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About RurOuniGrL2

  • Birthday 12/08/1991

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  • Biography
    - Computer illiterate so omg, so sorry if i take a life time to do the simplest things~~! >< and im really lazy too, so finding out how a certain electronic works won't be on the top of my to do list~ XD

RurOuniGrL2's Achievements

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  1. Me..? I like drawing after seeing other people with amazing artwork. I don't know, like something extremely detailed and perferably done in pencil. After that i go, Wow, I want to try to make something super detailed like that! And off i go. :animesmil :animesmil :animeswea :animesmil :animesmil What about you?
  2. ohh alrite, ^^ i'll try that out too, thanks! :animesmil
  3. lol no problem- well, guess i better get started on that then :animesmil
  4. Well I'm guessing that most theOtaku members also have a DA account? :cool: anyways, i'm hoping to find out about some other Deviants and maybe get a few new watches? :animesmil anyways, reply if your a deviant or maybe even if your not one, Let's hear what you ppl have to say about DA? :animesmil :animesmil well heres my username so search me up or something! :D RurOuniGrL .. well.. wasnt that obvious? :animeswea lol
  5. I kno it may be a series rated for younger kids :animeswea but has anyone ever heard of it..? The creater is Koge-Donbo - creator of Pita Ten and i find the art work simply adorable! ~ if u have heard of it who's your fav. character?? i
  6. Ugh can someone give me some tips on how 2 draw hands- or feet- made easy?! omg, my "hands and feet" always turn out so bad when i draw them! :animecry: .. and i am so sick of erasing the certain part of the picture over and over until i rub a hole right through it~~!! :mad:
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