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Duo Maxwell

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Everything posted by Duo Maxwell

  1. the other night I said something memrable, while me and Naomi were talking about our new God. N: We shall call him horous-glutius and he'll be a giant horse M: Does he breed pigs and have donky sex? N: yes! M: does he smell like goat cheese and eat glass? N: That he shall [i]Squall shall be sitting there smoking and rubbing (later changed to eating) cheesecake on himself while watching Zell punch out a some guy.[/i] That was a plot for a fanfic... very small plot... fanfic unexistant so far. Here's something from one of Naomi's insan fanfic's its a conversation between Kou and Volt ?A girlfriend?? ?Not really.? ?A lover?? ?God no!? ?Would you though?? ?What?? ?Have sex with her?? ?No . . . . . well I don?t think so.? ?You don?t sound to convincing.? ?Huh?? ?Do you like women?? ?What type of question is that?? ?Is that a no?? ?No!? ?So it?s a yes.? ?What?s with you all of a sudden?? ?What about boys?? ?What about them?? ?Do you like them?? ?What the?? ?Would you have sex with one?? ?For the love of god Volt!? ?Would you have sex with me?? ?That?s it! I?m outta here!?
  2. Silvia: [i]snickers[/i] cause he's... [i]bursts out laughing[/i] Kirs: Silvia! [i]hits her sholder lightly, while trying to cover a chuckle[/i] You shouldn't even say stuff like that! [i]Aiden got annoyed by the pairs antics but ignored them.[/i] Elsyan: ~Tursi... Tursi where are you?~ Tursi: ~I'm in the river still~ Elsyan: ~could you stay where you are?~ Tursi: ~perhaps, they don't seem to like water so I'm pretty safe~ Elsyan: ~what direction should we go?~ Tursi: ~South East~ [i]Elsyan looked up smiling, the others looked at her waiting for what she had to say.[/i] Elsyan: Well, I told Tursi to stay put. All we have to do now is traven South East and find the river Aiden: Great, lets go shall we? Elsyan: Also, She's surrounded by some of them so e on your gard [i]The group then set off trying to find Tursi, before they continued on their initial quest. Slivia eyed off Kris' guitar case wondering how much value it had. [/i]
  3. [i]Kris thought for a moment, then took out one of her small hand guns[/i] Silvia: Woah! what are you doing with that? Kris: Well, if we can't get down there and stop them may as well do it feom here... and I'm sorta hoping that they'll turn on the one I shoot, from what Elsyan say's they are savage killers attracted to blood. [i]Kris found a different vantage point on a higher branch and layed on her stomache and aimed at the one closer to her, a small sound distracted her looking up she noticed the branch she was on was going to snap if she didn't shoot fast, taking aim again she pulled the trigger and shot one of the cratures in the upper sholder. She shot again just to make sure then hurried off the now broken branch and sat near Aiden and Silvia.[/i] Aiden: Where did you learn to shoot? Kris: I, nowhere! Aiden: Alright no need to get cranky [i]Raya was watching Kris and noticed she looked familliar. [B]Where have I seen her before?[/B] she thought. Kris looked at her and smiled something clicked in Raya's mind and she blinked shaking her head[/i] Elsyan: What's wrong? Raya: Uh.. nothing I'm just dizzy thats all... when can we get out of this tree?
