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Everything posted by toxicsk8er

  1. Hey!If your a member of youtube,let me know, and ill give you my youtube member URL and we can talk!Please let me know k thanks!
  2. Attension all users!!There is a new anime show{semi new} Called elfenlied!It is about a girl name Nyuu who as a kid [spoiler]was treated horibaly{Spelt it wrong}by her peers and other kids in general.[/spoiler]Why?because she is a diclonius.a diclonius is a genetically engineared hunem with horns growing out of the head and they are born with vectors.vectors are long invisable arms that can vibrate at such a speed that they can easily slice through things,including humens.[spoiler]Anyway because of kids harrasing her they pushed her to her limit.After a kid and his friends were calling her names she kicked one of them who was holding her pet puppy, he got mad and handed one of his friends her puppy and told him to beat the crap out of the dog.So her picked up the puppy and kicked.then he took a vase and began beating it after about 3 min of beating the puppy the puppy died of the injuries.Which is what pissed nyuu of.So nyuu used her vectors and killed the boys and everyone else in the room{the boys and herself were 8}And because of her murdering she found that humens can be VERY cruel.so she killed anyone who pissed her off.[/spoiler]After about 50 murders the police caught her and put her in a high security chamber which she ventually broke out of killing all the gaurds.and right befor she escaped one of the shooters aimed at her neck with a 50 caliber and just when he pulled the triger she turned her ead taking a huge blow to the head thuss giving her a split personality.So she is washed up on the shore and finds herself at the feet of Kohta [spoiler]her 8 year old crush but niether Nyuu nor Kohta remember one another.But they are still in love.[/spoiler]But now whenever Nyuu takes a hit to the head,her personality switches to Lucy, the humen killing machine.So Nyuu is the good side and lucy is the bad.[spoiler]But not even lucy's hate towrds humen can stand to kill Kohta,for both Nyuu AND lucy are in love with him.[/spoiler] {WARNING} This show contains some nudity and a LOT of gore!! But nontheless is a very good show!Try to get the chance to watch it i KNOW ou will enjoy it!If you would like to see a clip of the show{Musi clip sorta} then go to the ver top bar{the one where you type all your ebsites in google myspace ect} and type in Myotaku.com then find a bar that has a search thing next to it.In the bar tpye in Death~angel and watch the clips.^^Please start watching these clips and movies,the more people watch it,the more popular it will become! THANKS! :catgirl:
  3. Okay, now this is for girls mainly but guys can do this too^^Ok, What would you do, if you liked this guy/girl, but there was an age differance?{ old or young}What are your age limits for both ways?{ill go ahead and answer too^^} Mine for youngest are 11{im 13}and for oldest, 15^^Well, have fun and BE HONEST! ;)
  4. OMG! I heard that adult swim is canceling Inuyasha!THOSE JERKS! They better not cancel it or their gonna have alot of unhappy veiwers!SAVE THE INUYASHA! *starts to chant*i beg all the Inuyasha fans, start watching even more! the better tha ratings, the better chance Inuyasha has of staying on the air! :animeblus
  5. Wich one do you think is harder?Figure skating, or skatboarding? I think Figure skating is harder!{i know from personal experience!}(I know i spelt that wrong)!^.^
  6. I know I know, this site is all about anime, but Teen Titans, is SORTA animeish,TO SOME PEOPLE!So, if you do like the show, whos your fav?mine is terra^-^
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