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Everything posted by sbsp13668
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]I only have an Xbox and an Xbox 360 (woot for awesome graphics and epic games) ... [B]Halo (all):[/B] Do I need to explain how amazing this game is? It's like the Harry Potter of video games! XD [B]Gladius:[/B] I like the characters in this game and the use of strategy, but it's not super exciting. [B]Lord of the Rings (2, 3, and Third Age):[/B] In LOTR the Third Age I like the characters mostly and the little factoids about the Middle Earth (LOTR geek here). It's fun chopping down enemies in LOTR 2 and 3, and the characters are awesome in that as well.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Red"]Hmmm... probably Inuyasha for me... My favourite mangas are Suikoden III, The Dreaming, and Hellsing. Most of the other ones I own are okay, but they're not masterpieces like these ones! ^.~[/COLOR][/FONT]
Writing Alan Moore: The Genius of Comic Books
sbsp13668 replied to Doublehex's topic in Creative Works
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Woo! I love that dude! I've only read [I]V for Vendetta[/I], but it's one of the best books I've ever read (and it's a comic!). I love the drama he's able to put into that comic without making it sounds overdramatic :catgirl: The way he connects every little detail and character is amazing, especially since it doesn't leave you wondering anything like "what happened to so and so...?" The only thing it leaves some people wondering is: who is V? amd how is Evey going to rebuild the world around her? Not to mention, the artist, David Lloyd (I think), has a very nice style; it looks kinda dark, and it's very realistic (flawless). Dave also does something similar to mangakas with his pictures by setting a sort of mood with the atmosphere/setting, then letting the scene play out. I definately recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet! It's very unique compared to other comics; it's not about a lousy superhero, and it's not totally happy or romantic. ^.^ [/COLOR][/FONT] -
Beijing 2008 Olympics (Should China Play Host?)
sbsp13668 replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="seagreen"]I don't think there's a way to just stop the Olympics, but the countries that disagree with China's [I]disgusting[/I] behaviour, should've boycotted the events. I think there's some sort of protest going on in Quebec about this or the Georgia invasion... I wish I had a decent excuse for cruddy memory, but I don't, sorry ^.^; Ping Pong, tennis, and badminton are terribly boring to watch, but they're soooo much fun to play! *^.^* Balls of Fury was a funny movie too! XD [/COLOR][/FONT] [QUOTE]Greece had its share of problems (poverty), Sydney I'm not so sure about. Every place has their share of problems and as Americans, of course we're gonna scrutinize them for their problems. It's just how it goes. As far as the games go, I've been satisfied how it's gone so far. Michael Phelps is just blazing through the competition and making it look so easy. Will he break Spitz's record? Most likely. He's by far the most impressive athlete I've seen in the games so far.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Phelps is AMAZING! He's gotta be part fish or something! ^.^ Lucky Americans! Canada still has NO medals! Our field hockey team lost! T.T Field HOCKEY! Well, that rowing competiton looks good for us anyways... o.O[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Yellow"]Please, try to forgive my cynical *** after this one... Love is money, sex, and power. Or my favourite way of putting it is: Love=Lust![/COLOR][/FONT]
Kicking the Bucket: My Most Gruesome Thread Yet
sbsp13668 replied to Lunar's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Purple"]I'd like to know, because I might kill myself when I'm 35, since I'm donating my organs, I want them to be nice and fresh! XD So if I were to die when I'm 36 or something, I wouldn't mind because then I'd get an extra year outta life ^.^ Also, it's nice to know my own expirey date, so I know how much time I have to do the stuff I want. As for how... hmmm... Well, it can't damage the organs, so I'm hoping for something like blood loss through a major vein; cut wrists, throat, or leg arteries. Also, it has to be in a place where my body won't get too damage, and will be found easily, so it's not too hard to collect the organs. ^.~ So maybe I could be used as a hostage for somebody holding a knife to my throat, then as my captor tries to run, a sniper could miss his shot and graze my neck (cutting the main artery). Perhaps the hole in my neck is too large to repair and I bleed to death before a mortified crowd (sounds like a freaking play doesn't it?) ... Maybe not a crowd, one or two police officers with a body bag would be nice. :catgirl:[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Elfen Lied= 13 (or 14) episodes Hellsing= 13 episodes Hellsing Ultimate (the OVA)= 4 episodes (I recommend this one over the "original" anime) Wolf's Rain= 30 (or 26) episodes Escaflowne= 26 episodes Claymore= 26 episodes Heat Guy J= 30 episodes (or 26, I'm not sure...) Cowboy Bebop= 26 episodes If you're looking for immediate satisfaction I recommend Elfen Lied, Hellsing Ultimate, Claymore, and Cowboy Bebop. However, Wolf's Rain and Heat Guy J have amazing conclusions! ^.^ Escaflowne is shounen, but it leans a little towards the shoujo side I think...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Plum"]Well, as a rule, I don't give up on anime right after the first episode or judge them by the first episode, because usually the first few episodes are used as introductions. That being said, Wolf's Rain grabbed me straight away, since I'm a little obsessed with wolves, but the first few episodes are really slow in that (so I judged it by the title, and what I'd seen in AMVs). Heat Guy J and Elfen Lied I saw AMVs to before I started watching them, so based on the amount of violence I saw I wanted to watch them. XD I'm a pathetic anime fan aren't I?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]I love sad animes! Happy ones make me sick. -_- Wolf's Rain: [spoiler]Come on! Everybody should cry when Toboe died; that is one of the BEST death scenes I've ever seen! The way they kept drawing out the sadness with the characters all discovering his death and Quent "Pops" Yaiden being all regretful and such. The music during that scene was amazing too, I love "Friends" the song they played with Toboe and Tsume, but they didn't have that other great song with Toboe and all the wolves on the OST. >.< Everyone else's deaths were sad as well, but I didn't care much for Kiba's half-death.[/spoiler] Elfen Lied: [spoiler]In the anime it has to be Mariko's death, because she was crying and telling her father about her crushed hopes and dreams, and eventually some of her hopes come true when her father finally embraces her and they die together. In the manga it was definately Bando's death, he's my favourite character now so... I've heard rumours about him surviving though. O.O Okay, so the first time he fights Lucy he loses his arm and his eyes. Then he fights her again and he loses his other arm and gets ripped in half, horizontally across his torso... How the Hell do you survive all that?! I've heard that Lucy dies in the end (which seemed inevitable, poor girl), which looks pretty sad as well.[/spoiler] Escaflowne: [spoiler]Nariya and Eriya's deaths, I like their loyalty in that one.[/spoiler] Claymore: [spoiler]I like all the claymore girls so far, so I don't have a favourite. All of the claymore girls who die have sad deaths.[/spoiler] Hellsing: [spoiler]Maxwell's death, since he's another favourite of mine. Alucard seems to be close to death, so that's pretty sad as well.[/spoiler] Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: [spoiler]Kadaj's death used to get me, but I think I've watched that movie too many times, because now I just don't care...[/spoiler] Death Note: [spoiler]L and Light's deaths are both pretty sad, they didn't make me cry, but I still pitied them.[/spoiler] Naruto: [spoiler]The only character I like in that series now is Haku. That's a good death scene too. His loyalty, selflessness, and innocence are perfectly portrayed in this scene. The episodes with Haku in them are my favourite episodes ^.^[/spoiler][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Red"]Well, I was looking around on a comic book forum, and I found these sorta battle like things, such as "Spider-Man vs. Wolverine" and stuff. I dunno if anything like that has been done on OtakuBoards yet, but I think it would be fun to try. I'm dying to see the outcome of a fight like this: Lucy from Elfen Lied versus Alucard from Hellsing in the streets of London, England! Warning! This thread will contain spoilers eventually! Manga Lucy's weaknesses are pretty much non-existent, but her love for Kouta (that dumbass) often holds her back. Anime Lucy's weaknesses would be range and Kouta, but she makes up for the limited range of her vectors by throwing stuff and using the enemy's weapons with better range (like the machine gun). Manga Alucard's weaknesses are small; first, you have to destroy his undead army, then you have to destroy him. Good Luck. [spoiler]However, it seems that Schrodinger is able to erase his existence in the end...