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Everything posted by Shishou

  1. To Des, I just saw the news from Beth and I am stunned. We drifted apart over the years but I sometimes reminisce back in time when we had theO chats, skype calls.. AIMs. You touched many lives in more ways than you probably knew. One particular time stands out to me, in the early days of our acquaintance. You went to boil some water in the microwave and I remember thinking, "who the heck boils water in a microwave??" That memory still makes me smile. You were incredibly kind, and such a genuine person. Like many others, I don't know what to say that can express how I feel in this moment. Life is unfair and it's heartbreaking to think about what you had to go through. I'm close to tears as I write this now. Just know, that in my heart you will never stop sharing us with your delightful, spot-on screen shots. You will never stop being that wonderful person. You will never stop being Desbreko. Dream on in happiness, friend. You deserve it. Thank you for everything.
  2. Excited for snow. :3

    1. Lyndy



    2. Pleiades Rising

      Pleiades Rising

      We finally had some last night, but it turned into freezing rain. Fun times, as always.

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      I want some, too!

  3. Puffer fish.

  4. I miss your face. D:

  5. Viewing your profile. What'cha going to do about it?

  6. [font="Arial"][size="2"]If it is any consolation, I remember you! Welcome back and I hope you're able to stick around this time.[/size][/font]
  7. I'm pretty sure this is a comment.

  8. I'm perfectly content with this kind of communication! If I scolded you for lurking/stalking then I'd have to scold myself first, or become a hypocrite.

    Anyway, helloo tharr!

  9. [size="2"][font="Arial"]I picked up [i]The Great Gatsby[/i] from the library today. I remember reading it years ago and I figured this book and I should become reacquainted --I'm also quite curious to see how different my current perspective is now, compared to what it was when I had first read it.[/font][/size]
  10. [font="Arial"][size="2"]I want an adventure.[/size][/font]
  11. I think you need a recent comment.

  12. Speaking of Skype, I believe you should log in more often! That or you could pop by chat when I'm on. Either works for me.

  13. Get away from me you CaNzEr

  14. I was going to "like" your comment, but I remembered this wasn't Facebook. /facepalm

  15. It wasn't a matter of finding but more a matter of taking the time to click the "add as friend" button.

  16. Troll lo lo?

  17. /shakes fist feebly at Boo and Korey

    1. Lyndy


      You tell them! Or type at them! yeah, that

  18. Well, I don't get around as often as I should.

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