Duo Maxwell
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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell
Duo sips on her hot chocolate quietly while everyone discusses what they're gonna do when they get out. Stairing at her slice of the cheesecake she tried to will it to come to her. Asuka: Duo what are you doing? Duo: ..using the shwartz .... Keisha: Have you been watching Space Balls too much? Duo: There's no such thing as too much Space Balls! Ken: ... Retarded cow: HUuur MMMURFF ^_^^_^^^_^ Mini-Ken: This stuff is great!! Duo finally got up and grabbed her slice of cheesecake only to have the newly appeared mni version of her jump up and steal the plate right out of her hands. Duo: HEY!! You little brat!!
Lady K: *unconvinced* hmm... Duo: what? Cheesecake is the only way to end a war and celebrate Christmas! Asuka: I did that! Ken: ... Duo: *puts a hand on her sholder* you sure did! Mini Ken: Miss Queen can we have cheesecake? Mini Ken2: yeah can we Miss Queen? Retarded Cow: MMHEEEEHHMM! ^____^ mmmmmdddddiii!
Duo: Here? Lady K: a little to the right... yeah... no.. a tad more.. THERE! Duo: ... I just noticed something... Lady K: what? Duo: I'm on a ladder, hanging up these streamers and balloons.... but I'm afraid of heights!!!! Lady K: why didn't you tell me before? Duo: how do I get down from here?!!?!?! *is having a panic attack* Lady K: *looks stressed* Calm down Duo!! Duo: *hears Asuka say something about cheesecake* Did I hear cheese cake? *jumps down and peeks in the kitchen*
Duo: aww geeze thanks guys! I'm gonna have fun with these! Now... Duo opens her magic sack that appeared behind her and pulled out a medium sized parcel rapped with dark blue paper and had silver stars printed on it. She gave the package to Asuka. Inside was a new suitcase that was white and pink, on the name tag it had Queen Asuka the Queen of Plushies written on it. Duo: I thought you could use it for when we leave, you know keep everything safe and all... and there's plenty of room for your [b]ruffly dress[/b] Asuka: Thank you Duo! *opening it up she found a jewellery box inside was a small diamond pendant* Duo: and that I thought would go with the dress. Duo then gave Lady K her a small box, decorated with multi-coloured paper. Lady K ripped off the presant and found it was also a jewellery box, inside were gold earrings with dimond studs. She then gave Ken his presant which was a pink fluffy bunny and a giant baked potato. Duo: uh... :bluesweat I think I may have gotten your presant mixed up with someone else's ...
Duo trips over the horde of Asuka's plushie followers on her way into the kitchen. Duo: I was playing with the dragon... which I guess is your's now cause you're the plushie queen Asuka: yeah I guess it is... Duo: *see's the Retarded cow* OOOOOO!! Cuuuute!! I want it!!1 Ken: DON'T even think about it! The cow's mine! Duo: awww... *hangs head* ... *wipes non-existant tears away* Okay! *smiles* Ken: good *glad the cow is safe and away from Duo* Duo: Asuka... what are you gonna do with all thoseMini Flash copies? Mini Ken: GGGGGGGGGRRRRR!!! zzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzZ gggGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRrrrrr zzzzz *smiles* Asuka: I don't know... I guess Mini Ken could use some chew toy's Mini Flashes: *faint*
Being her natural curious self Duo followed the rioting group of plushies. When she saw the Dragon she just went starry eyed and all girly. Duo: OO!! The dragon is sooo cool!!! *.* I want it I want it!! CAN I HAVE IT?!!?! Mini Flash: NO! Now go away!! Duo: *pick it up and walks away* fine by me *goes off to play with the plushie dragon*
Even though Duo had seen that they were leaving the dream she was still surprised when they jumped out, looking around she saw broken glass and started to panick then the sound of a train startled her getting up off the floor she saw that indeed a train had gone past and ran over Ken what shocked her more was that she thought Mini Flash was in there. Duo: *blinking* was that who I thought it was? LK: *equally shocked* .. y-yeah..
