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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. it all depends on the person, who has to decide. some people do it cos its likely to be an un-wnted pregnacy and some cos they either can't carry the child or the child won't survive but no-one thinks of the all the waste thats left in the body after the baby is removed. I reckon abortion is bad, but I can't decide because there can be so many complications with childberth. and anyway the people who have abortions [i]do[/i] feel bad about it, I know my "auntie" had an abortion because her boyfriend didn't want to have a baby and she felt bad about it. half the time rapists don't even ejaculate so its hard for the person to get pregnant
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B] Yaoi???:eek: :drunk: :twitch: :wow: Yoai,as in Yoai,yoai???Oh my God... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah... so whats wrong with yaoi? we only added two things on the list today and thats -sleep naked under the stars -act like homeless bum as you can see we like to do lots o weird/funny stuff, its fun... my friend obi is gonna do alot of funny things when she's a little old lady like get on a bus, put the ticket in and leave through the middle door then go roung and come back on the bus another thing she'll do is have a bag full of urine and tell some young guy to empty it out the window for her...
  3. I was just wondering if anyone made lists for no real reason, today me and my friend were bored in... technology and we just thought of all the weird stuff we could do when we're older... with some insperstion from obi coz she thinks up alot of stuff Stuff to do when older -Go to alcoholics anonymus meeting and pretend to be drunk -Apply fo a job [i]BEGGING[/i] to be a toilet cleener -Walk around with weird things on head e.g. sauce pans, banana peels -Talk in accent (e.g. russian) and when someone replies say that you can't speak english -Go to shop and ask for "piggy biscuits" and get aggressive when they say they don't have any -Convince everyone that you're a psyco assassin on the loose -Have sex in water aka "skinny dipping" (suggested by different friend) does anyone else make up this sort of stuff?
  4. I would say jacob but no-one knows who he is, mainly coz he's in my friends comics so... duo shinji sano kenshin tai vash (only seen downlaoded clips though :bawl: ) yue eriol um... can't think of anymore
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Well I don't know the difference in 'subbed' and 'subbed' really.... So I'll just say I like it the way it is on television now... in which form do they show anime on t.v.? [/B][/QUOTE] they show it dubbed, and subbed is when its sub-titled
  6. I remember there was a site I went to once that had "essays" on evengelion, about the end of eva and stuff which sorta helped me under stand it. I belive the address is [URL]http://www.mad-hatter.org/ani/eva/index.html[/URL] and a note they don't really update this page either
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]Does anyone know what the letters said? [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I used to do chinese, but... I don't know what it said
  8. the only time I did anything to do with law was when we went to the court house... the trial that we saw was boring then when we joined back up with the 5/6 we went to an empty room and had people sit in the specific places like where the judge sits or the witness box. we also went into the jury room.
  9. we did a mock parlimen debate about making school days longer... I was the clerk and I said rules and stuff... after that we ran around parliment house
  10. not germany... *looks away* Australia!! mabey even... who's in there again? ...well I'll also go for (some one can decide for me)
  11. I forgot it was V-Day untill recess when my friend D started complaining about how it was a usless day, yadda yadda yadda... I for got to draw my friends pictures too so I don't know what they thought of that... I was dead on my feet all today too so V-Day doesn't exist for me anymore...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]Here is my theory.... We as a race have developed in terms of technology far faster than we have had time to evolve a mentality to deal with the implications of the technology, we have far more destructive power avaiolable now than ever, yet for some of us our mentality is the same, therefore the minority creates chaos. I am never any good at explaining this, but that's my general idea. [/B][/QUOTE] true, true... I mean we as humans take 'forever' to actually evolve mentally and physically. I've been thinking about evolution since my friends and I played soul reaver... the human psyche is based on greed and selfishness and its pretty much natural for human's to fight over something so trivial. I've pretty much given up any hope that human's will survive till the next century and if they do... well put a dress on me and call me charlie! *cough* actually what I ment to say was... I believe that they'd deserve a standing ovation
  13. well I made it through v-day pretty good... I just remembered that I was going to draw my friend one of my random characters for valentines coz she was complaning she about how she shoulda kept her b/f till after today oh, well:D so how much did today suck for other people?
