Duo Maxwell
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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell
Auron led the girls, along with Bubbles through the castle with out much trouble except Ginny who was prone to gloomping out savior The Crimson Knight. Duo: say.. don't ya think its awfully suspicious that the dragon was in kahoots with Flash and him and Auron have some deal... Do you suppose that Auron has something to do with Flash? Lady K: Duo, I wouldn't let Ginny hear you say that. Juu: You think waaaay too much about that sorta suff, just be glad he saved us. Duo: But-but they had a deal! Ginny: Auron saved us and thats that, I don't wanna hear anymore bad mouthing of my future husband! Soon the group came to a great hall, the dining room perhaps
The girls followed the road and saw the knight enter a village, in the village was a castle, they lost sight of the knight for a while but guessed he'd have gone into the castle, the four girls walked up to the entrance only to be stopped by two soldiers. S1: Halt! What is thy buisness? Lady K: We came for our friend... she just arrived S2: We ain't had no visirors arrive. Duo: I demand that we be let in! Ginny: Come on there are plenty of other ways into a castle They all walk around to the side of the castle out of sight from the solidiers. Juu: *sigh* We'll never get in *leans against the wall ans hits a seceret button opening up the wall, she falls into the castle* AAAH! Ginny: Juu you're excellent! Lady K: *helps Juu up* Its so dark in here Duo: *picks up some dead wood that was being stacked against the walls* My lighter won't work on this, Ginny would you..? Ginny: Sure *lights it* much better Juu: *dusting off her arms* So where to? Lady K: we follow the passage Juu: I know... but there's a fork see *points to the two seperate passages* Duo: I know the perfect way to chose! *gives Lady K her torch and spins around really fast until she gets too dizzy and falls over* Ginny, Lady K and Juu: ..that was good .. Duo: Okay.. I might have been wrong
Ginny leads the girls outside in hopes that she'll find some sort of portal. Outside there's a gaping hole in the ground that was in a familliar shape. Duo: ...Ginny... did you forget to put the pool back in? Ginny: I was protecting us from the Gworp! Duo: we NEED a pool!! Ginny: Why? Juu: so I can float on my giant marshmellow! ^^ Lady K: yeah so she can float on her... what!? Juu: giant marshmellow Duo: knowing Ginny she'll get around to it sometime... so where's this portal? Asuka: *from across the yard* I think I found one!
Duo, Ginny and Juu search the house looking for Lady K. They search high and low not a rock is left unturned and not a cupboard is left open, their search concludes when they hear a scream, well a muffled one from the bathroom. Ginny: did you hear that? Duo & Juu: yeah Duo: lets check it out The trio walk into the bathroom and find Lady K tied up in the bathroom with dancing plushies doing some sacrafice dance around her.
Duo waves Liam good bye from whereever she is and watches him leave. Duo: Like everyone in here I'll miss him till I have to leave Ginny: me too *waves as well* Juu: lets get outta the pool!!
The gravitational forces from Neil's ki sent the girls sprawling on the hall way floor in a heap. Duo: ugh... if he wanted us out of the room he could have said so... Asuka: Duo, could you please get off me? Duo: uh... sorry Asuka *wriggles off and helps her up* Juu: *rubs her head* what's with him?
Duo looks up from her place on the couch, looking out the window she see's Ginny chopping off the gworp's tentacle furiously. [i]I bet she'll make somesort of art out of that... wait she isn't that twisted![/i] Duo thinks. Turning her head to the kitchen she wonders why Juu is nervous and where the phone came from. Walking up to Juu she taps her on the sholder. Duo: what ya doing? Juu: aaah! *grips heart* I'm uh... nothing! *hangs up the phone* Duo: ...weird... very weird... why are you all edgy about the vote off's? There's nothing to be woried about I doubt you'll be voted off
Duo after being tottaly confused by GinGin twice in one day sat down ro write her essay Duo: *chewing pen* hmm.... hmm... GinGin: *walks up behind her* what ya doing? Duo: AHHHH! *clutches her right sholder* you gave me a heart attack!! GinGin: um... Duo that isn't your heart.. so what are you doing? Duo: Thinking of an essay... GinGin: can i see what you've written so far? *snatches the page to see its covered with doodles of happy couples* gah... Duo this isn't an essay Duo: I know that! *snatches it back* I was getting to it
Duo just wonders off claiming its for her "assignment" which she has no intention on doing, grabbing her camera she starts taking photo's of nothing in particular. As she started to take a photo of the grass near the fenceline (don't ask why!) she realized something, running back inside she grabbed GinGin by the ears and takes her outside. GinGin: lemme go!! I'll attack you with my flip knife!! Duo: *sits GinGin down* okay seeing as your a bunny, bunnies dig... you can quietly escape and get help to save us from Flash's weird way's of torture, Asuka and her teaching and lastly Neil and Ken...
