. That coupled with a downright cool storyline is enough to make a film. What the heck is with is with the Theron looking tired remark? You're welcome to your opinion so long as you know that it is an opinion - I for one belong to a number of movie review forums and never once have I heard anyone mention her looking "tired." She's a first class actress (films like Monster and the like), and I'm actually happily surprised she took on this role. While I'm all for opinions, that one seemed slightly out of place... are you assuming that attack on the actress will garauntee the film's failure? Or is it simply that because you seemingly dislike the actress you think the film won't be good? Not sure what to make of it, seems a bit out of place. Infrequently do you find such good actresses ready to take on sci-fi films. [quote name='Kuroinuyoukai']I liked the plot of some episodes but Aeon Flux looked like she was an aneroxic supermodel and that is darn skinny.[/quote]That was the artists style *shrugs* I can understand where it wouldn't be for everyone. A lot people who were too young to get into Aeon caught Reign and had the same complaints. Suppose you either like it for its creativity (or just downright like the style), or dislike it from what I've seen - there is often little middle ground. [quote name='James']but the visual style was pretty original. Translating such an outlandish style to live-action is incredibly difficult, as the trailer suggests.[/quote]Agreed but who knows, might turn out good. I liked what I saw in the trailer, felt it was very much in tune with Aeon Flux the animation (except for it being live action that is). I have a feeling we'll be pleasantly surprised with [i]good[/i] story, dialogue, and action sequences - but again, just my opinion I suppose time will tell. [quote name='bblackdahlia']I am afraid that I will be disappointed.[/quote]You won't be disappointed if you don't see it should the film be disappointing, that's for sure but you might also be disappointed by not seeing it should it turn out to be good. I'd just go see it then decide. Hey listen, if all else fails it has action and pretty costumes... do yourself a favor and see it (or not). In regards to the trailers I've found myself on the edge of my seat the whole time. That whistle seen, the tongue seen, all of it screams Aeon Flux the way it used to be on television. The costumes look absolutely superb, admittedly the only thing that bothers me is the action... not quite sure the action will be on par with some of the action films released recently and might come across as dull. However the storyline and design looks amazing: I figure we?ll all return to this thread to bicker about it the moment the movie is released, so it can only be a fun experience.
[b]Yet another 60 page post... but hey, this topic deserves it. :)[/b] Interestingly there are a number of religious texts such as the Quran which detail the end times, and or how they will be started. Strangely they all have a very similar premise (this of course implies no metaphysical explanation, merely a curiosity which has led me through studying various religious texts throughout the years). Every faith has their end times. And yet I find a few simpler solutions at hand... simple in words and yet complex in meaning. While it is above my expertise I believe that some account these strange, seemingly coincidental catastrophes as social problems dealt with collectively through psychological means and as time progresses so does similar cycles: for instance, there is a time period in which war movies are popular, not merely because of a war, but instead because of other things brewing, deep seeded hatred stirred up by random events, love movies follow similar themes, comedies and children's movies after periods of sadness and despair. That being said I think the human mind tends to blow things out of proportion quite frequently. Since we are currently in a state of war (the United States and the rest of the world for all intents and purposes), there is a lot of unrest, uneasiness and much fear. Fear translates to hatreds and displays itself in the very movies we watch (it was no surprise that The Day After Tomorrow and War of the World's came out when it did). Is movies the only thing worth mentioning? Certainly not, people by and large are more nervous now then they were say when they received money back from the government under Clinton. Goofy example? Consider the music, the trends, and so on - at certain key points in time such trends rise and fall... that is certainly no coincidence. That is not to say any one figure is at fault (I really and truly meant that Clinton bit as an example, nothing more), likewise there are periods of stagnation in which a lack of creativity is found. Many believe - as do I - that after such extended periods of time, to spice things up, aggression must be channeled out somehow in order to preserve the psyche, provide a sense of self so to speak to those who felt stupefied by a peace loving society. While I haven't lived a terribly long time I have noticed a number of social changes, social shifts, as well as emotional ones. It goes without saying that deep rooted psychological fears and emotions play a large role in government and society. Psycho-historians (as I've studied under a few), would go so far as to say many of the wars in the past were started over psychological traumas the masses felt. For instance, consider Germany under the impression during the first World War that they were winning due to mass publishing on the topic in newspapers, only to find out that they lost and not only that but lost horribly and owed reparations. Likewise it is no surprise that future guilt and shame would be felt down the line for generations to come. It is no surprise then that the German people needed something strong, a strong government which emphasized strength, in at least words. It wasn?t any surprise then that a dictator took power. In the hearts and souls of those in a given society, secret wishes, feelings, and emotions are felt. For good or ill (and certainly for ill there, the will of the people were subconsciously heard). Consider the fact that present wars could have been influenced by the shame and wishes of individuals in key administrative positions based on past unresolved