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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]that's odd DBZChikaGhan, i find it most uncomfortable to sleep with a bra on[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah agreed. the only time I do is when I sleep at a friend's house for two reasons, I either don't change in to pj's or I feel uncomfotable to not have one on when they're around
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kei [/i] [B] Not necessarily. Although if you think about it if any would be gay it would probably be Quatre.... 3x4 Forvever! [/B][/QUOTE] hehe ever notice how quater say's trowa whenever he appears? me an my friends did so we said stuff like: 'quatre walks in on trowa on the dumper... Trowa! quatre walks in on trowa having sex... Trowa! quatre sees trowa in the cinema's... Trowa!!' well stuff like that anyway...
  3. My dad won't let me orer stuff over the net!! oh the humanity!:bawl:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] Hey well Happy Birthday Duo. Hope it will be a fantastic day for you.;) Lots-A-Luv [/B][/QUOTE] actually it was really quite boring I only saw two of my friends (but what do I expect? that's an improvement from last year) and well I never really expect anything anyways so... it wasn't that bad
  5. make him a pimp! Imagine wufei the pimp! he's got all these chicks and stuff... hehe yeah... so yeah
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]I don't go to the parades and stuff but I like Australia Day. Besides the fact that it celebrates Australia, it also a long weekend. Monday 28th becomes public holiday...YEAH...a day of work...woohoo:D O.K, so it might seem shallow, but I don't care:p [/B][/QUOTE] hey I always thought that when I was little, and I felt special coz by birthday's on the 26th its the only reason I know how old australia is...
  7. Its small, annoying and stuffed with girls who I totally don't like one bit coz their way too girly and just well annoying. I hate having homegroup seeing I have to go to the top floor, the computers annoy me... the only thing I like about my school is the art and drama teachers they're way cool! and if the school found out how much stuff I print like pics and fanfics I'd be somewhat suspended or something um... I wanna go to woodville :bawl: !! at least then I'd be with actual friends I like!
  8. in maths at the end of every term we did the same test something to do with how we've improved and stuff
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]'Australia Day'?.... oh my god..... I never realised there was such a thing... damn us ignorant UK'ers.... What day is it? Today? [/B][/QUOTE] yeah very ignorant!! lol no its this saturday.
  10. I was wondering who actually celebrates Australia day, like who goes to the parades and stuff? all I do is get up and say 'oh, look Australia's 214 years old today,' and thats about all. half the time I don't even say that
  11. I remember one time I slept half naked it got really really hot at night and I took off my shirt I was so glad that my mum didn't come in and my sister didn't wake up to see me laying there topless... lucky I woke up and put my shirt back on though!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] I don' remember doin that... EVER! But still, I guess I can make up for it with the fact that in Biochemistry, at the moment I get to play with lil' Bacterias like E.Coli.... hehehehehe :devil: time to make a bacteria bomb.. err.. you didn't hear that... [/B][/QUOTE] yes thats the perfect plan for world domination... as long as nothing happens to australia of course!:D oh wait no-one was meant to hear that and I sure as hell wasn't meant to say that either... No [I]DON'T[/I] make bacteria bombs!
  13. seeing this has happend to me, yes I'd stay friends actually I did but I sorta didn't call her for a week, hey I was trying to figure out what I was gonna say coz she said she had a crush on me... that is one of the scariest things that can happen, your friend telling you they're gay and they have a crush on you. we never talked about it again, she talked with my other friend though. then one day her sis comes up to me and says "E says she doesn't love you any more" so that sorta relived me but some of the stuff she's said to my other friend sorta makes me wonder if she is gay or not... it doesn't really bother me either way I'm fine with it
  14. that reminded me of my friend when he has panadol 4. he takes like 6 at a time and gets really wacked out he thinks hes a car at times and pretends to be bernie and other dumb crazy stuff... yes I laughed a bit...
  15. I wish you luck, and hope your brother will stay with you. my step grandad is sorta going through the same thing except he's the one his family want custody over, they say something about him being too old to look after himself and stuff but all they want is his money so were all telling mum to get custody over him coz they're good friends.
  16. yeah... two years ago I was at my friends place and we were across the road at the units and we were all being loud, mock fighting and that sorta stuff when an old lady tells us to leave, one of the guy's with us starts to mouth off at her while we were about to leave and she called the cops! by the time he got there we were in the drive way of my friends place and he came up to give us a lecture about road saftey and how we shouldn't sit in drive ways of units and stuff like that...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]I have no problem with your pledge, though I have no idea what it is (UK citizen, after all), and I have no problem with patriotic people, after all, it's your decision whether to stand by your country or not. But personally, I am not very patriotic. I don't like to think that my country is any better than any other country.. and don't argue back at that one comment, cos I know that that's not what you consider patriotism to be all about... but I do.. and I'm not saying that I am right. no one can say that in such an opinion based topic. but that's what I believe, my reasons are my own. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah I agree, personally I don't think much of my country. and I woulda just either stood up or sat down when everyone recites it, of coures I'd be millions of miles away... like I am during assembly or I'd be talking...
  18. You did exactly what I woul've done!! of course I'd probably hit the guy around a bit...
  19. hm... I'm gonna take physics, chemestry, math, (see what I have to go through to be a doctor!! oh the agony...) and the arts but I don't have to worry about that for another three years so mesa happy. I was wondering if at any of you're schools do you get to chose to do year twelve over two years? you do at my school... but I'm doing it for one year... maybe
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]In my school days... we never had food fights... all that happened there was every so often someone would drop a plate full o food by mistsake and everyone would cheer..... I could never understand why they did that.... [/B][/QUOTE] Because we're all mean and we think its funny if someone drops something and laugh... that is so ture....what a sad world we live in
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Ok people, I'm all confuddled up here..... What is the LCL liquid thing? That's the one thing that has been confusing me..... [/B][/QUOTE] Like I said before LCL is the blood of the second angel Lillith. I think risuko say's something about this when she destroys all those rei's
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]whoa..wait..the LCL liquid is the reason why the eva pilots feel the pain the eva feels? er...how's that possible? is there a reason why? or is it because they just say is does that....? [/B][/QUOTE] LCL is the blood of the second angel Lillith. I remember rusiko say's some thing about the point thinggies in one of the eps.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] PS. You're all kind of on the wrong linesw with the stuff in my question, it's quite simple..... CHLOROFORM! OK if any of you havent heard of chloroform that may be why, but i kind of thought someone may get it cos chloroform is always popping into the conversation in the Simpsons and other such shows... [/B][/QUOTE] Ok so shoot me.... I suck at science I only get SA's and such. and my mind has somewhat shrunk since the holiday's started. one of the only things I remember from science is if you mix sugar, water, salt and I can't even remember the name for it... that blue powdery stuff and it starts with c, any way if you mix them togeter you get a green substance of cours I wasn't actually ment to mix them togeter
  24. can you please put the armitage ones up?
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