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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. Katia still silent gets up and walks out. The feeling of danger hanging over her head. Katia: A wise choice...
  2. I was wondering If anyone had any or knows where to get Oni Link pics
  3. I'd hate them scenes too! I'm gonna buy a few manga's (hopefully!) at the end of the week
  4. This year and last year, don't feel so exiting like it did when i was 3 or 5
  5. Okay I was up at 4 writing this (don't ask). If u even think of dissing it i'll hunt u down and beat u up with a... neon pink rabbit?!?! Name: Katia Age: 355 (looks 19) Race: Elven mage Specialties: controls the four elements Bio: was taken from family by group of mages, obviously learnt how to cast spells, use magic, etc... also learnt to fight with staff and daggers. Appearance: about 6'3", long firey red hair tied back in french plait, has greeny-blue eyes, wears black pants, brown boots, blood red tunic and grey cloak.
  6. well I just found out it was gonna rain for chrissy
  7. I was wondering if anyone has seen X. Its about this guy called Kamui, and he has the power to choose the fate of the earth, see I wanted pics of him (he looks like Tori)
  8. Okay people, this is for anyone who wants to do this I created this for anyone to write fics about sailor Wufei. the idea came to me while watching sailor moon do her speech/pose thinggy and wufei just popped in my head so if anyone want to do this your free to do so and DON'T ignore me!
  9. fighting evil by moonlight winning love by daylight, never running from a real fight he is the one named sailor wufei he never turns his back on his friends he's always there to defend he's the one on who we can depend he is the one named sailor... sailor duo sailor quatre sailor heero sailor trowa fighting evil by moonlight winning love by daylight, never running from a real fight he is the one named sailor wufei he is the one sailor wufei!
  10. I've senn almost all the eps. all i gotta see is 47,49 and EW fave characters... um [U]Duo[/U] I like him coz he's funny, cheery, loud (much like me), friendly and liking him tottally peevs off my friend seeing she reckons he looks like a girl (might be possible, but I can't see it). um... who else, Heero coz he's strong, suicidal actually he's a dedicated soldier, trigger happy I like Wufei he's got the best clothes other than Duo
  11. Ok I know its knot but hey, looks like it! [IMG]http://gallery.deathbygundam.com/ewgallery/gallery.php3?action=showimage&image=gw069.jpg[/IMG] :laugh: :laugh: probably why Duo's lookin at Trowa funny...
  12. sadly I'm stuck with a stinking hot Christmas unless the weather changes...
  13. I think its funny when they get hurt from something so... little and pathetic :rotflmao: :whoops: yeah and it was really funny when she was looking over him.
  14. I didn't write it I found it. The only fic I wrote on a computer had duo dead sadly then heero killed himself only one person oter than me has read it. I'm writing one in duo's POV and an AU where Heero and Trowa have a sister
  15. true there is some really funny stuff in DBZ.
  16. I agree! Look at the Freeza saga, it takes like a month for namek to blow and only 3 eps for 3 years to go by before the android saga.
  17. 100 Strokes Wufei was bored. They'd been stuck in the same safehouse for a week, and he'd already read everything he could get his hands on in the small house. They were so far out in the country they didn't even have television to amuse themselves. He'd gone digging in his room and had found a deck of cards. Thinking he could win some money off his fellow pilots, he'd gone looking for them. He'd stopped by Quatre and Trowa's room first, but the sounds emanating from within had made him pause. He had felt slightly faint as he realized that the two had obviously found their own cure for the boredom. Trying not to picture what was going on inside, he hurried down the hall to Heero's and Duo's room. At least he knew nothing would be going on in there. Heero and Duo had never expressed any interest in each other, other than friendship. He raised his hand, about to knock, when he heard voices inside. "It's hopeless, Hee-chan. Look at it. It's all limp and lifeless!" "And what do you want me to do about it?" said Heero in that nasally voice of his. "I want you to get your *** over here and help me, Yuy," the American wined. Wufei's eyes widened. Masaka. Not them too! He heard Heero heave a long, suffering sigh. "Why do I have to help you with this, baka?" "Because it's your fault. You used the last of the strawberry gel." Wufei felt faint. "You told me to use it. You said it would help me get mine under control." Duo snorted. "That was some pretty potent stuff. It should have