Duo Maxwell
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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] :nervous: :nervous: Dammit, warn me in [i]advance[/i] next time you say something like that... I'm gonna be living in fear for weeks... j/k [/B][/QUOTE] I'll try.... but you are giving me ideas.... *runs off and grabs a pencil and paper, starts drawing stick figure yaoi of Deus and Daniel, laughing mechanically*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]stick figure Yaoi... [/B][/QUOTE] lol... reminds me of the time me and obi were discussing the positions they use and we drew stick figure yaoi of daniel (no not you deus) and some other guys.... But I never get grounded cause I'm the "goody-goody" at home but else where.... usually when I'm bored I either read, draw, talk on the phone (if possible) or what ever else I can find to occupy myself
Anime NG Evangelion on CN, starting May 11th!!
Duo Maxwell replied to Flash's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]No I didn't know that... I don't live in the same hemisphere as you guys, let alone country... :P SBS? What's that? [/B][/QUOTE] SBS it channel 28, 5 and 8 on my TV... it shows alot of foreign movies and shows. For example its the channel south park is played on tv in Australia (other than the comedy channel, for those with out any form of cable/sattelite). I also remember that bubble gum crisis was on SBS once... so uh.. I guess we do live in the same hemisphere... -
Anime NG Evangelion on CN, starting May 11th!!
Duo Maxwell replied to Flash's topic in Otaku Central
you do realize it was on TV a few years back on the SBS.... the only reason I know is cause my friends taped it and were watcing it one time when I was over -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] A "non-girly" book that you may enjoy (if you like classics) is [i]Watership Down[/i]. It's about rabbits, which sounds really ridiculous, but it's rather good. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah its heaps good! seen the movie? well john marsden's books are great, some are: Letters from the inside Dear Miffy The tomorrow series Winter another great book is called "the simple gift" I can't remember who wrote it though
well lets just say if you find outgoing and exuberant frinds you tend to loose your shyness fast seeing some of them do crazy stuff....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] So there are no landmarks of worth then... Do you only know Adelaide for churches also, or is there like...something interesting?:D [/B][/QUOTE] land marks.... hmmm well there is the Adelaide hills... and the fact we have somesort of festival going on in either winter or summer which i guess is the reason licence plates have "South Australia the festival state" written on them now something interesting... well the only interesting thing here is my friends
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] I know loads of cities famous for churches. Like Kiev... Man, all we did in Kiev was go and see loads of churches and monastaries...Now that's a load of churches... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah but the dumb thing is when I go to town on the bus I only see two churches one of which me and obi have deemed "maxwell church" cause its huge.... so i don't know where we became famous for churches I hardly see them
yes... that seems logical.... sometimes I talk to myself... but that has nothing to do with singing
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Hm, well, your summer is our winter over here...so I'll be dressing warmly and trying not to die from coldness. lol[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'll be doing pretty much the same... except for the fact it ain't cold over here yet which is annoying me seeing I want some rain... and I still gotta go to school D.D- SS meant we still have ten weeks of school before end of semester holidays
How bout the guy you have a crush on? I hate getting out only to find people over and I'm in my pj's while they're dressed
yeah, But I usually use my hair brush I keep in there... whats really embarrassing is when you come out of the shower after singing andone of your parents friends are over and they heard you.... I hate when that happens
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]I like singing period...and at times...when I'm in a good mood, I'll dance around in the shower...>< lol [/B][/QUOTE] lol! I used to do that untill I slipped and hit my head on the side of the bath and pulled the shower curtain down getting the pole it was hannging on to hit me as well.... boy was I in pain... but I can't exactly dance in it anymore cause when we got out bathroom done up we got the shower and bath seperated so there's not much room.... but I still sing none the less
