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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. Duo finally gets herself a glass of milk and some choc-chip cookies, sitting the whole bag of cookies and the carton of milk on a tray she goes outside and sits on the grass under one of the trees. Duo: *munch munch* mmm.... *slurp* Inside the house Ginny was going around in stealth destroying anything and everything and re-drawing them, the once grey couches were now stripey, spotty or just weird shaped. Even Duo's beloved bean bag was changed.. it now had cow prints on it. soon it was the intercoms turn
  2. Duo watches as Ginny is shrunk to the size of a plushie, Ginny finally stopped shrinking and stated to squeak profanities at the intercom. Duo: awww... how cute does she look?!! *picks Ginny up* Ginny: [SIZE=1]Hey! what are you doing?![/SIZE] Duo: I'm carrying you around, you know you can't reach anything when your that small. Ginny:[SIZE=1] True... just first get me some paper..[/SIZE] Duo: *gives Ginny a huge piece of paper on which she draws on* what are you doing? Ginny: [SIZE=1]Making a pouch. *hops in the pouch, that is now on Duo's belt*[/SIZE] Duo: is there [i]really[/i] leopard skin undies in there? Ginny:[SIZE=1] NO! :mad: [/SIZE] Duo: okay okay... *closes pouch* Ginny:[SIZE=1]*muffled* mmmff![/SIZE] Duo: *proceeds to try an pick the lock on the shelf with one of her hair pins* damn this thing... GAH! *the pin breaks* Faris: wonder where the key is... Duo: thats it! we need a skeleton key!! LK: You two are still at it... Duo don't you want your milk? Duo: I'm too curious for milk.. I MUST know whats in here LK: ever heard curiosty killed the cat? Duo: yeah but satisfaction brought him back :P LK: here... *hands Duo a key made out of bone* Faris: this is litterally a skeleton key...
  3. And at that very moment Duo had wanted a glass of milk so she walked into the kitchen and saw the desroyed fridge. Duo: What happened to the fridge?!!!? Y.Craig: desrtoyed it, I did Duo: Why you little--!!!!! *Neil holds her back from attacking Y.Craig* I wanted a drink of milk, now I can't have one!!!!!!
  4. The girls all walked back to the entertainment room, exclusing Asuka who was getting dressed. When they reached the couches the bath room had been destroyed. Duo: Neil was pretty mad... Ginny: Yeah Duo: Can I stick jelly beans up your nose? Ginny, Juu & LK: WHAT?!?!! Duo: huh? LK: You just asked if you could stick jelly beans up our noses Duo: I did? Ginny: Yeah.. Duo: Heh... I guess I'm loosing my psychedelic mind... Juu: psychedelic mind... Duo: yeah its nice and brightly coloured :angel: The girls decide to play cheat to take up their time until something interesting happened again.
  5. Duo walked into the entertaiment room to and saw QA almost get eaten. Being her sadistic self she giggles at her whining about her dress. QA: Whats so funny? Duo: You complaning about your dress... it reminds me of the outside world and how funny that place is. QA: well don't do it at my expense! Duo: *shrugs* ..eh Ginny draws QA's dress and it becomes real giving it to her QA heads off tawards the blue room to put it on.
  6. Duo is still looking for something chocolaty in the kitchen. Duo: That's it when I get out of here, if I can survive I'm buying myself lots and lots of choccolate!! Rosey you are a stupid house for not having chocolate!! [i]Duo, there's chocolate in the fridge...[/i] Duo: *perks up* really?! yay!! you're the best house I've ever met! [i]Stop the flattery or I'll ZAP it[/i] Duo: :eek: no no no no! *runs to the fride and graps the chocolate only to have it stolen my the now evil Mini-Ginny* NOOO!! Ginny: *comes in chasing after Mini-Ginny* Where is she? Duo: in the cupboard with my chocolate... KILL HER!!!
  7. OOC: Most deffinatly Ken, if anyone told me this was gonna happen I'd tell them they're lying ----------------- Duo wonders out of the girls room and makes her way to the kitchen. Duo: *rumaging through the cupboards* where is it? I know it was in here... I'm sure I saw it.. Juu: What ya looking for? Duo: ..Milo... coco pops.. anything chocolate... mmmm *starts drooling* Juu: ...I think the coco pops ate in the top cupboards Duo: *stands up banging her head on the cupboard frame* OU! *rubs head* What the -? *notices the Robo-Neil in the kitchen* Neil suddenly comes bursting into the kitchen in a frenzy. Neil: You dare drink all my Red Bull! Robo-Neil: Who says its yours? Does it have your name on it? Neil: *smug look* as a matter of fact it does..