  4. I hate the flavor of rain, mountain and spring water one reason I don't buy it bottled. I'm used to boiling water though. My mum always boiled it when I was younger, its always been that way. I couldn't imagine just getting water from the tap and putting it in a bottle to cool in the fridge :eek: its like the law to boil it or something with me. Of course I still drink from taps thats only at school though, my mum never likes that thought either just like sharing drink bottles. so I guess I'm like the only person to like boild water or something hey :bluesweat
  5. once it was just raining and so me and my friends decised to go out the front and dance. . . I remember also it was raining on the way home sometime and I was chanting something about rain with Kim and we were both dancing. The best part was the looks my sister and people in their cars gave us.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]she should at least wait until she's got a permanent living situation figured out. but I think it'd be better for her to wait until after she's married.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] That and out of Uni. how long is it till she's finished in university? cause if its like a few months then being pregnant shouldn't affect her studies too much, but if she has a few years and stuff then that could get in the way
  7. Kris was walking past in the hallway when she heard muffled voices, courious as to what they could be talking about she pressed her ear against the door. At that very moment Silvia opend the door and Kris fell into the room in a heap on the floor, looking up she saw two amused and annoyed expressions. "Uh... Hi guys," she said, getting up off the ground. "I was uh... coming back from the um.. from Elsyan's room and I heard you talking.." Kris was silently pleading that they believed her story. "Is that so?" asked Aiden sceptically. "What were you doing in Elsyan's room anyway?" "Talking." She said defensively scowling. [i]even if I'm wrong for eves-dropping, he should stop being do nosey![/i] Kris thought. "And why were you listening to us, didn't your parents teach you not to brown nose?" Aiden asked. That comment had hit a nerve, Kris' mother was her only parent since her fater was killed and even then her family didn't last long. "GAH! What does it matter? It was about the map it concerns us all!" She yelled loud enough for others staying in the hospital to hear and some of the curious ones poked their heads out to look at what was going on. "Go back to your rooms you nosey bunch of people!" Kris said still peeved. "Well if you two feel like sharing I'll be in my room with Raya, good night Silvia." and with that Kris walked down the hall to her shared room. "Why'd she get so mad?" Silvia asked no one in particular. Aiden shrugged and sat down on one of the couches in his room closing his eyes and Silvia left going to her room.
  8. yeah, exactly. I can understand calumon's perspective though, for somepeople they're better off with those that aren't blood related. I myself find it hard to talk to my parents about anything serious, only the stuff they dissaprove of that I find amusing like throwing ice at people. . . there are times when I pester about relatives, but I think I have a pretty good extended family that I'm with alot.
  9. [i]Tirsi's eyes changed from blue to green as she got ready to access the minds of all the people in the crowd. Raya looked at the strange horse-like creature in amazement, [B]God today is pretty weird. . . First that mob, a guy with wings and a talking horse, then again this is the crazyest place anyone can live![/B] Everyone looked around as somone's voice rang through their heads, confused as to where it was coming from they did what it said[/i]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_monkey [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1] [b]Love for your country[/b] To a certain extent. Sometimes I think my country is making the wrong decisions or full of hippies, but I don't think I'd want to live anywhere else.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Not the country, I pudgy little man with dead possums for eyebrows ;) James has a point, somewhat. as long as theres a basic love your alright. Alot of people only want Romantic love cause they're selfish and they want attention from their SO all the time and don't give back what they get
  11. I have a shiva one (not surprisingly) Hope it helps. .. I know its not a screen shot but still, I tried [URL]http://www.geocities.com/kris_syth/shiva_art.html?1033662763530[/URL]
  12. Love your family, ack, I don't consider my family a family. I concider two very special friends as family. I love em heaps, couldn't live with out them. Love your friends, those who are friends aren't really friends, just aquantences. But you really do need to love yourself, it isn't always selfish but you have to sometimes put yourself above others if it involves safety and health.
  13. This seems interesting, its very tempting to enter, but I dunno if i want to yet. I have a question, would there be intruders like on the second big brother on TV? wold there be a certain amount of posts that a person in the house has to make a week?
  14. Kris: So what are we gonna do now? [i]Aiden thought for a moment, they could steak out at the hospital and wait for the vampire to comeback but that might not be for a few hours or they could try and track him down...[/i] Aiden: What did the vampire look like? Silvia: Like a vampire [i]she grinned[/i] Aiden: Doi,[i] he gave her a 'Well Duh' look[/i] I mean what was it wearing, its facial features, etc. [i]Raya had run down the stairs and was now out of breath[/i] Raya: wha.. [i]pant[/i] what's. ..[i]pant pant[/i] goin. . going on?
