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Everything posted by nomad19

  1. i had a crush on amy lee....and uhmm this mariel girl from rouge...:D
  2. i graduated last school year so as of now im a college freshie.... graduation was pretty painful for me, i had a blast during all my highschool years...i admit some part of my highschool life was "unfullfilled" but as wacky as it gets it was an awesome experience...after a while you get pretty close with pretty much all your so-called "batchmates" it starts as a freshmen, you build more and stronger bonds as a sophomore, you build more bonds as a junior, making senior year the peak of all highschool life... i did manage to tell my biggest crush on how i felt hehe now im in a relationship ;) after graduation, the bonds you made with people are still there but you wouldn't see them as much...they start to weaken, no matter how much you don't like highschool you'd start to miss it eventually... as for college i took the course i wanted and which school, i cant say that my dreams were fullfilled since im still a freshie, but im working on it..you can't believe how much freedom you get in college...
  3. a torured soul and tortured mess, i lie and wait to be put to test broken and scorned i wait to flee, my corpse hanging from a bleeding tree..
  4. [QUOTE=Al-araaf]I spend ALOT of time in Animal Crossing for GCN. Of course I plan on getting Animal Crossing Wild World for Ds. And I spend ALOT of time in Halo 2. If anyone wants to send a friend requst im Daiuske[/QUOTE] animal corssing was pretty addictive....whoo!! living a human/carefree life as an animal.... im surprised no one has said everquest yet.....*even though im not an EQ junkie* i'd like to add that one big time spender is harvest moon, harvest moon 64 was one of my faves...
  5. fushigi yuugi is one of the most romantic stories out there, the OVA aswell... Ayashi no Ceres is also a recommend, it's somewhat similar to fushigi yuugi but with a modern twist... more of a mainstream direct POV i'd say get Boys Be, it's a story about highschool students and their romantic experiences...*sweet 16* it's short spanning only 12 episodes plus one OVA.... try looking for 100% ichigo aswell...it's more of a love hina-ish type of romance....a romantic comedy...
  6. power rangers ahve been airing more than a decade.....believe it or not most of the fight scenes are almost always taken from japanese sentais [URL=http://www.supersentai.com]supersentai.com[/URL] enjoy..... i remember following upto in space....after that things got old and the original cast was always the best...:D i watched it everyday when i get home since i was in kindergarten...:| had loads of action figures and a bunch of videos of the original...now as i play the videos of my godforsaken past...i realized how mediocre they were...
  7. it is the awful truth, we live in this IT era of time, people make up these "ridiculous" ways of typing to sound "badassy"... oh and one time this guy at school was giving out a speech, he made a joke and actually said "LOL" in the end......i yelled from the crowd..."FREAK!" hehe :animeswea
  8. it's pretty pathetic/freaky, i actually like "princess comet" this "kiddy" anime about this princess in search of this prince on earth... :animeswea hehe
  9. [quote name='Jenova']It is a great party game but what about all the Mario Party Games.[/quote] lol mario party is always a time killer, i liked the concept and all but it's gotten old after 5 sequels...unlike SSMB 2 games, timeless classics...heck i still play the original N64 one ;)
  10. just as kirika said, i agree..that thing with jeremy, it's that bestfriend bond everyone talks about, you love him as a best friend, deeper than a friend, but almost to the point of being lovers, that's pretty deep... try talking it over with your boyfriend, if you love him as you say, you'd have no problem talking about your bestfriend...he'll understand. as long you're honest about your feelings, you're not a bad person...
  11. [QUOTE=kuroinuyoukai]After my very recent stinging from an online realtionship-I began to ponder to myself. Where have all the good single people gone? All I seem to deal with are guys who like games and aren't really serious about anything. Well guys and gals, where do you think they are? Where can someone find a nice guy or gal in this world? [B]Thanks Great Bird indeed I shall.[/B][/QUOTE] hmm, there are alot of em "good people" out there it's just a matter of where you look (like here on the OB), i agree that there are alot of guys who like games and or anime but arent serious about anything else, but this is a forum for games and anime so i would'nt expect anything "serious". there are guys who are already "taken" but you can always count on them as a friend right? hehe meeting people online is fun in a way that you get to share your thoughts and stuff......just wait you'll find someone soon ;)....just wait
  12. SSMB never gets old!! it's still the greatest party game ever, about the MUD's i've tried those it's pretty addictive, for a text adventure...
  13. i cried during the 2nd to the last episode of gundam seed i wont say what happened for spoiler reasons... :animedepr
  14. i'd have to say chrno crusade's Aion, he's *cunning *cruel *powerful *demonic (literally) he's what every villain needs, he's calm and collected [spoiler]plus HE DOESN'T DIE!!! he's still alive even after chrno and rosette have died, 70 years even...[/spoiler] he uses the the power of "faith" against the people making them vulnerable due to their beliefs. villains tend to destroy what the protagonists believe in...and he did that perfectly.
  15. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']I have spent 10 hours playing an older PC game called Unreal Tournament(2000).. I would play over and over in the practice matches practicing how to kil my opponents the nastiest. Like I said I know it's a old game-but I have an older system and I happen to like UT. :animeangr[/quote] it's ok, most of the greatest games of all time are the old ones. i remember slapping on zelda OoT a few months ago on my n64 just to relive the adventure :D
  16. i'd be, well since it has an anime OVA and video game i'd pick K[B]EN MASTERS[/B]! just cuz he's an all around badass hehe with style too... if it's an anime only situation i'd pick 100% Ichigo's Manaka Junpei, he has an all around 17 yr old life with lotso girls hehe...romance comedy and a lil action...that's the life :D
  17. it's the action and the visuals.... anime is your alternative source for live action and cartoons....it's easy on the eyes without the childish cartoon ways...:D
  18. i agree with sakurasuka, you wouldn't know exactly how you feel until you have your first real relationship...at the start of adolescence it's pretty confusing...as for the name again...it's too hard to think of one...
  19. what game have you spent most time on? it can be an rpg, sports title, adventure... i've spent loads of time on Final Fantasy X, i found all legendary weapons...and powered them up(yes i did the 200 lighting dodge)all aeons, and all characters complete sphere grid (it takes forever when you run out of teleport spheres).... it's either that or GTA:San Andreas...:D you guys know what i'm talking about hehe :D
  20. FF IV's chocobo!!!hehe or FFVII's FAT CHOCOBO!!! lol i really liked anima(FFX)... it's one of those badass demon summons the mecha bahamut in FFX was awesome aswell knights of the round (FFVII) has the greatest moves neo bahamut was awesome too(FFVII) zero took it a bit too far those are my fave...
  21. nomad19