Duo: *raises her hand* What if we don't wanna report a game? Neil: Then I get to kill you randomly Duo: hmm.... how 'bout you just maim a couple of people and uh... steal their bread? Mini-Ken: BWEEEE BREEEAAAAAAD!! :D Ken: *shakes his head* I don't know where he came from....
Asuka goes through the house and finds them all in the entertainment room playing video games and what not. Asuka: YOU ARE ALL MEANT TO BE IN SCHOOL!!!!! Neil: Who say's so? Asuka: MEE!! Neil: you aren't the boss, and nowhere in the BB contract did it say we had to attend school *goes back to playing GTAIII* Juu: I think she IS PMSing... Asuka: WHAT WAS THAT?!!?! Juu: uh... nothing!
After Asuka got the "class" to clean up she started reading in one of those boring monotones from an english textbook, snapping at the sligtest thing for example when Juu's pencil snapped she yelled at her for pressing too hard. Duo: *leaning over whispering to Lady K* PMSing ain't she? Lady K: *whispering* more than likely Juu: *giggles quietly* shh... Asuka turns around and gives the class an icey glare, stopping on Neil and Ken Niel: What? WHAT?!!! I didn't do noting man!! Ken: here we go... Neil: Would you stop looking at me and go back to reading that boring book in your boring tone!!! Asuka: :flaming: Why you ingrateful little...
Suddenly and eerie silence befalls the house and all it's occupants. Getting creepy vibes Duo looks for Buster, her pound puppy toy and hugs the stuffing out of it. All wait in suspence to see what happened. the sound of scraping came through the intercom shaft and a small fluffy head poped out gripping the [B][COLOR=green]Hair of The Never Sleeping Eye[/COLOR][/B] as a rather familliar background tune was heard through out the province. Queen Asuka was relieved to see that Ginny was safe and that she was triumfant.. then she noticed that Ginny was missing her fluffy bunny tail
Duo: *walking into the kitchen while dusting soot off herself* What are ya doing Liam? Liam: Oh nothing much, pureeing(sp?) plushes, you know the usual.. Duo: ...okaaaay then... what's with the collar? Liam: It's a crazy fashion statement... Duo: That the plushies should be free? Liam: No... they should burn! BURN THEM ALL TO HELL!!!! Duo: OK.. heeey by the way I was wondering have you seen my lipstick? Liam: What colour is it? Duo: Black Laim: um... :worried: no? Duo:... okay *walks off leaving liam to puree(sp?) the plushie*
VWWWWOOOOOOMMMM VVVRRRRMMMMMM VVVVVVV the sounds of the vaccume cleaner runs through the house as Duo starts cleaning for no apparent reason. (boredom does that to ya you know) Duo vaccuming disturbed the sleep of Mini-Lady K and she proceeded to throw an exploding pillow at Duo. Ping :blowingup goes Duo, then Mini-Lady K for blowing her up and of course lets not forget Mini-Ginny. :blowingup Goes mini-Ginny again for no reason.. (I personally think she just spontaniously combusted)
Duo: Cat? where?!!! *looks around* Juu: He's talkin to MiniLiam Duo: *sheepish* I knew that... ^^; Juu: suuuuure Neil: *has pored all the syrup on his pancakes* mwahahaha!! it's all mine!! Liam proceeds to crawl around readying to pounce on his poor counterpart. Liam: It's only fair if you're bald too! *jumps*
Lady K tackled the ultra cute easter bunny plushe and managed to pry the texter out of its hands. Taking off the cap she proceeded to write and draw on the walls. [i]What are you doing??!!![/i] Lady K: Lets see how you like being drawn on Rosey... [i]Stop that!! Stop it, I'm a house I can't wash myself![/i] Lady K: Well you shoulda thought about that before you got my ultra cute easter bunny plushie to draw on me! Walking out of the blue room, Duo yawned and watched as Lady K drew a flock of sheep and a really cute looking cow. Rubbing her eyes she walked off shrugging and went into the kitchen. Duo: COOL! Pancakes!! Neil: ...it was mine! Juu: *mouth full of pancakes* wha wasf yourfs? Neil: the syrup.. Duo: *sits down with a plate full of pancakes covered in syrup* this syrup? Neil: *evil glint in his eye* ...yes Duo: oh sorry if I knew I would have asked to use it *holds it out*
Duo whips out a mini fire extinguisher but sadly there isn't enough (what is in fire extinguishers anyway?) to put out the fire ball known as Liam, so Lady K pushes him into the pool. Duo: *moistens a cotton ball with aneseptic and starts to apply it to Ken's cuts* hum huumm humm huuum... Ken: *cuts sting* ou- Lady K: *helps Liam out of the pool* um... Liam you might want to wear a tupe or something.. Liam goes into the house and looks at his reflection on one of the walls a loud "NOOOOOOOO!!" could be heard throughout the house.