Mini James plays the wedding march again after being interrupted by D Neil. After a couple of minutes Asuka came walking down the isle in the most beautuful wedding dress you could ever imagine. When Piro saw her he almost buckled at the knee's for he'd never seen such a beautiful sight
Duo watched as it started snowing in Asuka's dream, she also noticed the whole surroundings change. They were now at a ski resort and a few of the tree's had christmas decorations and fairy lights. Asuka was snoboarding down the slope and almost swuished Mini Ken into the snow but he managed to dodge her and jumped on the board behind her
Duo sighs with reliefe after reading the post-it note Flash magically set on the fridge. "For a second there I was wondering what was going on with the evictions," she said to herself. "Now I don't have to worry ...as much." Opening up one of the cupboards she found a packet of marshmallows Juu had left behind, grabbing that out and a packet of choc chip cookies she poured them into a large bowl and went back into the loung room sitting near the rune on the floor she watched Asuka's dream play-out while enjoying a snack.
Duo watches as Lady K yells at ken for his comment and starts laughing. looking up from the scene she realised she was all alone, well with the exceptions of the sleeping Asuka and the little plushie minions, a shiver ran through her, [i]"man.. Mini Flash beter not decide to come back from the dead right now... I'm the only one here"[/i] she thought
Duo stared blankly as she saw Ken, Mini Ken and Mini Kenna dissapear into a rune on the floor. Duo: :eek: Lady K... did you see that? Lady K: ..yes... Duo: Freaky... Duo got up and walked over to where Ken and his plushie counterparts had vanished, she looked on the floor at the rune and Lady K walked up behind her to look as well
Duo blinks as she see's Mini LK, then she gets scared when she see's her walk into the kitchen Jumping up she shouts "Stop!! PLushies aren't allowed to eat!!!!" Chasing after the little cunning plushie she takles her, okay basically she slides along the ground while squishing Mini LK. LK walks in, "It's okay she said Asuka lifted the rule." Duo stares at her. "Lady K... you trust your mini self?" "..I see your piont"
Duo is weirded out by Ken and Mini Ken fighting with chainsaws, then she realised they weren't just any chainsaw but the [B]Golden Chainsaw of Damnation[/B] and so shrugging she went back to reading [i]The Book of Plans[/i] wondering if Nico and Saul get together
Duo looked at the piles of fan-mail and saw she had a few letters picking them up she jumped around saying "I got MAIL!" quite loudly. Duo went into the bedroom to get her glasses off her bedside table and walked back into the loungeroom putting on her glasses she read one of her letters. [i]Dear Mo, Did you know that I can see through metal? Pretty cool huh? Let's talk about the letter M. M is for MOLE! A mole is the person that throws the first brick that starts a riot! You see those "anarchists" in Washington? ANARCHIST!?! What type of anarchist wears a mask? Did you know the internet watches you while you sleep? It does you know. I'm in a fairly interesting mood at the moment hey? I've been having a series of erotic dreams about you . . . . . . LOL!!! As if! I love saying crap like that! So what have you been up to? Much? It's like 2:10 in the morning and my hair is all wet. WEEEEEE!!! Swivel chair! It's fun to read Books are our friends When you can read The fun never ends! I apologize if my spelling is a lot off it is early and I have recently gone insane. Ok now it's time for an awkward pause . . . Alright then! Go off for the awkward pause! My bottom's itchy. I have a magic stick that holds great power! Hugz and Kisses, N[/i] after reading this letter Duo was sure she just got dumber than she already was. Folding it and putting it back in the envelope she shoved it into her back pocket of her pants and forgot about it. she opened another envelope and saw a pamphlet on some religion. [i]Dear Sir or Madam, We'd like to take a moment of your time and tell you about our religion in hopes that it will interest you and your family. Slepnism. Slepnism is a new religion founded by a great spiritual leader with some help from a side-kick (see what happens when you encourage me Erin?) It rely's on the belief that the world was once souly inhabited by horses. The leader of the heard was a mighty horse named Slepnir. He had six legs. His brother was Ixion who was envious of Slepnir's power. Ixion told the god Odin about his brother hoping that Odin would capture Slepnir to prove that he should rule Valhalla leaving the earth to Ixion. The evil one's hopes were rewarded when Odin threatened to kill the heard if Slepnir did not become his mount. Slepnir agreed and left the heard to his trusted brother Ixion. Many years passed and Slepnir was allowed to return to earth with a gift from Odin, a mighty sword, to watch over his heard once again but upon his arrival he found that the heard had fallen into darkness under Ixion's rule. Slepnir cried out in pain and stomped upon the earth with such force that a great creves opened up and sucked Ixion and his followers in. Before the hole closed Slepnir threw in the blade that Odin had given him and it stuck into the head of Ixion and stayed there as a mighty horn. Being seemingly alone in the world Slepnir fell into sorrow until he chanced upon a most peculiar race of being know as Humans. He chose to care for these people as he had done for his own herd. In time horses returned to the world but became the slaves of men as punishment for their deeds and Slepnir returned to Valhalla where he waits for good souls to join him when there time on earth is through. So you can see what a powerful and moving religion it is. All that is needed to join is the faith in Slepnir and the belief in the legend. If you wish to learn more about Slepnism than don't hesitate to ask. [/i] "Okay... that was a waste of five minutes" she said to herself. "What else do I have..."