conflicts. This is certainly not an attack on this administration; instead this is a downright fact concerning all administrations, concerning all people of power, concerning all peoples across the world: emotions play a heavy role in almost everything. And yet perhaps such things as war, death, destruction and the like was "wanted" or "desired" by the majority of people across the globe, as perverse as it sounds (truly dreadful, I admit), there is little other explanation for why intelligent individuals would put themselves in such positions knowingly. Merely food for thought. Again, this isn't about the war at all... in fact it need not have anything to do with the war, social trends are important to note. To answer the question posed by the one who wrote created this thread, I feel that - again - certain things are blown out of proportion and then that leads to everyone getting on their bandwagons and preparing to jump off the edge. While it is a coincidence for those who believe in ?metaphysical? forces at work for all I?m concerned, it surely is no coincidence that all these things are arising at seemingly the same time. [i]I guess put simply:[/i] people see what they want to see. [i]And more crucial here:[/i] people get what they want, even if they don't openly know/think they want it. [i]To those that might respond with ad hominem attacks regarding my paranoia:[/i] I don't actually think that [i]all[/i] key actions in society are motivated by such things but I do think it is a very big consideration. Mind you, neither do I feel that there is anything to be afraid of or suspicious of, after all, by my account we all do it. :)
[quote name='Dagger']But how is it a fact? I've never heard something like that before in my life, lol. I'm not trying to be PC here or anything--I'm just genuinely confused. From my perspective, it seems like a pretty random assertion to make.[/quote]That's exactly my point, it is a pretty random assertion, and it is in such thinking that one can easily confuse personality types with sexuality types. In a thread meant to aid those in need of finding their sexual preference, such statements regarding personality traits (sterotypical or not in nature) should be left out of the conversation all together. [quote name='Hug Monster']Ah, yes, the true brilliance of steryotypes and political correctness is that they are both observed by all. When strait people see a girly guy like me their first question is "you gay or something?" So then there is a fork in the road. I can take one path and say 'yes' and the politically correct portion of the opponent's mind decides 'oh, he's gay. Im creeped out, but I don't want to offend him. Ill just ignore him'. Then I could say 'no' and now they're thinking 'haha! Dude looks like a girl! Ill make fun of him!' Ya see? I've been in plenty of these situations. So, when I come in looking like a girl and someone wants to bother me about it, the answer 'Im bi' actually works to my advantage.[/quote]I understand what both of you (Hug and Sakurasuka) are trying to say and yet at the same time even in jest mentioning personality traits commonly associated with various preferences can, in my opinion, only lead to confusion. I did not take Hug's post too seriously, I took it as would anyone randomly reading through the thread. I think it should have been left out of a sexual preference conversation. That was my [i]only[/i] concern, I'm not here to argue what is or isn't a sterotype or how those sterotypes effect the relationship between gay and straight individuals, merely pointing out that there is a distinction between sexual preference and personality as a whole (in jest, one reading your post earlier might confuse the two, that was what I was hoping to clear up: for example, one reading the thread might think he or she is gay, bi, or straight based on how they like to act and or present themselves, ie, hugging, cuddling, and confiding in one of the same gender). While it might seem a bit far fetched, I'm venturing to think [b]many[/b] young/confused individuals might confuse the two. (Since I see the topic as shifted somehow, I'll leave it at that.)
So much for a psychological conversation on sexuality, oh well, thought it was worth bringing up. Someone, please feel free to bring it up later. [quote name='Hug Monster']My only advice is... hell I don't know. I think my situation will change once I'm around people I can have a relationship with anyway. I like being bisexual. It's a lot funer and it gives me an excuse to be cute ^_^[/quote]With all due respect, I'm trying to figure out what you mean exactly so please don't take offense. But you're bisexual because it is "funer" and because it gives you "an excuse to be cute"? What does that even mean? Does all or some bisexuals [i]act[/i] cute? Does any one of these terms have to [i]act[/i] a certain way at all? I mean no offense to you I'm actually trying to figure some things out. It seems to me that a lot of people (in general not just on the forums) are saying they are bi, gay, or straight based on stereotypical reasons (bisexuals enjoying the best of both worlds, the ability for a guy to be feminine and cute and the ability for a girl to be rugged, and other [b]personality[/b] stereotypes that hold no place in determining sexual preference). I'm not entirely convinced that qualifies as bisexual as a sexual preference. For instance I have a friend that wears only designer clothing, very fancy, wears make up on a day to day basis to enhance his appearance (eye liner, the works), and engages in a multitude or seemingly strange hobbies (this kid is built like a football player and I?ve never met a more avid reader and collector of Hello Kitty dolls). He begs me to hug him every time I see him and is very ?touchy feely,? is he gay or even bi? No. He?s extremely straight and probably wouldn?t even consider bisexuality as an option. I?m not saying this is the case with you Monster and didn?t mean to take what you said out of context (if it had any other context from the one I took it out of). Again, there are bisexuals and straights that like being ?cute? too, so don?t think I meant this solely for you. I just think it?s a good example of things people should [b][i]avoid doing[/i][/b] when making decisions about their sexuality or how to term it.