    Xbox 360

    ahh great online features....wow...makes me think of getting one... i'll wait in purchasing any next gen i'll wait till all 3 are out i like the innovative style of the nintendo rev....i like the games the ps3 has to offer...the 360 is all about online play...but in the end it all comes back to the games.... once an outstanding title cathces my eye...then i'll buy...to tell you the truth not even MGS4 impresses me...:| and i love MGS :|
  22. ahh...i remember the senior year "college pressure"....i was like that a year ago...i was so nervous about getting into colleges and universities...interviews..everything!! i stepped into college and everything was totally different...u get to encounter good and bad professors...wacko's and weirdos...frat boys and sorority girls...you get more freedom and a lighter wallet...to keep it simple...college is great... but....highschool does have its moments especially senior year...make this last year the greatest!!
  23. uhmm im a college student aswell i either hang out with friends, play basketball or study..ack!! hehehe oh and i also have a healthy gaming life....:D
  24. the church says it's wrong, alot of others say that homosexuality is wrong.... i think it's something we need to understand... if you're happy with your life, there's no reason for any of us to take that away, straight or gay the modern world is pretty messed up, homosexuality is something strange and it's really awkward but, we have no right to take that happiness away from anyone.... about being bi....i have no comment on that.... call it...carnisexual?...hehe lol
  25. nomad19

    Xbox 360

    i've heard intel and nvidia are working on the ps3 with sony, i dont really like the idea of the next gens....im happy with my consoles... purchasing and purchaing new and new stuff is getting old....it's publicity to trick these "n00bs" to buy more stuff... i dont think getting a 360 right away is necessary...
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