helped you control it, but I guess yours is just too wild for it, ne?" There was silence for a long moment. Wufei knew he should leave, eavesdropping was not honourable. However, morbid curiosity held him in place. He heard a rustling sound he couldn't quite identify before Heero said, "Damn. You're right. It is limp. I can't get it to stay up." "Ow! Stop that! What're you trying to do? Rip it from my body?" "It's dull too. Did you even clean it?" "Of course I cleaned it. What do you take me for, an idiot? Wait. Don't answer that." "I have an idea." "What?" Wufei heard Duo ask warily. "I got this trick from Relena. She said giving it one hundred strokes should put some life into it." "What the hell were you doing with Relena when she gave you this trick?" "I'd rather not talk about it. The memory is still too painful." Duo giggled, but it quickly turned into a moan as Heero began whatever it was he had in mind. "Ooooh, Hee-chan. You have about a thousand years to stop doing that." "You like that, do you?" "Mmmmm..." Wufei felt his heart pounding in his chest. His pants suddenly felt too tight. "Heero," Duo mewed pitifully, "what...what number are you on?" "Forty-two." "You're right." Duo was practically purring. "There's definitely more life to it now." Again, the two inside were silent for several moments before Duo almost yelped in pain. "Youch! Not too fast, Hee-chan. Nice and slow. That's it." "I think you are enjoying this way too much," Heero said softly. "You know what this does to me, Heero," Duo replied throatily. "What number are you on now?" "Sixty-nine." Wufei almost fell over. From the other side of the door he could hear Heero count softly to himself as he finished his... strokes. Wufei gulped, imagining the Japanese man slowly and sensuously stroking the beautiful American's... he couldn't even think of the words without feeling light headed. "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred." "Heero," the long-haired pilot whined. "Do you really have to stop." "It's not limp any more. Let's see if it'll stay up this time." Again, Wufei heard the somewhat familiar rustling sound, followed by a loud snap. "YES! Heero! Oh GOD thank you!" Duo's exclamation was too much for the Chinese pilot. Images of the violet-eyed boy writing in ecstasy beneath Heero's hand overloaded his brain. Blood started gushing from his nose, and the abrupt blood loss caused him to faint. Duo looked up from his glomp on Heero as he heard a loud thud right outside their door. Grabbing his braid to make sure it wasn't going to fall out of the band Heero had just tied on the end, he quickly walked to the door. Opening it, he found Wufei sprawled unconscious in a pool of his own blood. "Wu-bear! Heero, is he ok?" The Wing pilot bent down next to his fallen comrade and checked his pulse. "He just fainted. Help me move him to his room." Together the two boys placed Wufei in his bed and left him to get a good night's rest. Returning to their own room, Duo once again glomped his partner. "Thanks for helping me in my time of need, Hee-chan." "Hn. Remember to pick up some more of that hair gel when we go into town. And next time you have a limp hair crisis, remember, one hundred strokes with a hair brush should bring it back to life." "I will! Thank you for brushing my hair for me. And I still want to hear how you learned that from Relena," Duo said, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Duo! Omae o korosu!" [URL=http://raygunworks.net/caroline.html]If you liked this go here[/URL]
  18. I was wondering: could tell me where all the cards in FF8 are? this would mean a great deal to me if anyone knew, my friend needs the information. also does any one in adelaide know if there is a stradegy guide to FF8 and where to find it? she's been looking for ages
  19. [B]Hmm.... I might try that...[/B] :freak:
  20. Duo Maxwell


    [SIZE=4]DEATHSCYTHE HELL BABY!![/SIZE] [FONT=century gothic]or maybe even sandrock[/FONT] [COLOR=crimson]But I'd pilot ZERO[/COLOR] :demon: :flaming:
  21. I reckon that transformers sucks, and any way the whole wing, 00 and epyon transforming does make me think that transformers could of got the idea from Gundam, how ever Gundam is WAY different to transformers. Trowa066 is right the people are only looking at the fact that there are big robots amd three of them happen to transform so what there all mecha suits like the Eva's in neon genesis or even the hardsuits from bubblegum crisis alot of anime have mecha suits and in some way are similar. I mean my friends and I reckon that Nedesico is a take off of Neon genesis/Gundam only because of the suits pretty useless I think:alcohol: :raspberry
  22. :love: Deathscythe definatly Deathscythe! he rulz!!
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