[/spoiler] Anime Alucard seems to be invincible because they never quite finished the series and [spoiler]Alucard destroys Incognito.[/spoiler] So there we have it! The original diclonius fighting the original vampire! Who will win?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]First of all, I'm so sorry I never got back to this! XD (I get busy sometimes). Once again, sorry for the poorly written original post there doesn't seem to be a point in fixing it now though, since everyone seemed to understand it well enough anyways ^.^ Anyways! I'm here to give a few replies that I should've given sooner...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][quote name='Aceburner']Ack! Real quick before I forget: There's these neat programs on most computers that allow you to download CD's to your computer, keep backups of the songs and play them whenever you like. Some people may not know this, but you can actually use those while browsing the internet! I do it all the time. Sometimes I do it while playing video games, too.[/QUOTE] Yup, I love doing the same! I like Windows Media Player and YouTube to listen to my music mostly. ^.^ However, by listening to other people's playlists I get to hear new music too. So I like the playlist feature mostly to hear different songs my friends are interested in, so I may discover music we both enjoy. *^.^* [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]I can't speak for Adam's reasoning in terms of why Worlds is so limited compared to myOtaku (although I think a lot of it has to do with ease of use for people who don't have the time or in-depth knowledge to do all of the HTML). However, I'm sure that we can add more features and options to Worlds [i]without[/i] over-complicating the system. ... I don't believe that the addition of Worlds was a screw up at all though. There are multiple reasons why it was necessary to develop a new blogging system - the foundation for Worlds is far more powerful than myOtaku and there's an added flexibility for the developers as well.[/font][/QUOTE] I think you're right, it might be limited to avoid over-complication or because the site might to be able to handle that much data (I've heard of that happening to some forum sites, so I dunno if it can happen to others...). "Screw up" was the wrong choice of words; Worlds aren't terrible, the point of blogging is to communicate with friends. Much of MyOtaku's additional features, such as having control over making the site and adjusting the layout, were just extras to go with the blogging system on MyOtaku. So I agree with you on that point as well, as a blogging system Worlds can be better than MyOtaku, since it's straight to the point (and simple) when it comes to posts and communicating through blogs. But part of MyOtaku and TheOtaku's success is partly due to the wonderful "extras" the sites offer to members that make the sites different from all those other blogging sites and anime sites. (This reply would go for Rachmaninoff too). I'm sticking to my opinion on this one, I still think that MyOtaku deserves some changes to stay as an "extra" at least. Or that Worlds can become MyOtaku by having the features MyOtakuites (< thanks to Aceburner for pointing that out to me, and I love saying "hoodlum!") loved having on MyOtaku (that control over the layout and such). I'm willing to wait for the changes, I'd just like to know what changes are going to happen and for that I'm gonna go contact Adam personally after this. ^.~ [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]sbsp, please don't think that we are entirely unsympathetic. :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE] No worries, I never thought anyone was being unsympathetic. In fact, I'm glad this got so many replies because I like hearing the other side of the argument (so to speak, not really an argument...) and any helpful tips that can help get around some of my troubles with the new system. :catgirl: I can see how my absence could make you think I felt this way though, and I'm really sorry for that ^.~ [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I'm not sure if I would agree with inconvenient, for the simple reason that the changes aren't finished. Though I suppose it's inconvenient to wait on those changes to be finalized. I would still be more inclined to refer to it as a preference in how one likes to be able to blog since clearly Worlds at theOtaku is quite different and it's also clear that we are a long ways away from seeing everything Adam has in mind for the site.Though I agree that the change limits how many pictures and videos one can put on a site, visually that is, it does not stop one from being a member of a fan club. It simply requires you to use a link to the banner instead of having it displayed along with other pictures as well. So though a member may prefer to have that banner showing along with other pictures, to say it keeps you from being a club member is incorrect. ... Pm's inconvenient? This is a complaint that on some level I just don't agree with. Why? Because if you have any sort of e-mail, you have to log into that separately don't you? In that respect I don't see having pm's in only one location as an issue at all. And when you consider that the new system is a part of theOtaku, they've become closer in that respect. ... I'm afraid I have to disagree with you just a tiny bit here. I do agree that for the most part those who are sticking to myOtaku are not mean nor anti-social, however, there are some who have made the others look bad by viciously speaking out against others who favor the new Worlds blogging system. As well as alienating the new members who were not around for myOtaku. I have to say that because it's the truth. I'm sure being staff at theOtaku contributes to them ranting in my direction, since they are only frustrated, but still, I've been at the receiving end of some very nasty rants and personal attacks over the change. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'll admit, I don't have a World myself yet. ^.^; So it was a friend of mine who was having this problem with the clubs, but thanks for the suggestion for putting the club image in a link! I'll pass that advice onto my friends who might not have thought of that yet. Thanks! :catgirl: With the PMs you have to log into both sites, but with e-mail you only have to log into one (or with mine I do). I think it's the same thing with wanting to comment on MyOtaku as well, you can't leave a comment unless you're logged into the other site. Just a simple link to our inboxes on MyOtaku would be more convenient. Unfortunately, I have seen some older members be so rude to the new members too. I think such rude behaviour is a disgrace to the MyOtaku/TheOtaku name, and I'm not standing up for those members. The MyOtaku/TheOtaku community is the [B]best[/B] community I've found on the internet (and still is, despite the changes, since the people here stay the same ^.^), but it's not only on MyOtaku that new members encounter such rude older members, so that's not to be used against MyOtaku (though I don't think you meant it that way anyways). I heard that Halo websites are particularly evil to new members, but that's just what I've heard ^.~ Well, my main reason for sticking with MyOtaku is the subscription issue I'm having and having control over making my site/blog as creative as possible, which Worlds (I find) limit. I think some changes are going to happen to Worlds to decrease this limitation though too :animesmil [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']I'm not going to address most of your post since the others already did and because I never was a member of myOtaku. But I do have to wonder at the frame of mind behind this bit here, primarily what I highlighted. I'm going to dive a bit into philosophy here because to be frank the idea of someone who is a teenager complaining over change... I can't help but blink and wonder if I'm hearing things. Usually it's the other way around, the kids telling the adults they need to keep up with the changes. Anyway, my point is that everything is always changing and moving, and has some aim, goal, or purpose. Why do I say that? I'm old enough to remember when the Internet didn't really exist like it does today. To remember when CD's and DVD's didn't even exist yet. When blogging sites such as myOtaku did not exist. Just as I remember how much people were downright afraid of such change. Because it was not what they were use to and I even recall speculation on how e-mail would result in regular mail falling apart. Now I'm not saying you don't have valid concerns in regards to the new service, but I am saying that not liking change is kind of short sighted. And clinging to the past so hard that you lose sight of the future isn't healthy either. I've seen quite a bit of ranting over the change when I've browsed around and all I can think is how [I]impatient[/I] people are for the new system to receive similar upgrades or features. Or how unwilling they are to even attempt to find the benefits of the newer system. Now since this is really about a move, I'd be telling people the same thing I told my children when we moved from one state to another, not my youngest but my eldest. The move isn't going to change, adapt, learn, and for heaven's sake! Get out there and find something fun to do instead of lamenting your old neighborhood. Unlike a true move, your friends can still follow you and I'm positive that it will only get better.