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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. You wouldn't of collected souls if it wasn't for me! *throws spinache at a frog* I like to throw things at people, steal their souls, whack them in the forehead... hehe Ok I'm actually addicted to finding good books to read, the net, yelling at the tv, anime, ranting and anything else I can't think of right now
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]So [i]I[/i] own his soul! *steals James's soul from Duo* [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No you don't I asked him for it fair and square, you didn't want to so you miss out :P *Yoinks Jame's soul back* This just happened recently, Shane was trying to get me to go to his school for a day, the thing is he lives in Scotland... Shane: why not hide in someones suitcase? DM: lmao Shane: whats funny about that? DM: I dunno... yes I do... when they pick up their lugage me jumping out and saying surprise! Shane: u dont gotta jump out like when they pick it up at the other end u make sure u gotta kinfe n as they carryin it along u slice the side open n fall out on to the groud n then fix ure tie n walk away casually, thats what i do when im in some kind of fight like jut walk out fix my tie then walk away causally DM: I don't have a tie :bawl: I need a tie!! Shane: jump a bussiness man at the airport n steal his or i know go find a family goin to scotland who got a gurl about ure age then like jumpo the gurl n hide her in a closet n trade cloths n then u go in her polace n no one will be the wiser that one cant fail
  3. *looks at all the convo's she has saved* o__O oooboy... [size=1] DM: *insert a whole bunch of those guy and girl pictures from MSN* DM: TACKLE!!!!! Deus: whoa.. DM: its my army Dan... says: cool. You got an army.. DM: its a good army, male and female, black and white. I'm not sexist or racist Deus: cool. Always a good thing DM: yup, hey when I send em does your screen dance? Deus: don't think so DM: *insert the pics again* Deus: no. it doesn't. DM: aww... they used to make my screen dance now they just pop up Deus: I don't know whether they used to make my screen dance. cos this is the first time you done it to me ^^ DM: me and naomi started it... she attacked me so i attackked her Deus: heh.. cool Deus: a war.. DM: .... yes.... a war.... .... Deus: ..yes.. cool... DM: .... >>
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]It's cases like this where parents don't even touch their kids, but just ignore their existance that bother me. To me, the one thing worse than beating your child to death is leaving your child to the wolves. When a child dies, it's dead. When a child is ignored like this, a whole grab-bag of possibilities open up, and that's what upsets me. [/B][/QUOTE] That's how I feel about the situation, cause ignoring a child is sometimes worse if not equal to beating them, although sadly I can usually see a reason behind a parent hitting their child because as cute as they are they do get really annoying and bratty. One of my friends mum would leave them at home with out anyone to look for them just to stay at her boyfriends house for a few days, now my friend was 12 when I met her and when her mum did this (she still does) so you'd think she could look after herself, but she couldn't look after her sister who was a terror and very anoying and she'd usually end up hitting her and yelling at her. Another thing that I think is wrong about her mum is the fact that she smokes dope right in front of them, and she doesn't care what my friend does, she can go drink and smoke dope and stuff and she wouldn't care.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Now this is my school holidays schedule.[/size][/color][/B][/QUOTE] You know what Rain... I forgot that we were in holidays... o.O There's something wrong with me if that happens.. My holidays consist of me stayiong up till seven in the morning just to beat a stupid game, which I don't understand what they're saying cause its all written in Japanese and sleeping in half the day. If I'm not doing that I'm "freeloading" as some may call it, I like to say that we're just bumming around and bringing things down to our level by making fun of them, at Naomi's
  6. My usual routine consists of waking up, going to school and coming home. What I do after that is whatever I feel like doing, most of the time Homework is avoided and ofter placed at last proirity (and not often done)... I get great grades though so its all good this way ^^
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Get through school, and eventually die. There's my plan. [/B][/QUOTE] That's just about my plan too... 'cept I think I'll get me a bit of a job before I do anything else. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain[/i] [color=blue]Well, in about three weeks I start year 10, so I have 3 years of school left. Halfway through year 10 we pick subjects for 11 and 12, and I have no idea what I want to do, so that might be a problem.[/color][/QUOTE] Hey don't worry, just choose subject you wanna do, that's what I'm doing. Its the easiest and best way to get through school. I bet half the classes I chose for this year don't have ny of my friends in them, one example is I'm doing art where as they either don't do it or do music or drama. You lot sure have thought about what you wanna do in life.. geez.. I thought I used to be bad with my Doctor thing, but I don't wanna do that anymore so I have no idea what I'm really gonna do, probably travel or something
  8. I've gotten as far as the Goddess statue in the Mercury Tower, and used Ply, but I have no idea what to do after that cause I can't figure out which blocks to jump on and which direction to go in
  9. Ok there are a few things that I want help with but I'll only ask for one for the time being. I've just finished going through the Tret tree and I was wondering how am I ment to cure the curse?
