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About nomad19

  • Birthday 06/16/1988

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  • Biography
    im a nomad
  • Occupation
    a nomad

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  1. "Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers."- anonymous i think.... "Reality isn't so kind. Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why... As long as you don?t get your hopes up, you can take anything... You feel less pain. -Squall Leonhart(FFVIII) "Did you think to kill me? There's no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There's only an idea. Ideas are bullet-proof."-V(V for vendetta) "Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson awesome memorable quotes....i have a bunch but i wanted to share some of my faves.
  2. confidence yeah it's a pretty big factor...to boost your confidence always think that you have nothing to lose when you feel like doing it, DO IT! like talking to new people, you won't lose anything you either gain a friend or experience, try it and trust me it works. as for conversation starters, just start off with something simple like "killer weather huh?"...or something similar keep it simple and not off the bat, too personal...it works for me alot. shyness is something we all have, don't forget that...step up and you'll be surprised with the results you get... hope that helps...
  3. i always thought that crime is a necessary evil... look at it, without crime...we wouldn't have cops...no matter how obnoxious some are they are in FACT making a living... it's the same with poverty...some people go to extreme lengths just to feed their family...so yeah...it is acceptable
  4. i'm not that good at math, i hate it -_-
  5. haha to be honest man, you don't need to go online for girl advice. just let it come naturally :animesmil you know that it's love when you just be yourself and the girl likes you, don't change who you are because of her, that's not love that's uhmm obsession. it's the first step that's always the hardest man, and that step is...walking up to the girl haha! after that just talk to her casually, talk about books, music,life the usual topics, no "ASL?" crap here haha... after sometime,(give it a week but honestly the longer the better ) of getting to know her,let her know how you feel, who knows right? she might be feeling the same way. lastly, don't miss any oppurtunities make your move. don't wait too long either another guy might cut into the action... believe me after the hard part, all the romantic stuff for dates,etc. kicks in naturally goodluck man and godspeed....*haha i can be a date doctor.......or not*
  6. all i can say is that don't trust so easily, three weeks is practically nothing, a relationship is always tested for about a year after that you can start trusting the person completely...the first year is always crucial in a long-term relationship... i myself had just gone through a break-up about 3 weeks ago, i went out with her for about 2 years, i started to make plans for the furture and stuff....i really loved her, but things got really complicated and we had to break-up, same as sojiro we didnt want to do it but had to, it comes to show that when you love someone i guess you just have to let go...i still get in touch with her, we're still very close...i still love her too.
  7. my uncle died last march, it took me pretty hard...he was like a dad at times, and he was an awesome tour guide took me to lots of places and hangouts. i'm over it now and i know he's watching down on me and stuff, i just regret not telling him how great he was and how i love him, his death was so sudden it was totally unexpected, since he died by massive heart attack....
  8. [QUOTE=takoyuki] Would you rather be in prison for 15 years or Be married to the ugliest person on earth? p.s. cool smilie looks blind! :cool:[/QUOTE] be married, after all love IS BLIND :cool: hehe would you rather be a rich person but hate your job or love what your job and be poor?
  9. [quote name='Nomad][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]*bows* The one and only... well, the one, guess not the only now. Heh.[/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] cool! i have found my mentor haha...THE NOMAD himself...this is an honor indeed... :animesmil
  10. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] [B]Roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris ?[/B] Or [B]Roundhouse kicked by Bruce Lee ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] a roundhouse kick by chuck norris man, yeah i'd evaporate from the face of the planet, and dissrupt the space time continuum making it possible that i was never actually born... would you rather know of meaning of life? or meet the creator himself?
  11. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] If you were adopted, would you rather: a) Find out, but not find your true parents. or b) Find your true parents[/size][/QUOTE] find my true parents, as a child i have the right to know the truth... would you rather have a frail body with unsurpassed knowledge? or have an athletic/strong body with little knowledge?
  12. street fighter, actually the king of fighters was derived from street fighter itself, seeing how similar Ryo Sakazaki was to both Ryu and Ken in appearance and in fighting style, capcom decided to make Dan a parody of both of them :catgirl: just an FYI. since the guys at SNK were too lazy to come up with their own characters Street Fighter wins! haha
  13. mine is anywhere my friends are, since well they make me happy! haha.... friends are great to hold on to since...they are important people who make you happy.
  14. [QUOTE=kalon]I resent that! We can like sex! Just not so much with other people. [/QUOTE] That actually freaked me out.... My answer to the question, of course is a yes! In our world today everything can relate to sex, even our beloved world of anime, you all know about hentai and the not so direct perversion of ecchi...blah blah blah... Plus we have to remember that we live in an age where media is king, it controls everything!almost every commercial out there has a phallic symbol embedded on it somewhere maybe it's sybliminal, maybe not, that fact of the matter is sex has always been a big influence on our culture, that's why AIDS is such a threat to us, how many times do we have to remind single people to have safe sex!? Every year! When i was in vegas earlier this year, i walked the strip and right by treasure island and somewhere near circus circus(two of the known kid themed hotels) i see porn ads cluttered all over the sidewalk, and kids pass by there every day!... I guess, we aren't really human beings without sex...
  15. i regret most in life is... not showing the girl i loved the love she deserved, i regret hurting her (never physically) in so many ways, i was so stupid and so blind, i had no idea that i was doing harm... my ignorance was the cause of my fall, and the pain hasn't stopped since... (dont worry it only happened recently) :animecry:
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