[/QUOTE] LOL! I know I can sound a bit like an old geizer when it comes to certain topics, and I could go on and on about how the darkness in the world has been forcing us young people to "mature" faster, but I don't want to bore anyone to death with my cynical antics. XD You're totally right about what you're saying to those members who don't like change simly because it's [I]change[/I] ("it's different, it's new eek!"), so I encourage anyone who's like that to read this... actually... that's an order, so read it change dislikers! Rar. ^.^ [quote name='RikuHeart']Version Vibrant, I think, is pretty awesome. Having multiple worlds is really nice (though I still haven't done that yet out of lack of need) and a single, easy-to-remember URL for your entire portfolio organizes things by a ton. The design is very pretty and easy to navigate. ... Still, I'm very satisfied with VV. I just think that myO should get an update also.[/QUOTE] If I haven't already said this, then I'll say it now... I don't [I]hate[/I] Worlds, like most people I think they could just use some improvements. I think the Worlds system is really great for those Portal discussions (dunno what they may officially be called), because they really help generate ideas/topics about certain events in an anime, game, manga, or whatever the Portal is for. And I'm glad you agree with me that MyOtaku needs some changes as well :catgirl: By the way, to those who's quotes I've shortened please don't feel offended that I'm not including every part, I'm just saving space and I certainly read all of your replies. :catgirl: [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]Hmmm... being one of those members that joined after the change, I can't really say much about the other since I was never a part of it. I can say how much I really like the current system. I've had nothing but fun and met a lot of really great people since I joined. :catgirl: I'm not really all that familiar with how websites or blogging services work, but if all of the submissions were imported to the new system, is it possible to simply import the blogs from the old one over too? I say this since the biggest complaint I see is that the older system isn't getting the updates or improvements anymore. ... Based on some of the ugly fighting I've seen going on, something that as an adult I find a bit surprising to see, (though I probably shouldn't). But to see someone who is 25+ taking offense with younger teens, who though perhaps not as clear in their words, are merely stating what they think. Now that is not very mature in my opinion. It wouldn't matter what was said. I would not take my personal life or frustrations out on a total stranger, especially when said stranger is someone a lot younger than me. So I have to agree with the earlier statement about some of the older members being mean to those who like the new system, I've seen it. >_< I'm just glad there are a lot of others out there who are nothing like that. Plus I know better than to think a few represent the community as a whole. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Welcome to TheOtaku and OtakuBoards! *^.^* I'm sorry that you've had the misfortune of running into some of those nasty older members (by "older" I don't totally mean by age either, mainly as just been a member longer) and I'm glad you didn't let them get you down in staying on TheOtaku. And like I've said, MyOtaku is not to be associated with members like these, since you can find them on all sites and they aren't sharing the TheOtaku/MyOtaku spirit. Anyways, I'm really glad you're enjoying TheOtaku as well, and I hope you've made a lot of nice friends there! :catgirl: [quote name='Adam']Hello! Thanks for your feedback, I'm aware of all the issues you mentioned, though obviously some are more important than others. The main note I want to make is that we only launched a month ago...when MyOtaku launched in 2003 it was AWFUL. 50% of it didn't work, there was no customizability, the site was dead slow. Version Vibrant was a much bigger project than myOtaku and launched really far along. Sites take a long time to evolve and we're evolving theOtaku faster than ANY other site out there. How many features/improvements have we made since launch? At least 15. My best advice is to focus on the positive, not the negative. This isn't just for websites, but applies in all areas of life. You can always find reasons to complain or nag but it's ultimately healthier to find reasons to be appreciative.[/QUOTE] You're welcomes for the feedback, and thank you for listening! ^.~ You guys really are doing a great job by doing all these changes, I don't even know how busy you are, but thanks for all your time and effort. Some of them are fantastic, such as having fan comic descriptions work, a simpler Portal system, a better search, and lots more, so I'm not saying I don't like [I]all[/I] the changes. However, there are some changes that could be improved, and for those I'll e-mail you or PM you. (I hope you're not too busy with all those other PMs because you said you were getting a lot of them when you told people to suggest improvements as comments on your MyOtaku site). Lastly, I'll still take your advice (and pass it on) more as an approach to my real life, but not my internet life, since that is a life I think that needs constructive criticism to help be improved (if that sounds... somewhat sane to you). I look on the negative side too much in real life, which has created my attachment to the internet. So if I follow your advice by applying it to my real life, my internet life won't get me as worked up which sounds like a good solution to me! ^.~ Thanks!:catgirl: This doesn't have as much to do with your comment as it does have more to do with TheOtaku and MyOtaku in general: Thanks so much for creating these sites! TheOtaku/MyOtaku are the only sites I truly adore and value, so kudos to their creator! Woop! [/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]Alright, that's it for my belated replies (if anyone wanted me to reply to their comments, but I didn't get to them, please just tell me to). I'll admit I have no life, so that's why I'm so concerned about MyOtaku. I still look forward to seeing some of the great changes in store for TheOtaku, but I'd like to see some for MyOtaku ^.~ And I'm going to put this out there just as a blast from the past: I miss the jukebox, if anyone can remember that thing! XD I don't care that much that it's gone, but it was a fun little thing, wasn't it? I won't lie, other than having a friend already on TheOtaku, it was the jukebox that made me join! :animeswea Well, thank you for all the replies! I never imagined I'd get so many, and I value and have learned from your opinions. :catgirl: Thanks![/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Navy"]I've been getting the impression that MyOtaku is being ignored in all these changes/improvements because some people think that those who are sticking with MyOtaku are unwilling to change. The fact is that some people are sticking with MyOtaku because they don't like change and other people are with MyOtaku because they simply don't like the changes that have been made around TheOtaku and MyOtaku. There are many reasons people don't like these changes, they're inconvenient and they're seperating TheOtaku and MyOtaku. Maybe I'm a little late in voicing this, but this point of view needs to be voiced and it would be great if something could be done about it. The first change should be well known by now, since many Otaku-ians agree that it's caused some inconveniences for them. That change would be the limit placed on pictures, music, and videos in Worlds. The limit on pictures in World blogs disables users from joining clubs, since the club banner is a picture. Of course several users also like posting a few images in their posts, such as avatars, captioned pictures, photos, and pictures of the week (or however often the user posts). Then there's the no playlist