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Everything posted by SuddenDemise

  1. well I am goin to the realatives for dinner, then just chillin after that probably smokin a few bowls, ya know, play a little guitar.....thats about it...
  2. [quote name='Hug Monster][COLOR=Purple']I sincerely apologize for any feelings that are hurt, but in my opinion, Gwen Stefani is the most horrifically terrible musical artist who ever picked up a microphone. She's worse then those guys who sing 'When Soul Meets Body' and that's pretty damn bad.[/COLOR][/quote] While I do agree that Gwen Stefani does sux NOW, it wouldn't go as far as to say she it worse then those one guys! LOL....No Doubt when they FIRST came out were pretty bad ***! IMO....And for the record "Holla Back Gurl" is one of the worst songs ever concevied by the musik industry!!! Thank you, have a nice day...
  3. Sounds pretty intresting, I will fo sho check it out...thanks
  4. As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle Lamb of God - Laid to Rest UnEarth - Endless Too many more to think of! [color=Blue]Please explain your choices. For an example, look at almost any other post in this thread. - Petie[/color]
  5. I have heard nothing about this, but if its true that would be ****** awesome as hell...I'm a huge fan of Evangelion!!
  6. [QUOTE=Hug Monster]The glouds slowly begin to part A ray of light touches down The Archangel with her bow drawn Flies swiftly to the ground[/QUOTE] The tides of war engulf the land, and the blood of thier enemies drown the earth
  7. I've been playing for 7yrs now...I learned the basics on a Yahmaha acoustic, then when I was 15 I got a POS electric, I'm playing on a Schecter Omen 6, through a Carvin SX200 amp and a Line6 Uber Metal Pedal Distortion....I taught myself all the way, but I have decided to go into lessons, cause I need to learn musik theory and I wanna learn to solo (I kinda know how already, but I wanna learn how to really SOLO)....Playing guitar has been the greatest thing in my life and I encourage all to learn some form of instrument, it makes you feel so good about yourself...The best advice I can give on learning is, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE...Learn Scales, get your fingers strong and learn to read tablature and learn alternate picking (Picking in up/down strokes instead of just down strokes)...[url]www.guitartricks.com[/url] is a good site to learn from, and [url]www.mxtabs.net[/url] is a awesome place to get tablature from....Well, good luck learning the guitar, remember to have a patience, your not going to sound like metallica on day one.... \m/
  8. So, I heard from a few peeps about this series called AppleSeed...not quite sure about it...I was hopin some of you could tell me about it and let me know if its worth me checkin out...thanks for any replies...
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