Duo waddled outside where everyone was gathering with the huge First Aid Kit. Duo: Why in Slepnir's name did flash make this thing so big... Lady K: Dunno, but by the looks of it we'll need to use most of it on Ken. Ginny: Quick someone Asuka needs CPR!! Duo: *gladly sits the First Aid Kit on the ground with a sigh* yeap.. who know's it? *opens the lid and pulls out large bottles of antiseptic, wads of bandages, cotton buds, etc.* Liam: Flash sure goes by the "bigger is better" rule doesn't he? Ginny: Either that or he's obsessed with big things. Lady K: *dragging Ken onto the deck* I wanna know who's gonna clean up this mess... Duo: Bigger is annoying... dayumn it! Someone please take the lid off of this thing
Duo: *walks through the house singing randomly* On top of spaghetti... all covered with cheese! I lost my poor meat ball... when somebody sneezed! I grabed that F**ker and pushed him on the floor and I threw him out of the door... Everyone: ...;;
Duo saw the Oozaru Neil and decided now was the time for her to exit stage left, ducking off to the right she ran around to the back of the house and crawled in through the window. Duo: Hey Lady K.. do you have any weapon of destruction? Lady K: Why? Duo: Neil is Oozaru... Loud explosions are heard and the front yard is on fire
Duo congragulates Ginny and then finds herself some musli and wonders outside to eat on the deck near the pool. Duo: Theres nothing like musli near a pool at sunrise...
[i]The group flew towards the hermits hut, Silvia made sure she was covered by the cloak and she was trying to fight off a sence of hunger. She could feel the blood lust grow stronger, she could smell Aidens blood through his skin...[/i] Kris: *gripping on to tursi's mane* is she gonna be okay? Elsyan: she should be Tursi: ~Kris, could you let go just a bit, your pulling my mane.~ Kris: oh.. sorry [i]Just then the raven, Recelta came out of nowhere and started flying with the group, always in front or behind moving back and forewards as if it was guiding them to their destination.[/i]
After what MiniGinny said Duo was wondering about Ginny's sanity for the thirtyeth time since she's been here, shruging she wanders in to the lounge room where she proceeds to put on one of her old favourite disney movies... Sleaping Beauty. Duo: *singing* I know you I walked with you once upon a dream, I know you your eyes gleam with so familiar a gleam... Lady K: *walking in* Duo... stop singing.. your ruining the affect of the movie Duo: But I only put this on cause I like this song.. other than that I don't like it. Lady K: Can we watch Lilo and Stich? Duo: YES!! *searches through the tapes and DVD's* lookin'.. lookin' lookin' Lady K: *also looking* Found it The pair put the video on and get themselves comfortable.
Ooc: Hey guy's and Girls, I'm posting this to tell you that my net isn't really working too good and the comps at school are slow so I might not be able to post much. Edit- Kay don't bother about paying attention to that up there, dad fixed the problem so its all good! -------------- Duo sits in the kitchen eating more choc-chip cookies, while faris is running around for no actual reason. Duo: Ginny I can't believe you lied about there being something important in your draw in the fridge... Ginny: I wasn't liying! Duo: you were! you said there was something in there and there wasn't! Ginny: did I say the speciffically? Duo: dunno... I don't pay much attention to detail... Ginny: okay now that that's settled... Duo: *pulls out a cosmo magazine* hmm.... 20 ways to improve your love life... does he mean it.... where are those damned horoscopes?!!?