[QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]rainbowpheonix, I recommend either linking to a picture using text or uploading it as an attachment, if the dimensions are as large as that. It was distorting the page so much that it made the thread almost impossible to view.
Also, please watch your post quality. Right now you're pretty much just telling us what movies you like - I think it would be a good idea to tell us [i]why[/i] you like those movies as well. If you want more information about post quality, you can always refer to the rules and FAQ pages, which you'll find on the left navigation menu.
Please try to inject a bit more description into your posts if you want the thread to stay open, guys.[/font][/QUOTE]Sorry about the picture, i'm new here so I don;t know how big or small a picture is gonna turn out but thanks for the tip. :D
I actually thought that saw was a great movie, but the bad thing about the movie is that there are a lot of flashbacks so most of the movie takes place in the bathroom, the older guy explaining who jigsaw was and what he had done. When I rented the movie I though the two victims had to find their way out of the building, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway saw its a pretty scary movie, after I watched it I couldn't sleep for a whole night, it really scared me when the guy started to cut his leg of. This movie has a lot of blood in it. The grudge is a great movie though unlike saw this movie is easier to understand than saw, tha grudge is a typical haunted house movie, well not exactly because th ghost can actually get out of the house and kill people, but this movie had a bad ending , when the nurse's boyfriend dies (well I think it was his boyfriend I'm not sure, you don't really get to see his face at the end when he is dead) anyway wile the nurse is looking at the dead body the ghost its right behind her she turns around and its over, I mean its like the ghost is going to kill everyone, so I didn't really like the ending, but other than that this was a good movie.
[font=Verdana][color=blue]Double posting is not allowed so I merged your two posts.[/color][/font]
[font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]