  8. Duo: *stops her picking up of stuff* Thank you Ken! Ken: uh.. no problem *walks out and goes to the guy's green room* Duo: *sigh* look at this mess! Ginny: I'll help you Lady K was walking back out to the yard to put the finishing touches on her "invention" and Liam stood out there with his MiniLiam sitting on his head cooking some of the Neo goo that was still on the wall. --------- EDIT: I agree with your sig Ken, most deffinatly
  9. Queen Asuka walked pass and took up Neo's challenge. sitting down she waved her Plushie Wand bringing the plushie chess pieces alive so they could answer to voice command
  10. Duo looks at Ginny shakily then grabs Ken's arm as he was walking off Duo: Whatddya mean?!! Ken: :rolleyes: Duo: Oh, dear god... Ken could you please remove him from our room? Ken: um... Ginny: Please Ken? :angel: Duo: I think I left my... *runs back into the room and cleans up her clothes on the ground*
  11. Duo woke up to see Ginny moping about something, looking around confused she slowly crawled out of her bed and relocated herself on the one closer to her favourite double bed. Duo: Hey Ginny, what's up? Ginny: The walls, the roof, the tree's, the sky... Duo: That's not what I meant Ginny: You didn't say there was to be a specific answer Duo: True, true... okay so why are you all mopey? Ginny: I lost Auron! Duo: What do you mean?! Auron's right there! *points to her plushie* Ginny: No not that Auron! The real one, I drew him and he came to life.. but ROSEY had to take him away.. Duo: uh... Ginny..? Ginny: Yeah Duo: What's that? *points to something in the shadows* Ginny: *shrugs* I dunno.. A spider crawls out of the darkened corner and the pair let out a blood curtling scream and run out of the room looking for one of the guy's or at least someone who wasn't grossed out by spiders -------- ooc: I'm very grossed out by them they have eight legs and multiple eyes!! it's freaky!! -------- The first guy they see is Y.Craig who was battling his counterpart MinnyY.Craig, so they grab him and shove him into the blue room yelling about spiders and killing them. Y.Craig looked around wondering why the two crazed girls pushed him into their room, He noticed how disorganized girls really are compared to the ones in movies and how neater the boy's room was.
  12. Duo was on her way to the green room when she saw Ken fly out of the room, sighing she walked over to the pair of Kens Duo: Hi, I was wondering if you four wouldn't mind keepng your noise down. I'm tired and I wanna sleep Ken: *making plans with MiniKen* Duo: are you even listening to me?!! Ken: Wha-? Duo: :mad: *walks off back to the blue room*
  13. Kris was leaning against the door so Aiden had more room to lay down, as the car when over a bump she hit her head on the roof. Kris: *grabbing her head* ow! Silvia: *tries not to laugh* Kris: hey its not funny! that hurt!! Aiden: girls please... Kris: *glares at Aiden then Silvia* wake me up when we get to Tursi and with that she leant her head aginst the door and closed her eyes sleeping sloftly.