  10. An addition to my Collections: Key chains (You honestly don't want to see my key chain)
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by REVENGE2 [/i] [B]Also...I don't mind Christians today, as I said. Many of my freinds ARE Christians. However, I cannot and will never forgive the Christians which caused the fall of Rome. I mean...ROME! Let's put it this way: How much can of what we have today can be traced back to the Shang, or Yamato, or Choson, or Native Americans. With all due respect to those cultures - next to ntohing, if anything. How much can be traced back to the Greeks, Hebrews, Persians, and Phoenecians? Almost everything. And who controled the Greeks, Hebrews, Persians, and Phoenecians? You've got it - Rome. Go Rome![/B][/QUOTE] And how did Rome get contol over them? War, just like everyone else, so really you condemn the christianss who caused the fall of Rome yet you don't condemn Rome for all the blood they've spilled .. a little hypocritic don't ya think? And wouldn't it be better if you said most of the things we have today came from the Renaissance(sp?)
  12. Lister: I remember when my dad died you know. I was only six. I got loads of presents off everyone like it was Christmas. I remember wishing a couple more people would die so I could complete my Lego set. My grandma tried to explain you know. She said he'd gone away and he wasn't coming back. So I wanted to know where like, you know. She said he was very happy and he'd gone to the same place as my goldfish. So I thought they'd flushed him down the bog. I thought he was just round the U bend you know. I used to stuff food down, you know, and magazines and that for him to read. They took me to a child psychologist in the end because they found me with my head down the bowl reading him the football results. Lister: We're on a mining ship, 3 million years into deep space. Can someone explain to me where the smeg I got this traffic cone? Cat: Hey it's not a good night unless you get a traffic cone! It's the policewoman's helmet and the suspenders that I don't understand! Kryten: Don't you believe that God exists in all things? Aren't you a Pantheist? Lister: Yeah, I just don't think it applies to kitchen utensils. I'm not a Fryingpantheist Rimmer: Ace and Skipper?! You sound like a kids' TV series about a boy and his bush kangaroo! Rimmer: Lister, don't you ever stop and wonder: why are we here? What's the grand purpose? Lister: Why does it have to be such a big deal? Why can't it be like, like, human beings are a planetary disease? Like the Earth's got German measles or facial herpes, right? And that's why all of the other planets give us such a wide berth. It's like, 'Oh, don't go near Earth! It's got human beings on it, they're contagious!' Lister: I'm supposed to have given them five sacred laws. Five sacred laws! I've broken four of them meself. I'd have broken the fifth, but there's no sheep on board. heh ... Red Dwarf is great, I'm loving UK-TV right now
  13. Deus you can't be serious, you honestly had no idea if there was a councellor at your school? o_O I liked my first primary school councellor, Mr. Medhurst (I think that's how you spell it) he was nice and fun. One weird thing is that my doctor almost reminds me of him, looks wise. But I don't like my high school councellors, for some reason I don't trust them, one wears way to much make-up and the other seems tottaly incompetent, but then again what would I know about councelling.. there was one time when IU was ment to go see the councellor but I "accidentally" forgot to show up, and so we re-scheaduled but she didn't come to get me so all was forgotten about whatever I had to see her about
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie [/i] [B][color=#9933ff]:eek: WHAT!?!?!?!? I hate to burst your bubble, but during the Holy Crusades, the MUSLIMS attacked the Christians. It doesn't change the principle you're trying to prove(that you shouldn't hate everyone in a particular group just because of a few selected people's bad choices), but I just thought I'd like to correct the actual facts in there. ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I mean though but I was just quoting what was said to me, everyone has done something wrong to others, like Japan bombing peral harbour, or America dropping the atom bomb, even Australia with the stolen generation so don't you think that Revenge should learn to forgive and forget to be abale to live in today's society.
  15. I wanna change one of my answers! Musician: Danny Elfman Not only does his last name amuse me to no ends, but I like the music he composes
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by REVENGE2 [/i] [B]-Then what happened with your precious 'order' brought about by dear oh dear Yahweh after Rome fell? Let me quote something: "NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!" - Monty Python That's right! How many died at the hands of the Inquisition?! HUH?! How many pagans, how many innocents...for crying out loud, the Inquisition burned the JEWISH, to whome they owed their entire relgion! If this was a mere hundred-year thing, I could understand. but NO. When did Rome fall? Doesn't matter. The point is, it went on for HUNDREDS of years! Do you know when the last official burning of a pagan was? Around 1912. As if that wasn't enough, Christians weren't satisfide with simply ahnialating the former glories of Europe's relgions. They have gone from place to place, trying to destroy the founding relgions which kept 'order' there for so long![/B][/QUOTE] When I read this it reminded me of a conversation I had a while back, it was about my former feelings towards Germans. And during it one person said to me: "Mo-Chan, have you ever heard of the "Holy" Crusades.. what I mean is, times when Christians have gone around slaughtering Muslims and such, just because they (the Christians) have a grudge against them. If you're gonna dismiss all Germans because some of them followed Hitler, you'll have to dismiss all Christians cos some used to do that" Now as a Christian I never thought of the past actions of fellow Christians because it was further in the past than WWII, but I beleive that God was speaking through him when he told me this because I'm an ignorant and hypocritical person, and I reckon that God was trying to tell me that I shouldn't judge pople for one person's mistakes. Even so I still had to take time off and think things through and prioratize them, but mainly it comes down to it that I changed my veiws because I didn't want to turn my back on my beleifs and religion. But even though I'm a christian I don't always beleive some of the things in the bible, and it doesn't make me any less a christian. I don't always ask for forgiveness from the Lord, because I beleive that just praying and asking for it isn't enough. I learnt from my Mother (and an anime series) that if you have sinned and done so willingly but know its wrong you should spend most of your time repenting for it; like if you were in a major car crash because of drunk driving, voulenteer to do some social work and help out in the comunity or voulenteer to work at an "Alcohol Awareness" type company, thus trying to make up for your mistake and more than deserve forgiveness.