Duo looked up from her book to see Ken and Asuka appearing in the kitchen, she blinked for a moment and then shook her head thinking she was just over tired. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!!!" screamed a little voice followd by a thewack and little pounding feet. Duo looked at the floor to see a Mini Ian and Mini Shy run past. "I'm not asking..." she said to herself, as they ran past again Duo picked them up from the ground, removed the machete from MShy's hands and have him a scythe and MIan a rope. "Now we'll see what happens." she say's as she sit them on the ground
Duo watched as the fetch game continued, as she ate her piece of pizza she wondered if Flash was gonna intervine seeing as it was his plushie counterpart's head that was getting thrown around. Duo: *mouth full of pizza* don't you- *swallows the pizza* don't you think Flashy would save his mini plushie? At that moment sirens went off through the house startling Duo and Asuka causing them to jump in fright. [i]INTRUDER INTRUDER[/i] A loud robotic voice ran through the house
The three girls sitting in the lounge room relaxing jumped the sound of Ken walking through the wall, thinking Flash was trying to knock down the house or something. "what was that?!" Asuka asked. "Dunno..." Shrugged Duo wide eyed and looking around. "was that ken walking in the hallway?" asked Lady K who got up to check, she walked down the hall and noticed the light was on in the bath room looking in she saw Ken with his head in the toilet. "..what the hell..."
I'm gonna miss you two, *sniffles* I honestly thought Ginny and Juu would out stay me. Favourite Ginny moment: [QUOTE] Ginny gapes. "Remind me never to piss the talking house off..." If you don't want to, then stop calling me a talking house! "TALKING HOUSE!" someone hollers. QUIT IT! ~~~~~~~~ "I'm going to pretend I didn't see that..." I did. Wanna see the video replay of that? ***Video Replay*** Faris has just entered with her shotgun and points at the chickens. "Why did the chicken cross the road? 'Cause Faris blasted it there--BLAMMO!" The first chicken has just exploded into a burst of feathers. ***End Replay*** Whoops, wrong one. "Well, so much for dating after this," Ginny thinks to herself. [/QUOTE] Favourite Juu moment: [QUOTE] "ooooo... Marshmellow ^-^" She turns it around, and stares at it. She then pokes its stomach,wandering what it would do... "Hey! I'm not some pilsbury doughboy!!!" it exclaims, biting Juu's finger and running towards Ken. "Wul that's thefirsttime a marshmellow bit me..." She mumbles, glaring at the plushie. [/QUOTE] Favourite Neil moment: [QUOTE] You DO know that if you blow up this house, you have to pay for it, right? Neil: Pssh. I'll just get Ken to rebuild it. [/QUOTE] Favourite Neo moment: [QUOTE] Neo hands the Tesla Whip to ken and he goes charging back into the house. Neo lays back in his chair and continues to work on his tan... Greeen tan that is... He's a cactus!! ... half cactus... half saiyan... I'm not going there either!!!!!!!! [/QUOTE] ------------------- Buttercup turned back into Ginny, causing Mini Flash to fall flat on his face. Ginny Waved good bye to everyone before she vanished and was transported to the OBB house where she packed her bags and walked out the door to leave. As she was leaving she saw Juu being pulled underwater jumping into the water she freed Juu's foot and the two left together. "AHAHAHAA" Mini Ken laughed at Mini Flash on the ground. "c'mon we saved Asuka can we go home?!" Duo whined. "its cold and I'm getting blisters on my feet from all this walking around." Ken sighed, "alright.. we'll go." Picking up Mini Ken and kicking Mini Flash away Ken transported them all back to the house. "ahh..." they all sighed in relife either sliding to the ground or sitting on one of the lounges