  14. Duo finally wakes up from being passed out. Groggily she gets up clutching her head, feeling like her brain exploded inside her skull. She managed to find her way into the house which looked cleaner than before. A wave of nausea ran through her and she ran into the bathroom hoping to make it to the toilet in time. Luckily she did. (I don't think anyone'd appreciate cleaning up vomit even in an RPG) Some reching sounds were heard in the bathroom then a flush and running water. Duo: *coming out of bathroom still clutching her head* I think I'm gonna take a nap... Ginny: You should you look sh!t Duo: *groans* thanks Ginny: Do you need someone to tuck you in? Duo: Now your just teasing me *walks off to the blue room and changes into her froggy PJ's consisting of yellow satten boxers and a white singlet top* --------- Ken and Neil are huddled in a secluded corner in the green room making plans about their massacre. Neil: ...And if we move this to here... Ken: ...And pounce out there.... Neil: *checks over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming* ...Then if we use this... Ken: WE'LL KILL THEM ALL!! *covers mouth after realising he yelled that out, in a whisper* I mean we'll kill them all!! --------- The MiniKen and MiniNeil plushies were doing the same thing in the lounge room. No one really noticed the pair until a chipmunk like laugh ran theough the house. Juu: O_O;; Ginny: Asuka... I think your plushies are going crazy again QA: What do you mean again? They're like their counterparts they've always been like that! Duo: *walking out of the blue room* I wanna sleep, so please stop your insane chipmunk laughing! and would someone please tell Ken and Neil to be quiet in their room?!! Juu: Why don't you do it youe up? Duo: ...but I'm sleepy QA: Well we aren't your slaves, just go tell em yourself Duo: *mumbles something incoherant about redrum* (^_~)
  15. Duo who happens to be avoiding going out side with Neo and Neil fighting wanders around the house and notices Liam arguing with seemingly no one. Then she realised that he was looking at one of the mirrors so she sneaks up and steals his plate while he isn't looking and starts to eat some of his food. Liam: Hey wha? :mad: Where'd my plate go?!! Duo: *whistles while edging away* Liam: Duo! That's MY food your eating, you could've taken a different plate!! Duo: I don't know where the plates are... Liam: In the cupboard Ginny: oh, look food *takes the plate from Duo and starts eating* Liam: Ginny! Not you too! Ginny: Huh? *looks up* Liam: That was my plate! Ginny: Well its mine now Duo grabs herself a plate and looks through the dishes on the table. Deciding she felt like noodles she served herself up some of the sweet and sour stir fry and sat down eating. Duo: *mouth full of food* This is really nice Liam Liam: Thanks. Ginny can I pretty please with sugar on top have my plate back now?
  16. Duo looks at Neo for a moment then runs into the blue room rumageing through her stuff she comes back out holding up a cactar plushie. DM: Neo... its your twin! :D Ginny: Duo, that's a plushie it isn't real DM: Oh, no? look The cactar plushie jumped out of Duo's hands and started doing the chicken dance. Ginny: that's the most pathetic thing Rosey has done all day... [i]Hey cut me some slack I've had to torture those guy's all day... and stop calling me Rosey!![/i] LK: It's a pretty name for a pretty house
  17. DM: You know what Asuka, I wouldn't know... I wouldn't mind swiming at night Asuka: then why don't we all go swimming tonight? Ginny: that's a good idea, but SHH! I'm watching this Ken picked up his Aeris plushie and put her on his bed in the green room picking his bag up on the way and sitting it on his bed. Foredaddy moved his stuff into the green room as well. Neil moved Neo's belonging from the double bed in the green room and layed down on it flipping through a magazine
  18. [COLOR=orange]Duo sighs and starts to clean out the hot tub, much to the objections of Juu and Foredaddy. Neil and Ken were running around the house being chased by demonic plushies while Liam was cooking a five corse meal in the kitchen Faris watches him go back and forth from one thing to another really fast taking in the aroma's of the nice smelling food. DM: Are you cooking chicken? I like chicken, chicken is one thing I can't live with out... [i]I'll make that a mental note[/i] DM: *shudders* god no... Ginny comes out of the shower her normal colour again. She walks into the entertainment room and watchs a cowboy bebop DVD's halway through the first session Queen Asuka walks in and joins her. Ken and Neil had finally realised the plushies were no longer deamonized and came hurtling out of a broom colset. Ken: that was close... I can't believe my Aeris tried to kill me! Neil: Women are such fickle things bro.. *places a comforting hand on his sholder*[/COLOR]
  19. Duo: *grabs a Mog plushie and throws it at the pineaple sadly the Mog only bounces off it* Damnit! It worked yesterday when the pride of dancing butchers were attacking a herd of Hara Krushna's! (sp?) Liam: MAHII!!!! *starts hitting the pineapple against the wall* they all burst out laughing seeing as it looks like he's smashing his head into the wall. Ginny runs into the blue room and sets up a fort around her bed. Ginny: *holding a spatula* If anyone tries to steal my bed they have to answer to my magic spatula! meanwhile Liam had passed out from lack of air and Neo managed to pry the pineapple off his face, now Neil and Ken were disecting the fruit enjoying its sweet flavour. LK: Boy, he's sure pale DM: He did pass out cause he couldn't breathe LK: Do you think someone should give him mouth to mouth Juu: He didn't drown, why don't we just leave him here? DM: Well, we would but that giant bull ant seems to be gnawing on his leg... LK: *grabs some fly spray and kills it* there we go... he's still passed out though DM: Well who's gonna give him mouth to mouth?