  17. I have the same ailment as Desbreko, I've got the game but have to wait for my friends to get it to beable to play FS, except I have one thing that's worse none of my friends have GBA's ... I haven't played LttP much yet cause I've been buisy with Golden Sun. But being my curious self I opened up the FS game and watched the opening scenes before a screen came up saying that I needed a gamelink and what not. I was actually surprised to beable to see the opening, after all I was under the impression you couldn't go into any part of the game without a gamelink or two.
  18. Name: Monique Age: 14 DOB: 26th January, Tuesday Location: Adelaide, SA One Word: Leggo! No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: moody Occupation: Looking for one... then maybe I can buy myself a life! Color: Orange, Red, Green, Blue, Black, etc... Rainbow... Stripes go well Food: I eat food, I don't care what it is as long as it tastes nice and looks good Beverage: coke.. I need sugar Alter Ego: Zippy Applechunks Dream Job: Artist, or just the chick who works at the local anime store Self-Proclaimed: Reject Teenager Ethnicity: German, Scottish, Irish, Spanish, English, Canadian, Italian ... over many a generation so I'm all for saying I'm Australian Extracurricular: bumming around at home reading, ignoring society Hobby: reading, drawing, making up rants that my sister finds funny.. Dessert: just the usual, yoghurt and ice cream Musician: um... musiician? o_____O what is this? Group: does this involve this musician thing? Mac or PC? PC that's all I've used Nics: Mo, Mo-Chan, Neekie, Moneekie, Duo, Blog: I'm not crazy enough to have one of these... Home Page: hotmail Religion: Anglican Book: anything by John Marsden, fantasy books Collections: I collect dust bunnies Sport: is Archery a sport? Won't Eat: spinnach, pickles, turnips, pumpkin, olives, dog meat, cat meat... TV Show: I hate a lot of TV and the show I like is on my friends DVD's.. wait the simpsons! Words to live by: God is a Monkey and I have proof!! Addicted to: Coke I'll let you guess what kind Comic: Calvin and Hobbies Movie: um... dunno
  19. My name is Zippy Applechunks! Zippy- means fast and well you can get what Applechunks means... Okay so that's not my real name, but its a good name.. Alright, my real name is Monique Monique is the french version of the latin name Monica which means Advisor. And my other name Lea which means Fatigued ... so I'm a tired advisor? I know exctly where my mum got my name from and its a story I'm not proud of so it shll not be reapeted here... or to anyone at all. Sadly I'm the only Monique living in my street... possibly my suburb.. or my city!! heh.. now that's a lie and I know it, but I have as much trouble as Ashlee does with finding things with my name on it, in fact I've never found one at all. Rain, I have a couple of friends with the same spelling as you
  20. When I first read the book I got so freaked I stopped reading it. I was saddest when Robin (is that how its spelt or Robyn?) died, I really hated that Major dude even more after that.. even though he was dead but still it was so sad! In the end it sort of sagessted that the two could be an item
  21. Yeah I've read the series. Although it took me a while to find all of the books at the network of libaries in my area but I managed. I liked the first one the most to.. I hated Fi damn that girl! Did you get freaked out about the whole Australia getting invaded thing?
  22. OOC: Points at LK's Location, James not Flashy --- Not knowing what to do Duo just stands there stairing out into space while Keisha is trying to convince her Ryou plushie to put down the Axe of Eternal Damnation.
  23. Duo looks around at the burnt and charred house. Duo: I wonder if they were gonna auction anything from the house off... wait did you say something about fat lady? Ken: Yup; It ain't over till the fat lady sings Duo: There's a fat lady? Just then a fat lady rose out of the debris and started singing Bohemian Rhaspody All: o__O
  24. Duo: *pats Ken on the back* Congrats man! Ken: .. the ... the cow... it talked... Asuka: *looks at Ken strangely* No it didn't Seems like Ken was the only one to hear it. Keisha: Flash when are we getting out of here?
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