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Everything posted by Saya

  1. I'm absolutely, 100% in love with Yomiko Readman from Read or Die, but after that there has to be a dozen or so anime characters I'm in love with. But come on, a book nerd, really adorable, with cool fighting skills - you know you love Yomiko too! If she's The Paper, I'm practical the tree they made the paper from. *Bats eyes, ignoring how lame that was* two of hearts, two hearts that beat as one! :love: :love2:
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger]Welcome to OB! :catgirl: [b]chobitslover90[/b], I think I understand your concerns somewhat better now. If you're going to worry about anything, though, you should probably be worrying about manga. It's higher-profile, for one thing, and the questionable/controversial stuff is easier for kids to access. A bookstore clerk can't stop a ten-year-old from buying Sensual Phrase, for example (and Sensual Phrase isn't outright hentai or anything, but it's definitely inappropriate for kids). I imagine it's not at all difficult for someone underage to get their hands on 18+ rated manga. [/QUOTE] Thanks for the welcome ;) love the site! You know, I never really thought about that. One of my biggest concerns have been anime with teen appropriate ratings displaying questionable material (often found more in mangas since in the anime versions of those mangas, such things really wouldn't fly as well). On the same token 18+ mangas sold to below 18 year old individuals. Now that's something different... not quite H and perhaps a little more upsetting. My sister reading Love Hina since she was 12 ... beh. Isn't Hentai but that bothers me a little.
  3. [quote name='r2vq']Not all Anime is for kids. In fact, a lot of it isn't.[/quote] 100% new to the forums and already I?m taking part in a controversial thread. Oh well, it was bound to happen eventually. And your post r2vq is right on the money... I?m actually quite a bit fan of H, of course it depends on the title like all anime releases, but for the most part I find many of the premium titles out there (Cool Devices, Bible Black, Black Mail, No Surface Moon, etc), to be of exceptional quality and design. I watch H not because I?m a pervert (at least I don?t fashion myself a pervert), but rather because I believe many H artists show what their made of when they design an H movie. For instance, I realize this might come as a shock to some people but there are a number of H series/movies out there that were designed by well known people in anime. I realize without a substantial source this comes across as malarkey (can?t for the life of me remember a specific title), but famous anime artists and directors often design H titles to enhance their skills in drawing and attempt to express their art form differently (one of the key animators behind Ghost in the Shell or Akira comes to mind but don?t quote me on it). Anyhow, as for the comments you made chobitslover, I?m going to have to disagree with you. The same argument stands for any movie or music title. There is a lot of controversy over the fact that violent movie leads to violent tendencies in music listeners? are we to believe this at face value? I would say it depends on the person? surely the abuse of such media is not the fault of the media and is instead the fault of the individual (though again, this is a highly controversial topic that dates back to such things as book censorship and the like). Furthermore I don?t remember any case in which anyone was hurt because one of the involved parties watched H: granted I don?t know every that happens in the world, but an avid reader, I regard what you said is mistaken. As for it ruining anime, that?s not quite true ? if anything H has little to no effect over the overall anime market (not something I can statistically verify, only logically determine based on observation). If anything I believe that H would only strengthen the market by providing anime artists a key to express themselves without any form of censorship (likewise on the same token it allows H artists to get into making anime). I realize I?ve overly exhausted this topic, as H isn?t really all that important to me (again, I watch some titles, enjoy the art and that?s usually it), but I thought that such artists needed some sort defense ? no offense though to you chobitslover, for there certainly are individuals out there concerned with music/movie influence over society, that however, is beyond the scope of this reply.
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