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Everything posted by Saturn

  1. anything angel sanctuary is worth getting. the dubbing sucks, but then dubbing always does, ne? ^^ but its super beautiful and if you like bishonen with wings you'll be having a feild day ^____^ ja!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B]I saw the first 1 or 2 eps of it a long whilez ago. I don't remember what it's about, I just remember I really didn't like it. gee, isn't I a big help? -_-' it's not anything special, but you should watch it for yourself to see if you like it anyway [/B][/QUOTE] lol, thanks for responding at least. it doesn't look that good, but the characters kinda reminded me of digi charat , which, although annoying, was too cute to turn down ^^ ja!
  3. does anyone have any idea what this "mon colle" that fox kids is advertising is about? i read a blurb about it in animerica but it didn't explian much. ja!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B]If you're asking for traditional subs: My group has subbed the X OAV to DVD. Not a single subber will touch the TV Series, as we all know it'll be licensed. For digisubs, you can find the OAV and the TV episode #1 on Win MX, or irc.enterthegame.com [/B][/QUOTE] wow. how can i get a copy of the OVA? i'm sure it will be liscensed to, and i'm sure a group will sub the series also before its over. it takes too long for liscensing companies to get the series out because they are so worried about their precious dubbing (read: generator gawl) that i just go insane waiting. like saiyuuki-- i had a portion of the series ordered when news came out that it had been liscensed so my order got cancelled, and the dvds won't come out till next year! what a joke.
  5. does anyone know where i could get my hands on either the X tv series (what there is of it, so far) or the X ova? does anyone know if they've even been subbed yet? thanks ahead of time for your help! :D
  6. anything by CLAMP! waii! especially tokyo babylon, clover, wish, gouhou drug, X, CCS.... lol ^^;; how about just anything by then 'cept miyuki-chan? ^__^
  7. (hello, i'm new) i love CCS! my favourite characters are yukito and touya, who are just an adorable couple! i like syaoran too, and eriol is just darling =^.^= ja!
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