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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. hm... seing I live close to the city its pretty easy to accessible... just gotta know where the shops are, and the video strores always have anime
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Hmm, 2 posts, two wrong spellings of the word 'bungee'. It would appear no-one listens to me anymore... I better try being more subtle. Well, I've never [B]bungee[/B] jumped, and I'm not sure that I ever would [B]bungee[/B] jump, becuase it's really just tieing yourself to a long stretchy cord, and jumping off. I wonder why they even call it [B]bungee[/B] jumping, there's no buns, and no-one ever says 'gee', so... *shrugs* [/B][/QUOTE] heh... mesa never going [i][B]bungee[/B][/i] jumping way too scared...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]If you were subject to a fate of: a)lose the right to watch or read any form of anime. b)being isolated from the rest of man kind. OR c)being known as the biggest dork on the otaku boards [/B][/QUOTE] I like being alone... at least no one can critisize everything you do... so B is for me!! deus you're not a dork....
  4. I'm a christian, and I've never been to a church in my life (cept for when I was chrisined) I pray at times when I feel so utterly depressed or tired... not alot... sometimes I prey before going to bed... the one thing I hate is how my friend's mum is full on into religeion and she sortof pays her out for it... its just mean
  5. nah mesa too chicken to do anything like that... I'm scared of flying foxes because I fell off one...
  6. yeah and don't think about suicide coz you'll get paind inyour wrist... no I was not going to kill myself! I was just wondering wat it'd feel like for a blade to be pressees to our wrist...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] Marvelling at the fact that it can turn around? My god.... Now I'm glad I wear contacts... though when I do wear glasses my friends alway say 'can I try them on'.. and wonder why they can't see through them :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah they can go a full 360, no hinges... its connected by the black material only one of my friends can see through my glasses clearly... everyone else is like... "I can't see anything!!" my friends brother had a rather unique comment though... "whith tese on theres no need for marijuana!" and my friend keeps sitting there with them on going "trippy" ...heh I don't need to wear them all the time only when I'm on the comp, reading, drawing or doing something for along time that'll need my eyes to be focused... things that get too close to my eyes cause too much strain... reason for headaches...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]Squash is fun ;) there's nothing as exhilirating as trying to hit a ball and *SMACK*... forgetting about the walls.. o.O;;... Seriously... I've jumped into the wall while playing squash... it hurts... for a while. And for some reason when I actually bounce the ball of the ball right, it always ends up going toward the other player's... 'nether regions'..o.O;;... [/B][/QUOTE] I walk into walls for fun... only on the way to school :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: now I love squash!! lol!!! hitting them there with a ball :laugh: :laugh: ....
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Heh, we have to play cricket on Saturdays if it's raining or not.... quite fun, sliding around in the mud and stuff..... :D [/B][/QUOTE] yeah thats why I like it...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] The trick is... you have to learn to sleep while sitting upright rather than resting your head.... trust me, uni students know ;) ... I can't go to a lecture and not see someone sleeping in it... at first it was funny, but now it's just the way it is ;) [/B][/QUOTE] hmm... *wonders if I have sose tomorrow...* lets see, sleeping while sitting up... thats possible... but I'd prefer to lean on something... no-one notices if your asleep in class where I am though so it works either way...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] simple minds are amused by the simplest things... [/B][/QUOTE] that is soooooo true... hand someone my glasses case and they'll sit there for hours just marvelling at the fact that it can turn around... but it keeps people out of my hair while they're playing with em...
  12. I like to play cricket and footie inthe rain... lots of mud!! this year I'm playing cricket everyweekend it rains just to play in the mud... I like to be dirty...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Heh, that's what I mean. I find that the hardest thing to do when I'm bored.... :drunk: BUT! I do tend to doze off in the middle of very important occasions.... like assignments... :D I guess you could say that's one of my favourite things to do.... and beleive it or not, i can usually get away with using that as an excuse for when I get low marks... :D [/B][/QUOTE] I can't sleep in class, the tables are way too uncomfortable... but I will one day...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Oh yes, I like playing sport aswell... :D .......and being a complete moron... :toothy: How come some of you peoples like daydreaming, or talking to yourself? If you ask me, that's the hardest thing to do while your bored... :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] one reason why I talk to myself... my place is boring... gotta get a life... I love to scream out numbers and dumb stuff like "vegemite and chicken sauce" or "my cat is very fat" when its really really quiet in class. I also like to read, spin in circles, run around the classroom, going to town, being loud and well sleeping when I'm all worn out
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i] [B]A mobile phone with never ending credit [/B][/QUOTE] a phone on a plan and the bill goes to your parents... well thats how mine works...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] About twice to five times...on holiday We (or at least I) in London never see a sunset, especially if you live in the north of London. And we never see any stars neither. Damn light city...:bawl: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] man I love the stars too much to live without them! ok I'm gonna send you plane tickets so you can come to australia... when I get money... [SIZE=1]not happening any time soon...[/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] Well... it didn't hurt, but, you [i]really[/i] wouldn't want a scar there.... ;) ...and no, it's not my back.. [/B][/QUOTE] *bad thoughts* I guessed where it was before I posted a reply just me being an idiot... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark[/i] [B] It seems to me that everyone seems to have a hill-related injury. And if we're on the subject of scars, some guy kicked a lump out of knee ina football (soccer) match, and I only noticed when I felt something trickling down my leg. I now have a scar there, but it's not huge, just a kinda small bulge with a faint line coming from the bottom of it...[/B][/QUOTE] heh I've never fallen down a hill... I prefer to [i]roll[/i] down them, alot more fun that has got to hurt... as for scars I love scars! :D I get hurt alot by my pet cat... she's evil!! I got tons of scars... my fave is the one on the bottom of my foot... ah memories of torment... soon as my cut heals I'm gonna have a scar in the shape of an M
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]OH MY GOD!!!! everyone's so young![/B][/QUOTE] yes... young... maybe you just got old... the young people are taking over the world... god no!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]I have a scar somewhere I'd rather not have a scar.. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] where? coz I sorta have a wired imagination so for all you know I could be thinking you got a scar on your back or sumthing... well I wouldn't want one there!
  20. I like to 1. talk to myself 2. listen to music 3. go on comp 4. play 64 5. talk with friends 6. learn drama 7. draw
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]so what you're saying is... I could have anything else I wanted... hmmm.... a plane, a GPS, and lots of fuel :p [/B][/QUOTE] a house!! you need a house! mre on my list I'd have my drama teacher! she rules!!!!!!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I was born in 1988 o_O... I was a tad bit young....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yep that would be a [i]bit[/i] too young to remember anything...
  23. nope no 80's for me... I was 1 in 89 so... nope mesa no remember
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] :drunk: Oops, sorry. :D There's a few coming to Australia this year though... I might try and get my parents to take me to a few... :toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] thats ok. I'm gonna try and go inter-state sometime with my friends, don't know where to just wasnt to get out of sa... the only place I go with my parents it the show and to shopping malls on the weekends... but all in all I wanna go to alot of conventions this year
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Heh, well I don't live near the sea, but I live in Australia. We've recently had a few severe storms, but nothing much to stop the sunsets.... :) [/B][/QUOTE] we have heat!! gonna do rain dance later... but tonight I will sit out side and watch the sunset behind the roof accross the stom dains from my hous and think how I'm gonna go to the beach in the hollidays and actually watch it set...
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