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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. Yeah shooting sword would be cool... I showed my dad, mum and sister. I had to tell my mum and dad what I was showing them and my sis got it alittle after I started laughing. and hey why not have mario appear in zelda, after all mario and zelda are their top sellers
  2. well its hard to coz no-one sits near anyone only in their stupid little groups... and any way I'm in the computer room at lunch and at recess I'm sitting inside near the society teacher's office (not meant to though) so its quiet ussless for me, and anyway all the people at my school sucks!
  3. Duo Maxwell

    favorite song

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]hmmm. .a few favourites. .: Alien Ant Farm: eddy are you ok? (i think thats its name) and er. .others. .cant remember the names. .i'll be back to edit this. . [/B][/QUOTE] um... its smoth criminal actually, but hey I call it annie are you ok? when I can't remember the name hmm.... one favourite song.... one? hard choice... between pushing me away and points of authority... hmm I'd say pushing me away by linkin park
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Thats a funny thing to say, because the more u lie about something to protect someone else, when that person finds out, it will be alot more painful to them then if it was if u told them in the first place. I don't lie at all, i just like joking around. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah and its hard to lie if they're saying tell me the 100% truth, you're not lieing right?, you sure?, etc... I like to joke aroud too... actually I like to be sarcastic...
  5. at my school there is two things stopping a food fight- 1. we don't have a cafateria :bawl:! so we eat anywhere we want to 2. my school is sadly all girls... and everyone in it sucks! well 'cept my friends and anyone else who happens to like anime... anyway they'd dissaprove of a food fight which I personally would think would be fun
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] Excellent:D ...Glad I could be of some assistance. Good Luck :) [/B][/QUOTE] well thanks for the help ^.^
  7. Yeah instead of one on 2D... oh well sword spin'll just have to do
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Oh...Don't be like that. Different people make you feel different things. I know it's hard to drop a friend...believe me, I know, but is this girl really worth all of the stress she's apparantly causing you?....my answer would be no...no one really has a right to get anyone all upset like that. Why don't you let this girl know exactly how you feel about her and what you think about her whole attitude towards you. If she really does consider you a friend, then she should be able to change her ways a little or the both of you can come to a compromising solution. To be quite honest, I think this girl has a few issues. You don't seem to be the problem. And as for telling someone your secrets, well I think you should stick to your diary for now until you find someone who you really can trust.:) [/B][/QUOTE] You know what you're absolutly right!! I'll tell her when I can be bothered to go see her I'd love to write in my diary just... well I finished it so I gotta get a new one
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Well...you don't have to act different around your other friends if she's there...just be yourself, be courteous. You don't really have to associate with her, as you have your other friends to talk to :). Oh well...my opinion anyway ;) [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know how I feel about her anymore sometime I really wanna just hurt her... and for some reason I actually trusted her as a friend in the firs place, I mean she's one of those people who'll promise not to say anyting to anyone about a secret then tells people... and anyway she doesn't like the way I am coz around her I'm myself, my quiet, mopey sorta self, but when anyone comes within ten feet of me I'll go into really hyper happy-go-lucky ansane mode. We've talked about this boy did we, she always told E how she felt about it so we were on the phone all three of us and we talked it out, sorta, she was forcing it bombarding me with questions, she didn't know when to stop, E even told he to lay off did she? No... I ended up ignoring them and sadly crying. I keep thinking screw her. I don't need her but its hard to just drop a friend, I also piss her off, I rarely go to her place, on the phone I mostley say mmmhmm, uh ha, etc... and always when we finish talking it seems I somehow manage to piss her off. how the hell do I get somany people to hate me?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]I believe that for there to be good,there must be evil.Without one,the other is non-existant. [/B][/QUOTE] that reminds me when my fried confused her little sis by saying "You have to belive in god to believe in satan." so true, somethings can't exist without something else
  11. hehe coolies!!! yay! *turns to dad* Dad stop watching pinky and the brain I wanna play my game!! No I will not tell you why... You'll find out when I play... Yay now I don't have to go back to the swamp for awile... (yeah five minutes...) shut up....
  12. I haven't seen any in australia either... man! I want one!!!!
  13. True... I dunno I guess because she's friends with my friends
  14. I'm sorta like that too. I don't like my 'best' friend as much anymore because she doesn't like the way I am and she'd rather be labled as a best friend but not have me trust her enough to be normal around her
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] Is it a anasthetic, perhaps, carbon trihydrogen chloride [/B][/QUOTE] I was thinking that too, I mean chlorine is sterile... so I though hmm.... sterile, sterile... anti-bacterial...Hospital... anasthetic!!
  16. My friends mum is like that.... although my friend might actually provoke this sometimes ... and she belives this stuff (sorta) shes got a complex I reckon, she won't belive me tough... as for my parents lets see... I love my dad to bits and yet talk to him like he's a moron at times then theres my mum... I'm so like her, but the main thing is I'm way too scared of her to do anything really bad, she's one of those people with abad case of uncontrolable anger... my dad won't talk to his mum coz she had six kids, then put them in a home and went off with some guy and had three more...
  17. well I sorta 'misplaced' my bible.... um....... I tryed to read it I just found a better more interesting book... and ayway my book hasn't got the 'bible stories' just the new testement........ sad thought
  18. being grounded has got to suck... But I wouldn't know never been grounded! ^.^ hehehe been in lots of trouble I mean half the time I go out I don't tell mum and stuff... but not grounded and I don't intend to be either, althogh I'm pushing my luck lately...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] EDIT- Oh yes, and the serpent-- a metaphor for man's unquenchable thirst for knowledge :) [/B][/QUOTE] Ok I never knew it ment that... I just thought it was temtation... but knowledge yes want knowledge, must go to school... that was weird though... I mean so few people able to do stuff man not thinking negative anymore... ^.^ happy happy happy...
  20. hm... I don't have that much time..... I'm not awake for that long..... damnit I sleep too long
  21. yeah so did me and my sisters, I played the star wasrs one last week sadly the game was interupted by my dad so I trew all my stuff in the middle and said if you get free parking you get that...
  22. hehe that woulda been fun!! I'm gonna do it! I only say certain words backwards
  23. that was funny! once I pushed my friend into a wall and another one started abusing me so I kickes her a few times... we had to go to the 'focus' room at lunch and when we got there our teacher on duty wasn't there so we started playing w/the texters, we pretended they were bottles and the caps were lids, lollipops, etc. and the one I pushed into the wall put an un-capped texter in her mouth
  24. no thats ok. I AM an idiot, eg. last night I was talking to guy in a chat room and someone asked what we we're talkin about and I had no real clue... um hehehe and anyway I do alot of stupid things...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B]I knew it was something like that. We learnt H2O as water, plain and simple. Damn teachers, never bothered to explain it. Could have lost a mark, and a grade, due to their lousy teaching. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah and the fact that they copy from text books means nothing right? I can't find the answer um...
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