rule, which makes Worlds dull compared to MyOtaku sites. Besides, some people post rather long posts and one song just isn't going to last long enough for a music lover to get through the whole post with their sanity intact. Well, I think you get the point here; Worlds aren't as interesting as sites. Another inconvenience created by Version Vibrant is commenting and private messaging. On a similar note with the picture, music, and video limit, the new comment system is dull. No colour and no font styles=no fun. Comments are [I]always[/I] interesting to read, but font style and colour allow users to get a little more creative with their comments and it can show off personality or identification. Some users use colours to identify themselves, such as Raina always using the blue font and Magnus Lensherr always using the indigo font. Also, the new comment window on TheOtaku doesn't work so well with older computers; sometimes the comment box takes [B]forever[/B] to open or just freezes the computer up. As for the PM problem, the link between both websites in PMs was a luxury we all took for granted. Those on MyOtaku are forced to go to TheOtaku to read their PMs, so it seems that the two websites are being divided purposely, since the only link still holding the two together is the portfolio link that everyone's used to. I could go on for ages about the inconvenience of the PM problem, but I don't have ages to go on about something and I'm sure other members have already voiced their opinion on this problem too. Here's the major point put up against people still hanging out on MyOtaku: those who stick with MyOtaku are anti-social and are mean to the new members for not wanting to talk to them. [I]Not true.[/I] Now that TheOtaku and MyOtaku have been divided, some people have chosen TheOtaku blogging and others have chosen MyOtaku blogging, the smart people have chosen both. It doesn't sound totally fair to be choosing sides (or to even be forced into choosing sides), but MyOtaku-ians prefer the friends who are still on MyOtaku too. Whereas, TheOtaku-ians prefer the friends who've gone to TheOtaku. Then there's smart members, such as ElvesAteMyRamen, who are blogging on TheOtaku and MyOtaku, so they don't have to make people choose. Therefore, users still on MyOtaku aren't being mean towards new members or anti-social, they're choosing (what they believe to be) a sort of lesser of two evils. Most MyOtaku-ians are blogging on MyOtaku to keep their better friends stuck to MyOtaku happy, but are commenting on Worlds as well. (I think Elves' approach to this issue is still the best though, since it allows both types of Otaku-ians to feel comfortable). The next change serves as an inconvenience and a separation, subscriptions. Subscriptions are a great feature, they really let you keep up with your friends' activities. However, if you've subscribed to a lot of members, you won't be able to keep up with a lot of their activities. The list showing new updates from the subscribed members only shows about 15 of the newest updates and bumps any older updates on the list. So people who are subscribed to a lot of members can't keep up with all the updates, since they keep getting bumped off the list by other updates. MyOtaku allows users to see who's updated most recently, but that's only for blogs, so even that has a downside. If Version Vibrant hadn't come along, users would be able to keep track of subscribed members' artwork and blogs through MyOtaku's backroom and the Artist Tracker feature that used to be on TheOtaku. Lastly, MyOtaku acted as a home to several members, expecting them to leave those memories and friends to make Worlds isn't fair. The Guestbook and Archives on MyOtaku are full of memories for members who've been around a while. MyOtaku has a few flaws, but with all these changes happening to TheOtaku it's being ignored. The reason for the lack of acknowledgement seems to be the idea that MyOtaku-ians will never accept change and that TheOtaku is better than MyOtaku. Both sites are awesome, but improvements need to happen to[I] both[/I] sites. I'm not saying stop blogging on TheOtaku, or that MyOtaku is better than TheOtaku. I'm saying that introducing a different blogging system was a screw up (and it can't be helped now), but there are more improvements needed on MyOtaku as well as on TheOtaku in order to satisfy all members. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Well, it's just an opinion. A poorly written opinion that I might have to come back to later, but at the moment I'm out of time. So try to understand this and let's all try to push for[I] better[/I] changes. :catgirl: LOL! I never liked OtakuBoards very much, but I'm kinda glad nothing bad has happened to [I]this[/I] website at least! :catgirl:[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR="Magenta"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I spent $45.00 on a bra. It fits well, but no one should have to spend that much money on underwear. XD I spent $60.00 at a movie theatre buying all the tickets and food for my freeloading friends. ^.^; [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Green"]I saw it last night and it was fantabulous! I laughed all the way through! *^.^* It wasn't exactly like a long episode, but it was funny like always! ^.~ [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]This is my very first fanfiction, yay! It’s a Suikoden III fanfic, I’ve only read the manga for Suikoden III so I don’t really know anything about the game. Amournia is my own character and all the others are from Suikoden III. It’s very long, but it’s complete and no other parts will be added. Story takes place towards the end of the 7th volume of the manga and ends near the middle of the 9th volume. It's unfortunate that there aren't many Suikoden fans around here that can giv me some constructive criticism, but any kind of criticism is welcome. :catgirl: Disclaimer: I don’t own Suikoden or any of its characters blah blah blah…[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"][U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]The Fallen[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] It was sunrise at the Harmonian army’s encampment when the captain of the Harmonian sorcerors was awoken by a girl who had light blue eyes, short, blonde hair, and possessed a magical staff. “Who the hell are you? You’d better have a high rank in this army or I’ll see to it that you’ll leave this tent in tears,” the angered and barely awake captain snarled. “My name is Sarah. I’m Lord Luc’s personal sorceress,” she said in a tiny mouse-like voice. “What do you want?” The captain asked in the most respectful manner she knew, but still sleepily. Captain Amournia was sitting upright on her cot in a red, silk nightgown with her blonde hair hanging loose halfway down her back in a sleep-tousled mess. “I’m here to inform you that Lord Sasarai was relieved of his position as bishop. Now, you are to follow the orders of [I]Lord Luc[/I]. He wants you to prepare the sorcerors for the battle at the Grasslands’ Sky Cavern. That is all. Goodbye, captain,” Sarah said before leaving the other sorceress’ tent. In a worse mood than she usually was in, Amournia snatched up her hairbrush to get herself ready to train the sorcerors. Captain Amournia never cared about what went on around her in the Harmonian army, so the fact that Lord Sasarai was mysteriously replaced with Lord Luc never bothered her. As she brushed through her knotted hair she assumed that Sarah already knew that the captain didn’t care about who her commander was. Captain Amournia was putting on her Harmonian uniform that was coloured red instead of blue like the other uniforms. She wanted her uniform to be red because she though she deserved a different uniform from her subordinates. The last thing Amournia did, before leaving her tent to wake the rest of the sorcerors, was attach a small dagger to her belt where it could be concealed by the red uniform. Amournia always wore the dagger in case she’d be attacked and she’d use it even against the other members of the Harmonian army, if she had to. The captain was known for being cruel, demanding, judgemental, and was capable of making enemies anywhere. She left her tent, which was larger than most of the other tents in the encampment. Captain Amournia’s and the sorcerors’ tents were located on the outskirts of the encampment, making it ideal for their kind of training. The only other tents larger than hers were the tents for large masses of soldiers and Lord Luc’s. While working for the Harmonian army Amournia was accustomed to always getting her way; meaning that she’d get better standards than the other soldiers. “WAKE UP, YOU LAZY BASTARDS!!!” Was captain Amournia’s shrill wake up call to her sorcerors that morning. The sorcerors were used to the captain’s random timing for training sessions, so all of them slept in their uniforms. They combed their hair quickly