Duo Maxwell
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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by p3rfuk3ed [/i] [B]"You're treating homosexuality as if it's a disease. It's not a disease, it's who a person is." [/B][/QUOTE] I find myself saying this to heaps of people at my school. You see most of the girls have a major problem with lesbians, being a single sex school most of them think that you'll either get hit on by a lesbian or become one. Someone said in math once: "I don't understand why anyone (meaning girls) would choose to be gay when there are guys." Of course I educated her on the fact that no one chooses to be gay. She honestly thought it was a choice. I've also had many arguments with one friend about Homosexuals and Bisexuals. She hates them for no actual reason, and I don't think that's fair, and it also hurts me because I feel that if she thinks this way she'll reject me as a friend if I ever do tell her I'm bi. But really there's nothing wrong with your thoughts on the female body, I thought that for ages before I came to terms with my sexuality.
I'm pretty indifferent when it comes to people I like being with someone else. Sure I get annoyed but really I can't change a thing by hating the other person so why bother getting jealous. I usued to get jealous easily but I've become very indifferent since I began going to my school.
I usually tuck my left leg under my right one, or the other way around depends on how I feel like sitting at the time, but sometimes I manage to sit with my feet on the floor. [SIZE=1]I'm jealous of Soley... him and his amazing desk...[/SIZE] I like sitting crossleged in my hair at the computer though cause no one else at home does it.
Everyone thinks I'm older than my sister... I actually developed early, even though I'm pretty short but that's my family genes... But none the less people think I'm older than I actually am.. except for a few people who think I look younger.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]What I believe (not dissing anyone personally) is Homosexuality is a sin. Sins are being made due to giving into temptation to the devil. Thus you have the choice whether or not to do this, for it is a choice when he puts this on you. People are not born gay, the Devil sees this as an outlet for sin and tempts people with this. This is just my own personal experiences I get from reading The Bible. [/B][/QUOTE] That's just stupid (sorry if that's blunt and I do believe that you're entitled to your opinions), sure it's written in the bible that it's a sin but you do realise by saying that you should also be saying that wearing condoms during sex is wrong as it having sex with out the want for a child. I'd like you to ask yourself something, what would Jesus do if he met a homosexual? He wouldn't turn him away, he'd talk with them and accept them. You are basically saying that it's wrong for people to be true to themselves if they are gay just to go by what the bible say's, God want's us to live our own lives and not try to be perfect in every little way.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus Bing [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue] At the end of Kingdom Hearts it was supposedly advertised, I say supposedly because I've never even played the game![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually it is, but you gotta do a few things first to beagble to get it. I can't remember what, but I can tell you from what I saw of it it looks heaps cool
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]They are different aren't they? [/B][/QUOTE] The only thing that's differnt about Gay/Bi people is the fact that they like people of the same/both sexes. Other than that they are normal people with the exact same feelings and organs as anyone else. They don't deserve to be discriminated against because of their sexuality, you can't control it. They don't choose to be gay/bi they just are.
[B]Noise and distraction:[/B] Believe it or not, I like having people around me to distract me from deeper thoughts. No matter how much I tell people to shut up or go away I'm glad that they are there, I don't get bored that way ^^ [b]Mud:[/b] What more can I say... I'm simple and childish.. [b]Hugs from friends and people I love:[/b] They make me feel happy and very loved... I don't get many now days [b]Happy people:[/b] Especially if I make them happy ^^
Actually I like the side-parting, it looks better than a middle-parting. Middle-partings are way to common. That's really cool James, I can't wait to see the full finish, which I'm sure is gonna be excellent
He's saying that you're fine with standing by and not caring cause you aren't the one getting hurt. You don't know how much guts it takes to tell people if you're Bi or Gay. It's a scary thing and because of narrow minded people like you those that do "come out" get rejected and descriminated against. No one has the right to judge people, only God has that power. You aren't God, so don't judge what you don't understand.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Um, this is off topic but personally I don't think "Playing God" is such a bad thing. I personal want that opinion available when and/or if I have children. I would not want them to have the problems I have had and I know some of them are possibly genetic.[/B][/QUOTE] I don't like the idea of playing God, there was this movie (can't remember what it's called) and its about the future society. They could genetically control what their children look like and most of them had blonde hair and blue eyes, these were considered the "better half" and they discrominated against people with different hair and things like that. Do you see anyone discriminating someone for having hazel eyes and brown hair? They didn't ask for it, or choose to have it. So if its alright to discriminate against homosexuals, why not people with brown hair? (no offense to anyone with brown hair) Sure there's a lot of people with brown hair so that means it's pretty stupid to descriminate aginst them, but do you realise how many homosexuals there are? Alot and really we should accept and apreciate differences.
I just go over conversations I had earlier or something and tell myself what I should have said or done in a certain situation. Alot of the time I'm just thinking or making up stories in my head like Bryan.
