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Everything posted by rainbowphoenix
When i went to see underworld revolution (which sucked) i saw the trailer for silent hill, since i like horror movies, i think the movie looks pretty good, i also saw the trailer for staying alive and slither which are both horror movies and look good too.
i saw the second movie, underworld revolution, and my opinion was that it, s-u-c-k-e-d, i mean seriosly that movie was so corny, the only good thing about the movie as that there was a lot of blood, the corny part was that when the girl gets her *** kicked, there is no blood or dirt in her face she looks perfectly clean, and another part was when the girl had the machine gun and kept shooting at the werewolf like a million times and he still did't die, that movie was really stupid, my parents also though the movie sucked. No offence if you liked the movie
I simply love this game, its my favorite ds game i own, although some missions are extremly hard the game can be lots of fun, has anyone beaten hard campaingn yet and unlocked Von Bolt? if you have, how many points do you need to get him? Anyway this is my advance wars dual strike fan thread
Well, Advance wars dual strike is a very hard game, it took me about three days to beat the final boss and some missions before it. But the hardest game i own so far is battalion wars, i haven't really gotten to the fianl boss yet but i just can't get past this mission, i have been trying to beat it for three weeks now.
well flightplan was a good movie, but one of the reasons i like red eye better is because of the actors, even thogh flightplan has that famous actor, i forgot her name but her last name was Foster i think, i liked red eye better because of the action at the end when the girl was fighting the killer, but i liked flightplan too, it was a good movie.
i just got this game and its awesome, but i have to warn you, its as hard as hell, this is the hardest game i own, the odds are always against you, for example you have to destroy 8 heavy tanks (which are more powerful than tanks, WAY more powerful) with only 4 regular tanks and around 10 infantry (which are complitely useless against a heavy tank), well you get the idea, but the game is fun once you get the hang of it, its all about strategy. [color=darkred][size=1]Merged your thread with an existing Battalion Wars thread -- Bombu[/size][/color]
[quote name='kingN']there?s a lot of movies that suck but the top 3 that I think suck(even though some people i know thought it was really good) is the Ring and the Ring 2, also Red Eye. but if people like them that?s them everyone has different taste. I just thought that those 3 movies were going to be scary but they weren?t. Like for ring 2 when those deer came out that was lame, but like a said everyone has different taste.[/quote] Red eye wasn't really made to be scary, it was more of a thriller mystery film than a horror , i liked it, but when i saw it i wasn't really expecting to be scared, i haven't seen the ring or the ring 2.
i saw red eye a week ago and i just saw flightplan, they are both very similar, they are both about planes and there is some kind of killer in there, my opinion was that red eye was better because there was more acion at the end, and at the begining of flightplan was just plain weird, i had no idea what was going on, but it all clears up at the end, in red eye after the first 20 minutes of the movie you already know what is going on, and the end was great, i also liked the actor in red eye that plays as the killer, he is really good in acting as the bad guy, overall i think red eye was better than flightplan.
whats the big deal with the blair witch project, how is it that scary, I understand that a bunch of people get lost in the woods and then what happens? can somebody plese tell me. and what are peoples opinions on hostle, wolf creek, and cry wolf
Well I actually havre both of the systems, and I would have to say that both of them are almost equal. first the nintendo ds has a touch screen, second the ds has much better games (my opinion), and third, most of the people in my school have a ds instead of a psp, and since there is game boy color, gba, and gamecube, a lot of sequels from those systems come for the ds, and the touch screen give the ds an very interesting gameplay. now for the psp, first it has better graphics, second you can watch movies, third you can download files from the internet, I am not really very impressed about the analog stick beacuse its so small that its a little hard to use it, and to be honest grand theft outo for the psp SUCKS!, I got bored of it the first day I played it, the one for ps2 and xbox are million times better, So if were to chose i'll go for the ds
[quote name='Gen. Andronicus']Just because Saw wasn't scary to you doesn't mean it wasn't gory? And I was simply offering my opinion, an opinion that has actually experienced the both films. Hostel really wasn't THAT gory. I'm sorry if that dissagrees with 25 movie critics, but in comparision to many other gory films, it doesn't. The only comparision I was drawing between High Tension and Hostel was that both tried to have excessive amounts of gore. The difference between the two films is that High Tension succeeded as a horror film that uses gore, Hostel did not.[/quote] sorry, I just heard of the movie hostel and wanted to see how good or bad it was, it was just my opinion on saw, I mean saw was gory but I was just giving my opinion, again sorry.