and grabbed their staves to rush out of their individual tents and stand at attention for their captain. All the sorcerors were standing before captain Amournia except for Charles. Charles was the most unfortunate sorceror under captain Amournia’s command. He had short, spiky, blonde hair that was usually a mess and had deep green eyes. The unlucky sorceror was shrugging his blue uniform jacket on as he stumbled out of his tent. Charles’ misfortune became Amournia’s glee while she made her way towards him down the line of sorcerors. She rested her head on Charles’ shoulder to breathe down his neck, then moved her lips up to his ear. “Charles… I thought I ordered you to [I]WAKE UP!” [/I]Captain Amournia had started saying sweetly and finished in a shriek next to Charles’ ear. As Charles cringed from Amournia’s assault on his ear the sorceress decided to punch him hard in the gut, causing him to let out a small grunt. Nobody of a lower rank in the Harmonian army would dare to hit Amournia back, especially her sorcerors that knew the consequences. The sorcerors weren’t known for having a lot of physical strength and courage, but they made up for it with their magic. The captain always assumed that the sorcerors’ skills were built from her own and the difficult tasks she made them do in previous training sessions. If the Harmonian sorcerors did anything well with their magic, Amournia would praise herself for being their captain. After the sorceress finished with Charles the sorcerors began their training in the early morning light. “None of you are gonna eat today until you do something right during your training,” captain Amournia sung after watching Charles mess up a spell he was casting. Charles looked disappointed as he continued to train, knowing he might have to miss another meal. The majority of the sorcerors were doing what a normal soldier would consider fine, but “fine” was never enough for their captain. Captain Amournia stood by and watched the group of sorcerors cast many successful spells that would prove useful in battle, but she had already decided she’d make them train for a few hours before permitting them to eat breakfast anyways. They trained for hours and the world around them had been changed drastically since they started. Now, there were several scorched pieces of landscape that had been used as targets for long-range fire spells and uprooted plants that had been victims to powerful wind spells. Many of the sorcerors had been able to continue successfully casting spells throughout the course of the two hours. However, Charles had attempted conjuring a fire spell at an already uprooted shrub, but missed it by a few feet to the left. Watching Charles’ little fireball whiz by the shrubbery Amournia asked, “do I need to get my staff out here to show you pathetic people how to cast a simple spell?” “Lieutenant, watch these morons so I can get my staff. And make sure they don’t stop their training,” captain Amournia said when she left to retrieve her own staff as an excuse to move around a little and grab a snack for herself. Lieutenant Ludo was the most loyal sorceror to the captain. He was also very skilled in his sorcery; during the training he hadn’t made a single mistake. Ludo had short blonde hair that was neatly combed back except for a few strands that hung near the centre of his forehead. Compared to the other sorcerors in the army he was more muscular and could be passed off as an ordinary soldier, if he was wearing the armor. The lieutenant of the Harmonian sorcerors kept a keen eye on them until Amournia came walking back towards them with her staff and a piece of bread. Finishing the last of her bread and standing next to Charles, Amournia brought up her staff that was like all the other long staves the sorcerors possessed. The staff had a small, light blue, glass orb at the end that she held pointed at the sky. She moved the little blue orb around in search of a target she could use for the same fire spell Charles had attempted. Finding no target she considered worthy of her spell on land, Amournia aimed into the overcast sky at a small bird flying by. In a second the little bird hit the ground with a small thump in front of Charles and the captain. The rest of the sorcerors watched Amournia as she stared at the bird’s remains and bits of fire beginning to die around them with delight. It was only one hour after the bird had died that the sorcerors’ training ended and they were allowed to have their breakfast. Captain Amournia went to get another piece of bread and some fruits, but finished them quickly so she could return her staff to her tent. On her way to the tent she noticed several of the other soldiers seemed to be preparing for a battle. The captain hadn’t been informed of a battle and went to question her new commander about his reasoning behind excluding the sorcerors from this battle, even though they proved so helpful in Harmonia’s last battle against the Grasslanders. Se made her way to Lord Luc’s large tent, located near the centre of the encampment, while noticing more and more soldiers preparing for battle. In Holy Harmonia’s last battle the sorcerors were used to change the direction of the wind to disable the Grasslanders from using their bug paralyzing smoke, which enabled the Harmonians to use the Lebuque bug troops. So Amournia couldn’t help wondering why they wouldn’t let her enjoy the new battle’s carnage, when the sorceress earned the right to by aiding in the conquest of the Chisha clan lands in the last battle. When captain Amournia came through Lord Luc’s tent flap she did not see the new commander sitting at the table covered in a variety of maps and battle plans, instead it was Harmonia’s war strategist. Albert Silverberg was well acquainted with the captain of the sorcerors, since he had been working with Lord Sasarai before. Amournia didn’t like Albert because he could never keep up a good conversation and seemed quite full of himself, treating the captain like someone of less intelligence than himself. “Oh great, if it isn’t Albert Silverberg the world’s biggest smart ass. Maybe you’ll have some answers for me,” Amournia said sarcastically as she approached the table. The tactician looked up slowly from his work to ask, “what answers do I owe you, captain?” “I’d like to know why there are soldiers sharpening their blades and cleaning their armor for some unheard battle. Tell me, why I haven’t received any word of this battle even though the sorcerors were perfect for our last battle,” captain Amournia demanded coldly. “This battle is not being fought at the Sky Cavern, therefore it’s not the battle you are expected to fight in as I’m sure Sarah should’ve informed you,” Albert replied in a matter-of-factly tone. “I know that, you imbecile! But I want to know why we’ve been excluded from [I]this[/I] one,” the captain hissed at him. “The Duck clan lands are where the new battle will take place and the landscape isn’t ideal for the Grasslanders to pull any surprises this time. Also their army is significantly weak, now. So we won’t need many troops to defeat the Grasslanders. We’ll be using the ground troops, Lebuque forces, and some of Lord Luc’s own special forces; the sorcerors are not necessary this time,” he answered not caring whether the self-centred captain was happy or not with his decision. “Finally! Now, why couldn’t you just answer it like that when I first asked hmmm, [I]Al-bore[/I]?” Amournia taunted before leaving the large tent and looking back to sneer at Albert. While walking away to gather her sorcerors for another training session she complimented herself for using the cruel nickname she picked up from a messenger that delivered a message from Albert’s younger brother, who worked as a strategist for the Grasslanders. This training session with the sorcerors was going a lot better than their early morning session. The sorcerors were all casting their spells very well, since they were warmed up and well fed this time. Amournia was usually never satisfied with them, but she was finding it difficult to find any flaws in their magic. Of course she’d still pick on her subordinates for any little things they did wrong, but it wasn’t enough to entertain the captain with. “Being sorcerors, we don’t really understand how lucky we are compared to the other soldiers. I know many of you can be quite talented in your magic, but could you survive being a normal soldier? Now, let me see all of you do a few pushups-- let’s say fifty. I want to see your gratitude for being a sorceror under my command and for having your magical skills from all the training I’ve made you do,” captain Amournia ordered the sorcerors, grateful for her own creativity. The majority of the sorcerors began to tire after thirty pushups. Many of them were out of shape because of the obvious reasons Amournia had known; they were only meant to serve their purpose in the army though magic and not much physical strength. Lieutenant Ludo finished Amournia’s cruel entertainment faster than the others did and only began to tire a little towards the end of it. At times the sorceress didn’t like Ludo because he spoiled a lot of her “fun” unlike the other sorcerors. She’d never really complain about the lieutenant, since he was one of her only useful allies though. When the captain chose to make Ludo a lieutenant she’d announced it in front of all the other sorcerors during a very old training session. She granted him the position to encourage the sorcerors to work harder by giving them the false hope of getting a higher position as well. Eventually all the Harmonian sorcerors had finished the pushups and were ordered to continue their training after thanking the captain for ‘not having to live the difficult lives the Harmonian soldiers do.’ Their arms were worn out and aching while they raised their staves to perform more spells, but continued to train just as well as they were before. Another training session for the sorcerors had ended. By that time it was very late in the evening and many of the sorcerors were trudging off to get dinner. Amournia considered the fact that her training that time could’ve been a bit unreasonable, but thought against it believing her sorcerors [I]should[/I] be grateful for her existence in their lives. The Harmonian encampment was empty because most of the army had left to fight at the Duck clan lands. Captain Amournia picked up some dried fish and a glass of diet soda for herself while acknowledging what awful food the army was forced to eat. She wondered why the people fighting for Holy Harmonia should be fed with such disgusting food. Amournia kept walking through the empty encampment to get to her tent for a nap that would help her stay awake during the last training session she had planned for the day. As the sorceress walked a sudden realization dawned on her; she barely knew anything about her new commander and his strange associates. Captain Amournia noticed how little she knew about Luc’s plans for the army, she concluded that she should ask a little about Lord Luc while she had the time. Chewing hard on the dried fish Amournia changed her direction with newfound energy to go to Lord Luc’s tent again for more answers. While shoving the last of her dried fish in her mouth the captain pushed Luc’s tent flap aside to poke her head in to check if anyone was inside. In the tent there was Sarah sitting at the table where Albert had been before and standing behind Sarah was a strange looking man wearing all black with a hat covering the top of his long, braided, blonde hair and shielding his eyes from the captain. Sarah and the strange man appeared to have been in some sort of conversation before captain Amournia had unexpectedly peeked inside the tent. “Who’s this?” The man wearing all black asked. Amournia took offence to this and replied coldly, “I am captain Amournia, captain of the Harmonian sorcerors. Everyone who works in this army knows who I am, so who are you?” “This is Yuber, he works for Lord Luc just as I do. Is there a problem, captain?” Sarah answered in her quiet, squeaky, little voice making it seem she wanted the captain out of the way, so she could continue her conversation with Yuber. “Are there any other ‘special’ people working for Lord Luc that I should know about now, before I run into them later?” Amournia asked hoping it wouldn’t be a very long conversation with the creepy pair. “It’s only Albert, Yuber, and I who work with Lord Luc on a personal level. Is there anything else you’d like to know?” Sarah replied giving only the information captain Amournia asked for. “What exactly does Lord Luc need you for, what does he make you do? I mean Lord Sasarai never hired any ‘personal sorceresses’ and crap like that,” Amournia asked letting more of her curiosity show. “Lord Luc makes us do… special personal stuff,” Yuber answered this time while casting the captain an eery grin. Captain Amournia glared back at Yuber while wondering what he meant and what was with the weird smile. “Lord Luc gives us particular tasks to perform while the Harmonian army is fighting. Sometimes these tasks are dealing with certain enemies and other times the tasks are occupying certain areas, but Lord Luc has ordered us not to let any details of our operations get out to the rest of the army,” Sarah said to captain Amournia, showing that she didn’t want Yuber answering any of the captain’s questions by shooting an angry glance at him. “Alright…, so why didn’t Lord Sasarai have anything like this? Is Lord Luc supposed to be better than Lord Sasarai for having a strange pair of people doing special missions for him?” Amournia could care less about what happened to her previous commander, but she found the need for these people in the army was unnecessary. “I guess [I]Lord[/I] Sasarai just didn’t think he needed any help other than the Harmonian army. Sasarai could use some help, now that he’s lost the force of the army though,” Yuber said again with another creepy grin while proving he wouldn’t stay quiet for Sarah too. The sorceress had all the information she wanted and didn’t want to stay much longer with Lord Luc’s weird associates to talk about a subject she was no longer interested in. So the captain gave Yuber and Sarah a sleepy, uncaring look with an eyebrow raised as she sighed, “okay, I’ll go train my sorcerors some more. I think I should leave you two alone now, anyways. So good night, Lord Luc’s special personal-- whatever you call yourselves. I’ll look forward to seeing you again in our next battle.” The she exited the commander’s tent leaving the odd situation with Yuber and Sarah behind her. Since it was going to be the last training session of the day, Amournia decided she would make her sorcerors work on all of their spells. That means the Harmonian sorcerors would be casting lightning, water, and combination spells that they didn’t normally use in battles, but along with the spells they always used in battle. Lightning and combination spells could prove useful in battle, but the sorcerors found their other spells, such as the fire and wind spells, much easier to conjure and aim at the enemy. The sorcerors assembled outside their tents again to meet captain Amournia for more training. Captain Amournia chose to use the ruined land the sorcerors used to train on at dawn that day. Choosing this area again made it difficult for the sorcerors to find targets for the spells, but Amournia concluded they could manage on that terrain. After the captain ordered her sorcerors to use ‘all the spells they knew’ the training began. The sorceress found the training interesting to watch because of the variety in the spells being conjured. Eventually it became quite late into the night and the captain and sorcerors were tiring. Before letting the sorcerors get some rest Amournia had something to say in relevance to the upcoming battle at the Lizard clan’s Sky Cavern. “You may think that when you and your comrades die in this battle that it’s not too bad. You think that you’re glad you could die for your country and to keep your homes, so your wives and children could keep living.” Captain Amournia watched some of the sorcerors nod in agreement before adding, “but you’re wrong! When you die and let our fellow soldiers die that means the enemy is winning. And when the enemy wins they take our country and destroy your homes and families.” The captain wasn’t known for making inspirational speeches, but wanted to let her sorcerors know they couldn’t die happily. Before leaving to return to their tents, the sorcerors agreed to not allowing themselves to fall in battle. Until the battle at the Sky Cavern came the sorcerors’ training had continued everyday just as ambitiously as it had that day. Their training was always hard and lasted for many hours before the sorcerors were permitted to eat or sleep. However, the extensive training always had Amournia and the sorcerors totally prepared for their battles. It was a very sunny day with only a few clouds in the sky on the day the Harmonian army left to take over the Lizard clan’s Sky Cavern. The Harmonian sorcerors had been positioned at the rear of the army on a cliff ledge near the spot where the canyon divided into two smaller canyons. From those canyons the Grassland and Zexen armies would come to meet Harmonia’s forces. High up at the fork of the canyon was a safe place the sorcerors could attack both armies from. Among the sorcerors was Sarah and below them were Lord Luc, Albert, Yuber, and some more troops that would join in the battle when they were needed. Captain Amournia didn’t enjoy Sarah’s company among her sorcerors, but it seemed Sarah was only there to take special orders from Lord Luc. Sarah stood behind the sorcerors, near the solid rock belonging to more cliffs ledges, to await any orders while the sorcerors followed Amournia’s orders. The captain had alined her sorcerors according to their