  20. [COLOR=orange]Duo sits herself gracefully well as gracefully she could in Lu's dress that was possible, on the beanbag listening in to the meeting ignoring the stares she got from some of them for her choice of attire. LK: Okay, I called you guy's and girls here cause the whole hose is a shambles... I mean trying to destroy the house getting zapped.. and we need to get organised. Duo: Yeah, who can cook? Liam: I can cook alright... DM: GOOD! I can't, the only thing I can do is wash the dishes. Ginny: And what else are we here for? LK: Well we have to get our beds sorted, all of us can't sleep in the Blue room. Neil: Alright, so whose in what room? DM: How many of us are here? Ginny: Eleven Ken: I call blue! Ginny: Well I was first IN so I'm keeping my double bed [/COLOR]
  21. [i]Kris overheard Aiden talking to himself but didn't say anything about it. Walking over to his bed side she wet a cloth and wrung it out placing it on his forehead.[/i] Kris: Silvia told me you had some sort of nightmare Aiden: ...yeah Kris: You know I've been having nightmares scince I can remember... so I try not to sleep Aiden: you don't look like someone who is depraved of sleep.. Kris: I've been praciceing since I was ten. [i]Kris got Aiden some food and watched him eat.[/i]
  22. [COLOR=orange]DM: I have a question uh... house dudie voice thing [i]And that is?[/i] DM: Will you sing "five little ducks"? [i]NO![/i] DM: I'll give you a snack... [i]I'm a house.. I don't eat[/i] DM: I'll give you a smacko [i]Five little ducks went out one day, over the hill and far away... mother duck said QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK, but only four little ducks came back...[/i] LK: [i]cringes[/i] I don't like your singing voice... DM: me nither [i]what was that?[/i] LK: uhh... nothing [i]Where's my smacko?![/i] DM: your a house you don't eat remember? [i]grumbles[/i] Duo goes to the blue room and goes through her bag looks for her Yuna costume after finding it she goes back to LK DM: Hey LK you wanna wear this? I have others too... HEY Ginny wanna dress up like Auron?!![/COLOR]
  23. Duo walks out of the blue room dressed up as Lulu and makes her way tawards one of the lounges thinking then stops. Duo: Question... LK: Answer Duo: ... anyway who's cooking our tea? LK: Good question... Duo: [i]Shrugs[/i] eh, whoever it is it ain't gonna be me... I can't cook... She looks up and see's Neo and Ken unconcious on the ground while Neil is attacking the house with a chainsaw laughing like a maniac. Duo: Uh... where'd you get that chainsaw from? oh, and what drug are you on?
  24. [i]As the group made their way to Tursi and then the exit, Kris looked at the carvings on the walls, a water fall, a dragin sleeping by an oak tree, some battle of importance, the night sky, mountans and a funny looking crature with shrarp evil eyes. The eyes seemed to send a chill down her spine[/i] Kris: could we alk a bit faster? Silvia: why? [i]noting panick in her eyes[/i] Kris:... its cold down here... Aiden: We should be there soon, I can smell the fresher air [i]Kris looked back at the wall, she noticed a small owl carved near the bottom hidden in the intertwining vines and ever blooming flowers.[/i] Kris: Whoever made this spent alot of time on it, that owl looks so real [i]she pointed it out to Silvia[/i]
  25. [i]Duo wanders into the house and notices the bean bag, sitting her stuff near one of the bedroom doors she plonks herself on the comfy green beanbag.[/i] Duo: well... how may more people are left... [i]Wriggles around getting comfy, but then decides to check out what was going on in one of the bedrooms grabbing her bags, she goes into the blue room surprised that she was the fourth to enter[/i] Duo: what's going on, is this some sort of convention? [i]Everyone in the room looks at her[/i] Duo: I haven't spilt chocolate milk all over myself again have I? [i]looks down at her top[/i] PHEW! Hi all [i]Waves energeticly[/i]
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