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] you're mashing potatoes, and that's better than being a 'drooler' anyday...... [/B][/QUOTE] heh I figured I was.... but I could be mashing other stuff like pumkins... god I hate them or I could be mashing pea's... What I wanna know is what are you drooling over?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]What ever you do, don't come on a holiday to Dubbo.... ( Though Australia's a nice country, even though I haven't been out of my own state, it's still pretty cool.... lots of amusement parks.... :tasty: [/B][/QUOTE] You think Dubbo's bad? Adelaide is a hole! nothing ever happens in SA, I think you and James are lucky cause at least you both have a lunar park in your state. Man I wish we didn't move here... back on topic... I'm 13 and I live in Adelaide which is very much dead, you know what Adelaide used to be famous for? Churches, we used to be the city of churches
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] 'Gâbwakh the Drooler'?... right... that can't be good... [/B][/QUOTE] lol! that was funny! ooc: get on msn, i gotta talk to ya! ------------------------- According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth, Monique Saunders was a Sorrowful Wizard Elven Name Possibilities for Monique Saunders The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Malthôl Another masculine version is: Malthôlion More feminine versions are: Malthôliel Malthôlien Malthôlwen Hobbit lad name for Monique Saunders Madoc Brownlock from Longbottom Hobbit lass name for Monique Saunders Lily Brownlock from Longbottom Dwarven Name for Monique Saunders Pundin Rubytooth This name is for both genders. Orkish Name for Monique Saunders Lughósh the Masher This name is for both genders. ---------------------------- Masher! lol what am I mashing? I hate my names!! they all suck!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]for some reason, shyness has never been a factor with me, I seem to be just one of [I]those[/I] type's of people who can always blend in, and be a bit loud and noticed....[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I'm the same, but I do get extreamly nervous sometimes and when I do I'm as quiet as hell I hardly say a word... but there has been times when I was shy
I usually sing some sort of song in the shower... or just yell "singing in the rain" at the top of my lungs, which ever i wanna do first. I used to drag my discman in to the bathroom and sing to songs i played on that... but I sorta broke the adaptor that I used to plug it into the wall so I didn't have to use batteries.
I'd go for orange cause then it'd match my orange nail polish :D ... but then seeing watermelon is green that'd go with the bright green nail polish i got... I'm voting for orange
I read my horoscope every now and then, but I don't actually believe any of it will come true so I don't bother taking any of it to heart. My star sign is a man poring water out of a jug and my chinese zodiac sign is the rabbit only cause I was born before the chinese new year in 88. ok heres something scary I was reading through the yahoo horoscope and it said "If you are looking for love, you may be attracted to an older person" the reason its so scary is cause its true
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]lol, it's in my town, Dubbo, Australia. :) Well now it's been confirmed it's going to be shown at 6pm Friday....[/B][/QUOTE] Dude! I gotta get myself over to Dubbo to see that! Nothing that has anything to do with anime ever happens in Adelaide, and the only thing that is (a conv), is months away
Hey happy birthday you two, hope you's had a fun day
Black books, my friend keeps telling me to watch it.... but i haven't.... I might watch the comedy festival, seeing i need a good laugh.... i like lano and woodley but I really don't care who it is as long as they're funny
Seeing this is the first time I've posted a poem here I'm kinda nervous, this came to me during a memorial assmbaly for a girl at my school.... but for some reason I was thinking about my b/f while writing this... and onto my poem What is it about you That makes me love you so? What is it about you That hurts my soul? What is it about you That keeps me awake at night? What is it about you That makes tears blur my sight? What is it about you, That has me in a spin? What is it about you, That makes this feel as if it?s a sin? What is it about you, That makes me feel safe and warm? What is it about you, That makes me feel torn? Whatever it is, I?d never want it to change. For it?s the thing I love most, And it should always stay the same.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink] I'm 17 and my parents are still pretty protective...I think it comes from being the eldest female child...the oldest always gets the most "protective parenting" -__- [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah I believe that's true, seeing I'm the youngest I don't get too over protected like my sister did when she was my age, but still they are worried about me. Its a good thing parents are over protective, I hate it when the girls at my school brag about having sex and their like two-three years ounger than me and I reply "yeah, sure as if you're mum'll let you do that! " I also hate it when my friend is dis-respectful to her mum, after all they did give us life so they have the right to be protective of us