skills, the sorcerors best at wind spells were on the left near the Grasslanders and the sorcerors with the best accuracy for flame and electric spells were on the right near the Zexens. All other sorcerors either doing well with combination spells or moderately well with all other spells were lined up in the middle near captain Amournia. For a list of the sorcerors’ names according to their positioning from left to right on the cliff ledge would go something like this: Miguel a sorceror with wavy brunette hair, Sairge who had hair like a blonde version of Lord Sasarai’s, Alex a very feminine looking sorceror with messy blonde hair, Bruno was the only bald sorceror, Ezra a sorceror with very short feathery hair and a very large chin, Dalet had fairly long brunette hair and indigo coloured eyes, Charles, Paul the only sorceror with a shaggy looking bowl cut, Jonathan a sorceror with very broad shoulders and had his blonde hair parted to the side, Karska who had a very high lift to his blonde bangs that hung to one side of his head, Lanquar had poofy blonde hair and very light blue eyes, Hurley with shaggy yet tidy looking hair and a large nose, Desmond a sorceror with his brunette hair slicked back and to the side, and Clark who had his spiky blonde hair slicked back and always had a very serious look on his face. As for lieutenant Ludo, he was walking back and forth down the line of sorcerors to check on how well they’d perform their magic. From a distance, where most of the battle would occur, the sorcerors would all look the same in their blue uniforms except for Amournia in her red uniform. Standing out is what the captain wanted; she wanted the enemy to see her clearly and to have them remember her. To be remembered as a powerful opponent was the one thing Amournia had always hoped to be. Captain Amournia’s first order for the sorcerors was to use the wind attacks on the Grasslanders and electric attacks on the Zexens, as she had arranged her sorcerors, while the other sorcerors near her would stand by until the captain said otherwise. The battle went on and it was apparent that Harmonia was doing well against the Grasslands, but not so well against the Zexen’s strong cavalry and armored troops. While watching the Harmonian cavalry fail against the Zexen along with many ground troops, the captain heard a messenger bring orders to Sarah. Sarah looked a little shocked by Lord Luc’s request, but went forward to carry them out unquestioningly. The ground under the Zexen and Harmonian battle gave way to crush the soldiers, leaving a little less than half the number of troops for both armies. Amournia was somewhat amazed at Sarah’s willingness to bury their own troops, but was more amazed that Sarah was bearing a True Rune. Now, the captain figured that Sarah was more valuable to Luc because of the Rune. Yet she still wondered why Sarah was possessing [I]Lord Sasarai’s[/I] True Earth Rune… Lord Luc’s sorceress walked by the dazed Harmonian sorcerors to go back to waiting for any other orders from Lord Luc, allowing the sorcerors to continue the battle. So the battle went on with the Grasslanders still trying hard, but struggling against Harmonia’s forces and the Zexens trying to fulfill their mission as reinforcements for the Grasslanders. Overall Harmonia was faring better and it would seem it would only be a matter of time until they’d win. At the end of the battle Amournia planned to pay a visit to Albert and gloat to him about how well she and her sorcerors always did in the war. Maybe she’d visit Sarah too to ask her how she got the True Earth Rune as well. Amournia decided all this while noticing Ludo had left his position without the captain’s permission. Lieutenant Ludo had ended his patrolling to investigate the reason why a small rock had seemingly jumped off the cliff’s wall to hit his shoulder. The lieutenant walked over to the side of the cliff that the rock had come from and pressed his head against it to hear something pounding on the other side. Realization hit Ludo before he turned to yell at the other sorcerors, “fall back! Fall back! Abandon your posts!” Captain Amournia went towards Ludo in rage for telling her sorcerors to disobey her orders, but she was stopped when the cliff wall burst open. The solid stone remains of the wall crushed Bruno, Miguel, and Alex when they were trying to escape. The Lizard clan came through a tunnel they hid inside the cliff and started their attack on the Harmonian sorcerors. A lizard that had slashed Ezra’s chest open trampled Dalet at the same time. As Dalet and Ezra’s blood flew off the lizard’s spear, another lizard next to it shouldered Sairge onto the ground and ripped its spear up through Sairge’s stomach and chest. While Dalet, Ezra, and Sairge died a lizard’s spear was plunged through captain Amournia’s chest causing her to fall backwards onto her knees. Agonizing pain rippled from her chest to the rest of her body. In her last few minutes of the painful life she had created she watched the Lizard clan destroy her sorcerors. Charles had his back torn open shortly after he’d screamed to the other sorcerors to run away. Then the Lizard clan’s leader defeated Clark, Desmond, Paul, Jonathan, and Lanquar quickly. Soon captain Amournia and all of the Harmonian sorcerors were dead and all cries to retreat were all in vain. Things the sorcerors and their captain had planned to do after the battle and war were all left undone. All of the sorcerors were forgotten and none of their names, talents, or appearances would be remembered. Even captain Amournia who had tried so hard to be remembered was forgotten. None of them died happy because they knew they had failed, had left many things undone, and were forever forgotten. [SIZE="3"][CENTER]The End[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]I’m satisfied with the way it turned out. Some of the wording could be better, but overall I like how it turned out. I know there aren’t only 15 sorcerors and they probably don’t have a captain, but that’s what fanfics are like (not perfect). I don’t know any of the sorcerors’ names either, I just gave them names that I really liked… most of the names I got from other things I like too. I got the inspiration to write this from this doodle of mine: Speared Sorceress Hosted By theOtaku.com. So that doodle is Amournia except she should be wearing a red Harmonian uniform and the spear should be one of the Lizard clan spears. [/COLOR][/FONT]:catgirl:
[COLOR=SandyBrown][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm a Capricorn, the goat with a fish tail XD 1. January 16, 1992 2. Capricorn ^ 3. So far what I've read about my sign from many sources is that Capricorns are very attached to money and work hard to acheive things like money, it also usually says that we like to stay organised. 4. I don't really care about money at all and I love giving large sums of it away carelessly to charities ^.^ as for working hard for anything I don't really do I only accomplish things like maybe once in every 2 years! XD :catgirl: 5. Ummm... does it...? I mean maybe Capricorns could be successful in their jobs and stuff but come on! It's a goat with a fish tail that likes money! I don't really like any of the traits... I wish I were a pisces they sound really nice and sweet XD ... :catgirl: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS]LOL! That was complex sounding... well I'm only here simply because I'm bored out of my mind and I don't feel like starting on my English class project ^.^; And hopefully no one will try to kill me for saying this but I don't really like it very much here either so I guess I only come to help out people and when I'm bored :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Haha! Don't worry about it he sounds a little creepy but I doubt he'll really try to hurt you ^.~ But my brother's friend is in almost the same situation... So my brother's friend is this really tall girl and on Valentine's Day the biggest and meanest jerk in the class with anger management issues asks her to be his Valentine :animeswea Well either she said know or someone laughed at him for asking her but in the next moment he winged a chair across the classroom! XD He's in grade 6 and he's like that so that's a little scary... XD[/FONT][/COLOR]
Yes Another Shooting [Not In A School]