gamecube: would be star fox assault because is SO short, I beat it in around 3 hours, disney magical mirror, because its just dumm, and tube slider, the gameplay and the controls are crappy. GBA:chu chu rocket, this is a puzzle but it sucks, this game is extremly hard to beat. Then there is crazy racers, this is one of the worst racing games ever, it sucks, yu-gi-oh dungeon dice and every other yu-gi-oh game, they just simply suck and last is planet monsters, I got this game for 10 dollars and I got bored of it in around 30 minutes. nintendo ds: nanostray, this is the hardest game ever, I couln't even get past the first level, and I tried for like half an hour psp: mercury, this game is super easy and you can beat it in two days. grip shift, GOD, THIS IS THE WORST GAME EVEEEER!!!!, this is the king of all crappy psp games, and last,I know you are gonna think I am crazy but grand theft outo is beleive it or not is a crappy game, first the guy you use runs super slow, secnd the cras go super slow, I mean I got a sports car and it was going at about 30 miles an hour, the third mission is so hard, I mean how are you supposed to lose the cops because I couldn't, and every time you hit someone the goddamm cop goes after you and you can't lose him. Anyway this is beleived or not a crappy game. Thats all there is to it.
Gaming I gotta a couple questions for you.
rainbowphoenix replied to copperingle's topic in Noosphere
1.would be f-zero gx for gamecube, I simply love this game, I got it last year and I still play it. 2.mmm... probably star fox assault, this is the shortest game I have ever played, I beat it in like around 3 hours. 3.and definetly would be super smash brothers melee and probably any naruto game, making an awesome fighting game with naruto and nintendo characters. -
Well basicly, this movie looks more gory than saw, I read about 25 reviews and most of them said that this movie was way more gory than saw. Saw wasn't actually as scary as I thought, when I saw it I was kind of dissapointed, it did scare me at some points though, and what about high tention is like hostel or is hostel worse.
I haven't seen this movie yet but I saw the trailer and some video clips and it totally made me sick, GOD this movie looks so disturbing, I just wanted to know what other people think about this film, I already seen "saw" and people say that hostel has much more gore than saw, so can anyone tell me waht happened in this movie?
a movie that really bored the hell out me was spanglish, GOD what a boring movie, while watching it I tried to fall asllep but I couln't .
I just rented the exorcism of emily rose ad I was surprised and dissapointed at the same time, first it wasn't as scary as I thought and second the whole movie is flashbacks to what happened to emily which kind of sucked but at the climax the movie really gave me the jeepers creepers (the part when the exorcism begins) anyway the movie wasn't bad nor the best, it was midiocre I'd rather watch the grudge or house of wax.
shadow the hedgehog was a crappy game, first, the game is too short, there is only like 6 levels and the controls are crappy, I was thinking of getting that game but I rented it first and got bored the second day I played it.
I agree with you, nintendo should make an f-zero for the nintendo ds and they should probably make one for the nintendo revolution, and the GBA game is called f-zero GP legend, oh and if you are an f-zero fan you should try [url]http://www.mrfixitonline.com[/url] then click on f-zero then go to videos and the site has a bunch of f-zero gx videos, and every other f-zero game ever made, but the ones for f-zero gx are amazing
I truly love all of the f-zero games, they are awesome, I bought f-zero gx when it came out which I think was like 1 or 2 years ago and I stil play it. I just never get bored of them, so anybody like f-zero?
Well the reason why I didn't like sound of music is because first, when the children's dad talks it is extremly hard to understand what he is saying, he talks too fast, and the women and the children looked kind of stupid when they dance and sing Now lets talk about the village, first the movie wasn't scary at all, second the fact that the villagers disguise themselves as the monster just kills the movie, third the monsters doesn't look scary and finally the plot just sucked. Another bad movie I saw was spanglish, god the movie bored the hell out of me, I tried to fall sleep but I just couldn't, its the most boring movie I have ever seen.
I just rented this game and I love it, sure its hard to perform special moves but once you learn the game gets better. Anyway any of you played this game?
These are some of the worst movies I have ever seen: the village, sound of music, good boy I really hate this movies so if you liked them you should not post here and please tell about bad movies you have seen.
I simply just loved House of Wax (the remake), one of my favorite parts is when the pole goes right through Pamela Anderson's forehead, and when Vincent (one of the killers) chops Dalton's head off, and the visuals are amazing, I thought hoese of wax was a great movie Has anyone heard of Wolk Creek, its not out yet but it looks like a great horro film, well its more of a crime anyway the movie is not out yet.
Anyone seen the devil's rejects? is it good?