I have a huge amount of respect for those that "come out" cause I know it's super hard to tell people. They worry about rejection and people talking about them, I still worry about it. If one of my friends came to me and said they were Bi/gay/lesbian I'd feel happy for them, hug them and congradulate them. Just because they like people of the same sex, or both sexes doesn't make them any different to anyone else. They are normal people and they have the same sort of feelings as everyone else. I mean you'd get upset if people were talking about you behind your back, and so do they. I don't like it when I hear people talking about hoe much they hate gay's and stuff, mostly I hear it from guy's and most of them like the thought of lesbians too. I end up yelling at them and telling them to shut up about things they don't know. After all loving someone of the same sex seems normal and most comfortable to them.
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Duo Maxwell replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][size=1]Is England really so small that you have to squish people in like that? And I thought Perth was crowded.. BTW, I have that other map that shows where you live ^^ Fear me! MWAHAHA![/size][/B][/QUOTE] heh.. you should see how [i]un-confusing[/i] Adelaide is.. its all rectangles and squares! ^^ If Deus wasn't Deus he'd be really confused about where he lives... imagine someone trying to understand directions, let alone give them! -
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Duo Maxwell replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][size=1]Hmm.. well, if me and Duo go to England, then we can annoy you.. MWAHAHAHA!.. I mean, so yeah *smiles innocently*.. ^_^[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course we will.. but we have to stay away from any roads that are curved and confusing.. We can't go into any major cities with out a tuor guide ot something so we don't get lost... I know the best time for us to go there when we graduate! ^^ -
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Duo Maxwell replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Yeah that's right Rain, soon as I meet you, Im kickin yo a** and gettin ma soul BACK!! [/B][/QUOTE] lol, and I'll be there to steal it from you ^^ I wouldn't mind meeting Deus, Rain, Jesus Chicken and Solo... it'd be cool if I met James too -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][size=1]I absolutely DESPISE chain letters.. especially chain emails. I can't believe I have friends that are stupid enough to think you can get bad luck from not sending an email. I wrote a long email to my friends a few weeks ago about how much I hate chain emails, and why they shouldn't send them to me.. it didn't work to well, they're still sending them >< [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] LOL I remember that email... I stopped sending my random ones that I thought were amusing.. but really I don't get em much anymore so its all good... now to get rid of all the junk mail.. Yeah I hate it.. it should all burn! I actually got one through snail mail once.. it was one of those ones for some record of the longest chain letter to have gone a round or something... bleh didn't send it.
I really have nothing against smokers everyone is free to do what they want, if they smoke that's their choce and anyway everyone knows the dangers with smoking. The main reason people at my school smoke would be the thought that its cool. I myself fell into that trap in my first year in highschool but never really smoked a whole cigarett only a few drags, but after I relized what I was doing (which was later in the year when a friend offered me a bong) I stopped. But then growing up as a passive smoker it wouldn't matter if I smoked or not. There is no hope of either of my parent's quitting, and they've been doing it since they were both 18 nither of them have gotten anysort of sickness from it yet and they're both pack-a-day smokers. Although I don't like when people dropp cigarett-buds on the ground, its really messy. (I'd continue but then I'd be getting off topic)
Telephones in dreams usually represent comunication, the fact that you can't get the number right might mean that you feel like you can't comunicate with people properly. Keep in mind I can't really remember all the things I read about dreams so there's a chance that I'm wrong...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]::gets evil:: DUO WILL NEVER BE HOTTER THATN TROWA! NEVER! MWAHAHAHAHAHA...um. Yeah. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not hot? awww I feel so upset! lol jk. I think Trowa's pretty hot but Duo is so cutely ^^
Well.. like I said before, you could talk it over with her even if it means kidnapping her and tying her to a chair or you could wait for it to blow over. You really should let her know that you don't have a clue why she's mad and you don't want her to be, and you should also tell her that if you have done something unintentionally that you're sorry. Or you could pretend that she isn't mad at you and act how you normally do.. though that's not actually a good bit of advice there..
I like to play Volley, not that I'm any good 'specially seeing as i have a fear of balls... XD but I really like Archery... and I'm pretty good at it too.. hehe be ware all those that defy me or you'll get an arrow in your butt!
I wanna get a job at this cool small anime shop in town.... I asked about it and it seems pretty easy to get one.. problem is my resume was printed out before my birthday so it say's I'm 14.. darnit!
at a knife shop in town they have a few samurai swords which look cool, and then there's a collectables shop at the plaza with some cool swords too. I'd love to have one or two but me parents are those people who would never want their children to have anything sharp in their rooms.. no matter how old they are... -_-;
Darn you lucky people who get snow... *sniffles* I want snow!! Though knowing me I'll complain about cold, after all I'm one of the people used to living in hot weather...