sbsp13668 replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, like it says down in my signature I don't like it at all either. And since I live in a big city shootings are quite common v_v And yep some of these acts of violence have occured very close to my home. Actually at my old house my mother saw one of the murderers going to dumped the body which was just down the street from my old house and then a few hours later one of our neighbours who was taking her dog for a walk undug the body and called the cops. I was just a little kid at the time but I saw the murderer that went to bury the body too and I guess ever since I saw the look on the murderer's face I've been pretty good at judging people by their facial expressions and behaviour and I dislike violence! ^.^; Spooky isn't it? Maybe I should be a cop...? ^.^ We get lots of murders and crap here and I'd love to help. But it's unfair that someone thinks they have the right to go and take someone else's life away, even if they take their own with it! Actually I really really hate people who have to commit suicide and kill someone with them! I mean couldn't they just kill themselves and spare the poor other person...?[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sorry to hear that you've been missing her lately. Well it seems like visiting her is the only thing you really should do, or she could visit you :catgirl: Just keep your "feelings" out of the way when you're around her and try to remember that if you really were in a relationship and something went wrong and you both wound up hating eachother or something that you'd be even more upset because you lost such a good friend. ^.^ Friendships are the best kind of relationship out there because you can call back a friendship with no problems and if a friendship goes bad atleast you can see that person and not get a lot of negative feelings for the person ^.~ Well, I hope I helped! XD I'm not much of an expert on this kind of stuff :catgirl: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Hakuna Matata!" - Timon and Pumba from The Lion King! *^.^* [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c162/sbsp13668/sbsp13668%20GIFs/timonfunnyavi.gif[/IMG] Here are some from Red vs. Blue: [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: Are you cold? Are you hungry? Do you want a blanket? Do you want a hotdog? Do you want a hotdog in a blanket, Tucker?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: NO! I don't want a blanket! I don't want a hotdog! And if you put mustard in my f***ing sheets again, I'm gonna kill you![/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: You know, I could've taken that alien out if I had just hit him a few more times.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: A few more times? How about one time?![/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: Well, I think I landed atleast 1 or 2 shots.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: Yeah right.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Tex: You didn't hit anything but the wall.[/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: How the hell would you know? You were running straight backwards![/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Tex: This is a long range weapon, okay? I need distance to use it effectively.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: Where were you planning on hitting him from, the f***ing moon?! If you'd have backed up any further you'd have to mail him the bullets![/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: This is a joke, right? You're sending Caboose?! What's wrong with you?...![/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: What's wrong with me? I saw a chance to get rid of Caboose and took it. There's nothing wrong with me![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: Okay, so uhhmm... Tucker's the fighter... ahhh... Crunchbite is the healer... And I'm the powerful and intelligent wizard, Morphumax.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Andy, The Bomb: And what the hell does that make me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: You're the good looking and stealthy archer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Andy, The Bomb: A bow and arrow...? I don't have any arms, you freaking moron![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: That is what makes you so stealthy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: So how are you doing, Caboose? Are you following any of this?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: I think so. That guy, Tex, is really a robot... and you're his boyfriend... So that makes you a gay robot.[/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: Yes, Caboose, I am a gay robot.[/COLOR] [COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Church: There's no "I" in team, Grif.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Grif: Yeah, well there's no "U" either. So I guess if I'm not on the team and you're not on the team, then nobosy's on the goddamn team! The team sucks![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: Look what I found[/COLOR]! [COLOR=Magenta]Donut: I found it![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Caboose: Look what I took credit for finding![/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: Get Doc. I need Doc.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Donut: I can't! He got posessed by that evil guy and they escaped! He's the one who shot you, don't you remember?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Tucker: I know. I want him to shoot me again.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Grr! I hate it when people do that stuff! >.< I know I sound very obnoxious at the moment but it's just one of those things that really annoys me. v_v; Well say if you haven't seen a friend in a really long time and you go to hug them for like a second then stop that's okay but I hate it when I see couples sharing long embraces, holding hands and walking painfully slow, or kissing any way at all. They often get in my way to by say taking up a sidewalk or blocking a door or taking up a hallway and then I don't want to say anything because they put me in that embarassing situation so I can't access what I might need T.T So I'm very against that stuff... As for your survey though ^.^; :catgirl: 1. I'm 15 as of last month 2. A. Excellent I'm staying a virgin XD 3. Uhhh... well if almost being raped counts than I guess once or twice I've been able to avoid it... but I'm still a virgin ^.^; they were only close calls ;) 4. 0 I can't love anyone because I'm a very heartless person XD 5. Everyday, at almost every hour of the day! @.@ 6. Just usually annoyed because I feel really awkward to have walked in upon this moronic couple or they could be wasting my time or getting in the way. ^.~ 7. Nope because I'll never be with someone to display them. 8. C. Other: Even the holding hands and walking slowly thing or leaning on someone's shoulder and walking slowly drives me crazy :animestun 9. No 10. I don't really care ... never? I've had friends that started dating people in grade 3 so I just let them do whatever they want But I'll never do that stuff ^.~ (I sounded very cold hearted in that didn't I?)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mad World by: Gary Jules It was also my "birthday song" *^.^* I kept listening to this song on my birthday I mean it almost suited my birthday and it even says "happy birthday" in it! XD[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know so many people are going to hate hearing this... but I prefer the dubbed versions ^.^; It's more of a personal preference and I know that like so many others have said that the subtitles keep the original text and some people prefer those voices more than the English ones. But I really like the dubbed version... maybe because I don't have to read a lot, I can automatically understand what they're saying, understand the emotions better, the words in the language don't give me as much of a confusion headache, and I actually prefer the English voices more. ^.^; Either way usually the dub isn't too far off from the original version anyways because they tried to match the voices with the old voices and keep the wording close to the same so the stpry doesn't get screwed up. ^.^ There is one dubbed version I hate though!!! I hate the Tokyo Mew Mew dub! I hate how they changed the characters names to those dopey, out-of-place English ones... I think they changed Ichigo to Zowey or something strange like that... @.@ madness XD[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I don't usually cry much to shows or movies unless I can relate or give it some thought, like I'm in the situation. But Wolf's Rain and Inuyasha do it for me. Wolf's Rain- [spoiler]When Toboe and Quent, Tsume, Hige and Blue, Hubb and Cher, and Cheza died.[/spoiler] And that still gets me every time I watch those scenes! Inuyasha- [spoiler]When that little ghost girl that hates her brother is being sent into Hell and she's all crying and stuff...[/spoiler] somehow that really got to me it made me so sad but that one only made me cry twice so far. And 2 other exceptions would be the ending of the Suikoden III manga somehow I dunno maybe I was having a bad day too but the first time I read it it made me cry. The other was a music video with Zabuza and Haku in it even though I never saw those characters before that video made me cry so much! That's a great music video! It's got a great song too, Weapon by Matthew Good Band.[/FONT][/COLOR]