Anime Name an anime that you can watch over and over
Saya replied to meka2003's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='wayofthreversed']Princess Mononoke I don't know why but I can watch it constantly I just love the whole story[/quote]I'm going to have to agree with wayofthreversed, I can watch Princess Mononoke over and over. I think the characters are wonderful, the storyline is engaging and never tiring, the themes present are just expressed so well with the story and animation. The English voice acting is also of high quality... I would say what really does it though is the creative elements: the spirits and the way they are portrayed in Princess Mononoke. I would also watch Tsukihime Lunar Legend again. Short, sweet, extremely creative as far as storyline goes, and the visuals? Truly beautiful. I don't think there was one character in there that bothered me (except maybe Arcueid's conservative style of dress, I realize that sounds silly but it kind of irritated me). Remarkable series though. Lastly my favorite series, Last Exile, I wouldn't mind watching again and again until the cows came home. Emotionally engaging, great storyline, stunning visuals and a loveable cast of the most unlikely anime characters (at least the combination of all of them, which I thought made the series even more unique), marks Last Exile is one of those rare "I'll gladly watch it yet again" type animes. Given the fact that the worlds in the series are so well thought out, creative, and drawn to utter perfection, YamiBou would be another example of one. I could just randomly select an episode and watch it without paying the main storyline any mind at all (each episode is stand alone and yet interconnected with the main storyline, something which is very useful when you want to watch a series but don't have a lot of time on your hands). All right, well those are my selections. =^.^= -
[quote name='The Monster']I'd say that that is a rational explanation, Whe nthe PS2 was first released it had quite a few problems but was eventually fixed up in a few months or so. Microsoft did seem to have rushed the 360 a bit to release by Christmas, huh?[/quote]Oh I'm sure there are problems with any (and most) game systems when they're first released, it still strikes me wrong that it was the first of three next generation game systems out - and yes indeed as you point out - before Christmas, containing errors. To me that means poor planning or downright poor mechanics... either way, they weren't prepared in my opinion. Now of course that might not foretell anything about the future success of the X360, it's still disturbing though.
Greatest anime villains in no particular order? [list][*]Lord Darcia from Wolf?s Rain for his cold and calculating ways [spoiler]trying to have Paradise all for himself[/spoiler] (major Wolf?s Rain spoiler). [*]Lady Jaguara from Wolf?s Rain for [spoiler]her conniving ways of both trying to manipulate Darcia?s emotions, his love, as well as Paradise for her own ends.[/spoiler] [*]Maestro Delphine from Last Exile for her calculating ways and her utterly cold b*ch demeanor. [*]Cicada from Last Exile for reasons which should be obvious to anyone who?s seen LE (mainly because he kicks so much butt). [*][spoiler]Joker[/spoiler] from Read or Die the Series for being a conniving sob working [spoiler]Dokusensha[/spoiler] without any care in the world for those whose lives he ruins in the process! [*]Naraku in Inuyasha for just being downright cool in his powers and his [spoiler]sacrifice which gave him all of his power[/spoiler]. [/list] And? well that?s it for now, I guess, sorry I have thousands more but I tried as best as possible to limit the list.
[Hey that's not fair, the poll suddenly got more options as I posted! :) Oh well my response is more or less for the old poll] As for Adult Swim I loved Wolf's Rain and Bebop while they were on, I've tried to get into FMA but it's never on when I'm available... I have a feeling though I'd like it quite a bit. It does seem to have an intense plot and the like. Along the same lines Samurai Champloo seems to be really awesome too (only caught a few episodes of it due to time constraints on my part). But I do think out of the two options in the poll I'm going to say Samurai Champloo (awesome music mixed with cool characters and plot devices - while I don't know the "main storyline" if there is one, I have to say just the snippets I saw rocked). In my opinion Inuyasha doesn't even come close. I was once a big Inuyasha fan, looked over the poor dubbing, the cheesy dialogue, and loved the characters and story? but it lost a die hard fan with the release of its last movie in addition with the prolonged show (it should have either been ended a while ago or simply just end, it goes on way too long for my liking). Family Guy comes in second, just damn funny and I know one of the key animators on the show I believe ? regardless, the characters rock and it?s just downright cool. Sealab is funny too but not quite on the same level as Family Guy. But nothing goes on my X-Mas list beside Wolf's Rain, nothing else is worth buying really (*kisses Netflix yet again*)
[quote name='Cyke][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]GameSpot confirmed that some people are having issues with the console (discs getting scratched, games freezing, overheating, etc), but Microsoft said the number of reports is quite low. Then again, that was more than expected. It's launch time, so there's bound to be bad consoles released, which is not at all out of the ordinary.[/color'][/font][/quote]I must be missing something... I would think ordinary would be a system that works perfectly fine, does its job well, plays its games and turns off at the end of the night. Being brand new doesn't give it the right to have problems, does it? I?m not quite sure how acceptable such errors are... after all this is a little too soon for this sort of thing. It should be considered that perhaps the system was released too soon. If I spent that kind of money on a brand new system and it overheated, I?d probably return the thing and wait a few more months to try X360 again, if I ever tried it again. *Is checking online, looks like some X360 owners are quite pissed*