  14. Coolies!!!!! that was very nice! so sweet!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson]I'm 13... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ... 13?? why does it seem guys these days are really really tall? liamc you look cute!! if you take off the gasses you'll look just like my friends brother...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]Anyone here seen/heard/etc about Roy and HG? lol they are funny. .'The Dream' From the summer olympics was awesome, too bad I live in qld instead of nsw. .otherwise i would have gone to see them. . So anyone seen their show? I believe the show for the winter olympics is called 'The Ice Dream' or summat :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] I would've gone to see it too... sa is a crappy state yeah I saw it every now and then... I cant watch the winter one coz I have to go to bed early... damnit nomatter how early I go to bed I'll be tired in the morning what was it called that wombat? fatso or something? that was funny!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B] [color=indigo] Wow that is awesome...I want to go to an all girl school;) I'd even dress in drag to go:toothy: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] you pretty much can get into an all girls or boys school by saying you'll sue the school for sexual discrimination when or if they don't accept you.. or so I've been told [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark[/i][B] Heh, I know how you feel. It just doesn't feel right, you miss the opposite sex. Still, you can talk freely about certain things that you couldn't talk about about in front of girls... ...Guy talk Same probably goes for girls as well[/B][/QUOTE] ...I like listening to 'guy' talk:rolleyes: yea... we talk about the 'girly' stuff... well I'm full open and cofortable to talk about that sorta thing with guys too... I miss my guy-friends who I don't see they're heaps more fun then my friends well cept for obi, E and K...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] WOW, another plot twist:eek: :eek: !!! You just can't tell people apart on the Net. You're only 13!! You sound older than that. But yeah, people say to me that I look older than my age (I'm only a year older than you, Duo) [/B][/QUOTE] back then when we had the conversation yes I've been 14 for about two weeks...;) another thing I hate is that when I decide to wear my glasses in computing (I should actually wear them 60% of the time I'm at school...) people are like wow! you wear glasses monique?!? no I'm borrowing my uncle bob's glasses... one reason for this is the fact that I got my glasses late last year and not many people noticed them... yet its the same annoying person who asks
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]You know, I just read something interesting..... If you die in a nightmare you have, it's a 99% chance that you'll die that way in real life..... :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] I've known that for ages... I used to quote it everyday at school... only to piss my friends off
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Poor, poor, [B]poor[/B] you. My pity for you cannot be measured in words.. [/B][/QUOTE] the thing I hate the most about my school is everyone hated anime and they're like do you like dragon ball z? as if you watch that! really want to go to my friends school... yes and annoy her b/f!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sexyjessie4 [/i] [B]Okay I have naturally curly hair and all the time people come up to me asking if its natural and I'm just like, do you think my hair would look like this if it wasn't?? I mean, yeah I could've gotten it permed but still that bugs me when people ask me that because it does not look like it could've been permed. bah!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] me too, I was brushing my hair at the swimming carnival today and on girl asked is your hair natrually like that? my hair also happens to have diff colours ranging from golden brown to a dark brown that looks somewhat grayish, anyways my friend turns to me and asks is your hair dyed? I just stared at her and said if it was wouldn't my roots be a diff colour? something else that boters me is the fact people think I'm something like 3 years older than I actually am. I was sitting next to my friend and complained how she was 5 days older then me (it happened to be her birthday) and her twenty-something brother says your only 13?! I thought you were 16! and I turn to him and say yes for five days I'll be 13
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]My new Plan; Buy all the Girls in my class Chocolates and Single Red roses... Oh, I am [I]such[/I] a ladies man... [/B][/QUOTE] that sounds nice... bloody single sex school!!!! I'm sure the girls will love your pressents
  23. there was nothing scary about it sure the face was weird but scary? no way!!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]EDIT-- a little side thought.. In the 'If!'[ topic I actually answered one of the questions as 'Duo Maxwell- cos he seems kind of cool.... lol.... I'll leave it there for your personal amusement. [/B][/QUOTE] I bet you'd make a good sibling too... I always wanted a brother... I'm surrounded by chicks where ever I go its just scary *shakes head and sighs deeply* if only I chose a co-ed school... if only!!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Lol, sorry. Why don't you try asking your doctor? He should hopefully know..... :) [/B][/QUOTE] yeah... my doctor... do I have to? I'm not really happy with him... and half the time he's on holiday so I'll end up with some other doctor :bawl:
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