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Everything posted by Youzen

  1. 1-Youzen from soul hunter 2-Kakashi from Naruto 3-Seto Kaiba-from Yu Gi Oh 4-Roy Mustang from FMA 5-Fuji Syusuuke from the Prince of Tennis
  2. I took the name of my fav. bishie. Youzen from Senkaiden Houshin Engi.
  3. Sailor Moon. It showed me the importance of making friends.
  4. Yes I love Senkaiden Houshin Engi. I started watching it on locomotion. But I have the dvd series. Well my favorite character is Youzen.lol. :catgirl:
  5. YES!!!It's my favorite anime. I started watching itin spanish on locomotion and then on animax but they don't air it anymore. I bought the series even tough I saw them already. My favorite character has to be Youzen. Then there's fugen, nataku and Raishinshi.
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