  15. [B]Kris:[/B] I'll stay outside too. . . [B]Silvia:[/B] Why? have you done something your not supposed to? [i]Silvia was taunting Kris[/i] [B]Kris:[/B] Well. . . not really its just that I. . . [i]Kris didn't finish that sentence because Aiden coughed to signal their leave. Following the rest of them Kris kept her mouth shut for the rest of the way to the hospital[/i] [i][B]Kris:[/B] That was close. . . who know's what they'd think if they knew I was part of the rebellion who tried to take over the capital. . . Those poor children, I can't stand to look. . .[/i] [i]The group continued to walk towards the hospital sometimes a small conversation would break out but they mainly kept quiet so no one would notice the group.[/i]
  16. I'm gonna make a deal with my sister, cause I blew her off and didn't go to town with her instead slept at my friends. Next time she gets paid she's gonna give me the 50 and I'll buy it. either that or I wait til Christmas and my good buddy will buy it for me.
  17. I have to go to the shop on wednesday with my sister. -_- can't trust her to get anything right. . . I'll get that moogle yet! She didn't explain what she was looking for right. Semjaza Azazel said it, the prices are australian. what are you interested in getting Flash?
  18. well either way, I can't wait to see more of your drawings.
  19. too true, Shiva is excellent. well I can't wait to see your multi-dorsaled leviathan. I reckon it'd look great, how bout lightning? ooo I can just imagine a person with cool magical lightning bolts
  20. lol, I won't okay? I'll never forget him promise! God I wish my sister would hurry up and get home to tell me if she put it on layby or not!
  21. I love Yuka Netsu's clothes, they look excellent! and the colurs of fernis are great *wants to snatch him up and hugle him*, your one of the few people I don't hate for drawing better than me. lol, I can'y wait to see an ice/water based concept drawing from you. Seeing as you've done the earth and fire elements
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]OMyGosh--you look [i]just[/i] like one of my friends, Duo!!! :eek: Too many unknown doubles in this world...:shifty: Forget Auron...did I just say that? NOOOOOO!!! Ok, don't forget Auron, and hand over the sheep. AWWWWWWW!!! Me want one of those! That's even better than the blue alien critters that I don't know what they are called. *is instantly carted off to the insane asylum* [/B][/QUOTE] o_O; you know if I had a dime everytime someone said that to me I'd start wondering why I have american money. Ginny, did you just say forget Auron?! *runs around screaming about the apocalipse (sp?)* Sorry Ginny but you can't have the sheep. . . I'm sure they sell animal bags still somewhere. aren't those aliens called pupu?
  23. [I]As weirded out Kris was she couldn'y help but exclaim how cool it was that a person had wings it reminded her of the stories her mother used to tell her about her fathers prople.[/I] [B]Kris:[/B] DUDE! [i]Aiden just stared at her used to that response from a teenager.[/i] [B]Kris:[/B] sorry man, that's just excellent an- [i]Silvia coughed interrupting Kris' ramblings[/i] [B]Silvia:[/B] You have my book [B]Kris:[/B] huh? oh yeah, that weird book. So its yours hey? [i]She reached into her hidden pocket and took the book out, holding her arm outstreched toward the albino stranger[/i]
  24. Okay I will, I have a pic of me with a sheep bag. . . I like taking him everywhere with me. We were at the maratime museum and going nuts with the camera too. I think the sheep is around 25 cm tall. . . I can't remember.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]O, BTW, I've finally seen a decent piccie of the Auron vinyl statue. S'okay. Dangit, Duo, now I'm torn between the Mog and Auron! ;):p [/B][/QUOTE] lol, sorry bout that Ginny. . . well you are a huge Auron fan, wouldn't a statue of him go great in your shrine? ;) My sister went out today so hopefully she'll go by the shop and put the mog on layby. speaking of cosplay, I asked my best friend to make me the snow card's outfit. . . apparently there's a guy at her school who looks like zell (no tattoo though BOO!)
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