"oh, sorry" Duo says lifting her foot so Ken can free his foot. "okay so we're all here can we go home yet?" she asks. Juu looked around the room counting who was there, "ah no.. Asuka isn't here... Where's Asuka?" "Ian ran off with her again... damn it... someone get me off this wall!!" Ginny yelled
As the girls headed back down the stairs to kill Mini Flash they saw Mini Ken run down the hall on the back of a german shepard. "was that ...?" Duo asked "yes" Lady K answered "was he on a..?" "yes" "why?" "he must of found Asuka... HEY! Why don't we help him?" "I thought you wanted to get Mini Flash back for trying to kill us?" "mm... yeah but helping save Asuka would be better.." "Alright," Ginny said "We'll help save Asuka first then if there's time tourchure Mini Flash!" The girls ran back up the stairs and chased after Mini Ken who was now entering Ian's chamber
Lady K looks up to see Ken, "KEN!" she yells smiling. "Finally we found you!" "Um... no I found you," He corrects her. "What are you ladies doing?" "we're trying to find Asuka... and we're back outside the castle!!" Duo said getting angry at that prospect. "Ken, we need to get up there" Juu points to the third floor, Ginny notices the gaping whole in one side of the castle. "Ken, did you blow that up?" she asked. "urm... I can help with getting you girls up there." He say's not really aswering the question. Ken floats down to the ground and lands softly, he ueses his teleportation to get himself and the girls onto the third floor. "Ken, if you can teleport why didn't you use that to find Asuka in the first place?" Duo asked.
Ginny: But girls we NEED to get out of here!! *makes wild hand gestures to emphasise the urgency* Lady K: *sigh* ...fine Juu: But what about my shoes? *pionts at her feet* Ginny: take them off Juu: but my feet will get cold! Duo: *has untied the shoelace rope* here's your shoelaces *hands them to her* After Juu re-laced her shoes the girls started to climb the "ice ladder" in their attempt to escape. When they passed the frozen MiniFlash Lady K "accidentally" knocked him off his foot hold sending him flying tawords the ground.
"I know!" Ginny yells "I'll cast [b]BLIZZAGA[/b]!!" and so Ginny attemts to freeze the flames and MiniFlash as well. "HAHA! you cannot freeze me for I a-" MiniFlash gets frozen mid sentence "I untied my shoelaces, but why?" Duo say's oblivious to the frozen mini counterpart of Flash.
MiniFlash: MWHAHAHA! now I shall destroy you all!! Duo: You can't do that, cause if ya do the competition will be over Ginny: *is having withdrawal symptoms* HOW DID YOU GET YOUR VOICE TO SOUND LIKE AURON'S?!?! MF: HEHE, I stopped inhailing helium and started smoking thats how! Juu: He does sound like he has a squeakiy heliumish voice... wow never noticed Lady K: Where's that dragon and Ken?! RRRRGA! *kicks the plushie version of Flash across the room* Ginny: good hit, now lets get this net off! They got the net off thanks to GinGin's flip knife that Lady k picked up after Ginny dropped it. Ginny: Okay, quick we need to tie up Mini Flash! *looks around for him but he's vanished* [i]MWAHAHA! you'll never escape this room! HAHAHHA *sounds of someone falling off their chair* ou..[/i] The room rocks and everyone is knocked off their feet. Small holes open in the wall and flames comeout of them, the walls are also slowly moving inwards, the intention on crushing the girls.