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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. I liked them, i actually stat there listening to the whole song (which i usually don't do with MIDI's because instrumental usualy bores me) i liked the second one the best, i can't remember what it reminded me of, but it was cool
  2. *after running around the house looking for harvey norman's catalog* Deus ex is being released in australia on april 8th i gotta still gotta tell my friend about it...
  3. hhmm... I'll try and get my friend to buy it... of course she'd wonder why i'm telling her to buy deus ex seeing she's never heard of it
  4. i dreamt that all the dbz guys were across the road from my friends place and i was annoying vegeta... and my friend was trying to go super saiyan
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]Duo... that test was a bit mean... most of the answers aren't as obvious as they look.... 47 is pretty good... hey... you [i]did[/i] click the last answer!! You said my IQ was 2!!! :flaming: ... heh ;) [/B][/QUOTE] I did?!? o.O i don't remember that... which one was it mo-chan or duo? (i did do it twice) heh... i obviously forgot....
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Booyah, Duo! I got a 43 on yours! Booyah! :D [/B][/QUOTE] tha's pretty good seeing we do'n know each other... deus i am not 4'9''!!! and why does everyone think my favourite food is choccolate? with the exception of clouds first try...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] [COLOR=indigo]I got an 82, the highest score, i've never even talked to you! :bellylol: or was it because i left the answers as they were???? :shifty: strange, strange indeed. And i got 9990 on my quiz.... [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] very strange... hmm.... wait a minaute most of the answers are in the first spot.... ok i'll make a new test!! [URL]http://friendtest.com/viewquiz.php?account=stuffthis[/URL]
  8. heh i'd post my quiz but no one will know what i'm going on about in the test because its to do with a lot of stuff me and some friends talk about... wait i will post it [URL]http://friendtest.com/viewquiz.php?account=Mo-Chan[/URL]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] heh... done mine now too.... you can pretty much guess most of the answers, but you have to have some idea of my sense of humour aswell as actual things about me ;) EDIT: Oh my, nearly forgot the URL: [url]http://deusexmachina.friendtest.com[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] I got a 47 on your test!!! i suck!! you know on the second question what is my IQ? i was tempted to click the last one... hehehe i might take the test again....
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] As for cats: *shudders*...eeeeeeviiiil.... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you, cats are very evil i got the scars to prove it too!! only because my cat is mean, she is very much like my mum and me... she has a short temper, she is such a b**** I also think my cat is quite dumb... i don't really have a proper reason other than the fact that she really annoys me, and can't even run away properly...
  11. my dad'll never let me buy anything online with his credit card, he is so rude this way, but i guess its coz i already get him to buy me lots of expensive stuff and expect him to pay the bills for my phone and the net...
  12. my parents never talked to me about it... i first had sex ed in my first year at primary school (which was when i was 5) then again in year five then seven and eight... so i expect i'm gonna have sex ed again this year. i don't intend on having the talk with my parents either, its something we don't talk about unless theres something on the news about all the bad negitive stuff, then we start debating... i bet the time my mum actually will talk to be about it is when i'm at that age and have a boyfriend, me and her never talk about that sort of stuff i mean when i first got... um thats off topic so i won't say anything
  13. I have glasses, I got them late last year so no-one really noticed when I put them on, I happen to like my glasses. I love guys who wear them too, They look heaps cute with them on. my friend gets really annoyed by the fact I like guys with glasses...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jaclyn [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Wish I could read symbols like Chinese or Japanese. That would be sah-weet![/COLOR] :D [/B][/QUOTE] I did chinese for nine years.... now i'm doing italian and failing misserably...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] Ah... Unlucky. I feel very little pain, even physical, never mind thinking about pain. I got hit in the head with a box today, and I felt nothing, but it went really red (I have sensitive skin) You don't mind me using that smilie, do you? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah well I tend to think of how things'll feel and stuff... sensitive to somethings not so to others.... heh nah the smilie is fine...
  16. heh... I'm stuck in boring old adelaide.... you never wanna come down here
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] WHAT????:eek: :eek: I do this smilie way too often with you... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah you do.... uh... i was just saying that because ss gets pains when he thinks about painful stuff, like me, that thinking about how it'd feel weird with a blade to your wrist would make your wrist hurt... trust me i know
  18. no real pranks... just fights one thing that happened at my friends school was funny though... obi's two friends were practicing something for drama, they were running around the school with fake swords, there happens to be police at the school coz they got a bomb threat... the two guys run past the coppers and one yells "come back here you coward" then whips out his sword, the police thing "oh it might be them so they chase em. when they get on to this balcony thing, and yell freeze, one of them has a hand on his gun, then one of the guys drops their sword and puts there hands in the air, while the other is saying "its cool, there fake..." that cracked me up when I heard it... theres something else to do with sherbert but that wasn't at school
  19. blegh!! nearly everyone i know has a job... really very annoying... heh actually if lots of costmers come in on sats you've got alot of workink to do... 15 hours... I don't know if i'm awake for 15 hours a day... damn me an my lazyness... cant be bothered to ge a job...
  20. yeah... D.D is right... you should get some sleep... you probably study too hard...
  21. I like the first one, thats how I feel alot of the time...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] :twitch: :twitch: :laugh: :laugh: ... sorry... not laughing at [i]you[/i] there, but the first time I heard that song I thought it was hilarious... then again, I was what? 9? I dunno, something in the region of 10. [/B][/QUOTE] it reminds me of a fic I once read... what was it called... duh! I'm too sexy!! but I love the hale and pace version as well... I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt so sexy that it hurts... yeah it is funny...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]What is your favorite oldie song??? Mine is the tune from Happy Days....[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] happy days? *runs off screaming* I like I'm too sexy -right said fred and old time rock'n'roll (I have no idea who sings this) I also like some billy joel songs...
  24. heh... I'd love to, but I don't know if I'll even be alive when I'm 30-40 hey I don't even know if I'll survive the weekend... though I better!! but that'd be funny all these old geazers talking bout anime, games and stuff...
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